An interesting dynamic that could be added to ESO is War Mounts for Keep Sieges and Defense. Each faction should have a unique war mount available to them that would add a mobile tank siege weapon arsenals.
The Mammoth Siege Beast
This is the War Mount for the
Daggerfall Covenant. They could have a weakness to Fire damage.
The Senche-Raht Battle Cat
This is the War Mount for the
Aldmeri Dominion. They could have a weakness Ice Damage.
The Centurion Spider War Construct
This is the War Mount for the
Ebonheart Pact. They could have a weakness to Shock damage.
- Each War Mount should cost at least double any other Siege weapon.
- War Mounts act as a battering ram into Keeps or a formidable guard against attacking forces.
- War Mounts should have an insane amount of HP. While on the mount, players shouldn’t take any damage. All damage is reflected on the mount
- Up to 3 players can ride the War Mount, one player steering and attacking. The other two players can use their long range weapons as passengers.
- Once the War Mount is defeated, passengers dismount automatically and take a very small amount of damage. Passengers can dismount prior to the War Mount’s defeat at any point.
- War Mounts that have no passengers should act autonomously, attacking the opposition at their own volition.
Movement & Attacking
- The War Mount has two modes of movement, walk and a short rush, has the ability to attack, and can also guard.
- The player steering the War Mount can move the war mount over enemies to trample them underfoot while walking. Rushing over enemies will cause more damage. Attacking Enemies will cause the most damage.
- Walking into Siege weapons will not cause any damage. Rushing will cause damage, but attacking will cause the most damage.
- Walking into Keep walls will not cause any damage. Attacking will cause some damage but rushing will cause the most damage but will also cause the War Mount to stumble.
- Walking into other War Mounts will not cause any damage. Rushing will cause damage and will make the War Mount stumble, but attacking will cause the most damage.
- War Mounts CAN be attacked by Siege Weapons but War Mounts can guard against attack. Successful attacks with Siege Weapons may cause the War Mount to stumble.
Skills and Such
- Each character should have a faction specific War Mount skill-tree. This could include a set of 5 active skills, an ultimate, and a trio of passive skills. The passive skills could be used to beef up the Speed, Attack, and Defense of the War Mounts.
- The War Mount hot bar should automatically be switched to once the player climbs atop their War Mount.
- War Mounts should have multiple skins, each that are sold in the Crown Store. The player that purchases the War mount can choose what skin is applied upon purchase.

I kept switching the Mammoth Siege Beast and the Centurion Spider War Construct between the Daggerfall Covenant and the Ebonheart Pact. There seems to be rationalization for either War Mount to be in Either Faction. I settled on the above because of the upcoming Wrothgar zone in High Rock with Giants (Daggerfall) and the Clockwork City (Ebonheart).
Do you have any suggestions for better War Mounts for any of the factions?
Do you have any thoughts on better ways for them to be used on the battlefield?
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