Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Console players would you like to see damage/healing numbers added to the game?

  • Zorrashi
    I voted no, but the question asked (despite being straightforward) is relatively vague. I would easily tolerate and even agree to a toggle that permitted damage/healing numbers to be shown on screen for the effect of your singular character, but only if it was restricted to your character and extended to nothing else. As in no DPS links and no combat log beyond yourself. Sharable DPS values easily encourages/permits toxic behavior from certain players and they are not shy about going outside their guilds and projecting their view onto others.
  • Ratbert
    I'd like to see it as a toggle item under options. I was actually thinking about this the other day. I play a hybrid templar build and I mix gear. Having those numbers I could toggle on would help me adjust finer details in mixing my gear up to find that sweet spot.
  • Duerdal
    No it's actually quite refreshing to not have all those numbers that just feed elitist behaviour in most mmos.
  • Ziraous
    Personally I'm a healer and I would love to see my healing numbers. I think I have only played one or 2 MMOs where you couldn't see the number and they didn't last long. One was taken down completely. :( The other one is just dead. As for DPS damage, I've never cared about damage out, however I don't DPS…so… ;x
    ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~
    Lvl V 1 Vamp High Elf Templar PS4
    ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~ -;- ~~~~~~
    My Crafting Tracker
  • Junglejim82
    Of course they should be added can't take this game seriously without chat tabs and damage /heal numbers talk about shooting themselves in the foot. No mmo vet I know will hang around in end game with these conditions. Kiss the revenue we bringing goodbye. Maybe stick with it a few months but not gonna keep us years like a real mmo would
    Stamblade extrordinaire (for now)
    Mass Terror /elders of anarchy ps4 e.u
    Daggerfalls finest

    Always looking for serious pvpers not afraid to mic up. See below
  • Recthor
    skwake wrote: »
    have no combat log, no dps/hps meter Just give us real time dmg/heal floaty numbers so we can see what we are actually doing and not guessing.

    I want to be able to virtual hifive myself for hitting a new record crit heal on someone, instead I will just see a red bar go up by a bit more or a bit less than it normally would (i dunno if it is more or less because it all looks the same)

    I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I'd love to have numbers so I can see my heals and my HoTs from Healing Springs to see if I'm being effective along with the Ward, but not just to get my 'record crit.' That's just fueling more people to go against this proposal.

    Most people, I hope, only want this for strategic reasons and to see if they're being effective in dungeons/Alliance Wars etc.
    Edited by Recthor on June 24, 2015 9:16PM
    Templar Pure Healer | Breton | Aldmeri Dominion

  • RobbieRocket
    This vote or change should be for "toggle on/off" so that everyone is a winner!
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    Mitchblue wrote: »
    Half the no's are just PC players who want some stuff they haven't got for themselves. I can't blame 'em but I still want it.

    Actually, we do have it. The addons work very (certain ones, haven't used em all) seamlessly and I would rather have them as an add on than ZOS adding them and having the game bug out for a year.
    No, no, no. 10000 times no.

    Go play WOW or Neverwinter. Leave my game alone.
  • xoduspaladin
    I went with console version of this game to avoid the whole add-on thing. I am sure every content in this game can be completed without it. Like others have already said, adding add-ons like this is what lead to elitism. you want Add-ons, PC is definitely the way to go. I love the consoles mentality when it comes to this and "pray" it doesn't change anytime soon.
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    I went with console version of this game to avoid the whole add-on thing. I am sure every content in this game can be completed without it. Like others have already said, adding add-ons like this is what lead to elitism. you want Add-ons, PC is definitely the way to go. I love the consoles mentality when it comes to this and "pray" it doesn't change anytime soon.

    I have these evil add ons you speak of and I don't use them as such. It's just fun to see sometimes. I turn them off and on at will. I also have not run into any of this elitism you say happens with this stuff in ESO. Other games yes.
  • Justice31st
    I went with console version of this game to avoid the whole add-on thing. I am sure every content in this game can be completed without it. Like others have already said, adding add-ons like this is what lead to elitism. you want Add-ons, PC is definitely the way to go. I love the consoles mentality when it comes to this and "pray" it doesn't change anytime soon.

