Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Known Issues / Bugs (v2.0.5) (POST 'em here)

As there does not seem to be an official thread for this, figured it was time to make one:
If you find bugs or inconsistencies, please add them here. If it's situational, please add the detail required to reproduce.
(If you wish to rant only, pick one of a thousand other threads, please.)

EDIT: Updated to comment #77. (NOTE: If there's no username associated with it, the bug is mine ;) )

Known Issues as of 2.0.5:
  • Charging sound Heavy Attack (Fire Staff) frequently does not play.
  • Clanfear failing to engage when moving across shallow water to an enemy.
    • (The Rift / Honrich Tower quest has several small islands that do not require swimming to and from. After engaging an enemy and crossing water to engage another, the clanfear will come to the edge of the last island and stand. Once the fight is over, Clanfear will cross normally.)
  • Undaunted pledges/feats still not advancing Undaunted Rep after reaching Level 9.
  • Skills/Weapon Swap/Attacks occasionally becoming non-responsive requiring relog. (Happened in AA)
  • Melee weapons (DW, etc) still adding Spell Damage. Staves, enchants, and set items should be the the only items affecting this numbers. Melee should be weapon damage, staves Spell damage. Neither (base item) should affect the other.
  • Staves still show weapon damage value - WD should be zero for magicka based weapons (staves).
  • DK Burning Talons visual greatly reduced (tiny bit of flame at the feet.) ( @Kallipsoe )
  • Misc.freezes and crashed on Mac Client sometimes kicking to login screen. ( @AlienSlof )
  • Chat window not visible when in the "U" menu ( @DisgracefulMind , which default menu is this, some have changed keybinds?)
  • Misc freezes and crashes on PC Client.
  • "In battle" red haze on screen border not visible when in Champion Points UI.
  • Templar BoL lag for about 1 sec before animation, 1-2 seconds before heal takes place. ( @mateoz )
  • DK Chains fail with "target is too high or too low" message. ( @daemonios )
  • DK Dragonsacale missing Wings animation ( @Delorion )
  • Mount animation sometimes cancels and requires remount. ( Delorion )
  • DK reflective scales not reflecting all projectiles. specifically meteor. (50% success rate) ( @Sphinx2318 )
  • Templar Remembrance Ultimate causes health bars to desync for party group members when taking huge damage. ( @Nifty2g )
  • Destructive Clench frost effect does not indicate Deeper Freeze.
  • Soul Lock (World Line) missing the word "chance."
  • Potions not firing. ( @ThatNeonZebraAgain )
  • High fall damage in Cyrodiil, especially from Meteor.
  • Mutagen not healing properly ( @ThatNeonZebraAgain , detail please?) ( @Jitterbug)
  • Vampire Feed not working (primarily Cyrodiil). ( @kaithuzar )
  • Templar Focused Charge gets stuck in charging animation ( @voigt )
  • Templar Remembrance heals can be dodged. ( @Huntler )
  • Loading screens requiring hard close of client. ( @Lifsteinn )
  • Unable to swap weapons at end of WW transformation. ( @CP5 )
  • Numerous undodgeable skills ( @DDuke )
    • Teleport Strike/Lotus Fan
    • Veiled Strike/Concealed Weapon
    • Searing Strike/Unstable Flame/Burning Embers
    • Lava Whip/Molten Whip/Flame Lash
    • Petrify/Fossilize/Shattering Rocks
    • Daedric Curse/Daedric Prey/Velocious Curse
    • Focused Charge/Explosive Charge/Toppling Charge
    • Critical Charge/Critical Rush/Stampede
    • Uppercut/Wrecking Blow (sometimes dodgeable, but often not)
    • Shield Charge/Shielded Assault/Invasion
  • NB Cloak breaking on charge attacks & several DK skills. ( @DDuke )
  • Vampire Savage Feeding passive lacking utility ( @SturgeHammer )
  • Unable to access game. ( @briasmith12 )
  • Flesh Atronach collectible drop rate low. ( @Leggi )
  • Following mount, game map will subsequently close when attempting to open. ( @thedrumchannell_ESO )
  • Game crashes periodically on Alt-Tab. ( @thedrumchannell_ESO )
  • Enlightenment not being granted. ( @Atirez )
    • Burning Talons-- Mobs walk away with Talons ON their feet. Thus walking away with Talons. (@SLy_Kyti)
    • Unable to move after switching weapons (NB dual wield to bow OR DK 2H great sword to Sword & Board) until opening & closing Mail.
    • Rings of Mara -- giving Marginal 1-2% Increase in XP. (TESTED, In & out of group & with/without ESO +).
    • Dismounting--Unable to Shield Charge or Critical Charge off Mount since patch 2.05 (latest).
    • Justice System--Leaving no Witnesses still incurs bounty for deaths.
    • Inner Fire-- Undaunted Skill to force target to attack for 15 seconds does not work on Bosses, some mobs. Works on first pull in delves then not on any more mobs inside.
  • Meteor causing lag. ( @Bloodzeus )
  • Misc. gear breaking in SO even with no deaths. ( @ThatRedguardGuy )
  • Flame whip & morphs, Concealed Weapon both undodgeable. ( @squshy7 )
    • Stealth UI / "Hidden" indication inconsistent / requiring re-stealth (when no one else is present). ( @Fetaro )
    • Sorcerer Atronach doesn't detect certain mobs, esp. Harvesters in CH.
    • Dark anchors XP.
  • SO Healthbar shows reduced HP's on one group member's screen. Shows correctly HP on others'. ( @jluceyub17_ESO )
  • Justice: Guards bypassing damage shields. ( @ArvenAldmeri )
  • Templar Remembrance not granting knock down immunity from bosses. ( @evedgebah )
  • NB KIller's Blade dealing magic damage vice physical. ( @ShadowHvo )
  • NB Shadown Cloak inconsistent ( ShadowHvo )
  • Vampire Undeath Passive appears active above 33% health, inactive below 33% health ( ShadowHvo )
  • Banks slow to load, requiring retries. ( @Rasimir )
  • Unable to invite players with special characters in character name. ( Rasimir )
  • Cursor mode changing after looking at map or chatting, requiring cancellation of cursor mode via keybind. ( Rasimir )
  • Pre 1.6 Shield of the Man Bull did not keep its previous unique enchantment. ( @Attorneyatlawl )
  • Falling through world in Cyrodiil after being feared near unclimbable terrain, resulting in port back to base camp. ( Attorneyatlawl )
  • 2H sharpened weapons gives same value as 1H weapon. DW sharpened weapons give almost 2x value of sharpened 2H. ( @Hypocrisy )
  • DK Hardened Armor animation not displaying correctly. Effect remains active on character sheet. ( @posthumecaver )
  • LFG tool inconsistent. ( @Razzak )
  • Destro Staff Elemental Drain aggros enemies. ( @Roguish98)
    • Cyrodiil: Shielded Assault anchors player to ground requiring /stuck. (@WebBull )
    • Skills, actions, interactions disappear & character runs in odd way.
    • Potions breaking stealth
  • No Guild Bank access from Cyrodiil banker (@Xiana)
  • Unable to proceed on Shadow of Sancre Tor quest ( @RalavomWalde )
  • Non vet dungeons, when attempting to invite from within dungeon, invited player receives error message "You cannot join dungeon in Veteran mode" All non-vet characters. ( @Father )
  • Non-vet characters having their mode switched to Vet mode, requiring a Vet to join them and switch back to Normal.
  • Achievements regarding healing or damage have not been updated to reflect the x10 change from 1.6 (Damage Dealer, Greater Healer from Dungeon line, Alliance war damage/healing achieves)
  • Templar Eclipse freezes caster's skill bar until duration expires. ( @likewow777 )
  • Focused Charge has GCD. ( likewow777 )
  • Sprinting causing crash in cities in Rift. ( @kurstein )
Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

