Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
· PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)


  • andyjunction_ESO
    Soul Shriven

    : not very important

    : very slight or small

    Hope that helps.
  • Iam_Epiphany
    EDIT: Just saw the post about my question, missed it first time round.

    People are going to be completely unprepared for vet dungeons now.
    Edited by Iam_Epiphany on July 7, 2014 3:21PM
  • Warraxx
    My first encounter with a large enemy group in Cyrodiil...5 fps. I even lowered my video settings before entering just in case.

    Looks like it's alt city again for another week...

    Well, i was getting 2fps so its a 250% increase! AWESOME...

  • Csub
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Does this include vet dungeons? Or just the surface world?

    I'm worried either way, either vet dungeons will be too easy now or players will be completely unprepared for them.

    She wrote that it does affect surface world and delves, world bosses, but not group dungeons or craglorn or trials.
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • Sihnfahl
    Okay, testing in V10 Rift!

    Prior to the patch, V10 saber cats hit 300+ on 2k armor rating. Now? Barely 200. Definite damage output nerf on mobs.

    While the saber cat health is unchanged, I think I noticed a reduction in troll and bear health. A few hundred on the bear, over a thousand on the troll. Could be a faulty memory, though.

    That being said, I killed a pair of bears using one wrecking blow, then nothing but light attacks.

    And the troll dropped like a chump.
  • Lupinemw
    It does include World Bosses, Public Dungeons, and Delves. It does not include Veteran Dungeons or Craglorn. Hope this helps!
    So still no way to solo to level cap, VR12.

    I see.


    You are kidding right, I've got well into Vet 8 without help, solo'd bosses, delves etc. Run dungeons with other guild mates when a few have needed them but mostly I've enjoyed it being hard.

    Yes you have to sometime think before wading in, but I wouldn't say it was hard.

    Wonder if enough people whine its too easy ZoS will listen the way they have those who want it all on day one so they can jump to the not enough end game for my leee333tness..
    EU Casual Mature Daggerfall Covenant Guild

    Would you like to know more?! Check us out below
  • Anastasia
    Jimm_ay wrote: »
    oh and lets hope if the reduced vr difficulty that they did not reduce xp given..:(..eaiser to kill but you have to kill 4 times as much.

    I'm sure many are 'hoping not'.
    Heh, wouldn't that be the shizz.

  • DirtySouthWookie
    Holy GOD its easy mode now. Im pulling 20 vr9 zombies in light armor and not even needing to use ulti to kill them. Why not just change the title of this game to "Hello Kitty Island Adventure"
  • Sihnfahl
    Oh, and anyone else not seeing Cyrodiil Scroll Buffs? I went into Bloodthorn as DC and ... well, we have all six scrolls. Bonuses aren't showing up in the character sheet in or out of AvA. And with the mob changes (which would presumably include mitigation), I can't say that the scroll buffs are there, only hidden... :pensive:
    Edited by Sihnfahl on July 7, 2014 3:25PM
  • Phantax
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    Okay, testing in V10 Rift!

    Prior to the patch, V10 saber cats hit 300+ on 2k armor rating. Now? Barely 200. Definite damage output nerf on mobs.

    While the saber cat health is unchanged, I think I noticed a reduction in troll and bear health. A few hundred on the bear, over a thousand on the troll. Could be a faulty memory, though.

    That being said, I killed a pair of bears using one wrecking blow, then nothing but light attacks.

    And the troll dropped like a chump.

    So we got one reading of 33% damage reduction, hopefully more data and we can build up a reasonably accurate idea.

    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • dsalter
    Csub wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Does this include vet dungeons? Or just the surface world?

    I'm worried either way, either vet dungeons will be too easy now or players will be completely unprepared for them.

    She wrote that it does affect surface world and delves, world bosses, but not group dungeons or craglorn or trials.

    which means they wont expect it to be uber hard.
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    bugulu wrote: »
    So anyone playing on the NA servers that have tested out Cyrodiil, is it better now?

    These are the two fixes that hopefully fixes it.

    Fixed an issue where some visual effects and abilities were reducing your game’s performance.
    Fixed an issue where some self-targeted ability effects were sticking around permanently.

    I didn't have any problems before hand but my guild mates said it was better.

