Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [IN PROGRESS] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [IN PROGRESS] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
· [IN PROGRESS] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Feature Request: Unarmored Skill Line.

  • smosti
    smosti wrote: »
    I find this funny that even in a video game, people have a hard time managing their resources. I spent all my money on a bank slot a couple days ago. I pve regularly, do spindle VR a lot and I'm @ 30,000. Its not a large number, but really, what do I need money for. Break down your mats, and sell the ones you dont use OR take a hit one time going back to town and just vendor everything. Pick up everything and vendor, you'll net easy profits.

    Gear should break, it should break even if you aren't using it but (exping in a group) this prevents people from leeching or having to do it naked and being broke. Everything has a cost. The only time gear shouldn't break is when its in your bag (arguably it should decay in there) or your bank.

    Oh because we all have the time and play the game to buy crap in guild store for 200g and then spam it in zone chat in hopes to sell for 400g to net a profit of 200g. We then do this multiple times over a 1hour duration in order to repair our armor. Our armor then lasts 1 minute at maximum effiecieny and deccays rapidly.

    Broken armor only on death. Repair cost equivalent to a percantage of your total gold. Done and sorted thanks for coming.

    LOL what. Just try to play the game. I'm sorry if this comes off as a L2P issue, but like have you never played a game where the gear decay is worse? Ive played a couple, this is like a walk in the park. I don't even get where all the fuss is, unless you are literally leaching exp and not picking anything up.

    Nope....Haven't come across worse actually. THis is by far the worst.
    Like..have you never spent 1hr crafting legendary AE armor set and then had it destroyed by deccay within 30mins? must be one of them dudes who picks up and wears anything. You have no problem looking like a circus clown in your odly matched junk
  • oxygen_boarderb16_ESO
    So what is the actual problem, aesthetics or usable properties. I've never really cared "how" I look in game, if the net result is my character is stronger. I craft the pieces I can and use set items for the rest and upgrade those via crafting.

    I have not once in this game, posted a negative loss from questions/grinding or whatever. The net result is always gaining money. Sometimes very little, sometimes a lot. Lately, I've focused on my crafts so my immediate gains are around 200-500g a sessions + mats posted to the guild store. If the mats sell, my gains dramatically increase.
    Toktok - Vet8 Orc Templar - 2 Hand, Medium/Heavy Armor Grunt - Blacksmith/Clothier/Enchanter/Alchemist
  • Nooblet
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Nooblet wrote: »

    What? I did not exploit anything, and am v10, and my gold supply is steadily increasing as I continue to play. Whether it be selling dominion gear that I get free from PvP, or doing anything and getting gear to vendor etc. Even after spending a hefty fee for some items. I still make alot more than I spend. Unless you are completely ignoring any loot that drops, I fail to see how people are not gaining gold.

    I am glad to know V10's are having no issues with Gear Decay. Do you normally walk around in a gold set, or do you craft new ones all the time? With 2k repair bills per hour, that is more gold than I make at V1 in Coldharbour.

    There is no surprise that those on the very top of the ladder aren't impacted, just like the wealthy elite aren't really impacted by Payroll Taxes.

    I did play the game leading up to V10. And my gold supply steadily increased as time went on. Even after dumping gold into mount and bank/inventory upgrades, I still made back my gold and continued to increase.

    I did both questing, and grinding, both I made more than I spent in repairs.

    I'm curious what these people are doing that nets them a loss in gold through normal play.
  • Gelston
    smosti wrote: »
    smosti wrote: »
    I find this funny that even in a video game, people have a hard time managing their resources. I spent all my money on a bank slot a couple days ago. I pve regularly, do spindle VR a lot and I'm @ 30,000. Its not a large number, but really, what do I need money for. Break down your mats, and sell the ones you dont use OR take a hit one time going back to town and just vendor everything. Pick up everything and vendor, you'll net easy profits.

    Gear should break, it should break even if you aren't using it but (exping in a group) this prevents people from leeching or having to do it naked and being broke. Everything has a cost. The only time gear shouldn't break is when its in your bag (arguably it should decay in there) or your bank.

    Oh because we all have the time and play the game to buy crap in guild store for 200g and then spam it in zone chat in hopes to sell for 400g to net a profit of 200g. We then do this multiple times over a 1hour duration in order to repair our armor. Our armor then lasts 1 minute at maximum effiecieny and deccays rapidly.

