That's what I'm saying what the hell is their mentality?
I don't think that the people running this game even play it. If they do it seems they have lost touch with it and forget what it's like to be a new player levels 1-50 (I think levels 1-50 are just the new players playground).50+, 50++ are just there because of the nonexistence of end game content and the poorly implemented PvP.
Most people will see the long, tedious grind ahead of them when they hit VR1 and unsubscribe/go to another game.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
Good thing they are adding a variety of patches including solo, group, pvp, quest, and economic content over the next several months then! What was your complaint exactly? That they didn't prioritize the specific patch you wanted, first?
+1ChairGraveyard wrote: »One other concern is that Trials, because of their timed nature, will encourage people to exploit to get to the top of the leaderboards, as well as make it difficult if not impossible to find a group that is uninterested in exploiting a good time, or just playing the dungeon for fun. I much rather would have had regular, non-timed 12-man dungeons. Even an option to enter them without the timer would be good enough.
How the hell is that OK that you were VR1 at that point? Obviously something is broken and doesn't it bother you that if something wasn't broken that you were able to do it that fast?
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
This silly myth being perpetuated by people is hilarious. I was VR1 in the morning on April 1st and I took my sweet time getting there, going in with no specific leveling plan and spending a few hours finangling with who to partner with while I leveled. It only takes about 90 hours at most to get to VR10, and it's been over 6 weeks since head start began. If you think everyone there exploited to get there... that's just pathetic and as silly as painting anyone who hasn't with a brush of being a noob. Neither is correct.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
It took more skill. You probably shouldn't make baseless accusations when you very obviously have no clue whatsoever of what you're even talking about. Anyone who's played around 2 hours a day on average could have easily been at this point with time to spare. Look within or at your playstyle if you aren't and have played about that amount of time.
HINT: Look at signature. Read. You might understand why I had some idea of what I was doing as to how to play efficiently.
The timer/leaderboard for trials = exploit, cheat, hack, do anything to get that 50% extra loot (1 extra loot box per week over the 2 you can get normally).
Leaderboards that are tied to granting any loot whatsoever are flat-out bad.
Terrible, awful design decision.
The timer/leaderboard for trials = exploit, cheat, hack, do anything to get that 50% extra loot (1 extra loot box per week over the 2 you can get normally).
Leaderboards that are tied to granting any loot whatsoever are flat-out bad.
Terrible, awful design decision.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
"Long, tedious grind"? Back in EQ1 it took longer to get through a Hell Level than to get through five VR's combined in this game, handily.
Taking into account all of the posts that I've read that were left by you, I have to say that I have a hard time disagreeing with you at all. Aka, thank you for doing a wonderful service to all of us on the forums by posting intelligent comments. Good day, sir.
To keep people subscribing you need to focus on something rather than grinding and you have to admit that ESO is rather shallow as it sits now. VR1-5 is painful along side the fast pace you got used to in levels 1-50. For the average player (which I am) most people are going to be hugely turned off by the VR grind that was put there in place of end game content.
To keep people subscribing you need to focus on something rather than grinding and you have to admit that ESO is rather shallow as it sits now. VR1-5 is painful along side the fast pace you got used to in levels 1-50. For the average player (which I am) most people are going to be hugely turned off by the VR grind that was put there in place of end game content.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
Thanks for the kind remarks. I have gotten a bit frustrated with people painting anyone who has done anything of note in the game with the "exploiter" brush lately, to say the least, which is really the reason for my tone here in this thread... I do try in general to be helpful though and had put an extreme amount of time and effort into testing the game during the closed beta both for fun and to provide feedback to help them improve it.
They can do all of that without granting additional loot based on the leader board rankings.oxygen_boarderb16_ESO wrote: »Why is it a terrible design. Maybe they are implementing this for that exact reason. They will be able to review the times/footage of said teams who get the best times. Analyze that data and determine what exploits, if any are being used. Hand out the penalties, adjust etc.
You are an exploiter, it's impossible to level how you stated.
Zenimax please prioritize.
If bots are running around aimlessly and constant exploits are still present, why has as much time been invested into new content this early? I.
