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My Wish List (Classes)

Good morning/afternoon/evening:

Let me just say, that I am -extremely- happy with this game and I've already brought three friends along to play it who are equally as pleased with it, if not more so.

We four have all agreed that we would like to see a couple more classes added to the game, or at least skill lines themselves.

Those classes would be:

Monk - basically, we want an unarmed skill tree that is designed to benefit from using light armor in a melee fashion, with passive bonuses that add health totals and stamina, and especially damage resistances per piece of light armor equipped. Active skills would include a variety of punches and kicks and an improved dodging mechanic for monks, as well as perhaps the addition of melee staves into the game. We also agreed that the game needs a second class that adds another healing tree to the game, and this class seems like a great choice for that. A Tanking defensive tree, of course a melee martial arts tree, and a healing tree would be great.

Druid - Something that many people want, and seems the Elder Scrolls has never provided, not really. Addition of spears to the game with this class, and give it a healing tree, an elemental tree focusing on wind and cold attacks (Tornadoes and Hurricanes come to mind of course), and perhaps a shape shifting and summoning tree that focuses on poisons, summoning bee/wasp swarms, such as a spider form or a snake form with some web CC or constriction attacks, something different than other MMO's who use the standard cat, bear or tree forms (as if nature is that limited). Also something not utilized in other games is Druids who may summon stationary plants (the art is already in the game!) that attack nearby foes like a natural turret or heal allies nearby.


Lapidary - We want to see something more with jewelry. So much potential.

Woodworking needs a good deal of help. Since melee staves and spears would be added with the two classes above, it would be awesome for there to be "wooden" armors added to the game with the addition of the Druid, and a "Natural" schematic added to the crafting list in addition to the racial schematics. Also, Woodworking could bring in Totems or Fetishes that take up a jewelry spot. Just an idea/suggestion.

Thanks for listening!


  • ahspear37
    I don't mind those classes. Neither of them are particularly appealing to me but that's just my personal play style. They would still be cool to see around the world for sure.

    Here are my suggestions if they decide to add classes:

    Warlord - A one-person wrecking ball that inspires others around them to snatch victory from the clutches of defeat. Specializes in:
    1. Rally cries and war totems that grant stat increases for them + party.
    2. Also, they have a dedicated melee skill tree with skills that burn stamina instead of Magicka like most of the other skills do.
    3. A Bloodlust tree where melee attacks recover health, and passives that boost your other stats as you lose health.

    Daedric Cultist - Made a solemn pact that allows them to call forth the powers of Oblivion. Specializes in:
    1. summoning bound armor and weapons that have increased stats
    2. summoning Dremora
    3. uses forbidden knowledge to cast reality-altering spells that immobilize, deal DoT, and deal AoE damage.

    Dwemer Scientist - Harness the power of science! Specializes in:
    1. Trap skill tree that snares, slows and intimidates - with technology!
    2. Controlling Dwemer automatons to carry out their deeds.
    3. Also specializes in tanking to compensate for their lack of offensive skills.

    Those are just classes I'd be interested in using. I know that Zenimax will add more content once the game gets out of its infancy. I'm not sure if they will add other classes, but if they do I'd love to see these ones.
    Edited by ahspear37 on May 2, 2014 12:20PM
    Breton Bloodmage
    Breton Templar Crusader
    Daggerfall Covenant!
  • martymart76_ESO
    Man. I would really love to have the Dwemer as an unlockable playable race.
  • reggielee
    some really nice ideas here
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • ahspear37
    Idk if they would ever release new races. TES has been pretty much the same in that regard since the first game. It would be awesome though. I'd love to play as a Dwemer, or to be an Akaviri!
    Breton Bloodmage
    Breton Templar Crusader
    Daggerfall Covenant!
  • knaveofengland
    thief all I want, go back and look at the series will give you a insight to what other races classes etc etc etc they will have in time to come , also remember they are not going to show their hand its been 1 month since game went live .
  • Chryos
    Every time I mention the Dwemer, people say its not possible with the lore etc. Well what if the race could be discovered hiding out somewheres (sometime in the mmo future)? I would think the lore could be worked around in the future.

    I agree on Druid, but I would like a shapshifter type druid. EQ1 had it right when they made druids be able to cast a spell and shapeshift the group into a pack of wolves, that was my favorite part about druids.

    I guess the game will have to be out for awhile longer in order to balance classes some more. So far you can be pretty much any kind of pure class or hybrid (with the standard pros and cons of each).

    So my opinion on:

    Druid- shapeshifter with ability to shift into a wolf and for me some type of big puma) Caster type with damage over time spells, teleportation, and roots.

    Dwemer scientist- this would be the standard gnomish tinkerer as in most MMOs.

    Warlord- if not the class then the ability to use Guideon Bearers (the guys carrying battle flags-they could have a group buff) or battle drums etc. Or bards that do that stuff specifically

    Some more focus on bows for nightblade, for those of us who really want to play a ranger and not a rogue.

    Mostly I think needs ESO needs some more specialized utility classes. Buffers, Debuffers, Mana pumps, EQ1 style bards that can twist aoe buffs for large groups.

