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I implore you, let me change my race!

  • Wizzo91
    Yes I think everybody would benefit from this. Why not?

    Wizzo - Stamina DK - 50 - DC
    Wizzox - Magicka NB - 50 - DC
    Vilest Wizz - Magicka Sorc - 50 - DC
    Wiser Wizz - Magicka NB - 50 - DC
    Wizzo X - Magicka NB - 50 - AD
    In Rainbows - Stam Sorc - 50 - AD
    Fake Plastic Tree - Stamplar - 50 - EP

    6XX CP

  • ErilAq
    I myself made a bosmer sorc, relatively useless racials, but it's an integral part of who she is. That being said, options are never a bad thing, and as long as money changes hands (to deter arbitrary switching to strongest racials) I'm fine with a race switch.
    Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!
  • DungeonGrind
    Close this thread. No to race changes, paid for or otherwise. This is absurd.
  • R1ckyDaMan
    Erock25 wrote: »
    They are making changes to STA builds so maybe you should just be patient and see where that goes. We have 8 character slots, if it was that big of a deal for you, I would think you would just say lesson learned time to start over. Getting to V6 isn't really that hard and you could do it again in a short amount of time. I am unhappy with my nightblade because I was expecting more from them. I am playing my sorcerer and dragonknight for the time being and loving it. Please don't think that I don't sympathize, I just don't think it's a good idea.

    But why is it a bad idea? In what way am I hurting you or hurting the game if I change my race?

    Getting to V9 is a big deal. 300 hours worth of time for me with all my crafting.

    It took you all the way to v9 to realise what a big mistake you had made?
  • Cogo
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Long read so here is an extremely lazy summation.


    - ZOS should allow us to buy race changes or racial passive changes (whole set, not pick and choose)
    - Why I thought melee crit khajit sorc would work
    - Why it didn't work
    - It is a win-win for everyone. More money for ZOS. More happy players.
    - Racial passives are not irrelevant

    I have made a couple of topics about this before and I apologize for repeating them, but for me it is a huge issue and something that could be easily remedied by ZOS, that would give them extra cash flow to keep improving this awesome game.

    A few days prior to the early access release of this game, I had the brilliant idea to make a melee crit based Sorcerer. I'm not sure if anyone here has played Age of Conan, but I was modeling my character after the post Khitai Dark Templar. This was a melee class that was dependent on critical rating (because of a certain skill, Void of Madness, that proc'd effects with crits) to do damage and to heal itself. So Critical Surge was going to be my Void of Madness and my character was going to dominate. I wanted to stack crit to the extreme so of course I rolled a Khajit. I was sure my plan would work out extremely well.

    Things were looking great throughout the 1-50 experience. I was 2h/bows crit build and I was having a ton of fun. Then, pre-nerf VR levels happened and I was reading the never ending stream of stavess are OP comments on the forums so I decided to give it a whirl. My vision of a melee based crit build quickly vanished before my eyes. Everything was easier with staves. I begrudgingly used them while giving forlorn glances at my 6% melee crit, sneaking radius reduction + bonus dmg, and health regen racial traits.

    Of course, I refused to give up on melee weapons. With Destruction and Restoration at level 50, I decided to try my hand at DW and Sword and Board, leveling them from the teens to the max while questing through pre-nerf VR content. Everything I could do with staves, I could do with melee (albeit with a much smaller margin for error) besides soloing dolmens, group delves, and world bosses. Things were looking up for my melee crit based Sorc, that is, until I got serious about group content and PVP and also installed a DPS meter add-on.

    No matter what I tried, because of a combination of flat out more damaging skills, fight mechanics that favored range, and of course the all powerful Spell Symmetry, I was doing at least twice as much damage on average with my ranged magicka staff builds. I was disheartened, but at least I thought with a group PVE tank build I would benefit more from melee weapons. NOPE! Wrong again. Tanking with staves completely outperformed melee. My last hope was PVP. I just knew that I would excel with melee. Many, many hours later and there is literally no situation in PVP I can't handle better with staves. Not to mention crit builds in PVP are obsolete with the overpowered Impenetrable trait on armor.