    Broken armor only on death. Repair cost equivalent to a percantage of your total gold. Done and sorted thanks for coming.

    LOL what. Just try to play the game. I'm sorry if this comes off as a L2P issue, but like have you never played a game where the gear decay is worse? Ive played a couple, this is like a walk in the park. I don't even get where all the fuss is, unless you are literally leaching exp and not picking anything up.

    Nope....Haven't come across worse actually. THis is by far the worst.
    Like..have you never spent 1hr crafting legendary AE armor set and then had it destroyed by deccay within 30mins? must be one of them dudes who picks up and wears anything. You have no problem looking like a circus clown in your odly matched junk

    That what costumes are for.
  • Soloeus

    As a reminder, this post is in satire. A more serious thread with a possible solution is right up there. ^^
    Gelston wrote: »
    That what costumes are for.

    Priceless and epic. This is why everyone wears skeleton and bandit costumes.

    Within; Without.
  • UniscornScarebear
    lol (I would love unarmed though)
    Edited by UniscornScarebear on May 5, 2014 3:13PM
  • YourNameHere
    Actually, as my husband and I were playing last night, he told me he wanted to fight Unarmed as a Templar.


    It might work in Morrowind (if I recall you had both there? Been a long time) but not here. Interesting idea though!
    NA Megaserver / RPer
    Alinyssa Gaethar - AD || Raahni-do - AD || Wind-In-Tree's-Shadow - DC
  • smosti
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Nooblet wrote: »

    What? I did not exploit anything, and am v10, and my gold supply is steadily increasing as I continue to play. Whether it be selling dominion gear that I get free from PvP, or doing anything and getting gear to vendor etc. Even after spending a hefty fee for some items. I still make alot more than I spend. Unless you are completely ignoring any loot that drops, I fail to see how people are not gaining gold.

    I am glad to know V10's are having no issues with Gear Decay. Do you normally walk around in a gold set, or do you craft new ones all the time? With 2k repair bills per hour, that is more gold than I make at V1 in Coldharbour.

    There is no surprise that those on the very top of the ladder aren't impacted, just like the wealthy elite aren't really impacted by Payroll Taxes.

    I did play the game leading up to V10. And my gold supply steadily increased as time went on. Even after dumping gold into mount and bank/inventory upgrades, I still made back my gold and continued to increase.

    I did both questing, and grinding, both I made more than I spent in repairs.

    I'm curious what these people are doing that nets them a loss in gold through normal play.

    You're curious to know what generates a loss?
    Okay let me break it down for you.

    I just crafted a full set of heavy armor. I also used a lot of moonstone ingot to craft my armor. Oh.... multiple trait stones. I used 3 honing stones on each of my 8 items. Oh now That's 24 honing stones. Oh I want it all to be arcane quality. There goes 30 dwarven oil. Oh you want epic? Bye bye 50 grain solvent. Oh *** of my items broke while trying to improve. Restart that one. Now I have to buy 8 enchantments. woooo.

    Let me run through this dungeon. Woo a couple blues some greens and some gold. Damn...30mins and my gear is broke.

    Guess I'll decon and repeat the above process...

    Even if I stick to magic quality im still at a loss.

    Oh you want me to stick to *** picked up items thats all missed matched and doesn't allow me to plan spec my armor?

    Pleaseeeee.... comment now.

    Edited by smosti on May 5, 2014 3:13PM
  • Soloeus
    Smosti; The situation you just described is very close to my own. However, I don't get the gold loot or even purple. Very rarely.

    Oh and it took you 15 mins at the craft bench to go through those motions, and you had to spend even more time gathering materials, enchants, dwarven oils, grain solvents... That sure is a huge time commitment of minimal gains.

    As for the elitists and their appeal to elitism, that only means the system DOES WORK on the top end; it sinks some of their gold without leaving them broke.

    It also means being a level 10 vet really is worth it, as you should (by their word) make heaping gobs of gold and mats from whatever they do. It also works on the lower end, nobody really makes gold/purple Jute sets, right?

    It is when you reach about level 30 that your repair bill for a full set at 0% jumps up from 350 some gold, to 800 some gold to 2000 gold. Per half-hour. I would like to know how much Gold-Per-Hour can be obtained to pay that off?

    Hopefully in 9 more vet levels, I will also become immune to the game system meant to hinder players because right now? It is breaking me. This is why in my thread about repairing equipment, I chose to design a simple idea.