    The fps issues won't be truly tested until the prime time when cyrodill gets a heavy load. During the day time I could play with no issues due to the light load. Tonight will be a much better measuring stick.
  • Cogo
    Just checked Reddit.....the americans are not very happy, playing in vet area, with lvl 49 mobs. What did you do?

    I know this is for the good of ESO and I accept that.
    For the first evening since late april, I feel like taking an evening off....
    Edited by Cogo on July 7, 2014 3:36PM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Anastasia
    Denaia wrote: »
    Phantax wrote: »
    Phantax wrote: »
    Veteran Rank Changes

    Phase 1 of our Veteran gameplay changes begins with this patch, the first in a series of changes we'll be making to improve the post-50 experience overall. We've lowered the difficulty of the second and third alliance zones to bring them more in lines with zones from 1-50. You'll be able to continue soloing through them more easily than before, though they'll still be challenging. We have much more information about Veteran System changes on the way, so make sure to watch our site for updates.


    OK and HOW have you lowered the difficulty?? Talk about vague and uninformative ! ! !

    Monsters have 3 and only 3 things which make them "challenging":
    - the amount & frequency of damage they deal to you
    - the amount of health they have
    - any special abilities (immunity to CC, or other special things)

    Since I doubt they actually went through every monster and changed their special abilities (3rd point), then obviously they messed with the first 2: damage output and health, in some combination.

    This is obvious, but apparently, not to everyone.

    Doesn't have to of been the mobs that were nerfed, they may have buffed VR players while in VR zones !

    @ZOS_GinaBruno any chance of telling us what you guys actually did?

    Yes, absolutely. Monsters will hit for less damage, and will have less health overall across the Veteran zones.

    Does this include worldbosses? Public dungeons? Delves? Dolmens? Are the veteran dungeons affected? is Craglorn affected? Questions questions

    It does include World Bosses, Public Dungeons, and Delves. It does not include Veteran Dungeons or Craglorn. Hope this helps!
    Audigy wrote: »
    Phantax wrote: »
    Denaia wrote: »
    Phantax wrote: »
    Phantax wrote: »
    Veteran Rank Changes

    Phase 1 of our Veteran gameplay changes begins with this patch, the first in a series of changes we'll be making to improve the post-50 experience overall. We've lowered the difficulty of the second and third alliance zones to bring them more in lines with zones from 1-50. You'll be able to continue soloing through them more easily than before, though they'll still be challenging. We have much more information about Veteran System changes on the way, so make sure to watch our site for updates.


    OK and HOW have you lowered the difficulty?? Talk about vague and uninformative ! ! !

    Monsters have 3 and only 3 things which make them "challenging":
    - the amount & frequency of damage they deal to you
    - the amount of health they have
    - any special abilities (immunity to CC, or other special things)

    Since I doubt they actually went through every monster and changed their special abilities (3rd point), then obviously they messed with the first 2: damage output and health, in some combination.

    This is obvious, but apparently, not to everyone.

    Doesn't have to of been the mobs that were nerfed, they may have buffed VR players while in VR zones !

    @ZOS_GinaBruno any chance of telling us what you guys actually did?

    Yes, absolutely. Monsters will hit for less damage, and will have less health overall across the Veteran zones.

    Does this include worldbosses? Public dungeons? Delves? Dolmens? Are the veteran dungeons affected? is Craglorn affected? Questions questions

    It does include World Bosses, Public Dungeons, and Delves. It does not include Veteran Dungeons or Craglorn. Hope this helps!

    At least now a lot of the nah-sayers can't complain about group VR being ruined. Actually sounds like Zeni got something right. (still waiting for feedback from the NA server as to 'IF' its all good though !


    I don't think anyone actually cared about Craglorn or the dungeons, its the quest´s that matter for people ;)

    Uh huh -- until they (*very soon-ly) reach the dungeons and Craglorn ...


  • born2beagator
    Yeah. World bosses have not been nerfed. Just tried to solo one and it was hitting for 900 damage per light attack

    (I'm okay with this btw, you should have to group for those)
  • Sihnfahl
    Cogo wrote: »
    What did you do?
    A significant reduction on mob health and damage output.
  • Anastasia
    So Only the 2nd and 3rd VR zone were made easier.....funny cuz I made past those areas almost a month ago, and honestly the areas don't get actually hard until about VR4. I'm half way through the 5th VRzone right now

    No. The 2nd and 3rd Factions. Which encompasses all of V1 - V10.

