I've noticed along with the latency issues yesterday, that the world's scenery props (walls, bridges, platforms and other static objects that cannot be interacted with) seem to be delayed in loading and were "popping-in" to view very late.
I just wanted to ask ESO's dev team whether the model IDs, pos/scale/rot of scenery props are sent by the server to all players just like GameObjects and NPCs probably are?
(If they are, I'll follow up with some suggestions to help reduce server-side processing and disk-thrashing overheads, reduce latency and improve the gaming experience for players. - If not, no worries, please just review the issue below instead!)
Also, would it be possible to load the mesh AND physics (for collision detection) before loading textures?
Players are running through or falling through scenery because the physics appears to be loading after textures - switching around the load/instantiation order will fix this.