Earn it.

IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Kallipsoe
    Dragonknight Burning Talons animation missing. The ability still works as far as I can tell, but there is no visual cue.
  • onlinegamer1
    Kallipsoe wrote: »
    Dragonknight Burning Talons animation missing. The ability still works as far as I can tell, but there is no visual cue.

    There is teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy, microscopic lick of flame at their feet.

    But, yeah, lets go with "no visual cue", its still basically accurate.
  • AlienSlof
    Since this morning's patch I've been having lots of freezes and crashes (Mac client, not tried on PC side yet). Most of the freezes are merely a few seconds, some result in booting me off the server.
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • MissBizz
    Undaunted maxes out at level 9. Maybe a better way to clarify your issue would be that is is showing "overlevelled" progression still.
    ZOS_GaryA wrote: »
    Hey there folks,

    Just wanted to provide a quick update. It seems that the max rank for Undaunted is level 9, and the leftover experience heading towards rank 10 is your character overleveling. For example, you were at 190/200 at Rank 8, got a 30 point boost, so now you're at 20/200 for Rank 9.

    We're currently taking a look to see why the experience counter is still displaying when people hit max rank. Thanks for your patience!

    You may be talking about a different issue though, I'd you are sorry for the misunderstanding.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • DisgracefulMind
    Here's one I noticed yesterday, and it's not consistent, but if you open the "U" menu while whispering someone or talking in whatever chat, the chat disappears and won't come back up until you exit. Not that this is horribly important, but it's annoying. Let's now discuss all the bugs in PvP... *pulls out a giant notebook and blows off the dust on it*
    Edited by DisgracefulMind on April 14, 2015 12:48PM
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • DisgracefulMind
    AlienSlof wrote: »
    Since this morning's patch I've been having lots of freezes and crashes (Mac client, not tried on PC side yet). Most of the freezes are merely a few seconds, some result in booting me off the server.