    Within; Without.
  • smosti
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Smosti; The situation you just described is very close to my own. However, I don't get the gold loot or even purple. Very rarely.

    Oh and it took you 15 mins at the craft bench to go through those motions, and you had to spend even more time gathering materials, enchants, dwarven oils, grain solvents... That sure is a huge time commitment of minimal gains.

    As for the elitists and their appeal to elitism, that only means the system DOES WORK on the top end; it sinks some of their gold without leaving them broke.

    It also means being a level 10 vet really is worth it, as you should (by their word) make heaping gobs of gold and mats from whatever they do. It also works on the lower end, nobody really makes gold/purple Jute sets, right?

    It is when you reach about level 30 that your repair bill for a full set at 0% jumps up from 350 some gold, to 800 some gold to 2000 gold. Per half-hour. I would like to know how much Gold-Per-Hour can be obtained to pay that off?

    Hopefully in 9 more vet levels, I will also become immune to the game system meant to hinder players because right now? It is breaking me. This is why in my thread about repairing equipment, I chose to design a simple idea.

    My repair bills are much higher then 2k i can tell you that... lol.
    Oh you're grouped with 3 people in a you go....2k ontop of your bill for being afk. lol
  • oxygen_boarderb16_ESO
    smosti wrote: »
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Nooblet wrote: »

    What? I did not exploit anything, and am v10, and my gold supply is steadily increasing as I continue to play. Whether it be selling dominion gear that I get free from PvP, or doing anything and getting gear to vendor etc. Even after spending a hefty fee for some items. I still make alot more than I spend. Unless you are completely ignoring any loot that drops, I fail to see how people are not gaining gold.

    I am glad to know V10's are having no issues with Gear Decay. Do you normally walk around in a gold set, or do you craft new ones all the time? With 2k repair bills per hour, that is more gold than I make at V1 in Coldharbour.

    There is no surprise that those on the very top of the ladder aren't impacted, just like the wealthy elite aren't really impacted by Payroll Taxes.

    I did play the game leading up to V10. And my gold supply steadily increased as time went on. Even after dumping gold into mount and bank/inventory upgrades, I still made back my gold and continued to increase.

    I did both questing, and grinding, both I made more than I spent in repairs.

    I'm curious what these people are doing that nets them a loss in gold through normal play.

    You're curious to know what generates a loss?
    Okay let me break it down for you.

    I just crafted a full set of heavy armor. I also used a lot of moonstone ingot to craft my armor. Oh.... multiple trait stones. I used 3 honing stones on each of my 8 items. Oh now That's 24 honing stones. Oh I want it all to be arcane quality. There goes 30 dwarven oil. Oh you want epic? Bye bye 50 grain solvent. Oh *** of my items broke while trying to improve. Restart that one. Now I have to buy 8 enchantments. woooo.

    Let me run through this dungeon. Woo a couple blues some greens and some gold. Damn...30mins and my gear is broke.

    Guess I'll decon and repeat the above process...

    Even if I stick to magic quality im still at a loss.

    Oh you want me to stick to *** picked up items thats all missed matched and doesn't allow me to plan spec my armor?

    Pleaseeeee.... comment now.

    Wait, what, are you deconstructing your broken gear instead of repairing it? And yes, the cost of crafting gear will take away from your capital or inventory, that would be counter intuitive if you made gear and somehow made a profit?

    If your trying to Min/Max every single piece of gear for every single level, its going to get expensive. Most MMO players, will min/max to a degree of affordability that allows them to clear the content they want to clear, not overkill everything.

    Again, I'm sad to say but this seems like a L2P MMO's type thing that a bug. Maybe there is a bug, but this thread does a really poor job of illustrating anything further then you have a hard time making money in an MMO to fund your adventuring/gear breaking endeavors.

    Toktok - Vet8 Orc Templar - 2 Hand, Medium/Heavy Armor Grunt - Blacksmith/Clothier/Enchanter/Alchemist
  • SeventhSeal
    lol They should add skill lines for this. Play how you want. If you get 1 shot on every boss attack ill kick you from my party. Can't dps if your dead.
  • Squishy
    As an unarmed, and virtually unarmored player (only wearing heavy low level shoes, and medium gloves, to Grind the armors level in case I need them eventually).

