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1.6.5 Sorcerer detailed balance feedback

  • samiz1
    Thank you @Rhian-Skybladeb16_ESO and @Gil.Galadpour for your posts.
    I hope that the development team is listening.
    Gil.Galad wrote: »

    You are the developers. Be creative and give us something we can play with and support the group. Give raidgroups a reason to take some sorcs with them.

  • kewl
    Thank you for taking the time and effort to construct an excellent post that enriches the dialogue. Unfortunately, I think it will fall on deaf ears.

    From ESOTR Live w/ Paul Sage and Chris Strasz about 2 weeks ago.
    Q: Any plans to buff sorcs?

    A: How to say this as politically as possible, I think people will always say x class is underpowered, and there will be people who say now watch me play and then nobody can touch him. So what we are doing is taking this ability by ability, and then after we do that we look at builds. Everyone at times thinks their builds are underpowered [stream died at this point and cut off what he was saying]….. And that’s all I have to say about that (Gina called that statement in advance on the twitch stream).

    How to say this as politically as possible, I think ZOS has a plan and we will have to: accept it, reroll or unsub. But again, thank you.
    Edited by kewl on February 20, 2015 3:41AM
  • Vis
    Seeing a slight delay in the Mage's Fury on pts. Have noticed on live too, is that just wierd server lag or a bug?
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • GilGalad
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    This post will be Nightblade-centrc.

    My intention is not to hijack this thread but since it appears someone at Zenimax is actually responding to and forwarding this, maybe, just maybe they will be paying attention to the other posts in this thread. So please forgive me if I piggyback a bit.

    I just wanted to respond to some if the info presented in the OPs post.
    Gil.Galad wrote: »

    Situation in 1.5 compared to 1.6.3 concerning raid and dungeon groups
    Situation in 1.5

    Tank: Dragonknight (DK) > Templar (T) > Nightblade (NB) >= Sorcerer (S)
    Healer: T >> S > NB >= DK
    DPS: DK > NB > S > T

    Does this look like "play what you want and play how you want"?
    While DKs and Temps have at least one role where they are way better than other classes, NB and specially sorcs had no role where they are the best, but NBs are still able to deal 1.300 DPS while a sorc can hardly get up to 1.000-1.100 DPS. This is reflected in the trial leaderbords: The fastest teams dont even have one single sorc. The sorcs are completely underrepresented as shown in this thread: Magicka Sorcerers and end-game PvE

    I would direct you to the fact that DK's are on top in two categories.....T W O. You would think that, of all the classes, the NB and Sorc would be top DPS (NB = melee and Sorc = ranged), but yet WHO is on top again? Oh that's right the DK. WTH is going on?

    I also disagree that Temps are 3rd in DPS currently. I have seen Temps with 2 handers absolutely wreck the DPS meters.

    And that NB DPS you are referring to is for stick wielding, skirt wearing NBs only. A NBs damage with actual NB abilities and weapons in medium armor (our supposed preferred armor type) is significantly lower.
    What will change with 1.6?

    Restoration staff abilities scale of spelldmg, the spelldmg buff is available for every class (Mages guild -> Entropy). Since the mage doesnt have healing abilites the expert mage passive wont give him a huge bonus while healing (example: you only do aoe heals with healing springs, you will need magelight, -> 8% more spelldmg -> about 4% more healing done). Compared to DKs or NBs who have some nice synergies while healing (syphoning abilities, DKs dmg shield) sorcs wont be the 2nd best healers anymore.

    While NBs do have a few healing abilities, please don't group us with DKs because our "heals" come with a few strings attached.....

    Leeching attacks - a 17% DPS hit on ALL attacks for that heal. And the heal is only 2% for each BASIC attack made, not all attacks.

    Funnel health - Requires a target to heal and turns it into a HoT. So we can't just hit a button and insta heal like the DK or Temp.

    Sap Essence - Probably the best but it got hit by the nerf bat in 1.6 (and again requires multiple targets to be effective)

    So NB's really don't have good "self heal" either.
    Compared to templars and nightblades with their defensive ultimates and support abilities there is no space for sorcs. Maybe for one with a twilight and any dark magic ability. But the dmg increase for the group DPS from the 3% crit will be equal to the loss of having one NB or DK dps less in group.

