Official Discussion Thread for "The Road Ahead - February"

  • Sriivah
    As some people have asked before me, is the senche mount taking into consideration subbing for March? If not, I'll only have had 270 days subbed when the time is up, which being so close to it but not getting it would be super disappointing. Especially since it looks so awesome and I've wanted a senche mount since beta... since all my characters are Khajiit. Even my bank alts
    I play all classes, but I main Stamina Nightblade and Stamina Templar
  • Tandor
    Sriivah wrote: »
    As some people have asked before me, is the senche mount taking into consideration subbing for March?

    It depends on when in March you're talking about. You get the mount if:-

    "You are an active ESO subscriber when we transition to Tamriel Unlimited.

    You have paid for 300 total days of subscription time (non-consecutive), prior to March 16th."
  • Tandor
    Drazhar14 wrote: »

    I think the reason for anger is they originally said the game would never go b2p/f2p, and players could take a break from the game and still resub later to get rewards after a total amount of days subbed for the loyalty program. The whole b2p/no more loyalty program is fairy recent news. Moral of the story is ZOS going back on their word about many things is making their customers angry.

    To the first part about B2P/F2P, I'm not aware that there has ever been a link given to any such statement, merely to a supportive comment about the subscription model which doubtless reflected their view at that time.

    To the second part about players taking a break and re-subbing later to get rewards, that is precisely what they have confirmed. You can take 47 days off out of 347 and still qualify. That seems reasonable to me, any larger concession and those who have been subbed throughout would complain that their additional loyalty was worthless.

  • milan.verploegenb16_ESO
    By the time this stuff actually arrives, there will be people who have played eso for 600 days. Nice try, liars.
  • radiostar
    The softening of the pre-TU loyalty reward qualification fits nicely within ESO's image. I can't imagine them being hardliners. So thanks for mah ride!
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • Vunter
    I've just read the article.

    Nice to know what will be the loyalty rewards.

    But I knew already "The philosophy of our crown store" from ESO live (and it was mentioned many times in this forum).. And I knew about ESO Plus too.
    Oh and I knew about console release dates too...

    What a disappointing and useless article, they could have written "screw you guys, no more stuff is coming so get a tiger if you gave us the $$$ and shut up" and I would have felt the same.
  • Sriivah
    Tandor wrote: »

    It depends on when in March you're talking about. You get the mount if:-

    "You are an active ESO subscriber when we transition to Tamriel Unlimited.

    You have paid for 300 total days of subscription time (non-consecutive), prior to March 16th."

    I meant that if I buy more subscription time than I usually would before the deadline hits, will that count to "make up for" the month I couldn't keep my sub going. The final line makes it sound like it's a yes, but it would be nice to have ZOS confirmation.
    I play all classes, but I main Stamina Nightblade and Stamina Templar
  • Rosveen
    From the German thread, reposted.
    that's an "and" - both conditions must be fulfilled. The days have to be used already, so even if you'd theoretically buy a 300 days subscription on 10th March, you won't get the Senche.
  • Sriivah
    Alright. Then no senche for me. That sucks.
    I play all classes, but I main Stamina Nightblade and Stamina Templar
  • TheBull
    I deserve something for putting up with super bats, 1.2 fps lag, one shot heavy attacks, EG, and cloak never being fixed. RAWR Tiger thing mount!
  • SlayerSyrena
    *Kermit arm flail* Omgosh, both those loyalty rewards look AMAZING! *so excited*
    PC/NA, Level 50 * Current Champion Points: 1600+
    Cyndril - Bosmer Vampire Nightblade - Dual Wield Blades and Bow

    ***Member of the closed early beta group, The Psijic Order***
    Guest on first ESO Live
    My ESO fan art and comics
  • BarukDagor
    Soul Shriven
    Exclusive right to chose any alliance by any race was promised for preordering game; with implementing of 1.6 this option will be available at crown store for anybody who bought TESO twice cheaper at STEAM. But Striped Senche has been lost forever. Unfair. But hope to see it in store left.
  • Elsonso
    My 2 cents...

    Of course there will be a recolor of the Senche mount. Firor was extremely specific and he does not want to be accused of lying. He said, specifically, the "Striped Senche" and that leaves the door open for unstriped Senche mounts, like plaid, paisley, solid colors (blue, neon pink), camo and others. The cat mount is too valuable to restrict it to only people who were subscribed for 300 days prior to ESOTU. It will be the #1 mount in the Store as soon as it can be purchased and will stay that way for a good long time.

