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Group dungeon difficulty seems to be glitchy (too hard) since 1.2.3 update.

First off, I'm not complaining that content is too difficult or requesting a nerf of any kind...(so put your torches away).

I've had two different experiences since the update - let's see if anyone else has had anything similar.

Experience #1:

Based in AD. Grouped up and headed to Wayrest Sewers (L20 Group Dungeon). Group consitsted of:

L18 Nightblade (DPS)
L28 Sorcerer (Healer)
VR9 Nightblade (DPS w/tank tendencies)

I realize this is intended as a four man, but we were obviously overpowered, so it should not have been an issue.

Made it through the first two mini-bosses with relative ease, though the minions of the Rat Whisperer seemed to hit harder than usual. (Chalked this one up to quantity, not quality).

Next, Uulgarg the Hungry...

Went in with full health, crossed between my Winged Twilight (call it our fourth), and an minor add and Sorcerer dies...

Death Recap: One hit...Bleeding, I believe...62 hp...

That's a 6 and a 2...and nothing else (on a character that has over 1000hp).

(I've got this on video and reviewed it to make sure I was at full health to start and hadn't missed something...)

Odd, but whatever...res'd, finished him off, moved on.

No real issue with others until the final boss fight...

Get in there, L18 didn't stay close - dies. (Not unexpected, given we were one man short and circumstance.)

Final boss proceeds to kill me (healer)...and then proceeds to take down our VR9.

All res...enter again...and it happens Again...(Full indication in party chat now that the boss is not taking damage like she should and hitting way too hard...)

Damn near happened a third time, but success this time.

Each time, she was uninterested in either Nightblade...each time, she took a particular interest in me (Sorc/Healer).

For the record, I've done this dungeon before on this and another character. In both cases, we were easily 5 levels below where my character was this time through (around L22), so it's not a boss mechanic, it's not a not-knowing-what-to-expect issue, it's certainly not a LTP issue.

The scaling seemed to be way off. The first 62hp death was odd, the fact that a L23 boss was able to decimate our group twice, including a VR9 was beyond odd.

Experience #2:

Different group, DF based, 4 man, level range 36-42.

Direfrost (L30 Group Dungeon).

Frost Troll mini boss...again, lays waste to our entire group, almost two times. (We dropped the final boss easier and with less damage than this guy.)

Has anyone else experienced unexplained deaths or apparent scaling issues within group dungeons since the update?
Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

Earn it.

IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    Not a group dungeon, but I was downed yesterday with a similar death recap.
    The attacker was an overworld mini-boss I tried to solo. I did well, and proudly managed to dodge all incoming damage, but then I suddenly died for unknown reasons, and the death recap listed one hit for around 100 points. That's it. My lvl 43 character was at full health with around 1,600 health points.

    I did not return to the fight to see if the problem persisted. I just revived at a wayshrine and left. I do not particularly enjoy paying repair bills to do debugging.
    Edited by stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO on June 30, 2014 1:07PM
  • Merlin13KAGL
    For the record, I did submit a bug report for the first one.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • gladen5rwb17_ESO
    I have noticed that my spells are not doing any damage to mobs sometimes. My blocks are not blocking and my interrupts are not working also. I think lots of things were broken on this last patch. Mob difficulty is varied and often when a mob should drop x amount of hit points from a spell or skill instead it shaves off a fraction of them.
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    I really should have made a /bug report on mine as well, but at the moment I was not in the best mood to submit a constructive bug report worth reading.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    I really should have made a /bug report on mine as well, but at the moment I was not in the best mood to submit a constructive bug report worth reading.

    I get that...without knowing how much game data they actually receive, it's hard to know if it's worth the time. I'd be happy knowing the screenshot I check to submit is actually of the thing I'm trying to point out... The less-than-adequate CS follow up doesn't help either...(starting to resemble the infamous MS bug report...)

    I forgot to mention in my /bug report that I had video proof... I think they would be more inclined to look in on the 62hp death than the L23 boss handing VR9 + 46 levels worth of characters their hides three times...

    @gladen5rwb17_ESO‌, I feel like I am missing something also with the (non shield) block mechanic and 'spell reflection.' They seem to have missed that part in the tutorial. I don't know if my number is so low due to the two handed weapon vice a shield, if it's flat out broken, or if I'm really doing it that wrong.

    Spell reflection - don't know if it's a gear/passive only thing or if my timing is wrong... There doesn't seem to be any kind of indication when/if you have blocked a spell...(something that, restoration, I believe, has a passive that returns magicka on success...)

    Set item activations could use an indicator that they take place and work properly, as well...We should be able to take for granted that they work, but ZoS can understand if we're having a bit of difficulty taking it on faith at this point...
    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on June 30, 2014 1:58PM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    I just downloaded a bean counter add-on to be better prepared for future bug reports. Now I can at least get the battle log details after my next glitchy encounter. (With my usual luck, I won't be getting any more, now that I am prepared for them. :) )
  • Lunerdog
    Had problems in Volenfell last night, we were all just below level 40 and though it's the first time I've grouped with these guys I could immediately see that they knew their stuff.

    Went through most of the dungeon par for the course and having fun, got to the final three construct bosses and wow, we got owned and couldn't touch them.

    Tried various tactics but we all kept getting wiped and the guys started to get a bit despondent, so I logged out and came back in with my Vet 11 Sorc so I could heal them and do some hefty dps.

    Even then it was a pain and not fun, thank god the weapon swap didn't freeze up and I could switch quickly from healing to dps.

    I obviously didn't get the achievement for my level 39 char but at least bringing my Vet in got the other guys through it and I'll go back again later for another bash with her.

    It's odd that all the way through the dungeon we were doing serious damage but once we got in that final room we were hardly making a dent on the bosses, my Vet char has over 2000 health but one hit from the Sparks construct nearly wiped all her health and I had to heal like crazy and dance about like a loon to stay alive, seems way over the top for a dungeon at that level.
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