Still better than two swords and two shields. :PSword and shield + bow or staff would look horrible...
Sword and shield + bow or staff would look horrible...
You mean Skyrim had a mod called All Geared Up.Birfreben_Kinghelred wrote: »I've been meaning to suggest this too. Skyrim had an option in the config file called "geared up", it basically made any weapon you favorited appear on your character. Would be sick for rp purposes and pvp.
Birfreben_Kinghelred wrote: »I've been meaning to suggest this too. Skyrim had an option in the config file called "geared up", it basically made any weapon you favorited appear on your character. Would be sick for rp purposes and pvp.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Instant Weapon Swap
- We’ve made changes to the way we cache textures for your alternate weapon that will allow you to swap weapons reliably and instantly. The previous delay when swapping has been reduced significantly, so swapping to your second ability set will be seamless and fast, making combat feel more responsive.
Hypertionb14_ESO wrote: »it would look silly if you had say, 2 sets of dual weild, or 2 shield and sword sets...
there is not enough room on a character to have 2 shields on the back in a fashion that would be combat ready (its obviously possible to carry several irl over the back...)
so i dont see this happening. least not for this game. you just cannot realistically do this and still have complete freedom in what equipment you use..
This is very important.
Not only is it an RP thing, for which I am in favor.
In PVP it is very crucial to know what the opponent will whip out. Not showing this is an oversight that should be fixed.
There should also be a "use same weapon on both bars" toggle in the equipment pane so I dont have to have 4 weapons to play with 2.
Certainly. Hence a toggle where you may chose to swap to the same weapon with another bar.ShedsHisTail wrote: »
I like having four weapons to play with two.
It allows me to set it up so different action bars have different set bonuses.
I don't see that it would require any animation, the weapons already appear when selected, just asking for both to show up from each weapon slot. Also if they can't code something a Modder could in Skyrim they need to find some new devs fast!Arsenic_Touch wrote: »Waste of time coding animation for everyone like that. Also, just because a coder got it to work in skyrim does not mean it will work here.
I don't see that it would require any animation, the weapons already appear when selected, just asking for both to show up from each weapon slot. Also if they can't code something a Modder could in Skyrim they need to find some new devs fast!
1 I never said I knew a lot about the construction kit or MMO dev tools.Arsenic_Touch wrote: »
It's clear you know very little about working with the construction set for skyrim and developer tools for an mmo. Skyrim being for a single player, where as for ESO it would be built into thousands upon thousands of players simultaneously. If you think they're remotely similar, I got some swamp land for sale. And yes it would require animation because when you sheath your weapon it places it on your back or on your sides.
You're asking for them to add a second set of animations built into that where it would place the weapon/shield it a completely different location, not to mention those people that have the same weapon on both slots, that's more animations. Having to arrange it so they don't clip.
It's much more work than it's worth. You don't just slap the weapon models onto the character and call it done...
Yeah, it would be good to seem them on the horses, even if they were on the horses instead of the PC.Yeah, this would be very nice, cant imagine it being too hard to do? Good idea, id like to see weapons on horses, to tilt them to avoid clip of staffs
Don't think they actually need a toggle unless they decide to add unarmed combat. If there's nothing in the 2nd set of weapon slots it just uses whatever is in the first slot. (To be honest, I was surprised that it *didn't* work this way already.)Certainly. Hence a toggle where you may chose to swap to the same weapon with another bar.