    Wait, what "defensive"/support abilities do NBs have? You mean the VoB that got the nerf bat? (so one morph protects and one does damage, not both now) other than that we don't have much in the way of unique abilities that a Sorc can't also use.

    SO NBs are just about as screwed as Sorc (but Sorc have more utility imho)

    Really confounds me that NB's got nerfed in multiple areas (removed catalyst, killed VoB, killed the NB Hybrid, and the list continues) and apparently Sorc also got hit hard but YET, DKs and Temps got buffs overall. Whomever is "balancing" needs to be removed because they obviously have no idea what the hell they are doing.

    Thank you for your feedback from the NBs point of view.

    To be honest, I never played a NB only a Templar and a sorcerer so I don't feel in the position to comment on their general situation. Concerning the heals: I wasn't talking about a self heal but the ability to play as a group healer. NB can use funnel Health and sap essence in addition to the resto staff abilities to heal the group and deal dmg. The sorcs don't have any ability or passive that supports their group healing.

    If I were a NB I would open a new thread and provide good feedback and I'm sure that you get the devs attention when you do it in a constructive way.
    I would not recommend to ask for someone to get "removed" or to be offensive in any other way.
    Animals Unchained | PC EU
    Homestead Theorycrafting
    Math of RNG
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Expert Mage change in 1.6.3 screws stamina sorcs. As a stamina user i dont need spell damage but need lightning spell cost reduction. I run out of mana after using crit surge and lightning form on the PTS.

    The cost change only affects a handful of abilities and ends up being very minor in absolute terms of magicka cost... if you're a full stam build with no light armor etc. then you're talking at most a ~450ish higher magicka cost on a spell that already would be running you 4500ish magicka and a pool of ~9-10k. Honestly it just isn't that significant a difference in the number of casts you'd be able to cast quickly of those specific skills, and it was a pretty poor passive as a result (particularly in its intended role as a boost to casting as a sorc, since with my spells tooltipping at ~1.8k or so magicka average, that 10% would be a paltry 180ish cost difference at absolute most). I think it fits the passive's intent (Expert Mage) much better than the older version, frankly. Depending on your gear and skill loadout you'll gain anywhere from ~2% actual damage dealt through ~5-6% as a result.

    As a magicka build relying on spell damage for my attacks, I love the change, of course, and the spell cost difference is unnoticeable with the swap of the 10% cost reduction for stormcalling skills vs. 2% spelldamage rating per sorc skill slotted on your active bar. Similar to how a magicka build has to deal with stamina management (except worse of course for dodge rolls/blocks/etc. since their pool is smaller), you should fit in some way to deal with it. While Expert Mage was a more beneficial passive to stamina builds by a small amount (as I said, the actual amount in absolute terms was very small regardless), it wasn't its main function or intent in the first place, really.

    Having spent a significant amount of time with sorc testing on PTS and magicka based builds there (wtb char copy from 1.6.2 back...! my precious set items from live... :p), while they've always been a solid class, the 1.6 shuffle has left them better than ever by a wide margin for that side of the fence. The main complaints I see from stam build users seem to be around the Expert Mage change, but it's just not much of a change in that regard anyway....

    EDIT: Regarding PVE on them, I've done a much smaller amount of testing with the sorc (magicka) on that but am able to pull sustainable and solid dps even with my pvp loadout/etc. on PTS, comparable to people's parses I've seen posted around.... and this particular build is nowhere near as high on raw damage since it uses much, much more survivability stats etc. for PVP compared to what it could do fine with in Trials/DSA, where the stats could be further shifted towards damage and a couple of abilities swapped to substantially improve the dps. I'm seeing a lot of posts talking about how they aren't viable or any good for pve or pvp, but the people I've seen and/or talked to, and my own testing, just doesn't bear that out whatsoever, leaving me scratching my head as to how there are such widespread complaints about sorcs being horrifically underpowered in 1.6.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on February 20, 2015 7:03AM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Yusuf
    Vis wrote: »
    Seeing a slight delay in the Mage's Fury on pts. Have noticed on live too, is that just wierd server lag or a bug?

