Falling through steps

Frequently I will fall through steps to a building, or a floor or bridge, etc then be stuck in the basement or fall. Sometimes I can exit basement, but sometimes I am stuck in it, or I fall continuously. What is the problem? Bad coding? Loading problems? When I get out and walk in a different spot I dont fall through.
  • ballistic
    Seems they figured loading the higher quality textures was a priority to loading the mesh collision. I've explained it in more detail on the 2nd point raised on the following thread:

  • GossiTheDog
    Tip - change graphics to low. Restart. Change back to ultra. Restart. It forces the scenery data to reload.
  • kasain
    This is ESO's way of making you /stuck, and pay gold to repair your armor due to their lack of competence in building a world you can walk on. They want you to grind for repairs, so you pay subs!
  • Asava
    It usually only happens to me if I'm on a horse and jump and land on the stairs.
  • kasain
    Me, it usually happens in towns, or crossing a bridge. And sometimes if I walk in a new zone and it loads slow. Then I am trapped in a rock.
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