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Just awful. Plain and Simple. II

  • SirJesto
    Not enough RAM.
  • Dissentinel
    I've got a Mac as well and experience similar problems. I've given up on Cyrodiil until I build my PC.
  • gitch2
    Soul Shriven
    I have the same computer and can barely play the game at times cause of Specs. Gave up on Cyrodiil also. Just waiting for ESO to come out on Console…hopefully thats soon.
  • PrinceBoru
    What is with all the anti-Mac stuff?
    Pent-up feelings of inadequacy during these Apple dominated days?
    Sure I don't have a computer with dual-exhaust, but I wouldn't trade my OS ecosystem for a few FPS.
    PC/Mac arguments are the most worn out forum fodder of all-time.
    It ain't easy being green.
  • Tatuaje
    PrinceBoru wrote: »
    What is with all the anti-Mac stuff?
    Pent-up feelings of inadequacy during these Apple dominated days?
    Sure I don't have a computer with dual-exhaust, but I wouldn't trade my OS ecosystem for a few FPS.
    PC/Mac arguments are the most worn out forum fodder of all-time.

    Hehe but just like the energizer Bunny, they keep going and going and going.....
  • ShiftControl
    The problem never been fixed its an old issue, he is not the only one with this problem, and its the Client to be blamed.
    I tell you that I have a pc next to my Mac and my game experience is 100% better on my mac then the PC so go on hate mac as you want you won't know the difference till you play on one.
    1000s left the game because they loosing lots AP while client crashes in Cyr and its very frustrating so you see less post on the forums about this problem
    It is happening with PC users as well but not that often.
    In my case the game crashes, even if I just sitting in Riften and talking to folks.
    I have the same problems Cyr and my mac is slightly better I only have 12gig ram though. How ever I never had the fps issue which was common in last month or so.
  • Insignia91
    Your problem is you are trying to play on a MAC! the only thing macs are good for is searching the web and doing reports.
  • Durham
    Vatter wrote: »
    I just don’t understand. Why does this game crash every 30 - 40 mins while in Cyrodiil? The game either crashes to a crash report where it asks what i was doing and to send it in to help “diagnose” the problem or it crashes to my desktop with a message saying “the elder scrolls online has unexpectadly quit."
    Why has this STILL not been fixed? When will I get an answer from customer service other then “We are escalating this issue.” Then I never hear from them again. This is how my last 3 interactions with customer service have gone.

    1.put in ticket #10 or 15 (can’t remember.) I get a response asking for me to run a diagnostic from the client and email it to representative so he can “escalate” it. I do so, and get an email the next day saying, “If we do not hear back from you your issue will be considered resolved. Sent in report again. No response.
    2. Put in another ticket a few days later. No response at all this time. Not even an email.
    3. a week later I put up a forum post about how god awful this games performance is. a ZOS employee sends me a PM asking for the email address associated with my account. I give it to him and get a response back that he is going to “escalate” the issue. haven’t heard a word since. However a funny side note the moderator posts on the forum that they are in contact with the OP and the he’s closing the thread. Yet have received no help. thread name - “just awful. plain and simple.”

    Obviously the fan boys post saying that the problem is on my side and there’s something wrong with my computer or that Macs are not made for gaming and what did I expect. I have never had a problem running any other MMO and I’ve check my computer over and over and over. It’s NOT on my side. Here are some games I have had no trouble running.

    Lord Of The Rings Online
    World of Warcraft
    EVE online

    Never once did any of these games crash. SO to make absolutely sure without a single doubt I erased my hard drive and reinstalled my OS. ESO and My operating system are the only 2 things on here. Crash, Crash, Crash, Crash just like before. My hardware is not overheating either. This is clearly 100% the game.

    My specs are-
    iMac OS 10.9.4
    intel i5
    4 GB ram
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512MB
    500 GB Hard Drive (450 GB free)

    I’ve paid to play this game to its fullest potential not beta test it for the console. When will we be compensated for this and when will this actually get fixed. OR I would settle for “We have absolutely no idea what is going on or how to fix it. We really don’t care either. But thanks for your money. Oh and by the way you can change to the console for 20 bucks.”

    How about kissing us first next time.