    Mage's Fury is a debuff that explodes for so-and-so-much extra-damage if the enemy is below 20%.
    What i'm trying to say is: Mage's Fury on target, 180 damage, checks if the target is below 20% HP, explosion for high dmg, cast again etc.
  • AshTal
    The way I see the changes to 1.6 the only benefit to a sorc is when playing solo. The pets are now better and solo content pets are good.

    PvP/end game PvE & dungeons the Sorc now sucks more than he did before and even before 1.6 went live we where not the desired class for any of these.

    As long as you only plan to play Sorc for level 1 - 50 and avoid PvP and instanced dungeons you will have a great time.

    I actually wanted to play a summoner but it fails badly due to the extreme squishy nature of the pets, the stupid AI and the fact they take up 2 out of 5 slots. In other games where we can have 10 or 14 slots losing 2 is not much here it cripples us in group content.
  • olsborg
    I agree to (almost)everything the OP mentions, expert mage is underwhelming to say the least, especially since mage guild passive is better.

    The one thing I dont agree with is deadric mines, I like it in pvp, sure it cost are abit high, but the dmg is nice and it provides a good tactic vs melee.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Fecius
    My +1 to this feedback.

    And just since it's on the top of the devs table, i wish to add here this link to address some High End PvE problems in common as a sorcerer myself:

    If in was notised before, I apologise for being a bit annoying :)
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
    - YouTube

    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
    - Под этим Солнцем и небом мы тепло приветствуем тебя!
  • kkampaseb17_ESO
    Since this has the attention of the devs, just a reminder to include some changes towards stamina sorcs. And I am not referring just to stamina sorcs that work ok due to the overbuffed 2h weapon. I mean baseline bonuses/skills. Give us some synergy between passives and stamina builds....not too many. Just 1-2 would be ok.....
  • Mikoto
    See this is the kind of sorcerer thread that's needed without all the name calling, arms flaming, and insane suggestions. Seriously when you start bashing zos and saying how if they do what you want them to do you will leave then start tossing insults left and right it will lose all credibility. Kudos to the op.
    Edited by Mikoto on February 20, 2015 9:10AM
  • Vis
    Mikoto wrote: »
    See this is the kind of sorcerer thread that's needed without all the name calling, arms flaming, and insane suggestions. Seriously when you start bashing zos and saying how if they do what you want them to do you will leave then start tossing insults left and right it will lose all credibility. Kudos to the op.

    A little moderator/developer reassurance goes a long way in quelling a lot of hot tempers.
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • GilGalad
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    I think I will make some additional suggestions, similar things are said by the OP but I want to say and make them again:

    Sorcerer as healers:

    As we know now, Sorcerers may be the least adequate class for being a healer. They seem to have a better ressource management, but the changes made to Surge and the overall lack of a healer dedicated passive or active ability make the Sorcerer the least versatile healer. They were even surpassed by DKs with 1.6.

    How to solve this?

    Give the Sorcerer some kind of off-healing pets. We got the Twilight that heals us if we drop below 30% health, but it could be revamped in something like this:

    * Applies an AoE-HoT to the group that lasts for 10 seconds and heals for X. 20 second CD.

    * When a target drops below 50% life, the Twilight will heal it dependent on the health lost - channeled heal with a 10 second CD.

    A similar thing should been added to the Atronarch - give it a morph where it heals instead of dealing damage.

    * Heals the target with the lowest health for X amount and every character within 5m range for 50% of the initial heal. 6 second CD.

    * Shield the target with the highest aggro for X. 8 second CD.


    Daedric Protection: Should be made a group-wide buff with higher percentages.


    Bound Armor: Why not add some kind of healing buff? As long as you have the armor activated, your healings are 15% more effective OR 15% of your dealt damage are turned into group heal .

    Those tweaks would make the Sorc a different and better healer. Why not heal with the help of our pets?

