ThatHappyCat wrote: »Saw wall of text, left thread.
Requiemslove wrote: »This thread has gone south. First of all, in no way do I see myself as special, and I have no feelings of "entitlement" Second, I know how subscriptions work, I just feel it is against any MMO games developers best interests to employ an auto cancel system for late subscriptions. Call me crazy, but I would much rather allow a small amount of leeway, and just have a subscription method that automatically adds on the missed currency. As for people saying my small change, if gone, wont be missed, no, probably not yet Tesco said it best. EVERY LITTLE HELPS. Is it really ENTITLEMENT, to want to continue being a little bit that helps, even if it is only very very miniscule. Is it entitlement to WANT TO CONTINUE PAYING A SUB EVEN WHEN A BIT LATE? People here are complaining that I sounded Bratty. You don't get it, I suppose. I have complained because I WANTED TO CONTINUE GIVING ZOS MONEY. I couldn't do that and felt slighted when, without any prior warning my previous subscription was ended just like that, simply because I wanted to continue supporting this game.
All you people against me, are having a go at me for really wanting to help support this game. What planet are you on? I get that maybe I should have been a bit more rational and not gone off the hinge about the cancellation of my subscription, but you're really going to have a go at me for showing dedication, and wanting my old sub to continue, despite barely playing, and willing to foot the missed days...more than willing. Madness. In no way would I ever want to have "free days" unless offered to all, by ZOS, and neither do I ever see myself as deserving of special treatment. I just don't like the auto cancellation method ZOS employs BECAUSE THEY WILL LOOSE REVENUE FROM IT. Frankly more flexibility would suit them better.
As for anyone who said I came here begging for others to convince me. NO, that is wrong. I threw a gauntlet down, demanding for people to TRY. Just like I am demanding for ZOS to explain WHY they are throwing revenue away. They do not have to. Its simply a lazy system they use. As for this thread...well, before, when things were hunky dory, maybe I stayed blind to the horrible amount of cynicism and intolerance towards ANYTHING that does not fit into some of you individuals "Utopias" That you hide it with the tag "being a brat" speaks volumes. Its even blindingly obvious some of you would LIKE to force others away. Now I cant not promise I wont stick around simply to annoy said individuals and get up your shirts.
Requiemslove wrote: »Hi folks. So, yea, that is a strong opening title, I guess. I feel it justified. I had a subscription for ESO for nearly 6 months. I began playing the game on the 5th of April, and my subscription was cancelled on ZOS end, after I missed my October payment, by not even a week. [and had they left it I WOULD HAVE PAID IT, AND THE ACRUED INTEREST] After that, having felt as a little person trampled in the dirt, by the company that make this game, I made the decision to give it a break, and did not renew my subscription 5 days later. [as I could have done]
This, being a subscription where I spent more time on the forums, hoping to support future content, waiting patiently for them to improve things, for them to make things better, and to fix issues, for them to make this the game I thought it would be when I got it. And that, is what hurt most about their treatment and attitude, that they don't value those who actually give a damn about their product, as opposed to many who play some MMOs. [and I am sure any real games lover knows the type I refer to]
That they would treat a subscriber, who would probably not play for more than 5 hours a week [if that] yet STILL choose willingly to pay the subscription in the manner they did, is what made me stop. Is what kept me away. So this is why I ask the question, and I want answers if possible from the ESO forum community AND forum staff. Convince me, truly convince me, is this game worth it? Is it worth it now to play, is it even beginning to shape up to the POSSIBILITY of the game I [and most who love ES] imagined it would be. And if not the game [and its not the end of the world, I can wait] is the whole thing worth my time? Are ZOS beginning to learn how to value those who value their product? Is everything here worth it?
I am aware there are some who may take this the wrong way, see it through the wrong lens, who will feel I am being unjustified. And to those I say, OK, you are welcome to what you think, I will not stop you or challenge you for saying anything, or calling any names or words, or expressing what you think about this in any way. But for the record this is serious. Not play. This is a genuine heartfelt cry out to this world I planned to invest a lot of time, patience and [for ZOS I guess most important] money on. I simply want to know, as one who feels distraught and hurt. Is this worth coming back to?
Keep hoping.Soon™
- Imperial City
- Justice System
- Champion System
- Provisioning Revamp
Maybe one day
- Thieves Guild
- Dark Brotherhood
- Spellcrafting
- Murkmire
- Wrothgar
I think everyone, including Frank Underwood, is waiting for these things to become a reality before they devote their precious time to this game.
I will add.. spell crafting feels closer.. because they have revamped some of the lower level open world dungeon spaces with spots that HAVE to be for the spell crafting things they described. Prov revamp may make update 6, according to ESO LIVE, last week, barring complications. They are making the modifications to the XP for vets to do Champ System.
Ill let you guys on a little secret. Anytime someone uses the words, "Convince Me" they have already made up their mind, and nothing anyone says, will convince them otherwise. Its a bait so they can vent passive aggressively without seeming like they are doing so. Just thought I share that.
Convince me.. oh.. wait..