    You are running Mac trying to PC game first problem... Your card is also weak in that system ... You also need more ram i would say at least 8... not sure if you can upgrade the card in the mac .. Your processor is good still.. if you had a PC you could drop a 175.00 gtx 660 and be good to go...u would also need to up your ram but yoir system would rock for this game....
    PVP The Unguildables
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Yes MACs are terrible. But also, I wasn't able to play with 4gb of ram at all. It was pretty much a slideshow. Even on lower settings. I'm not sure if that is actually the problem, but it can't help.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • EinionYrth
    Mondo wrote: »
    You have a Mac you should be rich. Go buy a real Gaming PC. Stop whining

    If he hadn't bought a Mac he probably would be rich.

  • Utildai
    Vatter wrote: »
    Rodario wrote: »
    Well, those are some pretty weak specs... Have you checked if your RAM is almost at 100% just before the game crashes? If there's a resource monitor equivalent for mac.

    Might be your machine is just too weak, might simply be because it's a mac.

    Operating System: Mac OS X 10.7.0 or Later
    Processor: Intel i5 processor
    Memory: 4 GB System RAM
    Hard Disk Space: 60 GB free HDD space
    Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, ATI Radeon HD 5770 or better.
    Resolution: 1024X768 minimum display resolution

    as you can see, I have above recommended specs to play this game. Those are the specs SUGGESTED by the company.

    I think part of the problem is 4g of memory for any OS and this game is not enough to really run the game the way it should be run.

  • andre.roques.3b14_ESO
    Mac haters **eye roll**
    Anywho, I would definitely think it would be a great idea for the Mac users, who in short order have indicated a common problem here at least with one variant, should definitely submit another problem report for the issue.

    I think it would be frustrating to have the issue you are describing; my four+ year old PC with a couple of year old SLI GPUs seems to hold up fairly well...absolutely no help to you.

    At least with the Mac platform you have a much smaller variance of hardware which should help troubleshoot and zero in on the problem. But to do so, you guys have to consistently provide feedback to ZOS. Best of luck. I think ZOS has been fairly responsive, but your priority level is going to be tied directly to the commonality of the issue. So, make your voices heard and submit those trouble tickets...again, if needed.
    NA MegaServer
    Alicron AD Altmer Templar
    Caltrinity EP Dunmer Sorcerer
    Brehhanon Moonblood DC Breton Nightblade
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    If you had a PC you could just go buy some ram for a fair price and put it in yourself.

    Now you'll have to go fork over at least one limb to MAC employees so they can take your machine back into their super secret lair and do it all for you.

    Maybe they'll just tell you to get an entirely new machine. If they do, I advise not going with a MAC.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Loco_Mofo wrote: »
    Operating System: Mac® OS X 10.7.0 or later
    Processor: Intel® i5
    Video Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 650M or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 5770 or better
    Memory: 4GB Ram
    Storage: 60GB
    Media: DVD-ROM

    Operating System: Mac® OS X 10.7.0 or later
    Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo
    Video Card: Intel™ HD Graphics 4000, NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 330M or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 6490M or better
    Memory: 4GB Ram
    Storage: 60GB
    Media: DVD-ROM
    Resolution: 1024X768 minimum display resolution

    He meets the recommended specs.

    You barely meet the minimum requirements. Go buy a gaming computer.

    I hate Apple so much. It has nothing to with anything in this post. I just really hate Apple and every product they have ever made.
    Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on July 25, 2014 8:25PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    @Vatter - We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing such a frustrating issue. Our Mac team has been on the case tracking this one down. We are currently testing a fix for what we believe is causing your issue. If it passes, it will be in Update 3.

    Does the Mac Team consist of an Apple Genius?
  • cracker81
    That sucks it crashes on you. I did not know ppl play with 4gb of ram.
  • PF1901
    Loco_Mofo wrote: »
    Operating System: Mac® OS X 10.7.0 or later
    Processor: Intel® i5
    Video Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 650M or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 5770 or better
    Memory: 4GB Ram
    Storage: 60GB
    Media: DVD-ROM

    Operating System: Mac® OS X 10.7.0 or later
    Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo
    Video Card: Intel™ HD Graphics 4000, NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 330M or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 6490M or better
    Memory: 4GB Ram
    Storage: 60GB
    Media: DVD-ROM
    Resolution: 1024X768 minimum display resolution

    He meets the recommended specs.

    You barely meet the minimum requirements. Go buy a gaming computer.
    <rest snipped>
    What for? Just logged out because cyro was such a mess. It's either lag which makes the game unplayable or the fps (back to 25 - didn't we have this before ?).