    Dark Magic:

    Daedric Mines: Give this ability a ranged morph, e.g. something like this - apply 3 Daedric Mines to your target. Each mine explodes after you dealt X damage. Only one mine can be triggered within 5 seconds. Only one target can be infected with Daedric Mines. Lasts for 30 seconds - if all three mines last 30 seconds, they will explode for 50% of the total damage. 28m range.

    Rune Prison & Encase: Fuse those two into one.


    more to come.

    I really like your ideas of adding a healing buff to one of the deadric summoning abilities. I think the best solotion would be to change the twilight matriarch so that it gives the minor mending buff to the player.
    But i cant really agree on your suggestion to the deadric mines. It sounds somehow like the Ather ring set. But thats not why i dont like it. The way you suggest it, it would be some kind of dot mechanic. If there is one thing a sorc dont needs at the moment, then its an additional dot.
    Animals Unchained | PC EU
    Homestead Theorycrafting
    Math of RNG
  • GilGalad
    I just updated the opening post. Additional feedback provided by the comments can be found on the bottom.
    Animals Unchained | PC EU
    Homestead Theorycrafting
    Math of RNG
  • Carter_DC
    I was wondering why there is a ultimate with a passive to enhance phys dmg but there's not the spell dmg alternative ? (flawless dawnbreaker)

    Why couldn't there be a lame morph of the mages guild ultimate that would be pretty useless but would provide a spell dmg passive.

    That'd just be plain logical and would go towards helping any spell dmg based builds.
    High Kinlady Estre was right ! Hail to the Veil !
    Fr AD Guild Arkadium.
  • pppontus
    Carter_DC wrote: »
    I was wondering why there is a ultimate with a passive to enhance phys dmg but there's not the spell dmg alternative ? (flawless dawnbreaker)

    Why couldn't there be a lame morph of the mages guild ultimate that would be pretty useless but would provide a spell dmg passive.

    That'd just be plain logical and would go towards helping any spell dmg based builds.

    I'd really rather see them remove the passive from FD.. I really think it's stupid having to slot an ultimate only because of the passive boost :neutral:
  • manny254
    Gil.Galad wrote: »
    I just updated the opening post. Additional feedback provided by the comments can be found on the bottom.

    There is actually a change to Sorc that missed the patch notes. No idea if it is intentional, but it is a heal. Don't want to spoil it take a look for it. I think most people won't like the way it is given, but a new self heal is interesting. Also sorry if someone already mentioned it, but I haven't seen anything about it.
    - Mojican
  • Carter_DC
    pppontus wrote: »
    Carter_DC wrote: »
    I was wondering why there is a ultimate with a passive to enhance phys dmg but there's not the spell dmg alternative ? (flawless dawnbreaker)

    Why couldn't there be a lame morph of the mages guild ultimate that would be pretty useless but would provide a spell dmg passive.

    That'd just be plain logical and would go towards helping any spell dmg based builds.

    I'd really rather see them remove the passive from FD.. I really think it's stupid having to slot an ultimate only because of the passive boost :neutral:

    Well i, for one, consider it an interresting choice to have. Trading a potentially usefull ulti for a 13% boost to your sustained dps.
    There are not a lot of that kind of drastic choices in the game.
    High Kinlady Estre was right ! Hail to the Veil !
    Fr AD Guild Arkadium.
  • pppontus
    Carter_DC wrote: »
    pppontus wrote: »
    Carter_DC wrote: »
    I was wondering why there is a ultimate with a passive to enhance phys dmg but there's not the spell dmg alternative ? (flawless dawnbreaker)

    Why couldn't there be a lame morph of the mages guild ultimate that would be pretty useless but would provide a spell dmg passive.

    That'd just be plain logical and would go towards helping any spell dmg based builds.

    I'd really rather see them remove the passive from FD.. I really think it's stupid having to slot an ultimate only because of the passive boost :neutral:

    Well i, for one, consider it an interresting choice to have. Trading a potentially usefull ulti for a 13% boost to your sustained dps.
    There are not a lot of that kind of drastic choices in the game.

