Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Pre order bonus (any race any faction)

  • randomriffyrocksprerb18_ESO
    Its not an advantage, you will still be able to explore the three faction no matter which race you chose. The only problem here is just pvp. But it still not an advantage just aesthetic difference.
    Edited by randomriffyrocksprerb18_ESO on May 9, 2014 10:01AM
  • Manofmisery
    Basicly when the game released they said you can play the way you want to, not you can play the way you want to when you preorder else you are stuck with the fixed races and factions.
  • randomriffyrocksprerb18_ESO
    Basicly when the game released they said you can play the way you want to, not you can play the way you want to when you preorder else you are stuck with the fixed races and factions.

    Sorry to break it to you. But this is how the game was envisioned for a long time. Three Alliances, each has three races. People who preordered gets a small bonus, they need to have a bonus or else they wouldnt be an incentive to preorder it, nor they would be a difference to those who didn't preorder. But like I said it's not an advantage.

  • darkdruidssb14_ESO
    Basicly when the game released they said you can play the way you want to, not you can play the way you want to when you preorder else you are stuck with the fixed races and factions.

    Seriously your only hang up to the "play the way you want" is lack of race choices per faction if you didn't pre-order? Wow....

    It doesn't bother you that you can't change class at all after character creation?

    It doesn't bother you that you can't learn other class abilities?

    It doesn't bother you that you can't actually "play the way you want" at all and it's really "play how you want within a restricted scope" even if you could play any race on any faction?

    Race choice is cosmetic. Racial skills can help low level, but end game can be made up by weapon/armor traits, enchantments, food/drink, mundus stones, gear sets and potions.

    I really think you are just here to make a big stink about something that is actually pretty trivial. Especially if you are referencing "play the way you want" as your argument.
  • Manofmisery
    That's not the only point i make if you took the time to actually read the whole post before posting on here i'm sure you will see that.
  • darkdruidssb14_ESO
    That's not the only point i make if you took the time to actually read the whole post before posting on here i'm sure you will see that.

    Really??? Are you sure you talked about anything else? I can help you try to find it.. maybe you can point it out to me. Since this conversation isn't going anywhere... let's try to find it!
    They didn't pay for it they just preordered a game, they payed the same ammount as i did, but they payed it before it was released. But that's not the point i'm trying to make. The point is that this kind of bonusses don't fit the monthly pay schedule they have put up at all.

    Wasn't here.
    It's not that i want to have it it's about that it shouldn't excist in the first place. You can't have it both ways giving stuff away and still expecting the people that don't have it to pay a monthly fee. This is not a singleplayer game this is a mmo with a monthly subscription.

    Here? nope.
    What facts would that be?

    And either cope with it or don't? what kind of answer is that? I'm just posting here to let them know they can't pull this kind of stuff and then expect people to infest in their game. Do you want people to leave after the free period? because that how people leave after the free period.

    Still looking... not seeing it.
    Name one mmo(with a monthly fee) where your choices of race where narrowed while others could choose freely.

    This only talks about race.. still.
    Swtor did not have that system in place untill it went f2p please try again.

    There are other options to make your money back and in the long run it actually cuts into your profits. In a mmo you want to keep a large player base and keep them happy instead of luring people in with cheap bonusses.

    Giving advice to ZOS on how they should make profit...
    Also i see alot of you commenting on oh you could get that and or you chose not to preorder to make it clear i don't give a rats ass about not having the choises, i do however like to voice my opinion that you can't pull that kind of stuff in a mmo where you expect people to invest in your product.

    They want a large player base yet zenimax pulls this kind of stuff, all of it feels like they are just trying to leach as much money out of it as they can(on short term). And after the subscriptions dry out they'll just throw in the towel. It feels like they aren't confident in their product (which so far they shouldn't be).

    Basicly what they are saying: we know it's a *** product so let's slap some bonusses onto it and try to get it sold.

    Calling the game crap.... That's a good way to get ZOS to listen to you right?
    So it's ok for preorder players to play together regardless of race and let the other players that pay a monthly fee aswell go [insert stars here] them selfs.

    Still only talking about race limitations.....
    I could also renew my subscription and sink more money in this fundamentally broken game but i think i'll pass.

    Again, calling the game crap. Not sure why you think ZOS should listen to you... You aren't helping your cause.
    That's the point i'm trying to make it's a pretty big thing to just include it in preorder, and then on the other hand they still want you to pay the same monthly fee while you are basicly gimped by not preordering. Why would you even do that aren't you supposed to buy games because you enjoy them. It just doesn't make any sence to include that kind of preorder bonusses in a mmo.(directed towards maverick).

    Still just about race... This is where you say it gimps people that didn't pre-order which is why I made the comment about racial skills and the race itself being mostly cosmetic anyway.
    Basicly when the game released they said you can play the way you want to, not you can play the way you want to when you preorder else you are stuck with the fixed races and factions.

    OH! Now you mention..... race limitations... surprise surprise.

    Now we are back full circle. So, where did you mention anything new? The whole thread is about race limitation due to not pre-ordering. There is no mention of other limitations that are in the game already as well. What other points have you raised?