    I am playing an unarmed, unarmored templar (less or about 100 armor), currently L14.

    And I can tell you, that the ability to beat mobs to a pulp, is quite awesome.

    I am using a mix of the templar offensive abilities (restricted myself to the basic ones and the ultimate), and so far, it is working beautifully.

    If you want a demo, contact "My Little Squishy" :).
    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • smosti
    smosti wrote: »
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Nooblet wrote: »

    What? I did not exploit anything, and am v10, and my gold supply is steadily increasing as I continue to play. Whether it be selling dominion gear that I get free from PvP, or doing anything and getting gear to vendor etc. Even after spending a hefty fee for some items. I still make alot more than I spend. Unless you are completely ignoring any loot that drops, I fail to see how people are not gaining gold.

    I am glad to know V10's are having no issues with Gear Decay. Do you normally walk around in a gold set, or do you craft new ones all the time? With 2k repair bills per hour, that is more gold than I make at V1 in Coldharbour.

    There is no surprise that those on the very top of the ladder aren't impacted, just like the wealthy elite aren't really impacted by Payroll Taxes.

    I did play the game leading up to V10. And my gold supply steadily increased as time went on. Even after dumping gold into mount and bank/inventory upgrades, I still made back my gold and continued to increase.

    I did both questing, and grinding, both I made more than I spent in repairs.

    I'm curious what these people are doing that nets them a loss in gold through normal play.

    You're curious to know what generates a loss?
    Okay let me break it down for you.

    I just crafted a full set of heavy armor. I also used a lot of moonstone ingot to craft my armor. Oh.... multiple trait stones. I used 3 honing stones on each of my 8 items. Oh now That's 24 honing stones. Oh I want it all to be arcane quality. There goes 30 dwarven oil. Oh you want epic? Bye bye 50 grain solvent. Oh *** of my items broke while trying to improve. Restart that one. Now I have to buy 8 enchantments. woooo.

    Let me run through this dungeon. Woo a couple blues some greens and some gold. Damn...30mins and my gear is broke.

    Guess I'll decon and repeat the above process...

    Even if I stick to magic quality im still at a loss.

    Oh you want me to stick to *** picked up items thats all missed matched and doesn't allow me to plan spec my armor?

    Pleaseeeee.... comment now.

    Wait, what, are you deconstructing your broken gear instead of repairing it? And yes, the cost of crafting gear will take away from your capital or inventory, that would be counter intuitive if you made gear and somehow made a profit?

    If your trying to Min/Max every single piece of gear for every single level, its going to get expensive. Most MMO players, will min/max to a degree of affordability that allows them to clear the content they want to clear, not overkill everything.

    Again, I'm sad to say but this seems like a L2P MMO's type thing that a bug. Maybe there is a bug, but this thread does a really poor job of illustrating anything further then you have a hard time making money in an MMO to fund your adventuring/gear breaking endeavors.

    No..I'm repairing it..
    I'm VR10. you're telling me i shouldnt be maxing my armor even though I have the mats?
    Well thankyou that's exactly the problem. You've just proven the smithing and clothing is useless..
  • oxygen_boarderb16_ESO
    smosti wrote: »
    smosti wrote: »
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Nooblet wrote: »

    What? I did not exploit anything, and am v10, and my gold supply is steadily increasing as I continue to play. Whether it be selling dominion gear that I get free from PvP, or doing anything and getting gear to vendor etc. Even after spending a hefty fee for some items. I still make alot more than I spend. Unless you are completely ignoring any loot that drops, I fail to see how people are not gaining gold.

    I am glad to know V10's are having no issues with Gear Decay. Do you normally walk around in a gold set, or do you craft new ones all the time? With 2k repair bills per hour, that is more gold than I make at V1 in Coldharbour.

    There is no surprise that those on the very top of the ladder aren't impacted, just like the wealthy elite aren't really impacted by Payroll Taxes.

    I did play the game leading up to V10. And my gold supply steadily increased as time went on. Even after dumping gold into mount and bank/inventory upgrades, I still made back my gold and continued to increase.

    I did both questing, and grinding, both I made more than I spent in repairs.

    I'm curious what these people are doing that nets them a loss in gold through normal play.

    You're curious to know what generates a loss?
    Okay let me break it down for you.

