Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

Jesus Zenimax fix Werewolf already and make it competitive!

  • Sonja
    Update 3 and this is all we get : Werewolf
    Rousing Roar: This ability now correctly calculates its power bonus based on the number of targets that get hit.

    Sigh :-(
  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO
    Sonja wrote: »
    Update 3 and this is all we get : Werewolf
    Rousing Roar: This ability now correctly calculates its power bonus based on the number of targets that get hit.

    Sigh :-(

    But this is a buff, right? Well..it would be, if any WW would EVER dare to oppose more than one foe alone.
    Edited by Cyrdemaceb17_ESO on July 15, 2014 6:43PM
  • Marta
    That ship sailed a long time ago.
    Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur
  • Sonja
    Well...... I still hope someone from ZoS is working on werewolf buffs, but i don't know why don't they giva us a thread for it listing possible future changes like they did for stamina etc.....
  • Mori
    because they are busy with matching pink colors to orange and red for the next patch. u saw the internal competition they had instead of fixing werewolves :expressionless:
    give us something pls, and fast. anything really. just let us know that you are actually working on it and will have something up soon. its torture feeling ignored again and again.
  • Sonja
    Ikata_Stormcloud wrote: »
    Just my two cents from another perspective.

    TL:DR Make Werewolf a toggle with a timer that only runs down in combat so us RPers can actually RP as Werewolves

    I've been an RPer for many years now, from tabletop, to forum, to in games such as ESO, and while I am aware that most game developers cater to the PvPers and the PvEers first some thought should be given to us RPers as well. (As an aside I do think ZOS have done a modicum of that with the amount of character customisations, the revisit able lore library and so forth)

    With that in mind I'll give some context - I've had the same Orc in almost every game I have RPed, or at least incarnations of him, with a few things that always, always remain the same:
    - He blends Melee combat with destruction magic (usually heavily shock focused, with either a two handed axe/sword or dual axes/daggers)
    - He wears a 'medium' armour set (a blend of furs, mail and leather)
    - He's bald
    - He has a HEAVY affinity with the Wolf. (In WoW that was done via the Frostwolf clan, the Shaman class (it fit with the rest) along with the many wolf visage head pieces available. In the ES games he's always had lycanthropy. So on and so forth.)
    The most successful ES incarnation has to have been my Skyrim Character - with the Stalhrim light set, Dragonbone Axes and a LOT of graft into enchantment, smithing and alchemy I managed to create my Orc almost perfectly. The elemental magic manifesting though Shock and Frost enchants as well as having Shock spells as openers to fights, with my ultimate means of approaching difficult fights being Beast Form, coupled with Beserker rage it was almost unstoppable and once you had skill investment you could keep it up almost indefinitely as long as you had enough corpses to feast upon. If I had to make a guess as to the longest time I spent roaming the wilds as a Werewolf I'd probably put it close to three hours, rampaging through bandit camps, dungeons etc, without ever losing the form. This all of course was wonderful and fit perfectly with the character in my head - there was just one small downside, I was alone.

    When I saw we'd have access to the Werewolf skill line in ESO I rejoiced! Finally I'd be able to create the perfect incarnation AND have people I could share it with, both in random RP encounters (he's an Orc following the Code of Mauloch, he takes most insults as a reason to cave a few faces in, as well as honouring Hircine through the hunt) where if things were going sour i.e his fighting prowess and Storm magick wasn't cutting it - BOOM - Werewolf form to either flee (very unlikely) or savage the unsuspecting bar patron that thought it would be funny to call him an ugly brute - and of course RP though the fall out of such a transformation however it would play out. As well as through pack RP; organised hunts, pack meetings, fights to decide who is alpha etc etc.
    The ideas in my mind, the excitement at the endless possibilities finally open to me in this MMO were euphoric. Until I got the form.