    I was impressed by the in-depth attention Firor gave to ESO Plus. Let me see if I can paraphrase him:

    "We will offer a subscription called ESO Plus. It will have bonuses. Now, if I can direct your attention over here, let me tell you about the console release dates."

    He certainly could have spent another 5 minutes and actually discussed the whole ESO Plus thing in more detail. He discussed ESO Plus in 3 sentences. I guess he feels no one is in the least bit uncertain about it.

    This underscores the feeling that I have that they expect that no one is interested in ESO Plus. There is no reason to call it out or talk about it, no one will subscribe, but great if they do. Those who would subscribe would do so anyway, even if they hid the option on the website and required notarized ID proof mailed to them. There is no reason for them to expect anyone else to bother. It will be quietly dropped in about a year because "our customers prefer other payment methods."
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Snit
    My 2 cents...

    Of course there will be a recolor of the Senche mount. Firor was extremely specific and he does not want to be accused of lying. He said, specifically, the "Striped Senche"

    Absolutely. I would bet on it. Heck, I'd bet my striped tiger on it ;) We'll see several colors of senche mounts in the shop eventually, just not that one.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • DigitalEulogy
    So my question is if I have 8 months paid for right now and on March 6 pay for a 3 month sub do I qualify for the senche tiger sine technically I paid for 11 months of game time.
  • Elsonso
    So my question is if I have 8 months paid for right now and on March 6 pay for a 3 month sub do I qualify for the senche tiger sine technically I paid for 11 months of game time.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • TagaParti
    whatever good or bad the world has to offer, there will always be some people complaining.
    Sheliza "The Unkillable"

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  • nathan_bri
    "You have paid for 300 total days of subscription time (non-consecutive), prior to March 16th."

    I get the distinct impression that this is a ploy to grab up some last-minute long-term subscribers since the clear meaning of this sentence is that you need only *pay* for the 300 days by March 16th.
  • Turelus
    For those upset to not get the pets I can understand why you're upset but at the same time stop and realise what this pet is. It's a thank you gift to people who have been here since day one (almost) and not left when things were bad but stuck with ZOS and paid their wages to keep this MMO going.

    I have a number of friends who are annoyed they're missing the pet, however they're all people who left saying "I will come back when it's fixed" which isn't the attitude that ZOS is trying to say thank you for.

    Also I love how they drop the sneaky comments about EXP potions and other ambiguous hints about store items people will rage over in the same article they announce the cat mount, see how the focus here is now all about the cat and not the once again changed wording on the stores convenience items. :innocent:
    When it comes to this second category of items, we generally will make in-game variants of similar items available either as drops or as player-craftable items, as well.
    This is the part that bugs me and makes me think SWTOR.
    Here have this OMG amazing looking armour motif both in store and as a drop, oh but the store version crafts items which are crimson and black, the drop one is lime green and salmon pink, and they can't be dyed, no no it's not favouring the cash store as every has access to a variant of the item.

    Honestly at this point I just hope ZOS have the smarts to avoid the SWTOR route and make sure they're not adding all the "cool" items only to the store and letting gameplay lose any meaning in regards to rewards. I hated that in SWTOR the only thing I raided for was the mods to pull out and place in my Hutt Store armours which was then the only place any new good armours were coming out.

    I will quit ranting now and go ponder how many members of the Wabbajack guild will be able to dress in the 9 month reward costume when I lead a raid...
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Desdemonte
    So do people get the tiger mount if they had a 6 month sub, renewed it, are paid up until May but cancelled and have no current ongoing sub beyond May?
  • milan.verploegenb16_ESO
    The first month of gameplay came 'free' with the pre-purchase... So... I'll just leave this here.
  • Elsonso
    Desdemonte wrote: »
    So do people get the tiger mount if they had a 6 month sub, renewed it, are paid up until May but cancelled and have no current ongoing sub beyond May?

    No. It will be the same as with all of the other loyalty rewards.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Poisinivy
    the rewards you are offering should be given to anyone upon reaching that timeframe of subscription. once a person reaches 300 days subscribed for example they should recieve that mount. it should not be ONLY exclusive to ppl who were subscribed for the past timeframe.
  • pikapp515_ESO
    Good job ZOS. I mean that. Also, it's clear they are holding some things close to the vest about the Crown Store, etc. They should. Decisions about how to proceed and what to prioritize will need to be made based on demand. They are waiting to see the data after the new model launches.