I call BS on you, I know how many hours it took to get to VR4 and its not a few hours a day, many many more then a "few hours" without "exploits"
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
There we go again... simply because you don't know what to do to level properly (and no, it doesn't involve exploits, buddy) doesn't mean other people are as ignorant. I literally just two seconds ago even spelled it out above.
True, Look at the MMO( if you can call it that) Neverwinter Online. It released with many people whining, complaining etc. Just like here but micro transactions have made it very lucrative for them. Is it the right thing to do? Maybe not by the players standards but as a business they are LOLing all the way to the bank and that game is a disaster in terms of balance, dungeons and loot drops. The levels went fast and some shiny rewards keep people playing it though. I can see ESO going down this same path and because of the lore and because it's Elder Scrolls it's gonna make them even Mucho $$$. I only ever look at it from the perspective of NA consumers.... it's all I know.oxygen_boarderb16_ESO wrote: »
It's true the north american style of gaming is not about grinds. Although I like slow progression and mmo grinds, majority of north american players don't. They want to be able to whack a couple things, gain levels quickly and show colourful loot asap.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
Thanks for the kind remarks. I have gotten a bit frustrated with people painting anyone who has done anything of note in the game with the "exploiter" brush lately, to say the least, which is really the reason for my tone here in this thread... I do try in general to be helpful though and had put an extreme amount of time and effort into testing the game during the closed beta both for fun and to provide feedback to help them improve it.
Actually, The Elder Scrolls Online is not a "competitive online game", so there is that.Attorneyatlawl wrote: »Complaining that a feature you may not be able to manage to win at be removed, is a terrible, awful posting decision. I can't say I will be able to hit the leaderboard consistently either, but I still support having competitive aspects in.... competitive online games.
You killed molag bal the day after the early release...
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
I said 4/1, not the day after the release. I had about 28 hours /played which included as I said a good chunk of wasted time. I did duo'd AOE-grinding and finished most of the skillpoint quests in the zone stories. Later on at VR10 I went back and breezed through grabbing the skyshards I hadn't gone out of my way to collect earlier. And yes, Molag Bal was very dead at that point.
Your so full of your self its not funny....tell me you have not used any Exploits from lvl 1 to you cant, you say you were in closed beta..then you know most of the Exploits and to say you didn't use any is pure BS. Dont make yourself out to be a "hero" when we know you did not lvl that fast using normal gameplay.
Actually, The Elder Scrolls Online is not a "competitive online game", so there is that.
In any event, I have no problem with leaderboards--players like to puff themselves up in the minds of others, and if that keeps them subscribing then it gives ZOS more income and that's fine.
The bonus loot serves no positive purpose. If you consider yourself a great player, turning in a great time should be enough.
Ok so "duo'd AOE-grinding" isn't exploiting? Dont tell me you ran all over the world because I'm sure there was a sweet spot.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
Thanks for the kind remarks. I have gotten a bit frustrated with people painting anyone who has done anything of note in the game with the "exploiter" brush lately, to say the least, which is really the reason for my tone here in this thread... I do try in general to be helpful though and had put an extreme amount of time and effort into testing the game during the closed beta both for fun and to provide feedback to help them improve it.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
Killing monsters with area of effect abilities is not an exploit, hate to break it to you. And obviously, I ran to different spots with lots of monsters to kill.
Better start reporting anyone with a Destruction staff. I'll leave you to it.
If you can AoE grind your way to VR1 as fast as you allegedly did then something is broken as far as I'm concerned because it's upsetting to me that there is an obvious loop hole in the intended progression method.
Call of Duty is a competitive online game. ESO is just a game played online that happens to have some competitive aspects here and there. Calling it a "competitive online game" is clearly mislabeling the game.Attorneyatlawl wrote: »Yes, it is a competitive online game, or we wouldn't have levels, achievements, loot, loot qualities, dungeons, or player versus player combat. Inherently any online game is competitive because people by nature tend to be competitive in life. However Elder Scrolls Online specifically, as with all major MMO's, has many competitive aspects including dungeon achievements, dated leveling achievements, leaderboards in PVP, and loot qualities to show off and obtain.
As far as saying "turning in a good time should be enough", how about we just cut your quest XP out? I mean, experiencing the story should be enough, right? No one needs a reward for doing anything in a game, clearly.