    After leveling at a fairly intense rate during Early Access, while still drinking in the world and the lore around me, I finally got to Bangkorai to begin my hunt for that elusive Werewolf bite. Of course initially that was an utter disaster as I was unaware of the moon phases, and how that affected the spawns. I spent a good three hours running around like a madman, naked (for I didn't fancy damaging my gear if I did find the wolves) and spinning around and around looking all different directions... For four days that continued, the pattern ended up being I'd sleep during ESO days and have alarms set for ESO nights to check for spawns. Then finally after four days of nothing there they were. Those glorious Wolf like humanoids. I rejoiced, as with hands trembling from excitement I charged into the fray, immediately taking several big hits and seeing a disease pop up on my buff bar. I hurried from the Wayshine into Evermore, accepted the quest and was on my way. - I wont spoil the quest here for those that may not have done it -

    Needless to say I was anxious to test my hard earned Werewolf form so I farmed a few packs, got the ultimate and was ready to rampage... I don't think I need to tell you how cripplingly disappointed I was.

    I wont go into what I think needs to change for the combat mechanics as I believe others here have covered that very well and the point of all the stuff above isn't about combat. Instead I will gear what I am about to suggest towards RP; pooling from several of my guild mates as we'd all have the desire to RP a werewolf.

    Make the form a toggle. Please, I beg of you!
    If any of you have any RP experience you'll know that it is often a very timely process, especially as there is no 'duel' function for those people that would rather settle in character disputes with actual combat, emote fights can sometimes take hours if the combatants are evenly matched. Meaning the meagre duration of the WW form currently leaves us woefully lacking in time to actually utilise our gift in character. Not to mention the idea of Pack meetings, hunts, setting up territories, patrolling those territories etc etc is simply impossible. Sure we -can- do it in our human forms but in my mind one of, if not the, most important factor within RP is immersion and lets face it if we can't be in our WW form while RPing as a WW - what's the point?

    Another big attraction of the WW form is the increased run speed; in Skyrim, playing as an RPer, I refused to fast travel, nor would I ride a horse because for the most part I think Orcs look ridiculous on horseback, so if I needed to get somewhere in a hurry - I'd take to four legs and begin the run, stopping now and then to kill and devour a deer/elf or unsuspecting hunter/lone human(oid) in order to maintain my form. Yet I'll never take on my WW form simply to move faster in ESO because the mechanics just simply don't allow it. If it was a toggle I'd be able to do so.

    "But indefinite Werewolf form would be overpowered!" I hear people cry: honestly with the state its in at the moment it would put us at a disadvantage. Utilising Atropos' The Reaver build I have so much sustain in my human form while in combat that most of the time the only way I will die is if I pull slightly too many mobs while in my single-target loadout and even then the chances are if it's under 8 I'll survive as long as I play safe. Heck while travelling though Reaper's March at vr4 I soloed ALL of the worldbosses without an issue. Had I been in my Werewolf form I doubt I'd manage that at all. However if you insist there MUST be a timer for Werewolf form, make it ONLY run down in combat This gives us RPers what we want, the ability to properly RP in our Lycanthropic forms without having to constantly go off and farm more Ultimate (which I might add - as we're often not in level appropriate zones for the sake of actually making sense - can be a very very difficult process) while maintaining a 'fairness'
    Such would also give us more usefulness in Cyrodil as we could properly act as scouting parties/Pack assault groups yet would be limited to the time we could spend in combat. It would -also- mean that devour would actually be worth doing as we'd not lose most of the time gained from devouring while devouring.

    Obviously I understand that RP isn't top priority but we pay our sub the same as anyone else and I think certain issues need to be addressed.

    Some really good points, role players shouldn't be left out.
  • Mori
    hear hear...very good post, would love it to be implemented.
  • Sonja
    They better have werewolf buffs in 1.3 when it goes live. I am sick of waiting while they add better "lighting" , useless white items while leaving a whole skill tree broken and useless!
  • Mori
    I heard a great suggestion today. We all know that vamps are easy to spot because of their pale skin etc. How about us wolves get yellow animal eyes? that would be awesome.
    That way humans will have a way to spot both bloodsuckers and wolves...
  • Gizzarduk
    Mori wrote: »
    I heard a great suggestion today. We all know that vamps are easy to spot because of their pale skin etc. How about us wolves get yellow animal eyes? that would be awesome.
    That way humans will have a way to spot both bloodsuckers and wolves...
    Hmm no thanks.
  • Sonja
    Greatest problem of a werewolf is its survivability and self sustain options followed by not so impressive damage, high ultimate cost and short werewolf timer.

    Also lack of abilities while in werewolf form.
  • Giraffon
    I don't want anything visible to betray my wolf blood. It's my dark secret!