    I agree. I feel the min/maxing aspect hurts the game. Being limited to the fotm builds that popular YouTube channels such as Deltia's Gaming promote, goes against what this game was meant to be; a flexible skill line based mmo. Adding damage meters to the console version will indeed only further promote elitism in end game content.
    Edited by Justice31st on June 24, 2015 10:04PM
    "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
  • FancyTuna8
    Voted no. It is just handholding, because you have the enemy health bar, which is actually already handholding. If you ever get in a real fight, in real life, no health bar pops above your opponents head. They may appear tired or woozy during the fight, but even that isn't a good indicator of when they are going to fall. I'm not arguing immersion or realism so much as it is just goofy. I love Dragonball Z Kai, but I don't want to sit there playing video games saying "17,000? How did Kakarot get so strong?"
    If the devs must, please make it a toggle so I can turn it off, and please don't make me look at other people doing it.
    Did any of you ever play a pencil & paper rpg? The dungeonmaster never said "Okay, your enemy has 36 hit points." You
    would get something like "The monster looks like it is starting to get worn out and tired" which you had to guess might mean halfway dead or 3/4, or whatever.
    With most saying this game is too easy, and holds hands too much, wouldn't you like a little uncertainty?
  • Manimal92
    Soul Shriven
    Yes, because well, why not?
  • pecheckler
    DPS meters will kill the game. Meters that let you see other players. Self-meters are fine. The issue with self meters however is that players begin to expect others to post their dps results in chat. At least that won't happen on console.
    Edited by pecheckler on June 24, 2015 10:17PM
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • LaughingJack
    Duerdal wrote: »
    No it's actually quite refreshing to not have all those numbers that just feed elitist behaviour in most mmos.

    haha, N1 Duerdal, so true :-D

    Everyone was aware that the console versions of the game would have none of this implemented AND have no support for AddOns, yet they all still made the concious (i presume) decision to play on console rather than pc, and now have the audacity to complain about it?!

    Seeker of Shiny Objects
    Vapour Vehiculo De Dolor
    I7-920(2.6GHz), Win7-64, 8GB, HD4870-512, 40-90fps.
  • allyoudpsesarebad
    its sad how bad people are at the game
  • HobnailedBoots
    No. I don't need some nerd *** analyzing my stats. Play the game. Enjoy the game. Leave the min max bs to other games.
  • allyoudpsesarebad
    to good games.............
  • Mitchblue
    Mitchblue wrote: »
    Half the no's are just PC players who want some stuff they haven't got for themselves. I can't blame 'em but I still want it.

    Actually, we do have it. The addons work very (certain ones, haven't used em all) seamlessly and I would rather have them as an add on than ZOS adding them and having the game bug out for a year.

    I know you do but someone voted No because they need to work on the PC side. Which is what I meant.

    I am just hoping I can get some of the things the PC has. I'm not an elitist in any way I just like to see numbers, and add other great add on's. More fun that way..And you're right, not through ZOS adding them.
    Anyone else rooting for Molag Bal?
  • xoduspaladin
    I went with console version of this game to avoid the whole add-on thing. I am sure every content in this game can be completed without it. Like others have already said, adding add-ons like this is what lead to elitism. you want Add-ons, PC is definitely the way to go. I love the consoles mentality when it comes to this and "pray" it doesn't change anytime soon.

    I have these evil add ons you speak of and I don't use them as such. It's just fun to see sometimes. I turn them off and on at will. I also have not run into any of this elitism you say happens with this stuff in ESO. Other games yes.

    Good for you, this is not the case for everyone though, unfortunately. I guess I am old school when it comes to gaming. Between health bars that shows you how much damage you're doing to other action such as the enemy is getting slower or weaker, there are plenty of ways to figure out what damage is being done and what is not. This game pretty much have the mobs show you what they are about to do and how you can stop them, there really shouldn't be an issue with knowing how much DPS is being done, its more of an issue of the players knowing when to counter, interrupt or get the hell out of the way.

    I see people saying that it is impossible to do end game stuff without it, so if the Console guys do complete the endgame things without add-ons, what will that say? Anyways, hopefully these arguments are irrelevant, don't see Zenimax adding add-ons anytime soon...
  • Instant_Karma_88
    pecheckler wrote: »
    You folks defending DPS minimums as a requirement to participate in certain content need to do your research. Using DPS or time-to-kill as a metric to measure player performance has been a major failing of many games for over 15 years. Every development team that has let their players use these metrics has regretted it.

    In the case of ESO the obvious downsides of using these metrics is that it forces players to limit their play style, it results in less use of support abilities, less outside the box strategy, and it incites animosity among players.

    A simple example being you'll have a damage dealer templar that would like to use 4 support or crowd control abilities which could be a great boon to the team at only a minor 10% loss to damage output. If players are reviewing damage numbers then this player would be more likely to not use these abilities.

    Even games which have elaborate total contribution scores, (which have hidden calculations) still can't factor in everything that matters. Think of this other example: Your top DPS is a player neglects to mitigate damage as effectively as your #2 damage dealer by not moving, dodging, blocking, etc.

