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Would you pay $2.50 for a cape?

  • frwinters_ESO
    N0! It sounds to much like stupid horse armor to me!
    i do not ever remember seeing anyone with a cape in any elder scroll game. So i assume capes are a slight against the Eight and Daedric Princes would be insulted by capes so your safer without one.
  • Anzaman
    No! I want this option for free NOW!
    i do not ever remember seeing anyone with a cape in any elder scroll game.

    And his statues in Wayrest, Stormhaven have capes. ;)
    Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
    Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
    Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
  • greylox
    Utterly pointless and look rubbish. Even if stats were added I'd turn mine off.
    PC EU

    House of the Black Lotus
    *{Smokes-in-the-Shade }* (Mag pet Sorc Argonian, prolific thief, willing participant of the dark arts, gardener of exotic...herbs)
    {Lugdum The Mechanist} (Hybrid Orc Templar, collector of ancient Ayleid smoking pipes)
    {Rantoul} (Dark Elf Magknight, likes an ale between boss fights, has been known to offer daedric princes out in a fist fight)
    {Red, The Wanderer} (Bosmer stam sorc and hunter extraordinaire)
    {Shoots-For-Stars} (Argonian Mag pet Sorc Ice mage Healer)
    *{Jinny the spark }* (Sassy Imperial Stamplar)
    {Crezzi the Drifter} (Magblade khajiit burglar, available for questionable operations)
    {Grif the Despised} (StamKnight Tank Nord, Eastmarch Master Drinker and spinner of tall yarns)
    {Geraldine Stone-Heart} (High Elf MagSorc Ice Tank, Mystic, practitioner of the ancient arts)
    *{Anawinn}* (Stam pet Ward Redguard, Mother to a bear and an unruly Hunger,Librarian, field medic and natures fist)

    { CP 900+ }

    Caretaker of Battle Island (Grand Topal), the holiday destination for the discerning warrior
    Residing in Stay-Moist Mansion-Shadowfen - The Smoking Den (as of 6th feb 2017)

  • Lisa
    I'm pretty much all tapped out. I can't really foresee any reason to spend more money than the $15 a month. $2.50 for a cape, uh, no.
    Blessed are those who explore the unbeaten path...
  • tengri
    Honestly, I would rather pay $2.5 for NOT having capes in this game...
  • Singular
    No! I want this option for free NOW!
    We should not have to pay for anything in this game - we pay a sub. Once they start adding microtransactions, it's a slide straight to p2w.

    Capes should be optional.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • Sleepydan
    No! I want this option for free NOW!
    What the hell?? I certainly don't want tabards cape tabards.

    Two birds with one stone here.

    Light armor shoulders look lame. Cloaks are certainly not medium or heavy.

    Replace each factions light armor shoulder armor with their own take on the cloak.

    Cosmetic improvement, not charging extra in sub game, everyone won't use it.
  • SeñorCinco
    Nope. I pay $15 a month for a cape and I haven't seen one yet.

    Outside of Alpha screenshots.
    Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
    Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
    Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
    ... to be continued.

    Now, get off my lawn.

  • Moon-and-Star
    I would not pay for it. If they were to be added to the game you should be able to craft it just like other armor.
  • Beryl
    No! I want this option for free NOW!
    I am not a fan of capes. But if they are to be introduced, they must be available for free through the gameplay. No additional cost on top of the subscription fee.
  • Ketobbey
    Yes. But $5 and I want to be able to change it whenever I want.
    At the time of typing this, the Poll is 50/50.
    50% Want to see capes; Some of them don't want to pay $2.50, Some would pay $5, and other want them for free.
    the other 50% Just don't want capes or think horse armor and capes are the same thing...
    Well whatever view you have taken 50/50 at this time shows no clear winner.
    So what will win? Capes? or NO Capes?
    You help decide. (This in no way means capes will be a thing but the poll will have a clear winning of choice)
    I would like to note the comments I have read are mixed as well. I amy do another poll later on with a more yes or no focus. To cape or not to cape what a good question.
    also check out my music, link is below.
    Ketobbey On SoundCloud <-- click to hear the unique music I produce. And it's my own music. I don't sample or DJ I produce from scratch. The music you will hear is perfect for running around ESO. There is a playlist with 1 and a half hours worth of my music for you to listen to. Enjoy and thanks for all your support.
  • Falmer
    N0! It sounds to much like stupid horse armor to me!
    Personally, I can't stand capes and wouldn't use them even if they were in the game now.
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Wouldnt wear one if they paid me.
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • curlyqloub14_ESO
    Your poll is missing this option:

    NO - capes are lame - we are not playing batman online. But horse armor would be awesome!

    But seriously, if we HAVE to have dumb stuff like this in the game, I agree with those who say it should be crafted, not something you pay cash money for.
  • Darthtorak
    Soul Shriven
    my personal opinion is that they should allow capes in game, but only as a cosmetic item...so those who wish to wear them can...
    as for paying for them using real money..i find it rather distasteful..there should be an ( in-game ) vendor and crafting option available....