    I don't know or care what they do, but I would like to have enemy players in PvP see a werewolf and go "oh crap!" not have the level 10 that just hit Cyrodiil thinking he has a better shot with a werewolf than anything else he's seen that day!

    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • Kalman
    What people think of when they hear they can be a Werewolf in ESO:


    ESO Werewolf:

  • Mori
    loooooooool, good one.
  • Warraxx
    yeah pics

    Edited by Warraxx on July 14, 2014 7:33PM
  • Sonja
    Omg lol guys, that is so funny , sad because that is how i feel in this game as a werewolf but outside of game thinking , really fun and well done :-p
  • Devolus
    I honestly don't think ZOS could give a single **** about Werewolves. The amount of threads without an Admin/Dev response and the private messages I have sent (Quite a bit to say the least) without a response pretty much proves that. The Patch 1.2.3 Known Issues list recently got updated with this wonderful bit >> (took them 3 weeks to even add this "update" on the status of the issue mind you):
    Below is a list of known issues for patch v1.2.3. Many of these are directly from your feedback and reports in-game and here on the official forums. Others are things we were working on before patch v1.2.3 and will roll out a fix for soon.
    • Werewolf Devour: This ability reportedly still has a cooldown.
      • STATUS: This was caused by confusion from the patch notes - Devour can be used every 20 seconds, and previously had a cooldown that was much higher than intended.
    The 1.2.3 patch notes CLEARLY state:
    • Werewolf
      • General: Fixed an issue so transforming out of werewolf form when you are crowd-controlled will no longer break your light and heavy attacks.
      • Devour: We have removed the cooldown period for this ability. You can use Devour only once per corpse.
    There is no confusion about that, it's clear as day what that means. So as I stated, ZOS is showing they don't give a damn about Werewolves. Instead of fixing the issue, or admitting that they couldn't/didn't put the fixes through, they'll just call us stupid and say we got confused by the patch notes.
    Edited by Devolus on July 15, 2014 11:09AM
    "The day I start considering people's feelings before speaking my mind is the day my efficacy as a politician comes to an end. When that day comes, just kill me outright, I beg of you."
    -Abnur Tharn
  • Devolus
    Sonja wrote: »
    Update 3 and this is all we get : Werewolf
    Rousing Roar: This ability now correctly calculates its power bonus based on the number of targets that get hit.

    Sigh :-(

    We'll see if this even works when it goes to live servers. Highly likely that this will end up on their "Patch 1.3.x Known Issues List" thread that will be created, and we'll see this (probably with no further update regarding it :
    • Rousing Roar: This ability is reported as no longer applying any power bonus.
      • STATUS: Currently Investigating
    Just like they "fixed" the Werewolf transformation issue, but it never made it onto 1.2.3 and it's been in that above status ever since.
    Edited by Devolus on July 15, 2014 11:20AM
    "The day I start considering people's feelings before speaking my mind is the day my efficacy as a politician comes to an end. When that day comes, just kill me outright, I beg of you."
    -Abnur Tharn
  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO
    They intended a 20 sec cooldown on Devour on purpose? So even if you stretched the WW-time to 40 seconds, you HAVE to stop and feed as soon as Devour is up.
    Therefore WWs need to camp a feshly killed body for Devour or become human very soon again? What kind of fun gameplay is this?
    I can't use any word I am just thinking because they might all be against the rules in the forum.

    I mean, if WW would be so overpowered, that it would be unfair to stay longer WW, I would understand it. But being punished being a WW in the first time and being punished further if you want to stay WW longer?

    C'mon..time to find that priest and be done with it.
    Edited by Cyrdemaceb17_ESO on July 15, 2014 6:33PM
  • DivZero
    just a comparison between stamina build nightblade and transform. I only keep it because of love of Skyrim's werewolfs (going on a killing spree in some keeps was insane...) It needs a lot of work. :neutral_face:
  • Xnemesis
    just a comparison between stamina build nightblade and transform. I only keep it because of love of Skyrim's werewolfs (going on a killing spree in some keeps was insane...) It needs a lot of work. :neutral_face:

    lol you lost weapon power
  • c0rp
    Whoever designed the ww stuff should be fired. All those millions of dollars spent, and all that time spent...and 3 months after the game has launched the only thing transforming into a werewolf does is make people LAUGH. That is ****ing sad ZoS...seriously. @zos_MattFiror @zos_PaulSage @zos_NickKonkle @zos_BrianWheeler @zos_MariaAliprando
    Edited by c0rp on July 15, 2014 2:21PM
    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
  • Sonja
    Oh my God Zenimax , i would tell you a lot of bad stuff now that you rightly deserve, both as a company and as a customer support representatives but i don't want to be banned so i will just tell you that you SUCK! You ignore us since early access, you never responded to any PM, you behave like you have a right to own our money and no responsibility whatsoever.

