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Champion Points Catch Up Mechanic Concept

  • mdhammond
    Leave the current system. New content is the key
  • Gidorick
    This community's inability to discuss one topic without railing about a completely un-related topic will never cease to astound me.

    The writers, 3D modelers, artists, voice over actors, content designers are not the people who do things like... balance skills.

    Yes. We need content. Content is coming. This doesn't mean we can't discuss other topics without people crossing their arms and stomping their feet with bottom lips jutting out underneath furrowed brows.

    Or are we REALLY that shortsighted?
    Edited by Gidorick on June 23, 2015 4:17AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Well to be fair I did start in this thread by saying the need for such a thing is by far the lowest of priorities. Also you are discussing a problem that doesnt exist yet. You are worried about 1-2 years down the road what will happen. The only one who seems to be getting upset is you because noone seems to like your idea.
  • Gidorick
    I'm just tired of the exact same response to almost every single post

    "There are other things ZOS should focus on".

    There actually hasn't been a discussion about the idea. The topic is CP power creep mitigation. The discussion, thus far, has been:
    1. This isn't an issue yet
    2. So we shouldn't worry about it
    3. because there are more pressing matters

    That's not a discussion. That's a dismissal of the topic. If you don't want to discuss CP power creep mitigation, that's fine... but why do you have to derail a topic of a post that was created to discuss that very thing?

    Well, we did have one post proclaiming "If you don't like it, leave."... That was a little more on topic. :lol:

    If you want to discuss what ZOS should be focusing their energies on. Please, go make another post or find one that is discussing what you think they should be spending their time on. This topic is not concerned with what ZOS is spending their time on, it's concerned with the probable issue of impending CP gap.

    If you'd like to discuss that please, by all means, discuss it. if not, I will reiterate what I said in a previous post... please move on.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Phinix1
    I like the idea, however the problem is that there are some psychopaths that literally pay Chinese farmers to grind their CP 24/7 and will hit the 3600 cap very soon. In fact there were screenshots on Reddit of someone that already has. This would throw off your curve.

    People whine and complain about taking away their unfair advantage that they "earned" through 24/7 grinding (lol grinding takes skill), but the reality is EVERY OTHER MMO has some sort of tier system in place.

    PVP has "seasons," raids have "tier gear."

    ZOS needs to put some sort of incremental cap on CP per patch or something to slow down/remove the incentive from the < 5% no life grinders just mindlessly paying Chinese farmers to grind CP and claiming they "earned" their PVP invulnerability.

    Let the whiners whine. ZOS needs to sack up and stop catering to the vocal 5%.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Sorry but that IS a discussion. Just patting you on the back and saying good job isnt a discussion. If you dont want public comment on your idea then why post it in a public forum and ask for opinions. We ARE discussing it. You say hey this is a good idea. I say I dont see it being a problem so why fix something that isnt broken. If indeed it is broken in a couple years like you say they will address it at that time.
  • Gidorick
    You're right it is A discussion... but it's not the topic of this thread.

    I encourage disagreement with reasoning and rationality. I will, however, be impassionate with my responses.

    You don't think CP gap is a problem. There are those that do. This discussion obviously isn't for you @jamesharv2005ub17_ESO.

    @AlienDiplomat, Could those screenshots have been of the PTS Server? I'm pretty sure there were people testing 3600 CP out on the PTS server at one point.
    Edited by Gidorick on June 23, 2015 5:18AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • BigInGlenumbra
    Well to be fair I did start in this thread by saying the need for such a thing is by far the lowest of priorities. Also you are discussing a problem that doesnt exist yet. You are worried about 1-2 years down the road what will happen. The only one who seems to be getting upset is you because noone seems to like your idea.

    It is your opinion that a change in the CP system is the lowest of priorities. You don't speak for everyone.

    Also, your argument doesn't refute the trouble that the CP system isn't good for many people.

    Lol, you whine about people trying to change the CP system all day everyday, and you're an admitted grinder. Keeping the CP system is good for you because it keeps you ahead as a mindless drone.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    You yourself said the gap will not be a problem for another year to two years. Your problem is you have invented a solution to a problem that doesnt exist and wont for quite some time. You say other games have catch up mechanics. Those mechanics didnt come right away but took a few years.

