Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 21
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

300+ Members and rising! Come join NASA

  • SerenadeSwift
    GT: Serenade Swift
  • Nasa
    Thank you Scottish Monk but I was unable to locate this account when I searched this! Just send me a message at GT : oRiGin oF PaYnE. We would love to have you as part of crew!
  • Nasa
    Happy Friday guys! How goes the questing? Come join NASA for help on your quest!
  • ralinsilver
    invite ralinsilver
  • Nasa
    Great Ralin we would love to have you apart of the crew! Invite sent!
  • Nasa
    Morning fellow questers! I am at work now but will be home in a few hours to continue the work of NASAs future achievements! Just input your GT or message me at my GT and we can get you added to the crew asap!
  • Nasa
    Come join our mission! We want you with NASA.
  • BlueGreenMikey
    Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.

    Sounds like fun!

    GT: BlueGreenMikey
  • Nasa
    Just got off the invite Mike! We would love to have you apart of the Guild!
  • KkaosReinz
    Which alliance do you represent?
    Kkaos Reinz
    Pack Leader of
    The House of Reinz
  • TechManMatt92
    Add TechManMatt92
  • WCFLlamaDrama
    Soul Shriven
    Gamertag is: WCF Llama Drama, thanks!
  • floppynine
    Soul Shriven
    Invite me floppynine
  • oSemaj
    Gt: oSemaj
    Xbox One NA
    Gamertag: oSemaj
  • Nasa
    Welcome to NASA! I just sent out the radio transmissions for the invites! We are happy to have you apart of the team! Just join the chat channel and begin your journey with us! I am getting my Astro mixamp tomorrow with new controller with 3.5 so I will be on mic tomorrow!
  • Calypso313
    Soul Shriven
    I'm a casual gamer looking to play with others. Calypso313 is my GT. Send me a msg if you want to help or need some.
  • Nasa
    Awesome Calypso! I just got out the invite! Welcome to NASA!
  • Nasa
    Good afternoon guys! Getting my Astro Mix amp today so will be able to finally be able to better communicate with the guild and start really getting down to business! Thank you again for all the support and lets keep NASA growing!
  • Jobobagonush
    Invite please. GT JrMcBumJuice
  • Armedprodige
    Soul Shriven
    Please send me an invite. My gt is Armedprodige626
  • Nasa
    Awesome guys just got out the invites! Welcome to NASA! I am in the process of setting up my new mic! If I dont hear from yoyou tonight I will be on tomorrow!
  • MisterBud
    Add me. GT: Mister BudMan
  • Nasa
    Great Mister Budman we would love to have you with NASA! I will send off the add once I get home from work!
  • Versnatch7
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Versnatch
  • LxL_Ethan_LxL
    Soul Shriven
    GT: LxL Ethan LxL
  • whartsellb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    GT: koltgemini
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