    Well, if it was a choice, yes. But it isn't. If the option is there you simply can't not take it, at least for endgame it isn't at all feasible to gimp your DPS for an extra ultimate slot. I for one was glad to see this go for Magicka users and would like it to go away for Stamina as well :smile:
  • ToRelax
    Carter_DC wrote: »
    pppontus wrote: »
    Carter_DC wrote: »
    I was wondering why there is a ultimate with a passive to enhance phys dmg but there's not the spell dmg alternative ? (flawless dawnbreaker)

    Why couldn't there be a lame morph of the mages guild ultimate that would be pretty useless but would provide a spell dmg passive.

    That'd just be plain logical and would go towards helping any spell dmg based builds.

    I'd really rather see them remove the passive from FD.. I really think it's stupid having to slot an ultimate only because of the passive boost :neutral:

    Well i, for one, consider it an interresting choice to have. Trading a potentially usefull ulti for a 13% boost to your sustained dps.
    There are not a lot of that kind of drastic choices in the game.

    I agree with @pppontus because it becomes a must-have in PvE. There is no choice as the content is predictable and you slot the 2nd ultimate depending on what your group needs.
    In PvP, it is a choice, but even then it's a choice between a playstyle that might work better but is certainly less fun to play.
    Edited by ToRelax on February 20, 2015 11:09AM
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • Exstazik
    Live: weapon dmg-159 (magicka sorc build)
    Surge:add 80 weapon power (~+50% weapon power)
    Dawnbreaker:+13% weapon dmg

    Surge:20% spell dmg
    Dawnbreaker:do not affected staff users anymore (ninja nerf)
    Crushing shock:10% nerf..

    Total:staff useless for sorc.What i missed?
  • pppontus
    Exstazik wrote: »
    Live: weapon dmg-159 (magicka sorc build)
    Surge:add 80 weapon power (~+50% weapon power)
    Dawnbreaker:+13% weapon dmg

    Surge:20% spell dmg
    Dawnbreaker:do not affected staff users anymore (ninja nerf)
    Crushing shock:10% nerf..

    Total:staff useless for sorc.What i missed?

  • Vis
    One idea for modifying a skill to deal with anti reflect would perhaps be to allow curse be cast on a target 2 times. The second cast would only remove the timer and cause it to go off faster. Then you can make it that the sooner it goes off the less damage it will do (i.e. if allowed to duration 100%, if only half duration 75%, etc).

    The result would be immediate damage for those willing to lose some of its effect and take on the extra cost. It would promote more cf procs, and add some variety/control over timing it as a burst.
    Edited by Vis on February 20, 2015 11:52AM
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • kkampaseb17_ESO
    Exstazik wrote: »
    Live: weapon dmg-159 (magicka sorc build)
    Surge:add 80 weapon power (~+50% weapon power)
    Dawnbreaker:+13% weapon dmg

    Surge:20% spell dmg
    Dawnbreaker:do not affected staff users anymore (ninja nerf)
    Crushing shock:10% nerf..

    Total:staff useless for sorc.What i missed?

    This is incorrect. Dawnbreaker doesn't affect weapon damage stat. It increases the damage you do with weapon/weapon abilities by 13%.

    However, on PTS it is just a 8% Weapon damage buff. This is huge nerf.
    Edited by kkampaseb17_ESO on February 20, 2015 11:50AM
  • Exstazik
    pppontus wrote: »
    Exstazik wrote: »
    Live: weapon dmg-159 (magicka sorc build)
    Surge:add 80 weapon power (~+50% weapon power)
    Dawnbreaker:+13% weapon dmg

    Surge:20% spell dmg
    Dawnbreaker:do not affected staff users anymore (ninja nerf)
    Crushing shock:10% nerf..

    Total:staff useless for sorc.What i missed?

    oh yeah! Only 43% nerf :D

    Not enough skill bar :s
  • A1exeR
    Sorc 1.6

    Did some testing with my guild mates in Fungal Grotto and some other instances...
    I am using FTC to see how much DPS I can do.

    Please also keep in mind that I refer to PvE and NOT PvP.
    I also tried tried to work with the Sorc native spells/skills.