    If you had posted in the outset that only people who think this is a problem and only people who agree with your solution can post I would have simply avoided it.
  • Sausage
    Why not my suggested boosters, boosters what are locked for top players, only new and casuals can use them. They can earn some money too especially eventually this game becomes F2P and they need to lower game price. Is that right, people buy this game for 5 dollar,or later play for free and they dont need to use money after it. Also they dont need to make some new mechanics, the store is right there already, just put some 400% boosters for new and casual players. 100 euros gives you the boosters for reach the top CP and it takes like 2 month of playing, that should do it.
    Edited by Sausage on June 23, 2015 6:06AM
  • RazzPitazz
    First off, good job @Gidorick *pats back*.
    Honestly, I always appreciate your well-thought out posts and the effort you put into them even if I disagree with them sometimes. Before I get to to your post let's clear the air a bit;
    Why should those of us who have been playing since day one have to change to accommodate new players? If new players start in any other MMO (lets say WOW) do they have the right to argue that all the older players should have their characters reduced so they are all on even ground? I think not!
    Should someone who has more free time be penalized because some one else can only play half as much and not earn as many CP's?

    People should just accept the game as it is or go look for another.
    I understand this argument. People who have spent what feels like a lifetime to achieve their CP don't want to feel like their efforts were in vain. The main problem though is this; Does WoW have horizontal progression outside of gear and buffs? Because that is exactly what Champion Points do. This isn't a system where you get an awesome drop to increase your stats, this is a system where you increase your stats how you want simply based on xp gains.
    Sorry but that IS a discussion. Just patting you on the back and saying good job isnt a discussion. If you dont want public comment on your idea then why post it in a public forum and ask for opinions. We ARE discussing it. You say hey this is a good idea. I say I dont see it being a problem so why fix something that isnt broken. If indeed it is broken in a couple years like you say they will address it at that time.
    I quoted this one for simplicity. You argue that content is the of the upmost importance right now, I can agree with this. You argue that the topic at hand is not a problem yet, to fix it when it is and only talk about it until then. You probably shouldn't tell the PvP crowd, they might lynch you. It's much easier to gain new players on a stable game then to keep old ones with an unstable game with lots and lots of content, though that is no excuse for the lack of content. However, releasing content ontop of a shoddy system (slight exaggeration) is always a bad idea, again with the PvP crowd. Waiting to fix something until it is actually a problem is called lazy, neglegent and procrastinating and your car will hate you forever. Preventative maintenance and fixes are the BEST way to keep any machine or system from becoming fractured or shattered.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    You're right that the majority of the complaints are more about theoretical issues instead of actual experienced issues. I just don't want the "fix" to be a band aid. I want it to be a long-time sustainable fix. Something that can be put into place and doesn't need to be fiddled with later.
    The CP discussion IS happening NOW... so this post has a bit more timely relevance than... say... my post on the fact that Secunda doesn't have a reflection in the water. :wink:

    Back on topic. I can understand where some players are coming from where they do not like the ctach up mechanic in any form, they want to be distiguished in the fact that they accomplished something considerably time consuming and it is hard to argue against that. Something to show for your time and efforts is invaluable, as we already know from the late Customer Loyalty program.
    That said, catch up is coming no matter who does or does not agree. The problem with the scale you suggest, or any scale concerning CP, is the problem of it being account wide and finite. Multiple characters can progress the same amount of CP to use differently on seperate characters; this alone merits a form of difficulty that should inherently be involved. It has an extremely high cap, this is true, but no manner of catch up will actually shave months off of the CP grind and the difference is supposed to be minimal.
    I think your system is a good start. The curve will help newer players feel *less* stressed about the climb. My main concern is your system seems to lack a cut off point. If the percentages are freely based on the leader of the CP Army, then anyone underneath that player effectively has an xp boost for simply not being first. Inevitably this would lead to a lot of players way too close in CP proximity and eventually the middle class would be abolished (worst case scenario). The most active part of a community is the middle class so we need to consider them as what is actually keeping this game alive.So I would propose a mingeling of a bit of yours and a bit of ZoS's ideas.
    I propose an algorithmic solution to calculate the top 40% of recently active players (say two weeks) in CP count/account and use that to aggregate the curve on the bottom 60% of player accounts, with cut off being at the 40th percentile. This will curve the "poverty line" CP players into the "middle class" faster while the curve slows for the middle class, and then the curve stops entirely long before you even reach the players who spent endless hours grinding their CP in the good ol' days. This, in fact, would split the middle class into the two subsects of upper-middle and lower-middle creating a more robust CP economy in the end. This will help the n00bs catch up, help the seasoned not feel so helpless, and keep the veterans at the top.
    The real issue, despite your wonderful graphs, lies in the fact that the system is indeed broken. Certain abilities give more than they should while others give less or nothing at all. Diminishing returns do not always work and sometimes just stack. The Champion system would be fine if it worked as intended to begin with and who knows what other shennanigans will occur the more players earn higher CPs. I think ZoS has a good idea for right now with hard capping the xp boost but I agree it is not a long term solution. It's hard to determine which is more important, fixing long term CP issues or fixing the CP gap. Hopefully both are being addressed equally.
    Edited by RazzPitazz on June 23, 2015 6:08AM
    PC NA
    VR1 - Jar'eed - Khajiit Dragon Knight - AD
    VR1 - Broad Tail - Argonian Templar - EP
    All-Star Crafter Guild
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Im pretty sure they will just make the first 400 take less XP to get.
  • Dru1076
    A catch up system would be fairly easy to introduce, you would think. An easy fix that would ease a lot of concerns people are expressing. As has pleasantly pointedly out time and time again in this thread there is a real need to release some new content soon, but that doesn't mean we cannot discuss the possibility of such a system.