    Do we have plague or AIDS? Even so can that be spread via forum!???

    I pay for this game just like everyone else and just like every single werewolf in the game, you never responded to questions and concerns about werewolves even after we have tagged @ZoS_GinaBruno @ZoS_JessicaFolsom and @ZoS_MattFiror who btw for the information of our beloved subscribers posted only TWO times in FOUR months......

    Dedicated aren't we -.-

    Shame on everyone who ignored us for so long and keep doing so, shame on you.

    I never asked for anything in this game....i mean look at my threads....i have one?

    Only thing i asked was to make me viable as a werewolf in pve and especially in PvP. I asked you to make werewolf more role play friendly because of my fellow role players too. But you simply don't care.

    Shame on you for never responding, and i hope that when you have some concern about some product or something you pay/buy, love/enjoy.....I hope that something doesn't work like you expect it to work and then i hope that customer support or whoever they are treat you as you treated us.

    In short...i hope you get a taste of your own medicine.

    Why can't i or anyone of my fellow players or friends who posted numerous werewolf related tickets in game or on the forums get a SIMPLE ONE SENTENCE LONG FREAKING ANSWER SINCE GAME released!!??

    Yet you keep giving comments to broken armor set.......awesome...that one set out of 21512745127 must be more important then whole skill tree.....

    @zos_MattFiror @zos_PaulSage @zos_NickKonkle @zos_BrianWheeler @ZOS_MariaAliprando‌

    Edited by Sonja on July 15, 2014 2:26PM
  • Orchish
    I've held on to mine in the hopes that we will see it become viable one day. Yet each day that passes i get more and more tempted to cure it and just join the ranks of Vampires that roam the lands.
  • Giraffon
    We're just getting treated like the dogs that we are!!
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • Mori
    WTF? im almost speechless......

    im getting the urge to actually become suspended on the forums for a few days, at least i will get some attention??

    Why do I cling onto this false sense of hope? that they actually are trying to fix the werewolve when they are clearly after over 3 months not putting any effort into it, especially considering they are commenting so much other stuff on the forums. but werewolf threads? they shun those threads like sonja said so bluntly - like the plague!!!

    Game director said we might get some changes... MIGHT! That sentence in itself should be a wake up call for all werewolves. They are using lots of energy into buffing crafted armors and dye in the game, but dont give a *** about a skill line.

    How hard is it - really - to do some changes, so that bloodsuckers and wolves are balanced? I mean, you buffed the poison *** from bows, nerfing wolves even further. Get your head out of your ass and wake up! Fix werewolves before they all quit the game and play skyrim till the next game comes out.....

  • Sonja
    FIX the werewolf NOW not tomorrow or in the next freaking 4 months we need it and want it ASAP. Just like you could ''fix'' vampires so early on we want to be treated the same way!

    And start communicating with your players!
    Edited by Sonja on July 15, 2014 2:50PM
  • Gizzarduk
    Not sure shouting is going to help but maybe the sheer number of posts in this thread today will.
  • Mori
    If only we could get a reply from someone who is working on werewolves, but that will be hard, considering how i see it, its the janitor. and he is busy cleaning the floors...
  • Sonja
    Gizzarduk wrote: »
    Not sure shouting is going to help but maybe the sheer number of posts in this thread today will.

    My friend we have sheer number of posts for months now, just search and look up how many werewolf threads there are, more werewolf threads then any other threads on these forums. Someone was posting on the reddit too but zenimax doesn't give a damn.

    We lost our patience, we have waited since game released, how long should we keep waiting. When you ask them nice they ignore you, this way it could at least get some publicity and visibility for outside players and people who are thinking about subbing or not, or ppl who are thinking about becoming a werewolf.
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