In 1.6.3, both Dragonknights (DK's) & Templars received changes to their passives that provide ultimate generation. NB's also have two class passives that generate Ultimate. Templars and Sorcerers both have passives that reduce Ultimate costs. As it stands, these passives are all comparably weak. In order to understand why, we must also investigate how players generate ultimate and why ZOS felt these changes were necessary. Finally, we need to ask, "What can be done?"
First, lets look at each class and see how easily they can generate Ultimate.
Let's look at each class individually and use the following assumptions.:
In general, most players will be generating 3 ultimate every seconds (3U/s) by performing light or heavy attacks. The ultimate generation buff lasts for 8s, so you will gain 24 ultimate per 8s or 24U/8s. This means that it will take 33.3s to generate 100 ultimate. As far as individual classes are concerned:
- DK's have only 1 way to generate extra ultimate: Mountain's Blessing, which gains 1U per use of an Earthen Heart (EH) ability. Let's suppose this DK is keeping up both Molten Weapons (8s) and Ash Cloud (15s). This results in a gain of 1U per 8s and 1U per 15s respectively (1U/8s & 1U/15s).
- NB's have 2 ways to generate extra ultimate: Transfer & Catalyst. Transfer has a 6s cooldown and grants 2U when dealing damage with a siphoning ability. Catalyst grants 12U upon drinking a potion (inherent 45s cooldown). If the NB is maximizing their ultimate gain by using a Siphoning ability every 6s and a potion every 45s, this results in 2U/6s and 12U/45s, respectively.
- Sorc's have no way to generate extra Ultimate.
- Temp's have 1 passive that generates extra ultimate: Prism, which has no cooldown and grants 3U upon activating a Dawn's Wrath ability. Most Temp's (both stamina and magicka DPS builds) will use Backlash every 6s, so let's assume ultimate generation of 3U/6s.
But wait! Sorcerers and Templars have passives that reduce Ultimate cost. How do we account for this?
Let's look at Sorc's first: their Power Stone passive reduces ultimate costs by 15%. In other words, an ultimate that would cost 200U (Storm Atronach) now costs 170U. If a DK wants to cast Magma Armor for 200U, s/he must wait 66.6s to accrue 200U.
The Sorc on the other hand need only accrue 170U, and only has to wait 56.6s.
And here we have it: 56.s is 15% less time than 66.6s. Hence, we can say that it requires Sorc's 15% less time to generate the same amount of ultimate as other classes. Hence, the class has a modified base ultimate generation of 3U/
.85s or 3.53U/s, and we treat ultimate costs as unmodified. We must make an exception though, as each light attack used by Overload & morphs costs 22 ultimate, and this cost is not affected by Power Stone.
Similarly, the Templar's Restoring Spirit passive reduces ultimate costs by 4%. We can say that Temps have a modified base ultimate generation of 3U/
.96s or 3.125U/S
That's alot to take in. To break up this wall of text, here's a picture:
If you don't get it, you need to watch more South Park.
Where were we? Ah Ulti
generation from class skills. Here's how it breaks down:
Base generation: 3U/s
DK: 1U/8s + 1U/15s = 15U/120s + 8U/120s = 23U/120s =
NB: 2U/6s + 12U/45s = 30U/90s + 24U/90s = 54U/90s = 6U/10s =
Sorc: No additional Ulti Generation
Templar: 3U/6s =
When you add together base generation and class-skill generation, we get:
DK: 3U/s +
.192U/s =
NB: 3U/s +
.6U/s =
Temp: 3.125U/s + .5U/s =
To put this in perspective:
- Dragon Leap: 125U - 39.2s
- Magma armor: 200U - 62.7s
- DK Standard: 250U - 78.3s
- Death Stroke: 50U - 13.9s
- Soul Shred: 125U - 34.7s
- Consuming Darkness: 200U - 55.6s
- Overload: 75U - 21.2s, each light attack (unaffected by PS) costs 22U - 7.3s
- Summon Storm Atronach: 200U - 56.7s
- Negate Magic: 250U - 70.8s
- Radial Sweep: 75U - 20.7s
- Rite of Passage: 125U - 34.5s
- Nova: 250U - 69.0s
These figures reflect hypothetical times it will take each class to cast their ultimates, and these figures will vary depending on role. For example, a Templar tank or healer may be using very few DW abilities, while a DK tank will be using several EH abilities. Unfortunately for NB's and Sorcs, they can only make it so far without incorporating set gear (Ex: Bloodspawn) or weapon abilities (Ex: Cleave or Low Slash). The above figures are as fast as they can possibly cast ultimates if relying on only class abilities.
Why did ZOS change ulti generation?
3 reasons:
- Block-Casting - not solved
- Out-of-Combat Ulti Generation - solved.