    This is probably better than any other solution put forward so far, and if I remember right someone said this was already being considered.
    Edited by Dru1076 on June 23, 2015 6:27AM
    Ask not what your sweetroll can do for you....
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    The only thing they have ever said was that "sometime in the future" they would introduce some kind of catch up mechanic. Thats it. They have never mentioned or even hinted at what it could be.
  • Menelaos
    if I were a cynic I would say ZOS already implemented one catchup mechanic in terms of CP and that is Psijic Aphrodisiac. I know it's a mean argument but hey, people always attribute the maximizing of profits to ZOS so here it goes.
    When it comes to other stuff, Wrobel wrote they "can" implement something, not they "will". After a year with Zeni, you get attuned to the finer meanings of a word. I am sceptical whether they will implement a 'functional' catchup mechanic like the one presented here "in the future" anyway because it seems like a load of work to do for them. Any I also agree that they might just have other priorities on their list which makes me think, a catchup would be rather simplistic; like more boosters in the shop.

    Another indicator is the statement that they will again adjust XP gains in Craplorn and in Public Dungeons; which they decreased at least twice in the past along with lessening XP thresholds for 'progress' like CP and/or Vet ranks. Again, if I were a cynic, I would say after a year of jury-rigging the system they haven't really got a clue what to do anymore.

    Reminds me of Han Solo and Chewie repairing the Falcon and Solo saying to Chewie: "No, no, no! This one goes here, that one goes there! See?"

    Luckily, I am no cynic...
    ...und Gallileo dreht sich doch!
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I do not see it being a lot of work simply to reduce the amount of XP the first 400 cp takes. Probably come along at the same time as housing. Couple years from now maybe longer. Also remember they are removing vet ranks at some point as well and that obviously is going to come before any kind of "catch up" mechanic is coded, tested and released.
  • RazzPitazz
    I do not see it being a lot of work simply to reduce the amount of XP the first 400 cp takes. Probably come along at the same time as housing. Couple years from now maybe longer. Also remember they are removing vet ranks at some point as well and that obviously is going to come before any kind of "catch up" mechanic is coded, tested and released.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler stated on the latest ESO Live that the 400 CP catch up mechanic will hopefully be released by the next major update, which should be no later than august. You might want to read up on Moore's Law; if you think ZoS will be this slow all the time then your assumptions about the problems taking just as long are also likely to be inaccurate.
    Edited by RazzPitazz on June 23, 2015 6:39AM
    PC NA
    VR1 - Jar'eed - Khajiit Dragon Knight - AD
    VR1 - Broad Tail - Argonian Templar - EP
    All-Star Crafter Guild
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I do not see it being a lot of work simply to reduce the amount of XP the first 400 cp takes. Probably come along at the same time as housing. Couple years from now maybe longer. Also remember they are removing vet ranks at some point as well and that obviously is going to come before any kind of "catch up" mechanic is coded, tested and released.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler stated on the latest ESO Live that the 400 CP catch up mechanic will hopefully be released by the next major update, which should be no later than august. You might want to read up on Moore's Law; if you think ZoS will be this slow all the time then your assumptions about the problems taking just as long are also likely to be inaccurate.

    He said no such thing.

    At 1:13 someone asks if there are any plans to make non vet campaigns only for people with no CP. He says there are no plans. What am I missing here? Can you tell me the spot where he says next update he will be putting in the catch up mechanic?