    So here I am, with a VR9 Khajit Sorcerer, using resto/destruction set up in Trials, PVP, and solo PVE. I didn't want to play this way, but I was forced to because I like to get every ounce of potential out of my character. I look at my racial passives and see 100% waste. I look at PTS server and see that they are upping magicka/stamina/hp soft caps. I look at high elf / breton / dark elf passives and think how I would not hesitate for a second to pay $20 to ZOS to be able to change my race and/or change my racial passives (aka still a Khajit, but a Khajit with 4% more elemental dmg, 10% more magicka, and 9% more magicka recovery).

    I know from my previous topics that there are a lot of people very against what I suggest. I just don't understand why. Especially if they go the route of letting you pay for racial passive swaps, I just don't see any downside at all. ZOS gets more money and there are more happy people in the game. I know race changes aren't usually present in MMOs, but in the grand scheme of things, these racial passives are a large chunk of overall character potential. 4% damage, 10% magicka, and 9% magicka regen are HUGE compared to the big fat zero use I am getting out of Khajit passives. I also know people will suggest I reroll, but I'd quit before leveling another Sorc (I still have two classes I need to level), and I would hate to scrap a character I have spent over 300 hours on.

    You request is not valid because:
    • ZOS should allow us to buy race changes or racial passive changes (whole set, not pick and choose)

      - If it was possible TO BUY changes, passive or sets. That would go against ESO CORE game "You choose". It means you choose whatever, but you live with it.
      - Zenimax have been VERY CLEAR on their shop NOT to be used in any way to change the power of your character
      - With the champion system AND common spell system, you will be able to choose whatever passive as important to you
      - Racial passives have NEVER been intended to be anything else the SLIGHT power, but more "taste"

    • Why I thought melee crit khajit sorc would work

      - I am SORRY if this sounds rude. But if someone didn't THINK an ability would be good or work as intended. Has NOTHING to with any changes. FIXES to broken skills are FIXES. Not buffs. It is YOUR choices! Live with them. That is the CORE of ESO.
    • It is a win-win for everyone. More money for ZOS. More happy players.

      - You are suggestion a game store where players can BUY in game changes. Zenimax said NO! And gave the reason, that ESO is pay per month and not free to play. To start "selling" race changes WILL loose Much more players then it gains. It is NOT a win-win for everyone. Its a Win for easy choices. A BIG loss for ESO playerbase who would not accept this.

      - In my view - ESO consists of players who WANTS the pay per month, including everything that comes with it. It's simply cheaper, you know what you get and are secure in the longer term.
      The SECOND ESO goes free-to-play, it will loose a BIG chunk of very loyal players.
    • Racial passives are not irrelevant

      Its very true. Racial passives are not irrelevant! They just starting to balance them to work as intended. IF, anyone picked a race ONLY cause currently the racial was "better", then they have 1 person to blame, themselves.
    Edited by Cogo on July 22, 2014 2:05AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • CheesyDaedra
    Better a Class change IMO.
    Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick, it's a very delicate state of mind.
  • mousekime111rwb17_ESO
    There is such thing as a race change, it's called re rolling, note that on wow you can't go from a blood elf to an orc, that doesn't *** make sense...
  • R1ckyDaMan
    Better a Class change IMO.

    Makes more sense but even then it should be an in game thing and not a cash shop thing.

    And limited to only once per character to prevent abuse.
    Edited by R1ckyDaMan on July 22, 2014 12:17AM
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    I think this is a case of: My character isn't perfect so they're useless.
    Which is completely askew from the truth.

    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • sandschristierwb17_ESO
    ZoS can't even fix the bugs or classes. I think race changes are the last thing they need to work on.
  • Tonturri
    I have to completely disagree with ANY option to ever do a name change. I want to know now and in the future if someone joining my group or guild started out life as AXJSKDF the bot farmer or bot leveller.
    @drallar - insofar as I know, you can change your @ name - just not your character name. I wanted to change my @ name a while back, sent in a ticket. It was possible, but the name I wanted wasn't available.