    I'm patient but my patience wears thin. This company needs to get its act together, plain and simple.
  • cracker81
    The problem never been fixed its an old issue, he is not the only one with this problem, and its the Client to be blamed.
    I tell you that I have a pc next to my Mac and my game experience is 100% better on my mac then the PC so go on hate mac as you want you won't know the difference till you play on one.
    1000s left the game because they loosing lots AP while client crashes in Cyr and its very frustrating so you see less post on the forums about this problem
    It is happening with PC users as well but not that often.
    In my case the game crashes, even if I just sitting in Riften and talking to folks.
    I have the same problems Cyr and my mac is slightly better I only have 12gig ram though. How ever I never had the fps issue which was common in last month or so.

    I know your Mac seems pretty special but dang you blow my PC away that I built.
    My specs.
    64 GB Ram
    AMD 990fx Motherboard
    AMD quad core processor nothing special
    Radeon R9 290x again nothing to special.
    Fps never checked it and my PC only runs at 12% on ultimate settings. Sorry never had a crash or FPS issue. it's the game and not your macs fault.
  • kitchenguy65_ESO
    Ecco wrote: »
    I am not experiencing any of the problems you mention, nor are any of the others in this thread. If many players were experiencing your problems, it would be all over the forums and gaming sites, reviews, etc. But they aren't. As much as you would like to deny it, this means that the problem is on your end. Period.

    "Recommended specs" mean the bare minimum for crappy play, and they keep it low enough to make the game marketable to as many players as possible. But the truth is, those specs suck and your machine is just weak enough that it is hitting more problems than most. Something about your configuration and setup contribute to the problem in a way that doesn't happen with all of those (very old) games that you mention that don't have such problems.

    Finally, you're playing a game on a Mac. Macs are always going to be second class citizens in gaming, get used to it or get a PC gaming rig. Every game is designed to run on a PC, and then maybe it will work on a Mac, too. Sort of. Hopefully. This is the tradeoff you make when you buy a Mac and get whatever advantages there are for having a Mac. Offhand, I can't think of any, unless you like spending more money and having fewer software choices, not to mention all the headaches that come with trying to make PC games work.

    Actually it is all over the forums. Take a stroll over to the alliance war section and see for yourself.
  • kitchenguy65_ESO
    Vatter wrote: »
    I'm not quite sure if you understand the difference between minimum and recommended specs and there are what? 9 people on this thread. I think you don't see the threads as much because most of people experiencing them have quit. I bet if you go back in the posts you'll see a lot of threads about it.

    You haven't been on these forums enough. If there were something wrong with the game, for example it were crashing in Cyrodiil - there would be dozens of active topics with such discussions. Since there aren't any at the moment I can only conclude that it's only yourself who's experiencing this and you should fix things on your side.

    I don't think YOU have been on these forms enough. Go over to the alliance war section. The majority of posts there are about this exact issue. Constant crashes and rollbacks in Wabba sometimes as close as twenty minutes apart. Not only that, most of the posts about aoe caps also end up discussing this topic. Massive blobs spamming aoe heals and impulse are causing server crashes. Apparently it sounds as though it is a problem exclusive to Wabba. OP, is that the campaign you play in?
  • ZOS_HugoP
    Greetings folks,

    We would like to remind you that you should stay constructive and on-topic when posting on the ESO forums, if you don't have anything meaningful to add to the current discussion, we kindly ask you to refrain from posting.

    Thank you for your understanding and future cooperation.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Gix
    Anyone who blames hardware for inadequate software coding is ignorant. Doesn't matter if you like Mac, Windows or Linux.

    There's a memory leak in the client, plain and simple. Having more RAM available doesn't fix the issue, it only hides it.

    It's nice to know that the Mac team is looking into it but this issue persists even on the Windows side. My buddies have the same issue as the OP.
    If you had a PC you could just go buy some ram for a fair price and put it in yourself.
    Macs use the same kind of RAM as PCs, you dolt. It's been like that since (at least) 1996. Same goes for pretty much every thing with the exception of the motherboard and processor.

    Good idea on spending more cash to work-around something that should work from the get-go and congrats on not actually fixing the problem; but I guess this backwards way of thinking is how you do things in a Windows environment.

    I love how PC dorks think they know more about computers but they don't know anything outside their own environment... or is it just an Amercian thing?
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Gix wrote: »
    Anyone who blames hardware for inadequate software coding is ignorant. Doesn't matter if you like Mac, Windows or Linux.

