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Console players would you like to see damage/healing numbers added to the game?

  • Ungodlyomenb14_ESO
    For the love of god wtf? YES this was a no brainer...kinda like chat...
  • Justice31st
    pecheckler wrote: »
    You folks defending DPS minimums as a requirement to participate in certain content need to do your research. Using DPS or time-to-kill as a metric to measure player performance has been a major failing of many games for over 15 years. Every development team that has let their players use these metrics has regretted it.

    In the case of ESO the obvious downsides of using these metrics is that it forces players to limit their play style, it results in less use of support abilities, less outside the box strategy, and it incites animosity among players.

    A simple example being you'll have a damage dealer templar that would like to use 4 support or crowd control abilities which could be a great boon to the team at only a minor 10% loss to damage output. If players are reviewing damage numbers then this player would be more likely to not use these abilities.

    Even games which have elaborate total contribution scores, (which have hidden calculations) still can't factor in everything that matters. Think of this other example: Your top DPS is a player neglects to mitigate damage as effectively as your #2 damage dealer by not moving, dodging, blocking, etc.

    There are too many variables to calculate effectiveness. Focusing on damage or healing average over combat duration is a big mistake. One which never should have been allowed in the first place. Shame on Zenimax for letting it take place. And shame on players for letting DPS still be a metric considering developer intent was obvious with the API limitations put in place at the end of the PC beta test.

    This is a very well put post. I have experienced numerous times in other MMO's, players being kicked out of groups for not having a high enough number in the DPS charts.
    Edited by Justice31st on June 11, 2015 7:47AM
    "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
  • Ungodlyomenb14_ESO
    pecheckler wrote: »
    You folks defending DPS minimums as a requirement to participate in certain content need to do your research. Using DPS or time-to-kill as a metric to measure player performance has been a major failing of many games for over 15 years. Every development team that has let their players use these metrics has regretted it.

    In the case of ESO the obvious downsides of using these metrics is that it forces players to limit their play style, it results in less use of support abilities, less outside the box strategy, and it incites animosity among players.

    A simple example being you'll have a damage dealer templar that would like to use 4 support or crowd control abilities which could be a great boon to the team at only a minor 10% loss to damage output. If players are reviewing damage numbers then this player would be more likely to not use these abilities.

    Even games which have elaborate total contribution scores, (which have hidden calculations) still can't factor in everything that matters. Think of this other example: Your top DPS is a player neglects to mitigate damage as effectively as your #2 damage dealer by not moving, dodging, blocking, etc.

    There are too many variables to calculate effectiveness. Focusing on damage or healing average over combat duration is a big mistake. One which never should have been allowed in the first place. Shame on Zenimax for letting it take place. And shame on players for letting DPS become a metric considering developer intent was obvious with the API limitations put in place at the end of the PC beta test.

    If a player wishes to pass judgement on another player's effectiveness than it should be by visible inspection only. There should not be any combat numbers or stats visible to other players for review.

    Dude dont be scurred cause u pull low numbers.

    Dont project ur Insecuritys on me yo.
  • Ungodlyomenb14_ESO

    This is a very well put post. I have experienced numerous times in other MMO's, players being kicked out of groups for not having a high enough number in the DPS charts. [/quote]

    this is why people dont want to see numbers...fact is if u go in a group with 8 people...and u cant pull ur wieght then u needa go. 7 other people that can shouldnt be held back becuase u suck.
  • Justice31st
    pecheckler wrote: »
    You folks defending DPS minimums as a requirement to participate in certain content need to do your research. Using DPS or time-to-kill as a metric to measure player performance has been a major failing of many games for over 15 years. Every development team that has let their players use these metrics has regretted it.

    In the case of ESO the obvious downsides of using these metrics is that it forces players to limit their play style, it results in less use of support abilities, less outside the box strategy, and it incites animosity among players.

    A simple example being you'll have a damage dealer templar that would like to use 4 support or crowd control abilities which could be a great boon to the team at only a minor 10% loss to damage output. If players are reviewing damage numbers then this player would be more likely to not use these abilities.

    Even games which have elaborate total contribution scores, (which have hidden calculations) still can't factor in everything that matters. Think of this other example: Your top DPS is a player neglects to mitigate damage as effectively as your #2 damage dealer by not moving, dodging, blocking, etc.