    Noticed something I hadn't thought of that someone mentioned earlier - changing race could change alliance. Why not limit race changes to anything within the alliance? Problem solved. It comes down to a differing of opinion, but imo race changes is where it should start /and/ stop. Faction changes, nyeh. Too much potential for abuse.
    - Zenimax have been VERY CLEAR on their shop NOT to be used in any way to change the power of your character
    To a certain degree, I agree. The balance between magicka and stamina builds right now is far too wide. However, once they balance that out...a change in racials will be a very minor change, compared to how it is now. Though that's assuming they do a good job balancing out racials as well.
    Edited by Tonturri on July 22, 2014 12:48AM
  • Guppet
    I'd definately support race change. It's too late for me though. I rerolled a VR2 Redguard NB to a VR 4 Bretton NB, fir similar reasons. So allow race change or fix the damn stamina issue already!
  • Fi'yra
    AD - PC/EU
    Get Wrobled
  • blueline
    I definitely support the RL money cash shop race/physical feature/name change purchase, but make it just expensive enough that its not abused ($20 - $25 range seems sufficient).

    The only drawback (as has been noted in a few other posts), players who want to optimize and min/max will default to the 1-2 race types with the best racials.

    Barring the balance issues of magicka vs stamina builds getting fixed, trying to balance the racial passives to make them all equal seems impossible. Why not just eliminate racial bonuses that effect or buff magika/stamina/health performance and make racial features more of a flavor item? That would get rid of race changing just for the sake of min/maxing.

    My main character is a Nord Templar that I feel works decently for what I do, so I wouldn't change race there....but, I admit I messed up on my character features selection when I made it and the big red beard it's stuck with is mildly annoying. Also, I used a character name I recycled from other MMOs I've played...I've thought of a more TES lore friendly spelling and would love to implement it with some discretionary dollars :)

  • Zorrashi
    Even if there were no racial involved, I would still be against a race change. You should be willing to choose a race--and stick to it--within the first 10 minuets of the game. Your vet 12 and only now do you think that maybe you want a different race?

    You in particular seem to want it purely out of min max principle; in other words, you want the race change not for cosmetic purposes. I'm doubly against this, especially if its in a cash shop. I would argue that it gives certain players an advantage over others just because they have more spare cash.

    I might be able to overlook race change in the cash shop if it was purely cosmetic, but that is only maybe.
  • Cogo
    In ESO, you start a new CHAR, when you create a new char.
    You are not making an "Alt", but a new "character" in Tamriel. Maybe for you, its an alt/bankholder/test, whatever. But when you play it, you are playing that char, with other players who have No CLUE who you are, other then a lizard with a wierd hat.
    Like it or not. RP or not. Everything around you, so far, are YOUR character who blends into Tamriel, no matter what YOU use the char for.
    If anyone wants to play around with classes, skills and have 8 slots to do so. No need for any "shop" for that? It does need YOU to do something! This has been Zenimax MANTRA for years!
    "YOU choose, YOU DO."


    Quite the opposite: Direct Quote from our Com Zenimax manager:
    Balancing is a never ending work, and always ongoing.
    Every single skill, may or may not be viewed and changed over night
    This should be no news anymore, right? They do balancing. SLOWLY....but they are.

    Takes you time to get up to max level and try what would be good against the best bosses?
    YES! Its INTENDED too.....

    --- Zenimax words, NOT MINE! ---

    Ask yourself:
    If anyone could just choose to level up, got all skilled maxed. Lets say, 1 week? WHAT would be the point in playing at all? Boredom would set in?

    By making a CASH store where you can lets say pay for a race change, then ESO would BREAK one or many of these features that we PAY for, they marketed for and currently getting delivered.

