Cypriot122 wrote: »I hope more PvPing reds jump into Thorn! These current ones don't enjoy getting farmed!
Cypriot122 wrote: »I hope more PvPing reds jump into Thorn! These current ones don't enjoy getting farmed!
Minnesinger wrote: »The current Thorn is 2 way war if AD wants to stay there. Some DC would be nice addition. EP was pop locked against med AD and low DC. Didn´t make the fights imbalanced. Soon the buff server status can be trashed and Thorn is once again pvp server
filmoretub17_ESO wrote: »This thread is so old and EP has moved on. The only people you find in thorn are pugs and new guilds. Its too easy for any organized guild to take this map right now.
It's nice to know we can so easily disregard someones post by simply looking at how many stars they have next to their name. We don't even have to have a solid counter to what they have said. Just point out their number of stars and we win!
To think that all this time I've been going by people's merits, the validity of their arguments, and past postings in order to judge if they are worthy of a response. If I used my system, I wouldn't even have to respond to this post.
Now that I think about it, it's usually the ignorant and misinformed who I respond to and that seems to hold true here.
This is how it is for us, too. Usually it's Kosmoko, Black Avalo and myself. We've got a farm or lumbermill, and we get anywhere around 10-20 people trying o take it from us. We can usually hold them on our own for a while.
Best part is I went over there on my red and watched zone for a while yesterday. They actually think they are good players vs some kind of overwhelming monster.
They have no issue whatsoever with the fact every fight is at least 5 to 1 odds in their favor, no issue with the fact they die 10 times a siege, no issue with the fact any one of them out on his own is a literal sneeze kill.
Thornblade's DC and EP battles have become truly epic. We now just stand around sharing gossip about AD, trying to out do one another. =D I think a lot of the "professional" EP have moved on post Anon Era. We can kind of have fun now. Sometimes.
XiLxBULLETx wrote: »Or 1 nirn roided sorc murdering 10 man groups...
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »
Best part is I went over there on my red and watched zone for a while yesterday. They actually think they are good players vs some kind of overwhelming monster.
They have no issue whatsoever with the fact every fight is at least 5 to 1 odds in their favor, no issue with the fact they die 10 times a siege, no issue with the fact any one of them out on his own is a literal sneeze kill.
They think they are a pro premier group, and it made me laugh really hard when they started calling me a crybaby cause I asked for a 3v1 vs any 3 of them on my dk