    I do wonder why ZOS would discontinue the loyalty program though. A loyalty program makes even more sense with the Buy to Play model they're going to. It's another thread that will keep a segment of people subbed when they otherwise would not and it's extremely cheap for them to do. The cost/benefit is a no brainer. I hope they bring it back. ... the 1500 Crowns does not encourage a sub since it looks like anyone will be able to purchase crowns without a sub at the exact same rate.. $15 = 1500 Crowns. So the only apparent benefits for the "plus" sub is access to additional content packages at without extra purchase. That's significant.... if it comes at a decent cadence. But.. it would be super easy to just add a loyalty program to it! ZOS, look at the MMO Rift for an excellent example of loyalty program. They do a lot very well with the model, I think.
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    senche tiger mount...i have been waiting for this...all this time..i just hope it wont happen the same thing that happened with the dwarven spheres...and yeah im playing the game since early access constantly...yet i got the sphere last ><...khajiit forgives...but not forgets
    Soul Shriven
    My disappointment about the 300 day reward is that my pre-paid visa was put on hold for 30 or so days at the beginning of the subscription(April 2014), then refused after that 30 days. I was unable to be loyal since the beginning. It took me a while to even FIND a ESO timecard(sold out....or unavailable). May 23rd, 2014 to March 16th, 2015 is roughly 297-299 days! LOL Feeling broken hearted here! So much for my pet/loyalty collection. Just a game I know! I only wish complimentary game time(3 days, 5 days) was taken into account! Bummer! Wine at ya's later.....
  • Ehcko
    Drazhar14 wrote: »

    I think the reason for anger is they originally said the game would never go b2p/f2p, and players could take a break from the game and still resub later to get rewards after a total amount of days subbed for the loyalty program. The whole b2p/no more loyalty program is fairy recent news. Moral of the story is ZOS going back on their word about many things is making their customers angry.

    This is exactly it. I have actually stayed subbed to the game for months so that I could still keep earning the loyalty items. Though I have not actually logged in and played the game for a good 3 or so months. LITERALLY the only sole reason I have stayed subbed this whole time was so I would eventually be eligible for the items if I ever wished to return to the game. At the time I never figured the loyalty program was going to go away. Because they made it sound like there was no rush and the loyalty program will be around forever. "Want to get a hold of the Loyal Dwarven Sphere but haven’t kept your subscription active? You’ll still receive this special pet when you meet the six-month requirement if you choose to return!" A quote from this old post > back in 11.05.2014. But now I'm finding I wont qualify for either the costume nor mount, and I never will. It really makes me feel like the 45-60 dollars is all wasted now....

    Now everyone who is reading that probably is saying "Well you shouldn't have spent the money if you weren't playing the game." But the fact of the matter is that was my hard earned money and I can spend it how I wish. It's just at the time I was spending the money thinking I was going to get something in return eventually.

    I notice some others here commenting that they should just keep the loyalty program going even after Unlimited hits, and I completely agree. There's really no big draw backs to it and it should help give incentive to players to want to become subscribers and stay subscribed.

    A good game I use to play called EverQuest 2 that is also F2P w/ optional sub now has an annual loyalty type program. That game has been around for over a decade and is still giving out better and bigger items to their players every year, just for having an account made, no sub required. I'm not saying ESO needs to follow EQ2, but I'm just using it to point out that ZOS could have made a much more fair decision or taken a different approach other than completely removing the program. Especially since we all figured the game was going to stay a sub fee model.
  • mistermacintosh
    We get a tiger?! I take back every bad thing I ever said.
    Legalize Nirnroot!

    Mac User, NA Server (CP810+, PVE focused):
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    Dragonknight Tank Skalda Flamewreath (Level 50)
    Pet Sorcerer Hellias Ocume (Level 50)
    Magicka Necromancer Socelon (Level 4)

    Templar Healer Mends-Through-Panic (Level 50)
    Stamina Nightblade Adanna-daro (Level 50)
    Stamina Warden Marely Sprigs (Level 50)
    Stamina Dragonknight Ursula Trollcalmer (Level 50)
    Stamina Necromancer Daengeval (Level 4)

    Stamina Templar Cornellus Graves (Level 50)
    Warden Healer Pays-For-Luxury (Level 50)
    Magicka Sorcerer Sophia Flash (Level 50)
    Magicka Dragonknight Cinvalo Aloavel (Level 50)
    Magicka Nightblade Esmerelda the Cruel (Level 50)
  • A1exeR
    I paid for the game from the start to the present time without interruption аnd my subscription ends March 4. Why should I buy a month to play only half?
    If I do not buy, you do not give my prize!
    I bought a 10 month subscription and imperial edition, participated in the beta test, and I have to pay more to get a gift? This is a scam !!!
  • DarioZ
    Hope only that we will not see Senche and other loyalty program bonuses in crown store... Want them really exclusive!
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