    Unless you are talking about calling the game crap and telling ZOS that they should listen to you because you know how to run their business better than they do....
  • roflcopter
    As someone who has the Explorer's Pack, I think it should be free to everyone. It's just too big of a thing to hold hostage. I don't think I'd keep playing the game if I didn't have the Explorer's Pack.
    Well I'ld support it being sold as an upgrade, but it's not that big an issue, being able to mix up any race with any faction is nice, but I would play the game even with the limits of the factions.

    That's the point i'm trying to make it's a pretty big thing to just include it in preorder, and then on the other hand they still want you to pay the same monthly fee while you are basicly gimped by not preordering. Why would you even do that aren't you supposed to buy games because you enjoy them. It just doesn't make any sence to include that kind of preorder bonusses in a mmo.(directed towards maverick).

    meh... never dawned on my to care or really think about it that much. I can see why the did it for only pre release or why the would give a way a special offer for pre order. But I really don't think its that game breaking.

    I missed out.. not butt hurt over it.

    I have played MMO's for a while paid / free. Should I really be upset over this?
    Xbox One | NA | AD
    GM - OK LOL
    Warden Stuff
    Ex - Trials Core 1 Runner - Left and couldn't be happier
  • Badh0rse
    I don't see how this even matters. If one race was OP compared to the rest it would need to be balanced anyway. Every faction has a race that is good at whatever role you want to play. Therefore the only thing pre orders got was the ability to make their character more aesthetically pleasing for them.

    edit: HODOR!
    Edited by Badh0rse on May 9, 2014 10:27PM
  • Sakiri
    < plays wood elf sorc werewolf, probably one of the crappier setups

    < went wood elf - pact because my guild is pact, shes cute and idgaf about racials

    Cute yiny lil elf that turns into a big RAWR. :3
  • WraithAzraiel
    It's not fair, but the early birds got the worm. Life isn't fair. Equality's a myth. Socialism doesn't work. These are all universal truths.

    When in doubt, get a helmet.
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • WraithAzraiel
    Best bet, as a way of making more money, they will likely re-release this option in the future. Maybe not the entire Explorer's Pack, of which the "Any Race Any Faction" PROMOTION*** (keyword here) was a part of - but likely the ability to play any race in any faction will make it's way to the ESO Store. Right alongside the $15 Horse.

    Just about every game ever released in recent memory has had some sort of preorder bonus.

    It's a marketing ploy, it produces revenue. Don't get all hell-bent on fairness. Just wait patiently for them to release the barbershop, the race/gender changers, and the "Any Race Any Faction" in the cash shop.

    Save your pennies now. Then you can buy equality.
    Edited by WraithAzraiel on May 10, 2014 7:29AM
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • WraithAzraiel
    And technically, you're not gimped by not preordering - you can experience EVERY quest in the game with ANY race.

    Don't believe me? Get to Veteran Ranks.

    Oh wait you ragequit because you didn't get what you wanted. I hope you have a helmet.
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • tplink3r1
    no, i dont want to see more nords/lizards/daedra worshipers(dunmer) in the aldmeri dominiom.
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • AlexDougherty
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    no, i dont want to see more nords/lizards/daedra worshipers(dunmer) in the aldmeri dominion.
    Tough because there are NPC Argonians and Dunmer serving the Dominion.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Vercon
    Soul Shriven
    I don't think paying $20 extra is asking too much. It's the equivalent of ordering a pizza and having it delivered. If you don't want to pay it for whatever reason then don't. I personally love the game so far and even with bugs and all the price has been worth what I paid. Paying $80 for the game is still a good deal when you get the game, the bonus content, an extra race, and the first month is free to play as part of the price for unlimited play time that month.
  • Sakiri
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    no, i dont want to see more nords/lizards/daedra worshipers(dunmer) in the aldmeri dominion.
    Tough because there are NPC Argonians and Dunmer serving the Dominion.

    Dont forget my Bosmer is a daedra worshipper.

    Boethiah, Mephala and Hircine are her favorites, but most of all Mephala and Hircine. Murder is a hunt, hunting is in her blood(werewolf).
  • darkdruidssb14_ESO
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    no, i dont want to see more nords/lizards/daedra worshipers(dunmer) in the aldmeri dominiom.

    As the game matures this will be kind of nice. The alliances will eventually fill up with the races that are actually part of the alliance instead of being mostly Dunmer, Breton, Altmer and Khajiit.
  • BrassRazoo
    I don't understand the issue.
    What difference does it make if a player can make any Race on any Alliance?
    Edited by BrassRazoo on May 12, 2014 1:29PM
  • Falmer
    Not understanding the point here.

    If you pre-ordered, you got a bonus of being able to choose any race in any faction. Plain and simple

    If you didn't pre-order, you don't get that bonus.

    Racial choices aren't a game breaker or make that much of a difference in the gameplay. 99% of it is how you build your class. So race is just largely cosmetic.
  • Maverick827
    Falmer wrote: »
    Not understanding the point here.