    There's a memory leak in the client, plain and simple. Having more RAM available doesn't fix the issue, it only hides it.

    It's nice to know that the Mac team is looking into it but this issue persists even on the Windows side. My buddies have the same issue as the OP.
    If you had a PC you could just go buy some ram for a fair price and put it in yourself.
    Macs use the same kind of RAM as PCs, you dolt. It's been like that since (at least) 1996. Same goes for pretty much every thing with the exception of the motherboard and processor.

    Good idea on spending more cash to work-around something that should work from the get-go and congrats on not actually fixing the problem; but I guess this backwards way of thinking is how you do things in a Windows environment.

    I love how PC dorks think they know more about computers but they don't know anything outside their own environment... or is it just an Amercian thing?

    You can't pry open a MAC and install the RAM yourself. Or you will never be able to get it repaired, They are very particular about keeping customers from solving their own problems. Even if you bought the RAM and handed it to them to install, you'd still be forking over a ridiculous fee.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • RedMiniStapler
    Gix wrote: »

    I love how PC dorks think they know more about computers but they don't know anything outside their own environment... or is it just an Amercian thing?

    What is "Amercian"
  • GnatB
    Vatter wrote: »
    My specs are-
    iMac OS 10.9.4
    intel i5
    4 GB ram
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512MB
    500 GB Hard Drive (450 GB free)
    Loco_Mofo wrote: »
    Operating System: Mac® OS X 10.7.0 or later
    Processor: Intel® i5
    Video Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 650M or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 5770 or better
    Memory: 4GB Ram
    Storage: 60GB
    Media: DVD-ROM

    Operating System: Mac® OS X 10.7.0 or later
    Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo
    Video Card: Intel™ HD Graphics 4000, NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 330M or ATI™ Radeon™ HD 6490M or better
    Memory: 4GB Ram
    Storage: 60GB
    Media: DVD-ROM
    Resolution: 1024X768 minimum display resolution

    He meets the recommended specs.

    Well, according to a quick google search, the Radeon 6750m is inferior to the Radeon 5770, so you do NOT meet the required specs.

    It is, however, better than the minimum...

    but if your specs are between the minimum and recommended, you should be expecting the game to play pretty horribly.
    Achievements Suck
  • Vis
    Vatter wrote: »
    My specs are-
    iMac OS 10.9.4
    intel i5
    4 GB ram
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512MB
    500 GB Hard Drive (450 GB free)

    First off, Lotro ... lol. My dell from my undergrad years still runs Lotro fine.

    Second ...


    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • bosmern_ESO
    Its more than likely the Mac. not only that you have pretty low specs, are you playing on ultra or something? your computer might not be able to handle the load from PvP.
  • colonel_schmeevin
    It's not the Mac. It's the client. Doesn't matter how much RAM you have either. I had 16GB and still crashed every 30 min at minimum settings. There are lots of posts about this but they are old and mostly in the Mac technical support section. Most quit playing the game months ago. Myself included. After literally dozens of crash reports sent, incident reports filed and a few heated emails with ZOS customer support, no fix has been found and not even a single recommendation given. All they wanted was more info from me (I guess dozens of crash reports wasn't enough). I refused to keep paying money to help them find an issue on something that should've been fixed within the first few weeks. The bottom line is Mac users are a minority and not serious enough gamers to make an impact on their market. They don't care that the game doesn't work as advertised. The game says Mac compatible but it should definitely have some fine print about PVP performance. They did a good job with fixing PVE performances but PVP on a Mac is a joke. They made their big money off the release and initial subs, fixed a lot of issues but now it's all about upcoming content releases and getting the console version ready. Not being arrogant here (And I realize this is apples to oranges) but I write code for industrial automation controls and if it took me 3+ months to fix a coding issue I'd have been fired in the first couple weeks and the customer would've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. I wish ZOS was held to the same real world standards as it's consumers were. But they don't even have to offer a refund....
  • Volla
    crash crash for me 2.... not s single patch in a looong time for even try to fix mac ... starting to wonder what kinda programmers they have on mac side.
    working 50% for min salary ... maybe limp to .... apparently they are unable to either write or even try to fix any buggs for mac ... high prio my A*
    Edited by Volla on July 26, 2014 12:08AM
  • Volla
    getting really tired of the crashes in Cyrodiil ....
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