I logged on the other day and checked the patch notes...what do I see?
WerewolfFixed an issue where werewolves could use Devour on the same corpse multiple times.
Sigh...you are testing my patience, by removing this and not fixing ANYTHING else in the skill line you have rendered the skill line unusable, why? Because the animation is almost as long as the time given to devour...that means that its nearly impossible to stay a werewolf any more.
So after a few days research on the matter and all major sources cited I have developed a great number of flavored powers you "Could" of added to quell the masses until a massive bug fix/ overhaul was released...as I still have a little over a month yet, you will have till then to prove you can keep my subscribed...
So hear it is! Want a choclate bite power? How about a cookies and cream passive? Mint-Ice roars? Yours for the picking! ZOS...I implore you...DON'T screw this up.
All names will be will be mentioned in the creating of this comprihensive list of "Fan" ideas...which are, lets face it...far better than yours.
Night Stalker; You have an an increased ability to detect stealthed individuals. Furthermore, when you enter stealth mode you stealth 20% faster. Works in human or werewolf form.
The effects of Bloodmoon should be a baseline effect.
Bloodmoon should instead be what savage strength is now.
Savage Strength should be changed to increase werewolf damage and critical strike chance.
Werewolf form itself should be a toggle effect that lasts much much longer than current 30 seconds. It's a joke and insult for the cost versus use this power requires.
Drop the Ultimate Generation.
Werewolves should have its own ultimate like Vampire does. I am a maxed out werewolf with complete Salvation set. Yes, I can generate transformation faster, but it takes 5 slots of armor? Thats crippling. Yes, I understand that will cause major re-writes in certain armors and skills, but its so poorly implemented right now it seems an absolute.
Give us a dodge.
It will require animation tweaking (because it should be a roll but rather a mini pounce back/forward/left/right) but we are utterly defenseless against any and all CC/AoE. In a game that is inundated with CC of various kinds, thats a death sentence.
Give us a CC break.
I'm not sure why we were never give any - perhaps people thought we would be too overwhelmingly powerful with one, but that is clearly not the case. Again, in a game where CC is king this is just a bad design flaw. At the very least allow us a passive that gives us a percentage (pertaining to how many times its bought into) that causes CC attempts to fail on us.
This would also depend on toggled Transformations or not. If we're stuck with the pedestrian idea of Ultimate generated transformation, this would be something helpful. If we get a toggled one, that allowed for a much longer wolf time, it could be over-powered. Either or, we need SOMETHING in this regard. The game is insanely heavy with powerful CC - that again - neuters us instantly.
A one time Design on our wolf form.
Allow us to customize our werewolf one time. Nothing major or rather to the extent of creating a character when you start the game. However, fur color, SOME size adjustment, eye color, shaggy coat, slight height scaler? Something - hell, even add in a money cost to it after the first free adjustment.
However, having a bunch of clones running around goes against the heart of ESO and character individuality.
For the love of God, please fix the animation run - I feel like I should be listening to the Benny Hill theme when I am Frankenstein running my way around the place. Hate to invoke Skyrim, but the run there was certainly done well; perfectly I might say.
I am one of the people who don't want it changed, just make the fear effect last (slightly) longer to cover its length. It is an incredibly useful tool in the game when used right. Perhaps add an aspect like Shadow Barrier (from the Shadow NB passives) to it as we transform.
Night Time
Vampires get slight enhances at night, which make sense. Give us something as well. Perhaps, at night time only, our sense of smell is increased making all targets within a decided radius "visible" to us. This should only be applicable in were form and were form alone.
It needs some speed added to it, if possible.
Leap: Change Feral Pounce duration extension to “crush armor”, reducing the armor of the target. Leave the AoE damage morph as is, maybe add a knockdown to it.
Roar: Change the base skill to make targets COWER in fear (or maybe run around in a small circle, or be paralysed), not bolt to the horizon alerting every NPC for the next two zones, thus giving the skill some utility in close packed rooms in dungeons. Change Rousing Roar to a static number to make it more useful on bosses (like 10 WD), the duration is fine I guess. Ferocious Roar gives your attacks a lifesteal effect for a timed duration.
Savage: Savage the target inflicting them with a large bleed for 10 seconds, and knocking them to the ground (was thinking of a Slam skill as well). Morphed Thrash, strike all targets in front of you inflicting them with a bleed. Alt Morph, increase damage taken by target from all sources by X% – would give party some nice damage increase.
Wild Hunt: Call two Wolves to fight at your side for 15 seconds (similar to the Nightblade Summon Shade skill). Morph 1: Wolves do increased damage against bleeding targets, Morph 2: Wolves gain a howl that increases party mana/stamina regeneration by 10-15%
Here's another thought that can be combined with previous suggestions.
How about a "Wolf Hide" passive that increases damage mitigation while in werewolf form. This could be further morphed into "Iron Hide" for those who want a reduction to physical damage or "Sleek Hide" for those who want a chanced immunity to stun/snares.
Then combine the "Wolf Hide" passive with the following changes to fur color:
Pack leaders who choose the "Iron Hide" morph move from White to Silver (solid silver at full morph).
Pack Leaders who choose "Sleek Hide" move from White to Brown.