    There are too many variables to calculate effectiveness. Focusing on damage or healing average over combat duration is a big mistake. One which never should have been allowed in the first place. Shame on Zenimax for letting it take place. And shame on players for letting DPS become a metric considering developer intent was obvious with the API limitations put in place at the end of the PC beta test.

    If a player wishes to pass judgement on another player's effectiveness than it should be by visible inspection only. There should not be any combat numbers or stats visible to other players for review.

    Dude dont be scurred cause u pull low numbers.

    Dont project ur Insecuritys on me yo.

    And that is the type of attitude that makes some casuals afraid of raiding in other games like World of Warcraft, because the DPS charts are constantly linked in the chat.
    Edited by Justice31st on June 11, 2015 7:51AM
    "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
  • Ungodlyomenb14_ESO
    thats what they make easy modes for....If you play all your games on starter/novice/easy then you should probally stay out of harder content.
  • allyoudpsesarebad
    we need numbers im sorry people shouldnt have to be held back by lackluster players
  • Ungodlyomenb14_ESO
    You cant get mad if you get called out on sucking...get better its not like ESO is a hard game to play. VET DSA is AND yes you need everything you got....someone pulling 2-3k dps just isnt going to cut it. Im sorry thats just a fact... I you feel 3 people should carry you...then thats on you when and if they call you out.
  • Leon119
    Ok i get what many people are afraid of, just last night i did a Vet CoA run with a pug and just to be frank they suck. not saying i was amazing since my main role for trials is a healer and i was doing dps but at the last boss since the healer had no idea where to position ( lava geysers if you know fight ) i had to do dps and heal at the same time. while i was doing that im pretty sure i pulled more dps than the other one. we wiped around 10 times. however i tried to help them as much as i could. i kept telling them what mistakes we did each time and at the end we killed him no problems just because we actually fought they way it was intended.
    Sure DPS and HPS was low and i had to fill in but if you just remain patient and not get pissed off try to be constructive you will do it.
    that being said i was in a good mood, i expect lots of people just straight up leaving after the performances of their group being bad. so its mostly a behavioral problem.
    you need to see numbers in game like this. either to tell if you can do this content easily and not waste peoples time because you are too selfish to realise your setup is bad and because if you dont know your numbers you cant improve. Bless Atropos and his new FTC damage reports btw :open_mouth:
    also stop using the excuse i want to play however i want with the build i want. you can play however you want. there are no gear or skill restrictions. you can wear a heavy armor and use a staff. thats the freedom they give you. obviously though it wont be as effective

    tl:dr yes add numbers, people who say no stop being selfish and scared about your performance, stop using noobish excuses just because you suck
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    pecheckler wrote: »

    Only if there is absolutely no way for players to calculate DPS or healing over time. That is the worst part about the PC version. It promotes elitism and prerequisites to playing with others.

    It is not really elitism. The endgame content is so hard that people need to be really perfectly build in order to beat it. If people don't pull out enough dps many encounters simply become impossible.

    Play as you like is only for leveling content, the end content does not allow it.

    Sorry had to LOL at endgame content being hard...

    VDSA, SoA, Vet City of Ash, even Vet CoH are all encounters that require people to have good builds and not *** around with funny concepts or they are not duable.
    I voted yes. But until then I just have the healthbars appear when injured
  • bertenburnyb16_ESO
    they wont add it because of .... immersionz...
    well atleast we have add ons... ow wait ... :p
    Haze Ramoran Dunmer Dragonknight Tank/Dps – Smoked-Da-Herb Saxheel Templar Tank/Healer

    Red Diamond, Protect us 'til the end (EU EP Thorn)
  • Koomba
    I went to options, health bar, injured. It shows me my health bar and enemies health bars above their head only if they get injured. It's the closest thing to hit counters. I personally like it becasye I don't have to keep looking up to see my enemy's health. I definitely do want hit counters, it would make everything so much better.
  • symonator
    Yes, in a few random groups i would say this was a hot issues aswell, people want to see what sort of dmg etc they are doing.

    v16 - Imperial - DK Tank
    v16 - Redguard -NB Dps
    v16 - Breton Templar - Heals
    Guildmaster of the witchers (PS4 eu) - 500 members trading guild in craglorn.
  • allyoudpsesarebad
    i cant believe people actually have voted no besides the pc players
  • nastuug
    Hey look at all the Soul Shriven ranks wanting this added. Interesting... :)
  • FenrisTheWolf
    Soul Shriven
    This would be a great thing as it allows us to better see the effect of various abilities when we can see the damage or healing numbers pop up.
    Main: Imperial DragonKnight Tank - Ebonheart Pact - Xbox One - NA
    Guilds: Fool's Errand & Wolves of Wraithwinter - Primary PvX | Serpent Raiders - Social
  • PBpsy
    pecheckler wrote: »

    Only if there is absolutely no way for players to calculate DPS or healing over time. That is the worst part about the PC version. It promotes elitism and prerequisites to playing with others.