- Ultimate Spamming - kindof solved
1. Block-Casting - ulti change doesn't solve this problem.
Until 1.6.2, ZOS thought that they could force encourage us to drop our shields and open up our defenses with a light or heavy attack every 8s or more. This, in their minds, will cut down on players who hold down the block button while spamming abilities. However, many players are very practiced at dropping their shields, light attacking, using an ability, and resuming block all in less than a second. It is possible due to animation cancelling. Doing that rotation once every few seconds while blocking and spamming abilities in between will not be difficult. With 1.6.2, blocking & dodge rolling now also allow you to generate ultimate.
2. Out-of-Combat Ulti Generation - ulti change solves this problem.
Ultimate gain now depends on a light/heavy attack every 8s. All abilities and item sets that generate ultimate require you to either hit a target or be hit by a target. Additionally, any passives that bestow ultimate upon casting an ability require that you are already gaining ultimate from weapon attacks. In other words, there must be an enemy around that you can attack in order to generate ultimate. If there is an enemy around, you are most likely in-combat.
3. Ultimate Spamming - ulti change kindof solves this problem.
Some ultimates were meant to be spammed. Take a look at the cost of NB Death Stroke, Sorc Overload, and Templar Radial Sweep. The kind of ultimate spam we're addressing here is Templars being able to build up a Nova inside 12s or Dragonknightss that can throw down successive DK Standards. By lowering the maximum rate at which players can build ultimate, they have cut down on the bad sort of ulit spam.
What has ZOS actually accomplished?
They have standardized ultimate generation, but generation is uneven between classes. If their intent was to standardize ultimate generation, they need to make some changes.
As we see from the figures above, different classes generate ultimate at different rates. DK's and Sorcs are in the worst positions. However, a DK can increase their ultimate generation by using more EH abilities. Many will be using less than the two abilities I used in the calculations above. The numbers for Sorcs, on the other hand, are the fastest they can cast their ultimates without gear and skills available to all classes. In striking contrast, Templars are ahead of the pack and can go significantly faster than presented above. Many players will also throw Sun Fire and Solar Flare into their rotations, switching to Radiant Destruction during the execute phase. Casting each of these abilities bestows 3 ultimate.
What can be done?
1. Get rid of class-specific passives affecting ultimate generation.
2. Replace these passives with something better.
The ultimate generation from the DK passive Mountain's Blessing is so miniscule as to be almost useless. Without it, Standard would take only 6s longer to cast. The EH skill line seems oriented towards defense. Perhaps a passive that increased armor or spell resistance depending on how many EH abilities are slotted. Another sensible passive could bestow cost reduction of EH abilities.
While Sorcerers value their 15% ultimate cost reduction, many would appreciate a boost in power much more. The changes to Expert Mage, while (nominally) boosting power, replaced a cost reduction to storm calling abilities. Many Sorcerer abilities are very expensive - replacing Power Stone with an equally powerful cost reduction passive would make many Sorcerers very happy. You might also consider a passive similar to the Templar's Burning Light - a chance on doing damage to proc extra damage for Dark Magic abilities.
NB's already have some of the cheapest ultimates in the game: Death Stroke and Soul Shred. Catalyst was the favorite of many NB's - perhaps you could change it to a passive that significantly reduces potion cooldown. Transfer could easily be reworked into a passive that increases the restorative & healing effects of Siphoning or NB abilities. It could even reduce the damage penalties of Siphoning Strikes.
Templars got a major damage boost in 1.6, and both passives involved with Ultimate are in the Dawn's Wrath tree. You could replace the Ultimate Cost with Health Cost for abilities like Equilibrium. Or you could simply forego a 3rd category and boost the stamina and magicka cost reduction. Prism helps us get our ultimate faster when we deal damage (all DW abilities, except for 1 morph of Eclipse, deal damage), which helps us deal more damage overall. Instead, I'm sure many Templars would be happy with a boost in spell power, similar to what we get in weapon power from the Aedric Spear tree. Alternatively, you could boost the damage of DW abilities and raise the maximum damage of Backlash.
These are only a few suggestions, and by no means a definitive list. Keep your minds open.
If ZOS' goal is balanced and standard ultimate generation, I believe the above suggestions would go a long way. Other methods such as standardizing damage outputs, effects, and costs would only (1.) limit diversity of classes & builds, and (2.) anger everyone. I do not advocate the use of the Nerf Bat to weaken classes. However, when classes are brought into alignment relative to one another, pointless and OP advantages disappear.
I know many responses will follow the lines of "I like my ulti generation," or "They messed it up already, don't make it worse," and "Nerf Templars!!" But give my suggestions and explanations a chance. It wasn't balanced before, it's not balanced now. Something needs to change.
"Things which are alike in nature grow to look alike, and the speaking stones have lain a long time lookin' at the sun. Some believe they descend with the lightning, but I believe they are on the ground and are projected downward by the bolt."
Fear my moustache powers.
Tastes-New-Blood - V14 Argonian Templar
Giblets N Bits - V2 Imperial Nightblade
Skruyue N'Alyutu - V1 Altmer Sorcerer
Jolbie Firecrotch - L31 Nord Dragonknight
Vehemence - - Valhalla's Guard