    ESO features
    You don't HAVE to like any of these. But ALL of em are offered, in game, and makes ESO what it is. Like em or not, this is what ESO is and what your sub pays for.
    • The journey from 1-50.
    • NEW content/feature/stuff every 4-6 weeks. The content will vary, but the time lime will not. Included in the sub. The justice system, guild improvements and Dyes seams to next up. NO expansion needed.
    • Crafting - Where each crafting can impact your or others game in different ways.
    • "leveling slow or fast". Choose how to level. (At least 30-40% of my lvl 1-50 Exp came from other things then Quests and killing mobs). I invite Zenimax to control my experience gained.
    • "Choose YOUR way.- there is no right no wrong. Only what YOU choose to do, pick, act and how to proceed in Tamriel. You LIVE with your choices.
    • Each Character being their own, with their own story, reflexted in how they act in Tamriel
    • 3 alliances in conflict.
    • The quests where every single quest talks
    • The solo quest lines, where YOU are the hero and have to make choices.
    • The LORE, that is not jibberish. You can read it ALL, and it makes sense
    • Cyrodiiil PvP
    • Gear and different qualities of gear, upgradeable by crafters
    • Gear sets
    • Achievements (Some are REAL, where you cant Undaunted)
    • Roleplaying
    • Exploring
    • Skyshard/lorebook/other collectibles "hunting"
    • High end raids
    • High end encounters
    • Public Dungeon
    • Semi public Dungeons
    • Instanced dungeons (Hardest and requires as good teamwork, starting from level 12-16)
    • Only 4 classes. with 3 different skill trees.
    • Skill trees available to all who got access to them.
    • Not knowing "the best build for tomorrow"?
    • ESO "build" system. ESO do not have classes. They have "builds".
    • ONE of ESOs most important feature of that NO other MMO can show the same IMPACT of: Personal skill. The more balanced the world becomes, the more impact we will see from personal skill. WHICH gets learned by anyone from the starting MMO player, to the most Elite raider. ALL have something to learn.

    I am gonna throw around a few questions to different types of players in ESO. You may or may not agree/dont give a damn.
    If YOU try what I suggest, please feedback here to what your reaction was.

    Would you go into Cyrodiil? Have you considered it? Have you been there?
    If you have not been there, why not?

    PvE players, Solo
    Have you tried grouping with 1 person? Have explored zones like Cyrodiil?
    Even though you may not like other people, just grouping with 1 person, WILL make you able to overcome events you could not alone. You may find a friend also.

    PvE players, Groups
    Again, have you been in Cyrodiil? Do you group outside your friends?
    Do you seek out events even if they seam to "hard"?
    DO you have a set group, and if 1 person can not make you cancel, or invite another?
    Do you like Solo play? There is a lot of GOOD solo content offered in ESO

    Dungeon player
    Have you explored a zone without a map? Have you found a wierd skull, inscribed "Wish I didn't attack that bear" on it? Have you found Side Quests you never heard of?

    What is your take on this new "hard" level settings on all dungeons? Harder encounter, but better exp and loot.

    PvP player

    Have you tried the main, mage or fighter guild Quest line, by reading them? By choosing different paths depending what you feel is right? Not what you KNOW is the "best"?
    Have you grouped with anyone outside Cyro? Had a conversation with a stranger in a city about whats best pvp right now?


    Have you tried a dungeon group, without waiting for a group tool, to put you in one? Have you been in a dungeon sucked, and you never go into one again? Do you bring friends on your explore?

    Elite raiders

    I am sorry guys.....Zenmax needs to work for you. High end content we have. END GAME. We have cyrodiil, but NOT any 12-24 man hardcore RAID target. Trials for Eite raiders are more about the time, then the challenge? Correct? Incorrect?
    Closest is the new Graglorn Dungeon? Correct?

    Min/Maxers "Best build"

    I am sorry, that I took this group last, but Zenimax never offered any content to players who ONLY wanted the "BEST" build. Because "the best" will keep changing.
    I feel for you. You do a lot of work, but in 1 know what I am talking about.