    If you pre-ordered, you got a bonus of being able to choose any race in any faction. Plain and simple

    If you didn't pre-order, you don't get that bonus.

    Racial choices aren't a game breaker or make that much of a difference in the gameplay. 99% of it is how you build your class. So race is just largely cosmetic.
    You say that like cosmetic things aren't the driving force of MMORPGs for most players.
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    no, i dont want to see more nords/lizards/daedra worshipers(dunmer) in the aldmeri dominiom.

    Actually, the Aldmeri Dominion includes more than just the main three. You have Imperials who fled to the AD. You have Wood Orcs. You have Argonian refugees. Most of the guilds have a mishmash of all the other races. People marry outside of race all the time... etc. All that being said, even though I have the preorder bonus I have only ONE out of my eight characters who is in the wrong faction for his race. I would not be surprised if this is true for a lot of people. The only reason this character wasn't the 'appropriate race' either, was because I wanted him on my main faction, and to team someone but I still wanted to play that concept.

    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Sleepydan
    If it's that big of a thing why didn't you preorder?
  • Manofmisery
    It's a big thing that they lock these kind of choices either behind a prepurchase option or behind a micro transaction. Makes me think this game was marketed like this:
    Edited by Manofmisery on May 14, 2014 4:23PM
  • RazzPitazz
    I know I reitteraiting points but eff it.
    1) You can play any race in any faction via VR. Preorder was just easy mode.
    2) Racial skills are small boosts, and wouldn't be surprising to find most players use only two or three (including the lame xp gain most get initially).
    3) The number of preorders will still remain small compared to the rest of the player base, so it wont be a huge mash up.
    4) The maps that came with the preorder are more useful. And I still have not used them.
    5) If you got a horse from lvl1 that is significantly more useful than being an Orc in AD.
    6) "I cant change armor/weapon styles to my race while Imperials can..... sometimes" is still a better argumemt.
    7) My pet monkey/skuttler. They poop on this thread. For the record I like the monkey better.
    PC NA
    VR1 - Jar'eed - Khajiit Dragon Knight - AD
    VR1 - Broad Tail - Argonian Templar - EP
    All-Star Crafter Guild
  • Sakiri
    Is this a thinly veiled "my mage/dps/tank must be an altmer/khajiit/orc in pact and I didnt preorder" whine thread?
  • Manofmisery
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Is this a thinly veiled "my mage/dps/tank must be an altmer/khajiit/orc in pact and I didnt preorder" whine thread?


  • Sakiri
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Is this a thinly veiled "my mage/dps/tank must be an altmer/khajiit/orc in pact and I didnt preorder" whine thread?


    What it sounds like to me.
  • Sleepydan
    Also i see alot of you commenting on oh you could get that and or you chose not to preorder to make it clear i don't give a rats ass about not having the choises, i do however like to voice my opinion that you can't pull that kind of stuff in a mmo where you expect people to invest in your product.

    They want a large player base yet zenimax pulls this kind of stuff, all of it feels like they are just trying to leach as much money out of it as they can(on short term). And after the subscriptions dry out they'll just throw in the towel. It feels like they aren't confident in their product (which so far they shouldn't be).

    Basicly what they are saying: we know it's a *** product so let's slap some bonusses onto it and try to get it sold.

    Hold on. What the hell?

    This is nonsense. A project is vulnerable before it is launched. Getting preorders is a critical part of a games successful tenure. Giving a preorder bonus not only helps secure more initial sales, it gives a reward to the fans that are actual fans and not flavor of the month bandwagoners.

    It's neither a parlor trick nor a cash grab. It's a good business decision.

    If things go south with subs, of course the PIC will pull the plug and do terrible things and "throw in the towel." Giving away the fans bonus to the said bandwagoners and other new potential subs would be a great way to further drive away old business.

    A company that expects people to invest in it does what they say they are going to do. They offered the preorder bonus with abundant time for everyone to take advantage of it. Not only did yours and the people your championing half assed interest hurt the game from the start with their lack of faith to preorder(idk ima wait and see if it's a flop...) following your recommendation would likely only further sabotage the games success.

    Who are your working for?

    Edited by Sleepydan on May 17, 2014 11:06AM
  • ArRashid
    Man, it's too late. Every game nowadays have pre-order bonuses. Should have pulled your head out of the sand sooner.

    That being said, who cares about that bonus anyway.. Look, I have it, and I still just play bretons for Covenant. I was tempted to make a melee kitty-cat for a while, but ended up not making one, since melees are incredibly weak for VR soloing and Khajiiti racials are bad for any other playstyle.
  • Manofmisery
    Sleepydan wrote: »
    Not only did yours and the people your championing half assed interest hurt the game from the start with their lack of faith to preorder(idk ima wait and see if it's a flop...) following your recommendation would likely only further sabotage the games success.

    Not preordering isn't a lack of faith, it's pretty much common sence, you don't go to a car dealership and trust the dealer to make you a sweet ride next year. You wait, see if the ride is any good and then you buy it. Preordering is a bad business practice and shouldn't be here at all. If your game is any good you should not be dependable on prepurchase options and you will get the refenue anyway.
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