Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Pre order bonus (any race any faction)

  • Aeradon
    Sleepydan wrote: »
    Not only did yours and the people your championing half assed interest hurt the game from the start with their lack of faith to preorder(idk ima wait and see if it's a flop...) following your recommendation would likely only further sabotage the games success.

    Not preordering isn't a lack of faith, it's pretty much common sence, you don't go to a car dealership and trust the dealer to make you a sweet ride next year. You wait, see if the ride is any good and then you buy it. Preordering is a bad business practice and shouldn't be here at all. If your game is any good you should not be dependable on prepurchase options and you will get the refenue anyway.

    The way I see it, I kept myself well informed about ESO before they even announced the title. Reading about the Oblivion and Skyrim online projects.

    Then they announced the game, I researched about it, signed up for closed beta, got the invite, played and experienced the game, then open beta and saw everybody rushing in to test out the game. And I made the choice to preorder it. ZOS rewarded my preorder and participation with these perks, they even gave me a monkey! Felt so good being a franchise fan. I was so glad that the beta and preorder lasted so long that my cousin who was busy managed to get it too!

    As you said, the game is the same price. ES fans has been eyeing for the latest instalment to the franchise, and those who paid attention got rewarded as a loyal fan. New players or those who purchased the game later would think that, "Oh, it's the system where you have to pick your race and restricted to faction just like some of the MMO" which is what was intended.

    The game is intended to separate the races. There has also been talks about adding a feature that allows faction changing. They've been telling the gamers to pick factions properly so that you can play with your friends on the same faction.

    I agree it's not a lack of faith, I really do. But I also order my cars when I see they announce the new benz with the nice new features. They've been making the same damned car every year with some touch ups and minor changes. Nobody would expect the benz engine to screw up, since they made cars for so many years. Plus there's warranty and goods return? It's not faith, people make the decision based on research. Clearly you made your decision. Are you arguing that your research is inadequate?

    Have you been to heaven? Do you want to preorder a ticket? Guess not, since you believe in trying it out first.

    By the way, the $15 per month is to pay for electricity that runs the servers and all the CS who entertains whatever BS you throw at them. It also contributes to content releases, look at Craglorn? A monthly major content update? Overheads? Forum hosting? Website hosting? Developers having babies that might develop the next gen?

    Developers get paid the moment customers buy games? Ok cool, what about the accounts staff? Should they be fired since transactions only happen once? Most people bought their game in the first month, some dude decides to buy it in the 6th month, oops! Sorry, no staff to serve that transaction.

    Life needs you to work for stuff you want that people make with their time and money. Boo Hoo!
    Edited by Aeradon on June 18, 2014 5:40AM
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

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  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Not going to read all the responses, but as one who pre-ordered I don't think they should have made it a pre-order only thing. A costume or two would have been better to go along side the pet, but the ability to pick one race for a faction its not normally seen in isn't really cosmetic, which is all pre-order bonuses should have.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Ok let me first say i have never been a fan of preordering, I like to see the launched game and then see if i'm willing to pay for that.

    So i have come to the attention that the preorder bonus for this game is that you can pick any race in any faction, i don't agree with that and here is why.

    It's fundamentally flawed to offer such an option in a mmo game where you want people to pay a monthly fee. The whole idea of an mmo is that you start out with equal options and choises. I find the imperial edition a going a little to far but i can life with that since there are equal other races to choose from(don't mind people getting the horse either).

    But really a preorder bonus like that is just crazy how can you expect people to invest into a mmo where people pay a monthly subscription if you offer services like that?

    Should have preordered. But instead youd rather qq on here until you get that special perk ripped from us so you can feel "equal". So I suggest just stop now, do you know how many would quit if we lost our bonus to crybabies?
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