    There are too many variables to calculate effectiveness. Focusing on damage or healing average over combat duration is a big mistake. One which never should have been allowed in the first place. Shame on Zenimax for letting it take place. And shame on players for letting DPS become a metric considering developer intent was obvious with the API limitations put in place at the end of the PC beta test.

    If a player wishes to pass judgement on another player's effectiveness than it should be by visible inspection only. There should not be any combat numbers or stats visible to other players for review.

    I think the OP is simply talking about floating combat text, which would only give info to the individual.

    We console players aren't asking for combat logs, damage meters or anything that would lead to dps supervision by elitist players.

    But having a little info on how much a buff increases your damage or how much a debuff decreases your healing would give more depth to the game. I mean it's already hard enough to tell which buffs you have on yourself at any given moment, and thus when to utilize them.

    So, yes, and not only floating damage text but also give us the option to have our buffs/ debuffs shown on screen. Let's be real: it isn't like there's a huge number of buffs that last longer than a few seconds anyway so UI clutter can't be the issue.
  • xoduspaladin
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    I voted no, but the question asked (despite being straightforward) is relatively vague. I would easily tolerate and even agree to a toggle that permitted damage/healing numbers to be shown on screen for the effect of your singular character, but only if it was restricted to your character and extended to nothing else. As in no DPS links and no combat log beyond yourself. Sharable DPS values easily encourages/permits toxic behavior from certain players and they are not shy about going outside their guilds and projecting their view onto others.

    I wouldn't mind this compromise. I wouldn't use it for myself, but for those who really need to see how hard they are hitting for whatever reason, they can do it without having to share that info on others.
  • ChingChangChui
    pecheckler wrote: »

    Only if there is absolutely no way for players to calculate DPS or healing over time. That is the worst part about the PC version. It promotes elitism and prerequisites to playing with others.


    Agreeeeeeeed! Besides you can already easily tell a good power vs. a bad one...
    I think no numbers promotes healthy groups.

    As I always say: When it comes to forums, post or your toast.
  • Ludacrits
    Soul Shriven
    Oh god yes. I would love the option to be able to show damage numbers and heal numbers. Make it happen!
  • Gidorick
    I have a Training Dummy concept that would work really well on console as well as PC... check it out here:

    Here's a little "preview" :wink:

    It would work for damage and healing.
    Edited by Gidorick on June 25, 2015 12:21AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Ludacrits
    Soul Shriven
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I have a Training Dummy concept that would work really well on console as well as PC... check it out here:

    Here's a little "preview" :wink:

    It would work for damage and healing.

    Or we could just have the option to see some damage numbers. Nothing that's calculated over time or anything, just floating red numbers for damage, green for heals. I don't like relying on the health bar to determine whether or not the skill or attack I'm using is increasing its damage output/level. I think allowing the option to turn on the text float and nothing more would please many people, as well as not alienating those who don't want to be shunned from raids for lack of DPS. Note that I don't want to see/nor care to see damage or healing numbers of anyone else besides myself and possibly pets and DOTS/HOTS.
  • allyoudpsesarebad
    it doesn't matter if the numbers are popping out my screen or a combat log i need to know the numbers.why? pvp or pve i need to see what effect the gear i get and moves i get have on how hard i hit or how big a heal is for being the best i can be.i know you horrible players don't care but a MAJORITY of people like to do their best and to do that you need numbers how do we even know all our moves are working as intended if we cant see the numbers. quit these arguments about elitism it will happen regardless if you dont care about finishing something as fast as you can and like being terrible go play with others like you ooo wait almost no one likes bad players who dont want to improve so just stop being bad and learn how to play the game. on DCUO i played with many terrible players but i helped them get better the fact that the argument against numbers is that you are so bad you cant learn to maximize your dps or heals to the best of your ability as your class is sad. but its ok lets just not get damage/healing numbers and never learn how to bring the best out of the classes. idk about other people but i dont want to have to refer to pc videos and forums for my loadout and rotation when i should be able to make my own.
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Yes, and we need magicka, health and stamina values for the player and groups. I often have no clue if I need to hard heal or just Hot, or even boost regeneration as a Templar.
    Edited by Hiero_Glyph on June 25, 2015 1:41AM
  • Joejoebaggin
    yes, just so i would know if small tweaks to my builds would be making my heals better. To add to this i would love to see a buff bar above my hp bar and abover/under my teamates hp bars on the left hand side. It sucks not knowing when a buff has worn off myself or a teamate.
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