    I read your post and i want to say that you have many mistake in your build. Since the theme is not quite about it, I will not paint all the details, but I advise you to think more.

    On the topic, I think is a good idea give a passive ability daedric tree increasing healing. This makes sense, because you're usually heal your pet. This is give us can effectively play for heal.

    As I mentioned in one of the topics about sorc..
    Our class has a lot of ability to control. Other classes also have them.
    Give more sense to use these abilities in PvE! Don't need no-brain AOE tactic on trash pack!
    For example trash pack have two dangerous mobs with different abilities. Group need quickly kill one mob before he kill group, but second in the meantime also do something bad. And sorc use rune prison on it. Profit!

    I have an idea about daedric mines.
    After the explosion of the first mine following will give increased damage. Next more and etc. Increased damage after the first explosion may be possible a short time, for example 2 seconds. New explosion updates timer.
    As a result, you do not increase the damage of individual mines, but do not give enemy mindlessly run on them.
  • Costismaros
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    This post will be Nightblade-centrc.

    My intention is not to hijack this thread but since it appears someone at Zenimax is actually responding to and forwarding this, maybe, just maybe they will be paying attention to the other posts in this thread. So please forgive me if I piggyback a bit.

    I just wanted to respond to some if the info presented in the OPs post.
    Gil.Galad wrote: »

    Situation in 1.5 compared to 1.6.3 concerning raid and dungeon groups
    Situation in 1.5

    Tank: Dragonknight (DK) > Templar (T) > Nightblade (NB) >= Sorcerer (S)
    Healer: T >> S > NB >= DK
    DPS: DK > NB > S > T

    Does this look like "play what you want and play how you want"?
    While DKs and Temps have at least one role where they are way better than other classes, NB and specially sorcs had no role where they are the best, but NBs are still able to deal 1.300 DPS while a sorc can hardly get up to 1.000-1.100 DPS. This is reflected in the trial leaderbords: The fastest teams dont even have one single sorc. The sorcs are completely underrepresented as shown in this thread: Magicka Sorcerers and end-game PvE

    I would direct you to the fact that DK's are on top in two categories.....T W O. You would think that, of all the classes, the NB and Sorc would be top DPS (NB = melee and Sorc = ranged), but yet WHO is on top again? Oh that's right the DK. WTH is going on?

    I also disagree that Temps are 3rd in DPS currently. I have seen Temps with 2 handers absolutely wreck the DPS meters.

    And that NB DPS you are referring to is for stick wielding, skirt wearing NBs only. A NBs damage with actual NB abilities and weapons in medium armor (our supposed preferred armor type) is significantly lower.
    What will change with 1.6?

    Restoration staff abilities scale of spelldmg, the spelldmg buff is available for every class (Mages guild -> Entropy). Since the mage doesnt have healing abilites the expert mage passive wont give him a huge bonus while healing (example: you only do aoe heals with healing springs, you will need magelight, -> 8% more spelldmg -> about 4% more healing done). Compared to DKs or NBs who have some nice synergies while healing (syphoning abilities, DKs dmg shield) sorcs wont be the 2nd best healers anymore.

    While NBs do have a few healing abilities, please don't group us with DKs because our "heals" come with a few strings attached.....

    Leeching attacks - a 17% DPS hit on ALL attacks for that heal. And the heal is only 2% for each BASIC attack made, not all attacks.

    Funnel health - Requires a target to heal and turns it into a HoT. So we can't just hit a button and insta heal like the DK or Temp.

    Sap Essence - Probably the best but it got hit by the nerf bat in 1.6 (and again requires multiple targets to be effective)

    So NB's really don't have good "self heal" either.
    Compared to templars and nightblades with their defensive ultimates and support abilities there is no space for sorcs. Maybe for one with a twilight and any dark magic ability. But the dmg increase for the group DPS from the 3% crit will be equal to the loss of having one NB or DK dps less in group.

    Wait, what "defensive"/support abilities do NBs have? You mean the VoB that got the nerf bat? (so one morph protects and one does damage, not both now) other than that we don't have much in the way of unique abilities that a Sorc can't also use.

