Have fun logging out after everytime you die in Craglorn to reset your passives.
oxygen_boarderb16_ESO wrote: »Couldn't bother just adding your post to the other hundred people who have no idea how project management, programs or IT business works?
They really shouldn't let a few bots and minor exploits ruin the experience of the game for the end game players.
I and many others are eagerly awaiting craglorn.
In my daily gameplay experience I see zero bots personally. They are only present at the low levels of the game and really don't harm anything major at all imo.
Also since the game lacks ANY endgame atm, Craglorn was obviously designed and intended to be in the game at launch, so it was worked on long before they even realised theyd have issue with bots.
If you haven't realized that most passives break after death not only for vampires (which I'm not even a vampire) then that sucks.
This is one reason EQ1 died, SOE/Varent started catering too all the power lvlers/uber guilds and brought in content that only they could use while most of the normal players lost interest because they didn't have a hope in hell of ever being able to use alot of the new content because they didn't play 24/7 .I hope ESO doesn't forget about the average player non power lvler.
Reenlister wrote: »It gets down to this.
Now before anyone says, well its an MMO your supposed to play together. Yes, I agree, but the whole idea I must be grouped to enjoy any new content is rather bland to me.
In my daily gameplay experience I see zero bots personally. They are only present at the low levels of the game and really don't harm anything major at all imo.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
Good thing they are adding a variety of patches including solo, group, pvp, quest, and economic content over the next several months then! What was your complaint exactly? That they didn't prioritize the specific patch you wanted, first?
ChairGraveyard wrote: »I've always thought the crime/justice system and Dark Brotherhood/Thieves' Guild would be a better first patch than Craglorn, given that it adds new gameplay for people of all levels, and even some content for different playstyles (i.e., PvP via player-guards).
I'm also not a fan of the ever-receeding goalpost nature of increasing levels constantly, but that's a different matter.
One other concern is that Trials, because of their timed nature, will encourage people to exploit to get to the top of the leaderboards, as well as make it difficult if not impossible to find a group that is uninterested in exploiting a good time, or just playing the dungeon for fun. I much rather would have had regular, non-timed 12-man dungeons. Even an option to enter them without the timer would be good enough.
This is called Justification; you have accepted the idea of botters under the premise they don't impact you. They are everywhere, and one way they do impact you is the economy.
Those infinite jute bugged nodes are allowing mass hordes of Dreugh Wax, and Elegant Lining. Then they are sold to a vendor after being refined.
One way they will impact you later is when PVP guilds are running linked up warbot networks.
Obviously your part of the minority party pro Craglorn rather than exploitable areas being reworked to increase intended leveling time. Congrats
kirnmalidus wrote: »ZOS has even publicly addressed this concern in interviews, making it very clear that the Craglorn team is completely independent of the team(s) fixing the bugs, dealing with bots, etc.
It exists to give the exploiters that made it to VR10 within a couple days something to look forward to.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
This silly myth being perpetuated by people is hilarious. I was VR1 in the morning on April 1st and I took my sweet time getting there, going in with no specific leveling plan and spending a few hours finangling with who to partner with while I leveled. It only takes about 90 hours at most to get to VR10, and it's been over 6 weeks since head start began. If you think everyone there exploited to get there... that's just pathetic and as silly as painting anyone who hasn't with a brush of being a noob. Neither is correct.
Lol you have been VET 10 for a long time ? It took more skill to do it or you mean more knowledge of exploits...
Maybe the Old Republic did it right but EQ1 didnt...