    I just crafted a full set of heavy armor. I also used a lot of moonstone ingot to craft my armor. Oh.... multiple trait stones. I used 3 honing stones on each of my 8 items. Oh now That's 24 honing stones. Oh I want it all to be arcane quality. There goes 30 dwarven oil. Oh you want epic? Bye bye 50 grain solvent. Oh *** of my items broke while trying to improve. Restart that one. Now I have to buy 8 enchantments. woooo.

    Let me run through this dungeon. Woo a couple blues some greens and some gold. Damn...30mins and my gear is broke.

    Guess I'll decon and repeat the above process...

    Even if I stick to magic quality im still at a loss.

    Oh you want me to stick to *** picked up items thats all missed matched and doesn't allow me to plan spec my armor?

    Pleaseeeee.... comment now.

    Wait, what, are you deconstructing your broken gear instead of repairing it? And yes, the cost of crafting gear will take away from your capital or inventory, that would be counter intuitive if you made gear and somehow made a profit?

    If your trying to Min/Max every single piece of gear for every single level, its going to get expensive. Most MMO players, will min/max to a degree of affordability that allows them to clear the content they want to clear, not overkill everything.

    Again, I'm sad to say but this seems like a L2P MMO's type thing that a bug. Maybe there is a bug, but this thread does a really poor job of illustrating anything further then you have a hard time making money in an MMO to fund your adventuring/gear breaking endeavors.

    No..I'm repairing it..
    I'm VR10. you're telling me i shouldnt be maxing my armor even though I have the mats?
    Well thankyou that's exactly the problem. You've just proven the smithing and clothing is useless..

    I'm trying to figure out what the your doing that your throwing money away like candy and not netting a profit. You seem to be doing all kind of things, then blaming gear decay on it. First its the costs of crafting that's expensive, now you don't want to fix that gear for whatever reason after making it, so you result to pouting and running around naked.

    I really hope the dev's can help you, it'll just end up making me OP with hordes of money since I don't have a problem with making money.
    Toktok - Vet8 Orc Templar - 2 Hand, Medium/Heavy Armor Grunt - Blacksmith/Clothier/Enchanter/Alchemist
  • Armoril
    Nooblet wrote: »
    I'm curious what these people are doing that nets them a loss in gold through normal play.
    That's what I'm saying. The amount of money I'm making every day goes way beyond what I pay in repairs.

    But I'm not going to argue with these people anymore over whether it's possible or not. Anyone who can't handle their money, I'll just tell you what I do. If it works for me, then it will work for you. I think the sensible answer here isn't to argue with the trolls who claim it can't be done, but rather to give advice to the people who seem to be having difficulties.
    • Loot every item you can, until your inventory is full
    • Harvest every node you come across, even if it means making a slight detour. Some of the most valuable items to sell to vendors are stacks of materials. Don't worry about runes though, most of them are worthless other than certain Aspect runes
    • Get every chest you see
    • Finish as many quests as you can, because there's usually a reward in gold, which can go from anywhere around 50 to up over 500
    This is where my income comes from, but of course, I'll also tell you how I manage it, which is the other half
    • There are items that aren't used for any crafting skills and they're not consumable and you can't equip them. For all intents and purposes, they're trash. They usually have the item description "This can be sold to a vendor for gold." That's all they're good for. This should be obvious.
    • Pick one or more of the crafting skills, and just don't do it. Whichever one you're less likely to use for your own gear. I sell all materials for Woodworking and Provisioning on my main character, because I don't use these skills. Wood is worth more than the recipes and food though
    • Sell any gear you're not going to use in deconstruction. As I said above, I don't do woodworking, so I sell every staff, shield and any bow that I don't plan on equipping. Gear is also one of the items that is worth the most gold at vendors
    • Sell any materials that you can't use because your skill ranking isn't high enough yet. No sense letting them fill your bank and inventory space anyway
    • DO NOT fast travel from remote locations and pay the fee. Go to a wayshrine and travel from there.
    • I don't know if you've been doing alchemy, but I do, and I find that a lot of the potions are potions that I can't see myself using on this character, so I only keep the health potions and I sell all the rest. You could do this in provisioning also.
    • Don't buy items from other players. They are charging you more than what the item is worth for things you can acquire for free.
    • Avoid buying items from merchants. I think the only things I buy are crafting style materials occasionally when I run out of them. But don't buy gear, potions, anything like that. You can find everything you need out in the field for free and merchant prices are expensive
    • Try to avoid huge expenses such as expanding bag and bank space, horse, etc. It's okay to spend money on them, but don't make it a point to blow all your money on it just as soon as you have enough gold to afford them.
    • Avoid doing a respec, especially late game. It's incredibly expensive.
    • Sometimes quests involve bribing an NPC. If you see another available dialogue option, don't pay these people

    Follow all of that, and you're now earning money, and saving money.