    *Nods, I see. Seems to be a very thorough job of it this week:

    "The Nerf ... err, the *easing up of difficulty" is activated: 2nd and 3rd Factions. Which encompasses all of V1 - V10.
    Edited by Anastasia on July 7, 2014 3:35PM
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Holy GOD its easy mode now. Im pulling 20 vr9 zombies in light armor and not even needing to use ulti to kill them. Why not just change the title of this game to "Hello Kitty Island Adventure"

    I've a guy from Marketing on the phone. Shall i hand him over? :)
  • born2beagator
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    What did you do?
    A significant reduction on mob health and damage output.

    It hasn't hit world bosses imo.
  • Captainbristol0
    When does the EU get the patch?
  • MonkeyAssassin24
    I can now toy with v7 mobs. I think most people would have been okay with ~15% but this seems like overkill, I basically just stood in the red on whirlwinds and arrow sprays with little fear. People mostly wanted tough mobs instead of god-like mobs, not cannon fodder.
    On second thought, let's not go to the forums. 'Tis a silly place.
  • Anastasia
    Just let a rogue hit me with a whirlwind. imo it looks like they halved their damage

    Insightful born2beagator: "looks like they halved their damage" if true, ah, it was just gonna be a 'slight', a 'tad' of a difficulty decrease in V+ 1-10 content.

  • Sihnfahl
    It hasn't hit world bosses imo.
    I'll test that after lunch.

  • twev
    Phantax wrote: »
    Thinking about it, Its actually quite smart of Zenimax. If they intentionally keep it vague and don't tell us what they have done we can't actually say if it's truly working as intended !

    So, that's the only part that can actually be pointed at as 'Working as Intended'?

    I guess they have to accentuate the positive.
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • DirtySouthWookie
    Ulti gain is higher now too it seems.
  • Dusty5
    looks to me they are about4-5 weeks behind on the 479 pages of issues in cs forum. not much at all here.
  • Cogo
    dsalter wrote: »
    Csub wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Does this include vet dungeons? Or just the surface world?

    I'm worried either way, either vet dungeons will be too easy now or players will be completely unprepared for them.

    She wrote that it does affect surface world and delves, world bosses, but not group dungeons or craglorn or trials.

    which means they wont expect it to be uber hard.

    This is whats going to happen now:

    Players can solo, or almost solo, dolmens, which gives BIG exp.
    Thats not the problem. It messes with the nice groups that has been forming on EU server. Not so many players are needed for that now....

    The same player will now get a dungeon group, and instantly die. Sending the same feedback to Zenimax, as they did before. The dungeon is to hard.

    If Zeni, can stops here, and keep the player base, then Alright.
    If they have to keep "tweaking" down so much again, and again, to keep players that we do need for ESO. *Silence*

    After consider why Zenimax possibly did this, I do not blame them. Without players, we have no ESO.

    Edited by Cogo on July 7, 2014 3:47PM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • born2beagator
    Cogo wrote: »
    dsalter wrote: »
    Csub wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Does this include vet dungeons? Or just the surface world?

    I'm worried either way, either vet dungeons will be too easy now or players will be completely unprepared for them.

    She wrote that it does affect surface world and delves, world bosses, but not group dungeons or craglorn or trials.

    which means they wont expect it to be uber hard.

    This is whats going to happen now:

    Players can solo, or almost solo, dolmens, which gives BIG exp.
    Thats not the problem. It messes with the nice groups that has been forming on EU server.
    Not so many players are needed for that now....

    The same player will now get a dungeon group, and instantly die. Sending the same feedback to Zenimax, as they did before. The dungeon is to hard.

    If Zeni, can stops here, and keep the player base, then Alright.
    If they have to keep "tweaking" down so much again, and again, to keep players that we do need for ESO. *Silence*

    After consider why Zenimax possibly did this, I do not blame them. Without players, we have no ESO.

    I think they stop here with the difficulty nerf.
  • DirtySouthWookie
    craiglorn mobs are easier too
  • JessieColt
    For everyone facing FPS issues, I have a question.

    When was the last time you did physical maintenance on your system?

    Physical Maintenance being cleaning the fans, including opening up the system and cleaning the fan on your Motherboard?

    Overheating the Motherboard can cause a drop in FPS.

    ESO is an intensive game, and regular maintenance of your system should be done at least 2 times a year.

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