    This all is based off my love for EQ1 of course. But everyone has stuff they'd like to see here from a previous favorite game.

    Being as this game is so new, I think Dwemer is going to happen eventually, but years from now I would think. You gotta save room for some cool stuff later in the MMO's lifetime.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Chryos
    For the most part by now, I think everyone has figured out they can make some version of a favorite pure class or a hybrid class. With pure classes you are the best at what you do, with hybrids you have more options but the tradeoff is your not the very best in any one category.

    As with most other MMO's endgame doesent leave much room for hybrid classes and some specialized classes. This is something people should think about too. Everyone knows all too well the "I cant find a group" feeling as it gets lonelier when you reach the top. This might be resolved with the ability to have larger groups now and the fact you can have a 12 man group in the new adventure zone.

    I enjoy playing hybrid classes, but I am for sure going to make a pure class as a backup. Something to think about.... I could very well be wrong or outdated though.

    Any thoughts?
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • ahspear37
    Based on Canon it's totally possible for Dwemers to still be around. In TES 3 A Dwemer survived the disappearance by being in on an Oblivion-like plane. It's entirely possible that other Dwemer could've done this. Also, no one knows where the Dwemer went. It's entirely possible that they went to a plane of Oblivion and the weakening of the barriers could provide them opportunity for at least some of them to escape (which would be an excuse for them to be brought into the series). Bethesda writes the lore, and I have a feeling they made the Dwemer disappearance as vague as they could on purpose. It gives them multiple ways to introduce them into the series. I honestly doubt they will introduce them into this game (I have a feeling that'll be saved for TES 6 or future installments) but who knows? And even if they don't, you can still be a different race and "study" Dwemer artifacts, making that class type possible.
    Breton Bloodmage
    Breton Templar Crusader
    Daggerfall Covenant!
  • Sempars
    How about just remove classes and allow anyone to grab whatever skill they want?
  • Chryos
    Sempars wrote: »
    How about just remove classes and allow anyone to grab whatever skill they want?

    I think they tried that, but due to balance issues that mighta not worked out I would guess, so they worked this out. I merely wildly speculate though...

    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Chryos
    ahspear37 wrote: »
    Based on Canon it's totally possible for Dwemers to still be around. In TES 3 A Dwemer survived the disappearance by being in on an Oblivion-like plane. It's entirely possible that other Dwemer could've done this. Also, no one knows where the Dwemer went. It's entirely possible that they went to a plane of Oblivion and the weakening of the barriers could provide them opportunity for at least some of them to escape (which would be an excuse for them to be brought into the series). Bethesda writes the lore, and I have a feeling they made the Dwemer disappearance as vague as they could on purpose. It gives them multiple ways to introduce them into the series. I honestly doubt they will introduce them into this game (I have a feeling that'll be saved for TES 6 or future installments) but who knows? And even if they don't, you can still be a different race and "study" Dwemer artifacts, making that class type possible.

    I think this very exact same thing too... so I am compelled to give you an insightful vote!

    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Chryos
    I think they would have to release the Dwemer as a playable race in the future, especially as time goes on (and I hate to say this, but also when sales need a boost, from a business perspective) This is a game, but it's also a business too.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Eris
    My wish list is that they consolidate to one class. At some point they can add legendary levels (above veteran) where you gain the skills and abilities of other classes. Then the classes we have become starting classes but eventually the character can obtain all abilities.

    Then, if they wish to add a class, it is simply adding a starting class that can eventually evolve like the others into the legendary levels.

    I would also like a class that specializes in underwater actions and being able to remain underwater for long periods... so that they can make it possible to go underwater.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Chryos
    The Dwemer were kidnapped and used for slave labor somewheres in Oblivion by some Daedra, some major storytelling in the form of a major server event would ensue, and the Dwemer would be reintroduced or unlocked in game. This is how I would think it would be done. People forget that it's not just going to be game patches for content but also your paying for cool stuff like server wide events etc etc.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • ahspear37
    That would be a cool event. I'd also love to have an (I know I brought this up already but I'm really interested in it) Akaviri invasion. Like a HUGE threat on Tamriel that causes all the factions to unite temporarily to repel the invaders.
    Breton Bloodmage
    Breton Templar Crusader
    Daggerfall Covenant!
  • martymart76_ESO
    The Dwemer all vanished. And they basically created their own technological god. They can easily reappear as either an enemy (most likely since they were cruel and logical and lacked empathy or compassion) or as allies (if some of them disagreed with societal status quo). It would be a great time for them to add Dwemer themes and engineering skills to the game.
  • ahspear37
    The Brass God was pretty cool in Daggerfall.

    They weren't all evil, they were basically just benevolent and put their own needs above others, kind of like the Daedra. There were actually quite a bit of Dwemer that were compassionate. It'd be awesome to see them as enemies though! How cool would that be to have them back as antagonists?
    Breton Bloodmage
    Breton Templar Crusader
    Daggerfall Covenant!
  • roflcopter
    I would be upset if they released Dwemer here before getting a full release on a console game. To get the full feel of the lore and history of it. I think if they released them on the MMO first it may burn the TES fanatics. Would be fun though to be able to play as one.
    Xbox One | NA | AD
    GM - OK LOL
    Warden Stuff
    Ex - Trials Core 1 Runner - Left and couldn't be happier
  • Solomon_Cato
    +1 to the Druid class for sure.
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    Dwemer just seems like it would be better for a future instalment of the tes seried (after skyrim).