    And there are plenty of ways beyond this to earn even more money, but I was just telling you what I do to keep a rising income. You could sell materials like ore in chat, and make good money doing that. People are always trying to grind their crafting skills. You can get yourself vampirism and sell the bites for a few thousand gold easily. If you come across Racial Motifs you can usually sell those for around 700 gold for the common race ones, and the more advanced ones such as Daedric go for over a lot more.

    All you need to do to get gold in this game, is to have the knowledge of how to acquire it and how to avoid spending it.
  • Soloeus
    Nooblet wrote: »
    I'm curious what these people are doing that nets them a loss in gold through normal play.
    That's what I'm saying. The amount of money I'm making every day goes way beyond what I pay in repairs.

    But I'm not going to argue with these people anymore over whether it's possible or not. Anyone who can't handle their money, I'll just tell you what I do. If it works for me, then it will work for you. I think the sensible answer here isn't to argue with the trolls who claim it can't be done, but rather to give advice to the people who seem to be having difficulties.
    • Loot every item you can, until your inventory is full
    • Harvest every node you come across, even if it means making a slight detour. Some of the most valuable items to sell to vendors are stacks of materials. Don't worry about runes though, most of them are worthless other than certain Aspect runes
    • Get every chest you see
    • Finish as many quests as you can, because there's usually a reward in gold, which can go from anywhere around 50 to up over 500
    This is where my income comes from, but of course, I'll also tell you how I manage it, which is the other half
    • There are items that aren't used for any crafting skills and they're not consumable and you can't equip them. For all intents and purposes, they're trash. They usually have the item description "This can be sold to a vendor for gold." That's all they're good for. This should be obvious.
    • Pick one or more of the crafting skills, and just don't do it. Whichever one you're less likely to use for your own gear. I sell all materials for Woodworking and Provisioning on my main character, because I don't use these skills. Wood is worth more than the recipes and food though
    • Sell any gear you're not going to use in deconstruction. As I said above, I don't do woodworking, so I sell every staff, shield and any bow that I don't plan on equipping. Gear is also one of the items that is worth the most gold at vendors
    • Sell any materials that you can't use because your skill ranking isn't high enough yet. No sense letting them fill your bank and inventory space anyway
    • DO NOT fast travel from remote locations and pay the fee. Go to a wayshrine and travel from there.
    • I don't know if you've been doing alchemy, but I do, and I find that a lot of the potions are potions that I can't see myself using on this character, so I only keep the health potions and I sell all the rest. You could do this in provisioning also.
    • Don't buy items from other players. They are charging you more than what the item is worth for things you can acquire for free.
    • Avoid buying items from merchants. I think the only things I buy are crafting style materials occasionally when I run out of them. But don't buy gear, potions, anything like that. You can find everything you need out in the field for free and merchant prices are expensive
    • Try to avoid huge expenses such as expanding bag and bank space, horse, etc. It's okay to spend money on them, but don't make it a point to blow all your money on it just as soon as you have enough gold to afford them.
    • Avoid doing a respec, especially late game. It's incredibly expensive.
    • Sometimes quests involve bribing an NPC. If you see another available dialogue option, don't pay these people

    Follow all of that, and you're now earning money, and saving money.

    And there are plenty of ways beyond this to earn even more money, but I was just telling you what I do to keep a rising income. You could sell materials like ore in chat, and make good money doing that. People are always trying to grind their crafting skills. You can get yourself vampirism and sell the bites for a few thousand gold easily. If you come across Racial Motifs you can usually sell those for around 700 gold for the common race ones, and the more advanced ones such as Daedric go for over a lot more.

    All you need to do to get gold in this game, is to have the knowledge of how to acquire it and how to avoid spending it.

    Finally, an insightful post in this thread; I already almost all of these things however. The only difference is that I don't sell crafting items I cannot yet use but plan to use in time; especially Turpens or things like that which would be more expensive to reacquire.

    I found this post refreshing but it restates the need for a repair system.