    It is not really elitism. The endgame content is so hard that people need to be really perfectly build in order to beat it. If people don't pull out enough dps many encounters simply become impossible.

    Play as you like is only for leveling content, the end content does not allow it.

    Sorry had to LOL at endgame content being hard...

    VDSA, SoA, Vet City of Ash, even Vet CoH are all encounters that require people to have good builds and not *** around with funny concepts or they are not duable.

    People that play with only experienced players that have researched their builds, got their gear ,practiced weaving almost to perfection and never go into PUG land or the PUG land+ non V14 or PUG land with new players tend to lose track of how difficult some things that are easy at that point truly are..
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • EquinoxBlack
    Do it... as long as it can be enabled/disabled.
    Equinox Black
    Family Friendly - Guild Leader

    NA Megaserver - Daggerfall Covenant
    Xbox Live - Equinox Black
    Good news, everyone! I think I perfected a plague that will destroy all life on Azeroth!
  • EquinoxBlack
    pecheckler wrote: »

    Only if there is absolutely no way for players to calculate DPS or healing over time. That is the worst part about the PC version. It promotes elitism and prerequisites to playing with others.

    Honestly... SOME people want to make sure the people they are playing with can handle the aspect of their team role... Have you ever played a game/sport with someone who is utterly horrible at what they are doing? Is it fun? Do you still get enjoyment out of it?

    Maybe it is elitism... but some people need to be successful at specific aspects of the game to be happy and feel like they are getting the full benefit of playing... and some specific aspects of the game require things like min-max or DPS or HPS to be successful.

    If you don't want/like to play with those types of people... then don't... find or make your own group of friends who share the same values as you do.

    Limiting the game in some fashion just because you don't like it is wrong. If you don't like it... avoid it.
    Equinox Black
    Family Friendly - Guild Leader

    NA Megaserver - Daggerfall Covenant
    Xbox Live - Equinox Black
    Good news, everyone! I think I perfected a plague that will destroy all life on Azeroth!
  • granty2008cyb16_ESO
    no no no ! they need to work on the pc updates now, they have spent long enough on console maby next year :-)
    Edited by granty2008cyb16_ESO on June 11, 2015 7:45PM
  • PBpsy
    no no no ! they need to work on the pc updates now, they have spent long enough on console maby next year :-)

    Like that is going to happen?
    They need to make console a success so that they don't have to close my pc servers by next year.
    Edited by PBpsy on June 11, 2015 7:51PM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • Ywain_The_Bastard
    I just try to figure why yes are red and no are blue...
  • PBpsy
    I just try to figure why yes are red and no are blue...

    Red are commies. Blue are robots.
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • Mettaricana
    i agree to seeing numbers but at same time dont want it to be seen by others as mentioned above it creates elitest groups and ruins all partying for anyone trying to get to the top because everyone who is at the top is kicking him to the curb. i try not to just a person by gear and dps off the bat and give them a chance to see if they can hold their own with skill rather than just stats.
  • Dimebagd88
    Yes. If you don't want to play with certain people who you consider elitist, then simply don't. No reason it can't be optional for those who want it. Seems ridiculous to even argue this.
  • Tankqull
    Dimebagd88 wrote: »
    Yes. If you don't want to play with certain people who you consider elitist, then simply don't. No reason it can't be optional for those who want it. Seems ridiculous to even argue this.

    if zos would have any intention to do so they have had one year to implemnt it...
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • dabulls7491
    Yes add dps charts!
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    PBpsy wrote: »
    But guys. ZOS made this game like that especially for you so you can be immersively immersed in the immersion on your super immersive console of immershn. They didn't even give that option to PC ,without add-ons, for that reason.
    So ungrateful. :(

  • Mitchblue
    Half the no's are just PC players who want some stuff they haven't got for themselves. I can't blame 'em but I still want it.
    Edited by Mitchblue on June 24, 2015 4:26PM
    Anyone else rooting for Molag Bal?
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