Probably not worth the effort it would take for them to code it. I mean... Is a merchant tab really that immersive to you? And knowing you could just buy the things wherever you are still. Would you really go out of your way to "immerse" yourself in a different menu?
I really hope ZOS will grow the Crown Store presence in game to allow players to spend their Crowns by speaking with NPCs in world. This could be accomplished by adding a “Crown Store” tab to the following Merchants:
- Banker: To add Crowns to your account.
- Alchemist: For any and all potions that are going to be sold in the Crown Store.
- Armorer: For all armor costumes.
- Clothier: For any clothing-type costumes.
- Enchanter: For any polymorphs.
- Stables: For all mounts.
- Cartographer: For any DLCs that include new Zones.
Please note, the Cartographer would include the implantation of my Advanced Mapping Concept, found here:
ALSO note, all these items would still be available in the Crown Store, they would just ALSO be available for purchase through the above merchants.
Yep. This is why I've suggested this. The more that can be done "in-world" the better. Being in some random spot in Tamriel and buying a costume that will just 'blink' into existence will actually keep me from even visiting the crown store.
Different strokes.
So... The magic appearing horses don't bother you? Or the magic banks with access anywhere in the world, even cross faction?
How do you send mail?
did you just pull a great sword out of your bum? Where did your bow go?!
I used to be bothered by some of this stuff... I learned I was happier suspending some disbelief lol. Why would the banker give you crowns anyway? He already stores your crap for free, you want him to pay you too?!
Paazhahdrimaak wrote: »I would like this but I imagine that most of the inventory space or repair kits are bought in the middle of they're current adventure. To keep going with out returning to town . I see that happening more often..
I really hope ZOS will grow the Crown Store presence in game to allow players to spend their Crowns by speaking with NPCs in world. This could be accomplished by adding a “Crown Store” tab to the following Merchants:
- Banker: To add Crowns to your account.
- Alchemist: For any and all potions that are going to be sold in the Crown Store.
- Armorer: For all armor costumes.
- Clothier: For any clothing-type costumes.
- Enchanter: For any polymorphs.
- Stables: For all mounts.
- Cartographer: For any DLCs that include new Zones.
Please note, the Cartographer would include the implementation of my Advanced Mapping Concept, found here:
ALSO note, all these items would still be available in the Crown Store, they would just ALSO be available for purchase through the above merchants.