    A cape in my opinion is a choice of appearance..and would give your character that extra personal touch and for those who dislike capes...DONT WEAR ONE THEN :smiley:
    Edited by Darthtorak on May 16, 2014 8:43PM
  • stimpy986b14_ESO
    No! I want this option for free NOW!
    Capes should be craftable in-game and you should be able to change the cape design to reflect your alliance, guild, vamp/ww, class, race, etc.
    Edited by stimpy986b14_ESO on May 18, 2014 12:11AM
  • Ruddertail
    I hate admitting that I'm a sucker for microtransactions but... yes.
  • Albarich
    Very simple. If ESO were a F2P it would be ok for me to charge people for gimmicks like capes but as long there is a monthly fee it would have to be for free.
  • Ketobbey
    Yes. But $5 and I want to be able to change it whenever I want.
    @Ruddertail & @Albarich on the first page of this thread you will find a little vote that you can use to cast your thought on also.
    It's really neck and neck right now.
    Ketobbey On SoundCloud <-- click to hear the unique music I produce. And it's my own music. I don't sample or DJ I produce from scratch. The music you will hear is perfect for running around ESO. There is a playlist with 1 and a half hours worth of my music for you to listen to. Enjoy and thanks for all your support.
  • crowfl56
    capes look stupid as does most of the armor in this game, just my opinion.

    NO horse armor needed either.

    NO housing total bs

    Yes better inventory control.
  • Albarich
    Ketobbey wrote: »
    @Ruddertail & @Albarich on the first page of this thread you will find a little vote that you can use to cast your thought on also.
    It's really neck and neck right now.

    Thx, i voted now.

    But neck and neck ? When i add the votes it is atm
    22% YES would pay for it
    65% NO would not pay for it
    10% NO because don't like a cape
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Yes, but only $1
    I would take capes as an extra armor slot, that way you get an even number of slots to fill with armor instead of the add 7. This makes balancing armor types easier to do, and more importantly, you can then do multiple types of capes, i.e Light flowing capes, Stiffer fur lined Medium capes, and rigid chain mail Heavy capes.

    EDIT* I should also state that the options to see capes or not would be entirely...optional. Just like helms, so yea. Capes or no capes, wear one and choose if you want to see it or not. The real hard part isn't so much implementing them, but balancing out stats again to make sure they don't tip the scales of balance in any one direction.
    Edited by Khivas_Carrick on May 26, 2014 8:07PM
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • shaddrispreub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Yes, but only $1
    I would prefer a way to earn them in game (no poll response matched that option) In LoTRO, it was almost a status symbol to wear the cloak that dropped from Tharlauch (the balrog from the rift raid)

    Cloak has no stats, has level equivalent to character, and can be enchanted with jewelry enchants.The cloak can be turned off like the helmet.

    Cleared craglorn raid
    Covenant/Dominion/Pact hero
    Drop off dungeon/raid VR level bosses
    NPC guild quest line final reward (Mage/Fighter/Thieves/Dark Brotherhood)
  • Gwarok
    Yes. But $5 and I want to be able to change it whenever I want.
    I'd be willing to shell out up to another $5 but with no stats (unless it cancels out necklace) and with (interchangeable) guild and/or faction logo options available.
    Edited by Gwarok on May 31, 2014 7:03AM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    ...it is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • patrykplawskib16_ESO
    *** ye id like to have capes with my heavy armor looking like a bad ass fighter who just defeated the most difficult thing with his sword on the ground standing tall on a mountain with the cape blowing to his side :D but no sub fee that's dum we pay 15$ anyways for crap anyways.
    Dunmer Master Race
  • Kulrig
    While I would like the option for a customizable cape, I sure as hell ain't gonna support a subscription game with microtransactions. The "NOW!" part of the "No, but I want this option" answer made me decide against picking that one; a certain financial services commercial is stuck in my head thanks to that.
    MkChkn wrote: »
    Would be pretty cool if it worked like the Diablo 3 banner. Unlockable designs and templates based on achievements.

    Indeed it would. Looking at the awardments in the game, not many have any special reward for getting them and those that do are only titles (most of which are from PvP anyway). Another way to go about it is to make various parts of the cape purchased via awardment points; give those things some meaning apart from epeen measurement.

    Of course, I'll be just as pleased if they add something like this to the tabards they mentioned in The Road Ahead.
  • Laurelinde
    No...not inclined to pay for anything that isn't particularly useful. Plus, it would cover my tail! And I've seen the Incredibles, I know how capes end.
    Bright-Marsh-Iris / Ebonheart Pact EU
  • ozgod22_eso
    Not needed in my opinion.
  • Tankqull
    No! I want this option for free NOW!
    no - i´m allready paying 13€/month for this game so i expect all adds to be either free or part of an addon - and not that god damn f4cking dlc garbage.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

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