    I've also been crashing and freezing A LOT since yesterday's patch over on the PC side.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Bfish22090
    I still keep dying in PvP from the Jesus beam
  • DisgracefulMind
    Bfish22090 wrote: »
    I still keep dying in PvP from the Jesus beam

    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • mateoz
    Templar skill Breath of life lag for about 1s before the annimation and take about another 1-2s to actually heal.
    2-3s cast time for an instant skill is not what it should be. happen since patch 1.6, in 1.5 it was fine
  • Merlin13KAGL
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Undaunted maxes out at level 9. Maybe a better way to clarify your issue would be that is is showing "overlevelled" progression still.
    ZOS_GaryA wrote: »
    Hey there folks,

    Just wanted to provide a quick update. It seems that the max rank for Undaunted is level 9, and the leftover experience heading towards rank 10 is your character overleveling. For example, you were at 190/200 at Rank 8, got a 30 point boost, so now you're at 20/200 for Rank 9.

    We're currently taking a look to see why the experience counter is still displaying when people hit max rank. Thanks for your patience!

    You may be talking about a different issue though, I'd you are sorry for the misunderstanding.
    Basically same thing, @Missbizz. It's not been fixed either way, so thus included. Stopping the line at L9 makes little sense, since the other guild lines max at L10. They either need to let it advance to 10 or show full bar at 9. (It affects nothing, but it's a visual irriation.)
    Bfish22090 wrote: »
    I still keep dying in PvP from the Jesus beam
    @Bfish22090 , it still hits like a truck. Use the environment to break Line of Sight and you will break the beam (Put a rock/pillar/person(?) between you and them. This should help some until they dial it down a bit.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Merlin13KAGL
    One other thing to add, it feels to me like the timing is off again on the staves, but that may be due, in part, to the lack of audio feedback.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • daemonios
    DK chains fail, resulting in message stating "target is too high or too low" when it shouldn't be the case. Reported here.
  • Delorion
    1. DK Talons and Morphs are not showing up anymore only a tiny bit of flame

    2. Dragonscale missing Flappy Wings Animation

    3. Sometimes when you Mount up on your Mount the Animation cancels and you need to mount again to actually sit on your horse.

    iam wondering how things can break who not even touched if i go after the patch notes...
  • Sphinx2318
    My DK reflective scales are not reflecting all projectiles lately. Particularly the reflection of meteors. I seem to be able to successfully reflect about 1/2 of all incoming meteors. I have literally flapped one second before being hit by a meteor while all alone in a field with an enemy and yet still get hit by it.
  • Nifty2g
    Remembrance the Templar Ultimate causes health bars to desync for party group members when taking huge damage
  • ThatNeonZebraAgain
    Gore-of-the-Forest Argonian Nightblade
    Wode Earthrender Breton Dragonknight
    Ceol the Last Baron Redguard Dragonknight
    Wayra High Elf Sorceress
    Erebain Salothran Dark Elf Templar
    Rituals-of-the-Forest Argonian Warden
  • kaithuzar
    Vampire feed ability almost never works. I find myself cloaked up in stealth behind the target spamming the button & it often doesn't register. Mostly seen in Cyrodiil.

    You can sell "maps" on guild stores but have not been able to properly search for them in months or longer. There use to be an "other" option where you could easily search for them but no longer is that option available when searching a guild store.
    Edited by kaithuzar on April 14, 2015 2:42PM
    Member of:
    Fantasia - osh kosh b-josh
    Just Chill - Crown's house
    GoldCloaks - Durruthy test server penga
    Small Meme Guild - Mano's house

    Former member of:
    Legend - Siffer fan boy club
    TKO (tamriel knight's order) - free bks
    Deviance - Leonard's senche tiger
    Purple - hamNchz is my hero
    Eight Divines - myrlifax stop playing final fantasy
    WKB (we kill bosses) - turd where you go?
    Arcance Council - Klytz Kommander
    World Boss - Mike & Chewy gone EP
    M12 (majestic twelve) - cult of the loli zerg
  • AlienSlof
    AlienSlof wrote: »
    Since this morning's patch I've been having lots of freezes and crashes (Mac client, not tried on PC side yet). Most of the freezes are merely a few seconds, some result in booting me off the server.

    I've also been crashing and freezing A LOT since yesterday's patch over on the PC side.

    It seems to happen to me mostly in towns, usually when interacting with something - NPC, door, etc, or just riding around. Fortunately it's not done this in the middle of a fight. Yet.

    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • ThatNeonZebraAgain
    Maybe if we try to summon someone we'll get a response...

