vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »If it makes you feel any better, when i purchased D3 i was under the distinct impression i would be able to log on.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »If it makes you feel any better, when i purchased D3 i was under the distinct impression i would be able to log on.
Maverick827 wrote: »Always a sign of a healthy game.
Well content is difficult, I imagine ideally they would like to release content that frequently.tyguild_ESO wrote: »Matt Firor promised that we would be receiving content releases every 4-6 weeks as part of the subscription deal. Furthermore he promised a lag free experience.
I feel robbed knowing I was mislead into both purchasing this game and subscribing.
Yeah, that was misleading, although plenty of people say they can play any role with any class. I can't though, I can play DK as any role, Templar as tank/healer, sorc as light DPS, and struggle with any role for my NB.Nox_Aeterna wrote: »"Play the way want to play" and "Your class wont set your role"
I actually thought this meant my class would not set my role , hah , i actually believed it , silly me :P.
Check the patch notes.Blackwidow wrote: »
What new content have you received in the last 6 weeks, other than the game starting?
Depends on what kind of content one expect I guess.
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »"Play the way want to play" and "Your class wont set your role"
I actually thought this meant my class would not set my role , hah , i actually believed it , silly me :P.
snowmanflvb14_ESO wrote: »
well lets see:
NB can tank dps heal or cc
Templars can tank heal or dps ( not seen one as a ccer as of yet)
DK can tank, dps cc and heal
Sorc can tank, dps cc and heal
so seems to me every class can fill every role
I guess you power leveled and now you are VR10 and have nothing to do - for most people fixing few bugs was more important and they still play "new" content - "new" becuase they still play new quests, on new zones. But sure will see in the furure - the game itself has 7 weeks since launch.
If someone played not on phone/modem connection, then I guess PvE zones are almost lag free - I can not remember any lag in last few days there. In PvP indeed happens sometimes - but it is mostly when huge number of players fight around. So if someone has many lags then probably needs to think about his internet provider - it is not game responsibility to give you good network.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »If it makes you feel any better, when i purchased D3 i was under the distinct impression i would be able to log on.
tyguild_ESO wrote: »Matt Firor promised that we would be receiving content releases every 4-6 weeks as part of the subscription deal. Furthermore he promised a lag free experience.
I feel robbed knowing I was mislead into both purchasing this game and subscribing.