xMovingTarget wrote: »
I was initially against @Medakon bringing his stamina build to Sanctum because I thought he'd die as well because of the survivability issues for stam builds, but he only died once so I guess it is doable. Gotta admit I was spaming Ring of preservation on the floor the entire raid since I was scared for his resistance
xMovingTarget wrote: »xMovingTarget wrote: »
I was initially against @Medakon bringing his stamina build to Sanctum because I thought he'd die as well because of the survivability issues for stam builds, but he only died once so I guess it is doable. Gotta admit I was spaming Ring of preservation on the floor the entire raid since I was scared for his resistance
Yea, i agree too. Too bad its not a good option for DK at the moment. But on my NB it rocks. NB Top - DK Meh. I also didnt die on the run in my last vid. Besides the deaths at serpent.
For fights that are almost 10 minutes long you lack stamina for the most part. Thats about it. And then the dps starts to drop massivly due to that.
xMovingTarget wrote: »xMovingTarget wrote: »
I was initially against @Medakon bringing his stamina build to Sanctum because I thought he'd die as well because of the survivability issues for stam builds, but he only died once so I guess it is doable. Gotta admit I was spaming Ring of preservation on the floor the entire raid since I was scared for his resistance
Yea, i agree too. Too bad its not a good option for DK at the moment. But on my NB it rocks. NB Top - DK Meh. I also didnt die on the run in my last vid. Besides the deaths at serpent.
For fights that are almost 10 minutes long you lack stamina for the most part. Thats about it. And then the dps starts to drop massivly due to that.
You need a healer with The Master's Restoration staff
xMovingTarget wrote: »xMovingTarget wrote: »xMovingTarget wrote: »
I was initially against @Medakon bringing his stamina build to Sanctum because I thought he'd die as well because of the survivability issues for stam builds, but he only died once so I guess it is doable. Gotta admit I was spaming Ring of preservation on the floor the entire raid since I was scared for his resistance
Yea, i agree too. Too bad its not a good option for DK at the moment. But on my NB it rocks. NB Top - DK Meh. I also didnt die on the run in my last vid. Besides the deaths at serpent.
For fights that are almost 10 minutes long you lack stamina for the most part. Thats about it. And then the dps starts to drop massivly due to that.
You need a healer with The Master's Restoration staff
I have one myself. 2H/Resto build incoming. hahaha. I Also wouldnt lack support then aye
xMovingTarget wrote: »
For fights that are almost 10 minutes long you lack stamina for the most part. Thats about it. And then the dps starts to drop massivly due to that.
Wolfenbelle wrote: »Hypertionb14_ESO wrote: »i would like to point out, Bow DPS can sustain 1k. i know other classes can maintain 1.5k+ at close range (DK) but 1k at extremel range is really good.
Question for ppl who mention figures like this: sustain 1k and 1.5k: Is that per hit or total DPS for one fight. Meaning...
I attack a single target with my bow and do 1k with one hit...OR
I attack that single target and when the fight ends the total DPS I did was 1k?
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me understand this better.
xMovingTarget wrote: »
For fights that are almost 10 minutes long you lack stamina for the most part. Thats about it. And then the dps starts to drop massivly due to that.
Duno if you mean dk or NB, but at serpent last boss I didnt have any problems with stamina, and the fight lasted for 600sec. Didn't almost use any pots.. maybe sometimes for more weapon dmg and crit, but never cuz I needed stamina
Also been playing around a bit to create my own build, and figured stamina build with werewolf might be a huge buff for the group since ww boost your own dps and increase party weapon damage with 10% wich is alot
xMovingTarget wrote: »Got WW on my NB. WW is ridiculous. Huge in DPS and Support. But transformed on poison at serpent might not be a good idea. havnt tested that yet.
xMovingTarget wrote: »Got WW on my NB. WW is ridiculous. Huge in DPS and Support. But transformed on poison at serpent might not be a good idea. havnt tested that yet.
Yeah it's pretty insane number, pulling 2k+ dps in a single target fight the first 10sec without any combat prayer or warhorn. If I could just find a way to maintain stamina beter in werewolf I would probably be a dps monster over longer fights
xMovingTarget wrote: »Got WW on my NB. WW is ridiculous. Huge in DPS and Support. But transformed on poison at serpent might not be a good idea. havnt tested that yet.
Yeah it's pretty insane number, pulling 2k+ dps in a single target fight the first 10sec without any combat prayer or warhorn. If I could just find a way to maintain stamina beter in werewolf I would probably be a dps monster over longer fights
Full team of WW and people using the master's healing staff? ^^
xMovingTarget wrote: »xMovingTarget wrote: »Got WW on my NB. WW is ridiculous. Huge in DPS and Support. But transformed on poison at serpent might not be a good idea. havnt tested that yet.
Yeah it's pretty insane number, pulling 2k+ dps in a single target fight the first 10sec without any combat prayer or warhorn. If I could just find a way to maintain stamina beter in werewolf I would probably be a dps monster over longer fights
Full team of WW and people using the master's healing staff? ^^
That would be effing insane dude
Problem is the duration of the ultimate no? since u can't feed on nothing when killing a boss you need to regen enough ult to transform right after the end of initial transformation?
xMovingTarget wrote: »
For fights that are almost 10 minutes long you lack stamina for the most part. Thats about it. And then the dps starts to drop massivly due to that.
Duno if you mean dk or NB, but at serpent last boss I didnt have any problems with stamina, and the fight lasted for 600sec. Didn't almost use any pots.. maybe sometimes for more weapon dmg and crit, but never cuz I needed stamina
Also been playing around a bit to create my own build, and figured stamina build with werewolf might be a huge buff for the group since ww boost your own dps and increase party weapon damage with 10% wich is alot
Problem is the duration of the ultimate no? since u can't feed on nothing when killing a boss you need to regen enough ult to transform right after the end of initial transformation?
Well if you have 2 Leader of the pack wolfes (the white morp) you can stay infinit in werewolf form aslong as everyone heavy attacks sometimes
xMovingTarget wrote: »i´m gonna go SO 2H/DW today with my DK. Gonna be Epic!AshySamurai wrote: »You just ruined my dreams about stamina.Hope CS will change stam/magik balance.
Chill dude. Just craft some of your armor nirnhoned for a bit extra spell resist and you are good to goYou wont really loose dps
Jeckll even says it in the video : "This is the most squishy build i´ve ever played".
You lack soo much spell resi compared to LA. When 95% of Incoming damage is spell when you are not a tank.