    Reason for my questions and the connection to the OP question

    These questions are directed to several specific player types that ESO offers content too. The questions are NOT in their comfort zone, as they where not meant to be.

    If anyone wishes to answer. Please do so. I am curious, if so many different player types, that ESO offers content too, CAN, in time, interact on a level that Zenimax intended.
    Edited by Cogo on July 22, 2014 3:33AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    If you hate your character because of what you perceive to be a useless 6% crit then you have much bigger issues going on. I am sorry but 6% crit will not make or break your character. You're not suddenly going to be godlike if you turned that 6% melee crit to 6% spell crit. I suspect the real problem here is that you chose the class because of some misguided notion that 6% melee crit was going to give you some kind of edge. Now you realize that it's not that big of a deal and you probably never really wanted to play a Khajiit for any other reason so you're regretting your decision. That's why I said in a previous post that it's a poor reason to choose a race. Good reasons to choose a race would be:
    1. You think they look cool
    2. You appreciate their culture
    3. It reminds you of your pet
    4. You want to make a character that looks like you
    5. You want to make a character that looks good from behind because you'll be staring at their butt a lot in third person
    6. Anything other than the racial passives

    It's buyers remorse plain and simple.
  • Erock25
    If you hate your character because of what you perceive to be a useless 6% crit then you have much bigger issues going on. I am sorry but 6% crit will not make or break your character. You're not suddenly going to be godlike if you turned that 6% melee crit to 6% spell crit. I suspect the real problem here is that you chose the class because of some misguided notion that 6% melee crit was going to give you some kind of edge. Now you realize that it's not that big of a deal and you probably never really wanted to play a Khajiit for any other reason so you're regretting your decision. That's why I said in a previous post that it's a poor reason to choose a race. Good reasons to choose a race would be:
    1. You think they look cool
    2. You appreciate their culture
    3. It reminds you of your pet
    4. You want to make a character that looks like you
    5. You want to make a character that looks good from behind because you'll be staring at their butt a lot in third person
    6. Anything other than the racial passives

    It's buyers remorse plain and simple.

    It is funny how people trivialize others' opinion on why they choose their race while championing their own reasons. I have ZERO interest in lore, looks, RP, or any of that stuff which I consider to be meaningless. It is true that 6% crit will not make or break my character, but if you add up three completely useless racial passives for a ranged magicka character versus 10% max magicka, 9% magicka regen, and 4% dmg increase, that is a HUGE difference. Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but that is basically (as far as damage and sustainability is concerned) like going into battle without enchantments on your armor.

    Yes it is buyers remorse. Big time buyers remorse. Maybe I waited too long to decide that I had to roll staves to be competitive with the top DPS people out there, but I was going along trying to make melee weapons work as hard as possible. I waited until I could afford a nice purple set of medium armor gear with all the proper traits and enchantments. I wasn't just a follower who read a few people's opinions and that was good enough for me. I had to try it for myself. I also didn't focus much on PVP until veteran ranks and I didn't understand how completely overpowered Impenetrable trait was and how easily and at a low opportunity cost it completely negates my Khajit's crit bonus.

    So I ask you then, why would you ever be against a race change option? If you believe race choice should be based on looks/culture/rp reasons, in what way would it affect you at all if I changed my race? There is no good reason in my opinion to be against the option of players changing their race.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Erock25 wrote: »
    If you hate your character because of what you perceive to be a useless 6% crit then you have much bigger issues going on. I am sorry but 6% crit will not make or break your character. You're not suddenly going to be godlike if you turned that 6% melee crit to 6% spell crit. I suspect the real problem here is that you chose the class because of some misguided notion that 6% melee crit was going to give you some kind of edge. Now you realize that it's not that big of a deal and you probably never really wanted to play a Khajiit for any other reason so you're regretting your decision. That's why I said in a previous post that it's a poor reason to choose a race. Good reasons to choose a race would be:
    1. You think they look cool
    2. You appreciate their culture
    3. It reminds you of your pet
    4. You want to make a character that looks like you
    5. You want to make a character that looks good from behind because you'll be staring at their butt a lot in third person
    6. Anything other than the racial passives

    It's buyers remorse plain and simple.