    SO NBs are just about as screwed as Sorc (but Sorc have more utility imho)

    Really confounds me that NB's got nerfed in multiple areas (removed catalyst, killed VoB, killed the NB Hybrid, and the list continues) and apparently Sorc also got hit hard but YET, DKs and Temps got buffs overall. Whomever is "balancing" needs to be removed because they obviously have no idea what the hell they are doing.
    DK got buffed ? How you are saying that ? Which was the skill that dk buffed? I would like to know.
    You are the reason why the are not taking serious a commen post. Cause you talk with theory and as i see with lies.
    Do not write what you think but write what you have seen.
  • GilGalad
    manny254 wrote: »
    Gil.Galad wrote: »
    I just updated the opening post. Additional feedback provided by the comments can be found on the bottom.

    There is actually a change to Sorc that missed the patch notes. No idea if it is intentional, but it is a heal. Don't want to spoil it take a look for it. I think most people won't like the way it is given, but a new self heal is interesting. Also sorry if someone already mentioned it, but I haven't seen anything about it.

    You mean the instable Clannfear heal when he dies/gets called back?
    Gives you back 35% of your max health
    Costs about 6.5k magicka without light armor on. With light armor and spellcostreduction about 4.5k

    So far so good. But there comes the passive ability that gives you 15% of your max magicka back wenn one of your pets is killed or gets called back. A quick calculation leads to: 30k*15%=4.5k. Using the necropotence set you can easily get more than 30k up to 38k. So when you summo your Clannfear and directely call him back you dont only get a 35% heal, you also get the magicka costs back (or even more). This doesn't sound like an intended mechanic. You can basically spam huge dmg shields and heal you for 35% of your max health while restoring magicka.

    Did i just find out how ZOS wants Sorcerers to tank?

    To answer your question: I saw it and I don't want this to make it to live. Thats not the kind of buff Sorcs need. And it doesn't help the group.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno is this mechanic intended? A free 35% heal that gives magicka back?

    Edit: Added a video and feedback on this mechanic in the OP.
    Edited by GilGalad on February 20, 2015 5:44PM
    Animals Unchained | PC EU
    Homestead Theorycrafting
    Math of RNG
  • GreyRanger
    I would just throw in that I would ask that ZOS try to make Sorcerers viable for end game PVE with active abilities and passives that do not require slotting pets. The problems with pets are legion both in game mechanics and fun, won't repeat all that here.
  • ToRelax
    Gil.Galad wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    Gil.Galad wrote: »
    I just updated the opening post. Additional feedback provided by the comments can be found on the bottom.

    There is actually a change to Sorc that missed the patch notes. No idea if it is intentional, but it is a heal. Don't want to spoil it take a look for it. I think most people won't like the way it is given, but a new self heal is interesting. Also sorry if someone already mentioned it, but I haven't seen anything about it.

    You mean the instable Clannfear heal when he dies/gets called back?
    Gives you back 35% of your max health
    Costs about 6.5k magicka without light armor on. With light armor and spellcostreduction about 4.5k

    So far so good. But there comes the passive ability that gives you 15% of your max magicka back wenn one of your pets is killed or gets called back. A quick calculation leads to: 30k*15%=4.5k. Using the necropotence set you can easily get more than 30k up to 38k. So when you summo your Clannfear and directely call him back you dont only get a 35% heal, you also get the magicka costs back (or even more). This doesn't sound like an intended mechanic. You can basically spam huge dmg shields and heal you for 35% of your max health while restoring magicka.

    Did i just find out how ZOS wants Sorcerers to tank?

    To answer your question: I saw it and I don't want this to make it to live. Thats not the kind of buff Sorcs need. And it doesn't help the group.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno is this mechanic intended? A free 35% heal that gives magicka back?

    I am completely sure it is intentional. It is already possible in 1.5 to gain more magicka with Rebate than you lose with the summoning, so they made the heal a percentage of your maximum health. If you build enough magicka to gain magicka in the process now, you will have to few HP to heal through anything, not to speak of the fact you are most likely getting 1 - or 2 - shotted in PvP.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
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