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Gore-of-the-Forest Argonian Nightblade
    Wode Earthrender Breton Dragonknight
    Ceol the Last Baron Redguard Dragonknight
    Wayra High Elf Sorceress
    Erebain Salothran Dark Elf Templar
    Rituals-of-the-Forest Argonian Warden
  • Bfish22090
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    • Accidental inclusion of Rare Motifs and Dwemer pages in Crown store - Needs removal

    That wasn't accidental
  • voigt
    Soul Shriven
    Templar > Focused Charge (Explosive Charge morph) will often get stuck in its charging animation, the golden spear remains and you are in a constant running in place animation. You are unable to cancel or use any other powers while the monster beats your face in, you can move around only and try and escape. It resets itself after about 2 minutes of being stuck.
  • Cazic
    Thread on the Burning Talons issue here:

    It's been acknowledged and is being worked on, so we've got that going for us which is nice.

    Audio seems a bit weird to me since 2.0.5. I could be imagining it, so I'll have to test more, but it seems that some sounds aren't working properly or not at all. Just small things... sort of reminds me of when they revamped a lot of the audio a few patches back and ended up breaking a bunch of it, but not as bad as that. I'll post again if I can pin point anything.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks for the compiled list, @Merlin13KAGL! We'll go through everything this week and let you all know if we need additional information.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Huntler
    Currently you can dodge Remembrance projectile heals, figured I'd add that here since OP mentions a remembrance bug to begin with.

    Pretty sure your dodges shouldn't dodge friendly heals <3
  • Lifsteinn
    Loading Screen of Doom.

    When you try to travel somewhere and get a loading screen that takes forever, sometimes you have to force close your client.
  • CP5
    Another bug i've noticed, when a werewolf transformation ends you seem to be unable to swap weapons and i've found I need to either open my inventory, roll dodge, and try to do a few attacks before being able to use my normal skill bars.
  • DDuke
    Huntler wrote: »
    Currently you can dodge Remembrance projectile heals, figured I'd add that here since OP mentions a remembrance bug to begin with.

    Pretty sure your dodges shouldn't dodge friendly heals <3

    To add, there are a lot more issues with dodge currently.

    Several skills are completely undodgeable. Some, but not all of them:
    • Teleport Strike/Lotus Fan
    • Veiled Strike/Concealed Weapon
    • Searing Strike/Unstable Flame/Burning Embers
    • Lava Whip/Molten Whip/Flame Lash
    • Petrify/Fossilize/Shattering Rocks
    • Daedric Curse/Daedric Prey/Velocious Curse
    • Focused Charge/Explosive Charge/Toppling Charge
    • Critical Charge/Critical Rush/Stampede
    • Uppercut/Wrecking Blow (sometimes dodgeable, but often not)
    • Shield Charge/Shielded Assault/Invasion

    And there are several issues with cloak still (though it has improved from 1.5), such as it breaking on all charge attacks & several DK skills (I can confirm whip breaks it). I should probably create a separate thread about them however.

    It would be great if you can go through these issues as well, @ZOS_GinaBruno as they are currently making PvP an extremely frustrating experience.
  • babanovac
    Huntler wrote: »
    Currently you can dodge Remembrance projectile heals, figured I'd add that here since OP mentions a remembrance bug to begin with.

    Pretty sure your dodges shouldn't dodge friendly heals <3

    And you know what happens when you dodge something since 1.6?...
  • SturgeHammer
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Vampire feed ability almost never works. I find myself cloaked up in stealth behind the target spamming the button & it often doesn't register. Mostly seen in Cyrodiil.

    It would appear that feed doesn't work on any CC immune target, like a player who recently broke a stun, or a blocking enemy. Now that enemies in PvE can become CC immune it's really only practical to feed from stealth before combat. This is probably all intended but ZOS really should remove the "press [key] to feed" alert when the target is in one of the previously mentioned states. Also, not really a bug, but since feed can be CC broken, and the scope of 'feedable' targets narrowed, the Savage Feeding passive should be changed to something with a little more utility.
    Edited by SturgeHammer on April 15, 2015 3:46PM
    First-in-Line - Swings-for-Lethal
    Green-Thumb - Scale-Factor
    Hist-Tree-Major - A-Late-One
    Needs-Some-Help - Dead-Last
  • briasmith12
    Soul Shriven
    Lifsteinn wrote: »
    Loading Screen of Doom.

    When you try to travel somewhere and get a loading screen that takes forever, sometimes you have to force close your client.

    I still can't get into the game despite force closes, repair, etc. Client doesn't let me get past main loading screen. HD and Graphics drivers/card all good. Spent 6 hours on loading screen yesterday as I was testing to see how long it would take. Finally shut it down. Tried again this AM with no success.
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