Beserkers who choose the "Iron Hide" morph move to Black with a Bluish Tint
Beserkers who choose the "Sleek hide" morph move to Black with Reddish Tint
Here's what I would like to see for abilities:
1) A self heal that is used for emergencies and grants increased hp recovery for x amount of seconds(so similar to dragon blood). This way if we are hit with a burst we are able to recover enough to "hold on" and counterattack. Instead of currently where we are as good as dead. It could be done as another roar type of skill or require you to bite your target.
2) An ability similar to Immovable. Make us immune to CC for x amount of seconds. I want to feel like a raging beast, not some domesticated puppy due to a single CC spam.
3) An ability that transfer part of my mana pool into my stamina. If we're going to be 100% stam based, then at least give us an ability that helps make it viable.
Devour: This skill should only be interrupted by knockbacks or other action breaking CC(like stuns) and return a % of your hp and stam. It's bad how easy it is to interrupt this skill and receive nothing.
Pounce: Knockdown your target for x amount of seconds(like every other charge in the game). This skill should be useful on its own and not be forced to crutch on another.
Pursuit: While transformed - Increase stamina by 20% and detect stealthed players within 12 meters. Bonuses are cut in half if out of WW form. You shouldn't be able to stealth away from a WW. It should be a difficult task. While our "normal" form needs some bonuses as well from our werewolf skill line.
Beastial Vigor(replace devour in the skill line): Increase HP regeneration by 20%. Bonus is cut in half if out of WW form. I'm not really sure about this one, but devour should be known by default and I feel our normal form needs another benefit.
- Remove the ultimate cost entirelly. Instead, give it a, lets say, 2 minute cooldown that begins from the time you finished your last transformation (Blood Rage gets reworked).
- Make the WW inmute to all forms of CC, except for the Fighter's guild skills CC.
- Make Devour restore the whole transformation time bar, and make you invulnerable while you eat.
- Remove "cast time" on Devour and let it feed from the same corpse more than once again. Also, let it feed from ANY corpse.
- Let the WW stay transformed as long as he likes (remove transformation time bar completely). Make him start to lose HP progressively if 15 seconds pass and he does't attack someone, so he will end up dying if he stays out of combat for too long (Devour gets reworked).
- Buff both active skills. Make Pounce a lot faster, give it a stun and more damage. Make Roar an instant cast ability and increase it's radius.
- Give him 1 or 2 more active skills.
EDIT- Welcome Sylinias to the list
My suggestions:
1) Remove the more egregious current limitations to the class
A vamp is always a vamp, so make Werewolf an 'at will' transformation with an initial limited period time in form - though MUCH longer than it is now - and give the class their own Ultimate. The time in form can grow as the player grows in their abilities. This means the transformation is level/time dependent with the ability to go longer and longer as the character grows. For higher levels, if you want to get wicked with it, make it so that any player in form longer than say 48 hrs runs the risk of being permanently locked into the form with the only recourse being 'healed' of their lycanthropy and starting the class all over. Of course, if the player decides to stay in form then they lose the ability to interact with NPCs for buying and selling/mail/etc, town guards *will* attack them, and they can become targets of the Dark Brotherhood or the Fighters Guild. If the player wants to drop out and go rogue, then they can do it!
1) Give players *their* choice of Ultimate to use
Allow ultimate points to built independently and applied to either the main spec or the Werewolf spec. This means that the player can have the option of using whichever suits the situation best. e.g., I'm an NB and need that last damage dump on a boss so I can either use my NB ultimate or I can transform into Werewolf form and use that Ultimate. I should not have to give up one for the other.
Lastly my own power suggestions...
- Bloody Claws- Similar to the duel wield power flurry but MUCH more powerful
-Rapid Strikes, Increases attack speed of all attacks after.
-Pounding strikes, Can interrupt spells and stun
- Incapacitation- Has an animation where you duck bite and enemies leg, immobilizing them for 4-5 seconds
- Bestial Hunger- Knocks down and devours the opponent, doing some serious damage and reducing their healing for 5-10 seconds
- Leg Tear- Increases the stun time to 10-12 seconds, making it wise for hunters to hunt as a team, less getting ripped apart.
- Hercines howl- Summon 2 Wolves to fight (Wolf's Level with the player's level)
- Mighty Howl- Summons 2 Werewolves to fight, however it cannot be used withing a curtain radius other players (To prevent everyone from spamming it and tripling the numbers)
- Call of the Hunt- Spawns 4 wolves to fight
I also have some passives
- Moonlight- Does more dmg at the nightime while outdoors. 3 stages.
- Hercine's Embrace- increases your max hp by 50% while in WW form, second is 100% more. 2 Stages
- Primal rage- Increase attack speed and reduces cooldown by 5%, 10%, & 15%. 3 Stages
Devour i agree needs to replenish ALOT more on the timer, and not be so buggy about it either.
You see zenimax! There are plenty of things you could have done so much better if you had only listened to US!
But, no doubt that you won't you never do that, you won't listen... but if i dot see any good changes by the time but sub runs out...my guild will have to die along with the skill line

It was wrong of me to hope this to be good...even after 2 years of waiting for this game...clearly I was wrong, so, so wrong...
Feel free to add your own powers, and skill suggestions to the list.
IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
Class: Night-Blade
Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.