    At 1:20 he talks about battle leveling for vet ranks. So a VR1 would be battle leveled to a VR14. Again tho nothing about any kind of catch up mechanic being introduced.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on June 23, 2015 7:26AM
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Watched it twice he never says anything about a CP catch up mechanic much less one being put in with the next major patch.
  • F7sus4
    Huh, lazy noob-boosting mechanic concept? Nice, nice, tell us more. Punish those 3% who took their time to get CPs even more - they obviously were not playing fair, and most likely they're just haxx0rz!!!!11one


    Edited by F7sus4 on June 23, 2015 8:59AM
  • Hlaadriel
    Why, but WHY, but WWHHHYYYYY do people want to have everything equal, and on top of it have it equalized by the bottom?

    If a player spends 18hours a day grinding for CPs and I casually play 2 hours, then so be it. It is his choice, and it is my choice. I understand I will never be able to catch up with that player unless I put the same amount of time. I understand that with 100 points invested in phisical damage he will do 22.50% more damage than the base, when I will do 17.50% with 40 points invested, I also know that I should not cry about it.

    Now, I hear that it breaks the game, that it is P2W (that new potion stuff), but if this player wants to be an elititst punk and only run vDSA, SO, HR and AA to be at the top of the leaderboard with a group that spends the same amount of time to get their CPs maxed then so be it, I'll be grouping with other casual players from my casual guild and we'll have casual fun while not making the leaderboard, it won't change anything. Where this gets tricky is PvP, where 24 maxed out CPs zergs would be a major pain, but still it won't make it impossible for other people to enjoy PvP, and even now, if you want to be emperor, you need to invest significant time in PvP for it.

    If I'm working about 12 hours a day, I will get paid more than someone working 4 hours. (doing same job). And I hope that everyone here will find that this is normal. I will save more money on my bank account too. There won't be a mechanism in place so that this guy working less will be able to save as much as me. Now i will enjoy my life, and he will enjoy his, I hope. now if he want more saving, he can work more, If i wnat less i work less. same with the GAME. (which people seem to forget this is a game. it is to have fun)

    The diminishing returns make it so that the difference in outputs is not that high. (honestly there is not much diff between 17k dps and 16k dps, your last boss fight lasts maybe 1 or 2 seconds more which you can blame on the lag, or wrong rotation)

    in any case CP are hard capped. 100 in each star 3600 total. so this is a non-issue, eventually everyone will be maxed out.

    What I don't want to see is this uber-grantsword that does 10x more damage while stealing 20k life but you can only buy it for 5000 crowns.

    CPs Xp is fine as they are hard capped to v14 and 3600 for every player. whether he reaches it in 1 week or 5 years
  • MaximumAttackG
    Stop being a bunch of whining cry babies who feel the need for everything on earth to be balanced and equal, people who play longer and dedicate time should be noticeably stronger. get over it. I hope they keep it just as is, and I hope you continue to be a lazy player that I can dominant in cyrodiil.
    Edited by MaximumAttackG on June 23, 2015 9:11AM
  • F7sus4
    Hlaadriel wrote: »
    Why, but WHY, but WWHHHYYYYY do people want to have everything equal, and on top of it have it equalized by the bottom?

    If a player spends 18hours a day grinding for CPs and I casually play 2 hours, then so be it. It is his choice, and it is my choice.
    This guy!
    Hlaadriel wrote: »
    Now, I hear that it breaks the game, that it is P2W (that new potion stuff), but if this player wants to be an elititst punk and only run vDSA, SO, HR and AA to be at the top of the leaderboard with a group that spends the same amount of time to get their CPs maxed then so be it, I'll be grouping with other casual players from my casual guild and we'll have casual fun while not making the leaderboard, it won't change anything.
    True. Casuals/pugs don't need high CP amounts at all. To be honest, even if they had 3600 CPs, they wouldn't pose a threat to hardcore-skilled players at all. Unfortunately, they're the first to bark about it - just as all small dogs usually do a lot. :)
    Hlaadriel wrote: »
    Where this gets tricky is PvP, where 24 maxed out CPs zergs would be a major pain, but still it won't make it impossible for other people to enjoy PvP, and even now, if you want to be emperor, you need to invest significant time in PvP for it.
    Agree. In practice, you'll actually never form a power-zerg consisting of 500+ CP players only. And you don't want to solo/gank the whole zergs no matter how many CPs they have in their group, nevertheless.
    Hlaadriel wrote: »
    in any case CP are hard capped. 100 in each star 3600 total. so this is a non-issue, eventually everyone will be maxed out.
    Most people forget that once you'll max your main CP attribute which happens around 400 CP only (and not 3600 CP) - getting a total max of 25% damage/healing boost - that's it, you won't be getting more. Never ever. This wont' change whether you'll have 1001 CPs or 3599 CPs.