    This is the solution I have; it maintains a cost, and lets you "pay in materials" instead of gold (which is a different form of gold) to repair items. I invite your feedback in that thread, because after making this thread in satire to point out a serious problem a lot of level 20-50 players are having, I made that one hoping for a solution.

    Within; Without.
  • Affrayer
    Strip to your skivvies in this week's newest patch and fight with the brand new unarmored skill line! With abilities such as:

    -Flash- "By the Eight Divines!"
    Blinds all nearby enemies for 3 seconds.

    -Twerk- Shake what your momma gave ya!
    Disorients all nearby enemies for 5 seconds and boosts stamina by 200 for 30 seconds.

    *And more!

    Edited by Affrayer on May 5, 2014 4:13PM
  • smosti
    Nooblet wrote: »
    I'm curious what these people are doing that nets them a loss in gold through normal play.
    That's what I'm saying. The amount of money I'm making every day goes way beyond what I pay in repairs.

    But I'm not going to argue with these people anymore over whether it's possible or not. Anyone who can't handle their money, I'll just tell you what I do. If it works for me, then it will work for you. I think the sensible answer here isn't to argue with the trolls who claim it can't be done, but rather to give advice to the people who seem to be having difficulties.
    • Loot every item you can, until your inventory is full
    • Harvest every node you come across, even if it means making a slight detour. Some of the most valuable items to sell to vendors are stacks of materials. Don't worry about runes though, most of them are worthless other than certain Aspect runes
    • Get every chest you see
    • Finish as many quests as you can, because there's usually a reward in gold, which can go from anywhere around 50 to up over 500
    This is where my income comes from, but of course, I'll also tell you how I manage it, which is the other half
    • There are items that aren't used for any crafting skills and they're not consumable and you can't equip them. For all intents and purposes, they're trash. They usually have the item description "This can be sold to a vendor for gold." That's all they're good for. This should be obvious.
    • Pick one or more of the crafting skills, and just don't do it. Whichever one you're less likely to use for your own gear. I sell all materials for Woodworking and Provisioning on my main character, because I don't use these skills. Wood is worth more than the recipes and food though
    • Sell any gear you're not going to use in deconstruction. As I said above, I don't do woodworking, so I sell every staff, shield and any bow that I don't plan on equipping. Gear is also one of the items that is worth the most gold at vendors
    • Sell any materials that you can't use because your skill ranking isn't high enough yet. No sense letting them fill your bank and inventory space anyway
    • DO NOT fast travel from remote locations and pay the fee. Go to a wayshrine and travel from there.
    • I don't know if you've been doing alchemy, but I do, and I find that a lot of the potions are potions that I can't see myself using on this character, so I only keep the health potions and I sell all the rest. You could do this in provisioning also.
    • Don't buy items from other players. They are charging you more than what the item is worth for things you can acquire for free.
    • Avoid buying items from merchants. I think the only things I buy are crafting style materials occasionally when I run out of them. But don't buy gear, potions, anything like that. You can find everything you need out in the field for free and merchant prices are expensive
    • Try to avoid huge expenses such as expanding bag and bank space, horse, etc. It's okay to spend money on them, but don't make it a point to blow all your money on it just as soon as you have enough gold to afford them.
    • Avoid doing a respec, especially late game. It's incredibly expensive.
    • Sometimes quests involve bribing an NPC. If you see another available dialogue option, don't pay these people

    Follow all of that, and you're now earning money, and saving money.

    And there are plenty of ways beyond this to earn even more money, but I was just telling you what I do to keep a rising income. You could sell materials like ore in chat, and make good money doing that. People are always trying to grind their crafting skills. You can get yourself vampirism and sell the bites for a few thousand gold easily. If you come across Racial Motifs you can usually sell those for around 700 gold for the common race ones, and the more advanced ones such as Daedric go for over a lot more.

    All you need to do to get gold in this game, is to have the knowledge of how to acquire it and how to avoid spending it.

    I have 3 questions.
    1. What rank are you
    2. Do you actually have good armor or do you wear whatever you pickup
    3. Do you run around naked or unequip your armor before handing in a quest considering xp =decay

    Yes I can manage my gold very easily if I pickup and wear any random junk and and forever replacing my stuff.

    No, I cant keep a positivr income in high end armor.

    Have any of you actually worn 8 purple items all at once and ran a dungeon?..

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