    Personally, I would rather play maormeror falmer... Or those humans with metallic skin, or akaviri.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Surinen
    well, my wish class is no new class at all but new skill lines to the current ones (or complete termination of class system existence).

    but my wishy skill line would be a gw2 mesmer for sorcerer
  • martymart76_ESO
    Surinen wrote: »
    well, my wish class is no new class at all but new skill lines to the current ones (or complete termination of class system existence).

    but my wishy skill line would be a gw2 mesmer for sorcerer

    Not to be snarky, but why don't you just go play a Mesmer in GW2...?

    Classes have always existed in the Elder Scrolls universe back as far as I can remember.
  • Surinen
    Not to be snarky, but why don't you just go play a Mesmer in GW2...?

    Classes have always existed in the Elder Scrolls universe back as far as I can remember.
    oh but I play it. the best class ever made in der welt

    yes, there were classes but you could also make your own character. good thing about games and memory is that in the case of TES, you d not really need to look into depths of the past. Skyrim for an example, no premade classes, delicious.

  • ahspear37
    I can totally see why ESO has class restrictions, I really can. It has got to make balancing issues easier for them, and it makes the user think carefully about how they want to build their character before jumping into something.

    I also don't particularly hate the class system. I like that they aren't technically traditional classes.

    That being said, I do miss the freedom of Oblivion. I liked that, while they did have traditional class suggestions that they built, they also allowed you to pick your skills and your sign. Once you picked them, you had to stick with them, but they still let you pick them. I LOVED that about Oblivion, and I could really see that working in this game. 3 skill trees of your choice, name your own class, and it's permanently set, like Oblivion. You can use whatever weapons still, but your class skills are 3 of any of the available ones (or more if they are added in future updates) and you can make your own class name, and that's it. Then you are off into the world to do your thing. Then if you don't like your build, you have only yourself to blame for it.
    Edited by ahspear37 on May 5, 2014 5:43PM
    Breton Bloodmage
    Breton Templar Crusader
    Daggerfall Covenant!
  • Creepsley
    i would love a monk necromancer or warlock kinda class\skill line.
    necromancer could have a life stealing healer skill line
    undead summoning and a Scourge like line.

  • Azzuria
    @Creepsley... they do have a 'Warlock' type 'class'... it's called a Syphon-spec'd Nightblade caster. Fun stuff.
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • Moonchilde
    I'm thinking they'll just add new skill trees to the existing classes, since the number of abilities you can learn or have in your bar at one time fixes you to one build at a time. More trees means more variations of each class.

    I'd like to see an Explorer tree added to Undaunted that is all things like 'patch wounds', 'trick locks', 'duping', 'dirty fighting', etc. so that people could play a non-magicka based class if they wanted to, but still have some interesting abilities outside of weapon/armor.
  • ahspear37
    Azzuria wrote: »
    @Creepsley... they do have a 'Warlock' type 'class'... it's called a Syphon-spec'd Nightblade caster. Fun stuff.

    That's how I play! I just call him a Bloodmage :smile:

    Breton Bloodmage
    Breton Templar Crusader
    Daggerfall Covenant!
  • Memnock
    If anything , i would actually prefer , that they remove the classes completely , put everything at the player's choice and lets us be whatever we want to be , i really don't see the point of actual classes , if the trinity roles ( Tank ; Healer & DPS ) , can be fulfilled by any class.

    I mean , why the restriction of 3 trees then ? What is the point ? Just let every pick whatever the want from all the skill lines available in the game , no restriction , no penalty.

    To be fair , i don't even know why they decided to fragment the magic schools so much in the first place.

    The Sorc , gets a version of the conjuration school of magic , with the Daedric Summoning tree and only they have access to it , everyone gets Destruction magic in their trees , but for some reason , only some spells are elemental , for instance Crystal Shard , this spell from the sorcs Dark Magic tree looks like it was designed to do Frost Damage , but it does "Magic" damage .
    There is a weird version of the restoration school in the game , but it is tied to a weapon of all things , and a class specific tree from the Templars , which is again very strange since in no other TES game , the magic schools were ever tied to weapons.

    The game does not need more classes , but on the contrary , it needs to remove them completely from the game and allow us to choose whatever we want , just like they advertised "Play how you want " , not "play how you want but within the confines of what we want you to do" .

    After they do this , they can add , as many skill lines , that are accessible to all , as they want. I am 100% behind this , add awesome new skill lines , with unique quests and challenges , but let everyone get them.
  • Cheatingdeath23
    I like the idea of new classes, but they have to be based on Elder Scrolls lore. I don't think we can just grab classes from other MMO's and throw them in here.

    If they add new skill lines for each class without lowering the respec cost, people will howl.
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