    Edited by F7sus4 on June 23, 2015 9:19AM
  • MaximumAttackG
    Natjur wrote: »
    But this would hurt their profits when they start selling CP points for 500 crowns each

    the day that happens is the day I quit. the fact that, that is a very real possibility makes me sick.
  • Menelaos
    Hlaadriel wrote: »
    Where this gets tricky is PvP, where 24 maxed out CPs zergs would be a major pain, but still it won't make it impossible for other people to enjoy PvP, and even now, if you want to be emperor, you need to invest significant time in PvP for it.
    Ah yes, PVP. It always gets down to people shouting out the loudest, because they have to 'stay competitive'. It really doesn't matter what game mechanic is newly introduced or being modified thereafter. It's always the same, and those people surely die a horrible death if they just don't have that extra 0.032617% of something. And then the game surely must die with them...

    I really like to PVP but catering to each and every demand carefully uttered wish of said clientele is not always the best of ways.

    ...und Gallileo dreht sich doch!
  • MaximumAttackG
    seriously, who gives a **** about PvP balance? id hate for them to let players just jump ahead, when there's people who dedicate serious time.

    What you people need to do is git gud.

    I really dont care if you work 18 hours a day and cant find time to play and want a little boost ahead. go play something else, mmos are suppose to be massive time sinks and if people are constantly equal then screw that, I dont wanna play. you gotta work to be a beast, in life and in video games. just like life is unfair and unbalanced so should eso! haha
    Edited by MaximumAttackG on June 23, 2015 9:28AM
  • Faulgor
    I like exponential curves, so this has my vote.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Dru1076
    Reading this thread, and others about balance in pvp, I now fully understand that I am not nor will I ever be a mmo guy. You guys really just want the game to be about who can play the longest, and on that basis a guy like me who works for a living and has responsibilities that prevent playing more than twenty hours a week I do not have an equal opportunity in the game.

    The worst part of all this? I bought a game with capped levels I was sure to eventually attain. It was something I found appealing. God forbid winning a fight should ever be about skill and ability. It isn't what MMO gamers enjoy.

    I am still an Elder Scrolls guy. I always will be.

    There's a difference, a vast one, between "casual" gamers, and lazy gamers, btw... When I say casual, I am referring to the hours I am able to play.

    If the catchup thing is too distressing for everyone who is already leaps and bounds ahead, how about the idea of campaigns for people with less than a certain amount of cp's as an option? Even cp free? I really can't see how that would not fix this concern people have about champion points. I currently have 85 or so champion points. I have no way to get them faster unless I quit my job... Which I am obviously not going to do.... And abandon my family (not happening, no matter how great the game is). People have 2-3 times that already. A lot of people. How tempting will PVP be for me in six months when I have doubled that and many people are closer to 1000? This is the concern I and several other players are trying to get across now that the problem has been compounded by xp boosters casuals can only get through purchases.
    Edited by Dru1076 on June 23, 2015 10:17AM
    Ask not what your sweetroll can do for you....
  • Yinmaigao
    seriously, who gives a **** about PvP balance? id hate for them to let players just jump ahead, when there's people who dedicate serious time.

    What you people need to do is git gud.

    I really dont care if you work 18 hours a day and cant find time to play and want a little boost ahead. go play something else, mmos are suppose to be massive time sinks and if people are constantly equal then screw that, I dont wanna play. you gotta work to be a beast, in life and in video games. just like life is unfair and unbalanced so should eso! haha

    This is the type of attitude that is killing the game.
  • Leandor
    I don't like overly complicated systems. I think Zenimax got it right this time. Make the first 400 points cheaper, starting from the moment the average CP on the respective server reaches 400.

    Make the reduction count, have the cost be 100k/25k (base/enlightened) and new players will catch up quicker than you can say "what?!?".

    400 is a good number. It allows you to have one 100-point-passive and one 30-point-passive in each section (red/green/blue) with a couple of points to spare for perks. It is also enough to compete with the majority of players for a couple of years.

    Rinse & Repeat once the server average reaches 1000 CP and once more if the server average reaches 2500 CP (meaning increase the "cheap CP range" to the mentioned values). This also allows people to stay with the crowd if they have a sabbatical.
    Edited by Leandor on June 23, 2015 10:21AM
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