    It is funny how people trivialize others' opinion on why they choose their race while championing their own reasons. I have ZERO interest in lore, looks, RP, or any of that stuff which I consider to be meaningless. It is true that 6% crit will not make or break my character, but if you add up three completely useless racial passives for a ranged magicka character versus 10% max magicka, 9% magicka regen, and 4% dmg increase, that is a HUGE difference. Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but that is basically (as far as damage and sustainability is concerned) like going into battle without enchantments on your armor.

    Yes it is buyers remorse. Big time buyers remorse. Maybe I waited too long to decide that I had to roll staves to be competitive with the top DPS people out there, but I was going along trying to make melee weapons work as hard as possible. I waited until I could afford a nice purple set of medium armor gear with all the proper traits and enchantments. I wasn't just a follower who read a few people's opinions and that was good enough for me. I had to try it for myself. I also didn't focus much on PVP until veteran ranks and I didn't understand how completely overpowered Impenetrable trait was and how easily and at a low opportunity cost it completely negates my Khajit's crit bonus.

    So I ask you then, why would you ever be against a race change option? If you believe race choice should be based on looks/culture/rp reasons, in what way would it affect you at all if I changed my race? There is no good reason in my opinion to be against the option of players changing their race.

    People have given you plenty of reasons in this thread. You have chosen not to accept them. They will change the stamina builds eventually and at that point you may have a better appreciation of the race you chose. It's really not that hard to reach the veteran levels so I would just suggest that you make a new character instead of waiting around for them to grant you this race change option. You have failed to convince the vast majority of people that have read this thread and ZOS is not going to change it unless you do. At this point it's probably best to just move on.
  • Erock25
    Erock25 wrote: »
    If you hate your character because of what you perceive to be a useless 6% crit then you have much bigger issues going on. I am sorry but 6% crit will not make or break your character. You're not suddenly going to be godlike if you turned that 6% melee crit to 6% spell crit. I suspect the real problem here is that you chose the class because of some misguided notion that 6% melee crit was going to give you some kind of edge. Now you realize that it's not that big of a deal and you probably never really wanted to play a Khajiit for any other reason so you're regretting your decision. That's why I said in a previous post that it's a poor reason to choose a race. Good reasons to choose a race would be:
    1. You think they look cool
    2. You appreciate their culture
    3. It reminds you of your pet
    4. You want to make a character that looks like you
    5. You want to make a character that looks good from behind because you'll be staring at their butt a lot in third person
    6. Anything other than the racial passives

    It's buyers remorse plain and simple.

    It is funny how people trivialize others' opinion on why they choose their race while championing their own reasons. I have ZERO interest in lore, looks, RP, or any of that stuff which I consider to be meaningless. It is true that 6% crit will not make or break my character, but if you add up three completely useless racial passives for a ranged magicka character versus 10% max magicka, 9% magicka regen, and 4% dmg increase, that is a HUGE difference. Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but that is basically (as far as damage and sustainability is concerned) like going into battle without enchantments on your armor.

    Yes it is buyers remorse. Big time buyers remorse. Maybe I waited too long to decide that I had to roll staves to be competitive with the top DPS people out there, but I was going along trying to make melee weapons work as hard as possible. I waited until I could afford a nice purple set of medium armor gear with all the proper traits and enchantments. I wasn't just a follower who read a few people's opinions and that was good enough for me. I had to try it for myself. I also didn't focus much on PVP until veteran ranks and I didn't understand how completely overpowered Impenetrable trait was and how easily and at a low opportunity cost it completely negates my Khajit's crit bonus.

    So I ask you then, why would you ever be against a race change option? If you believe race choice should be based on looks/culture/rp reasons, in what way would it affect you at all if I changed my race? There is no good reason in my opinion to be against the option of players changing their race.

    People have given you plenty of reasons in this thread. You have chosen not to accept them. They will change the stamina builds eventually and at that point you may have a better appreciation of the race you chose. It's really not that hard to reach the veteran levels so I would just suggest that you make a new character instead of waiting around for them to grant you this race change option. You have failed to convince the vast majority of people that have read this thread and ZOS is not going to change it unless you do. At this point it's probably best to just move on.

    I believe just as many, if not more, supported what I said as disagreed with it. Also, not a single person disagreeing with it gave a single reason why someone else changing their race would affect them. I'm fairly certain it is just a matter of time thing for when race change gets added to the store as it will be a huge cash flow boost to ZOS without upsetting any sort of balance in the game. I think you should move on and away from this topic.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • Snit
    The cash shop should contain a race-change option.

    For those claiming this does not fit the lore, or that choices should be permanent, I agree. However, I don't agree on behalf of everyone, and neither should you. The OP changing from khajit to whatever won't effect you in the least. It'll make him happy, though.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Thechemicals
    The real issue behind all this is just how boring and slow and tedious it is to rol a new character.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Snit
    The real issue behind all this is just how boring and slow and tedious it is to rol a new character.

    My enthusiasm for alts is definitely limited by the fact that it's the exact same thing all over again. My VR12 sorc already did everything. Running a DK or a NB through the same quests and same areas seems far less interesting.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Vunter
    Arguments are already said, so re read the topic if you must. There's no need to discuss this anymore. I suppose.

    Please moderators, close the thread.
    And no to race change obviously, lol.
  • Erock25
    Vunter wrote: »
    Arguments are already said, so re read the topic if you must. There's no need to discuss this anymore. I suppose.

    Please moderators, close the thread.
    And no to race change obviously, lol.

    So funny how upset people get about something that wouldn't affect them at all. Close a topic because you don't like it? Egomaniac or something right there.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
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  • AlexDougherty
    Vunter wrote: »
    Arguments are already said, so re read the topic if you must. There's no need to discuss this anymore. I suppose.

    Please moderators, close the thread.
    And no to race change obviously, lol.

    Um, not to put too fine a point on it, it's not your call on whether the arguement is over, or whether the Mods should close the thread.

    Personally I wouldn't change my race, but as long as it's done outside of the game I have no problem with others doing it. I just don't want to see it happening in game, because it's against the Lore, but if it's done when the character is logged out, then no problem.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Kraven
    No. Just plain no. How about making a choice and sticking with it. Imagine that choices that you make having relevant lasting influence.

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • GFBStarWars
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Long read so here is an extremely lazy summation.


    - ZOS should allow us to buy race changes or racial passive changes (whole set, not pick and choose)
    - Why I thought melee crit khajit sorc would work
    - Why it didn't work
    - It is a win-win for everyone. More money for ZOS. More happy players.
    - Racial passives are not irrelevant


  • Thechemicals
    Kraven wrote: »
    No. Just plain no. How about making a choice and sticking with it. Imagine that choices that you make having relevant lasting influence.

    The poor choice I made in my race does have a lasting influence on me, its a negative one. I don't support race changing, but they have got to make rolling a new character somehow fun.

    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Hamfast
    I started reading this thread and thought... race changes would not be bad... then I read some of the objections and found some valid, some not so much... then I read some of the supporting comments and realized some of them are just as valid or invalid as the objecting posts...

    Finally, on the 4th or 5th reading (in quotes) of the OP's post, it dawned on me, he had fun until he found out he was not doing max DPS with the build he wanted to play, that a different build did more, add to it that a different race's passives would improve his DPS more... a Min/Max kind of guy...

    After 3 pages, I realized, I don't care... allow it or not, play as you like or not... I just don't care... which makes this post utterly ridiculous because why am I posting on a thread where I don't care... well, it's because I had to read the whole thread to figure out I did not care.
    Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...
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