Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

maintenance on friday ?

seriously guys COME ON some people have some 3 day week end sometime like the friday or mondy ! everbody know we NEVER do maintenance a friday or monday ! change this please
  • Lalai
    They're fixing the bank bug.. it's needed.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • HotToddy
    Ya... Hate to say this but not only do I agree that the bank bug needs fixed, but I also agree with Ubiach - Maintenance during the 3 day Easter holiday? This couldn't have been done on Thursday? Poor time management.
  • Ubiach
    they complete a maintenance EVERY friday ! it is in her note ...
  • nerevarine1138
    Some people have three-day weekends. Most people don't. And generally, companies schedule maintenance time around when most people aren't playing. Sucks that your schedule is weird, but you'll have to learn to deal with it. Friday morning is not prime time.
  • Ubiach
    seriously i love this game at 100% but i found a maintenance every friday lol and i hate this ! do it in middle of the week !
  • Lalai
    I'm sure if they had the fix ready yesterday, it would have been patched yesterday. This patch also seems to be addressing the item duping bug, and the guild chat lag. I highly doubt it's something they would have intentionally put off.

    Also.. they are the ones that are gonna have numbers for when the least amount of people are logging in. It'd be in their best interests to do maintenance at those times. Early morning during two days in the work week may very well be least played times as most folks are at work or in school. I know quite a few people that play late nights, or in the evening, but next to no one (who isn't oceanic) that regularly plays 5am - 9am Pacific.
    Edited by Lalai on April 18, 2014 1:48PM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Hadria
    Let them fix the game damn, they can't catch a break from you people.
  • thjudgeman1142ub17_ESO
    Their maintenance schedule is borked for the NA side... why not do it at o'dark thirty instead of midday... twice a week... for several hours each time.

    Get it that it's needed ... just better timed would be nice.
    They always do maintenance on Friday. Learn to read the forums. If you happen to have Friday off then bad luck for you.
    Edited by OZGODUSA on April 18, 2014 1:44PM
  • Opioid
    Not everyone gets a 3 day weekend for Easter. And besides, they announced the regular maintenance windows being on Tuesdays and Fridays last week. You should have been expecting this.
  • nerevarine1138
    Lalai wrote: »
    I'm sure if they had the fix ready yesterday, it would have been patched yesterday. This patch also seems to be addressing the item duping bug, and the guild chat lag. I highly doubt it's something they would have intentionally put off.

    Read the service status forms, please.

    Regular maintenance times for NA are Tuesday and Friday mornings. Will we probably lose one of these days after all the launch jitters are done? Probably. But this isn't an emergency fix. They have been very clear about maintenance times from the start.
  • Rapscallion74
    I dont really care when they do maintenance, but what I cannot fathom is why not do it in the middle of the night when the least amount of people would be affected?

    In the real world, most companies do maintenance/upgrades at like 2-3AM in order to affect as little people as possible. ZOS doing maint in the days just seems to be what is convenient for them, not us.
  • Ubiach
    OZGODUSA wrote: »
    They always do maintenance on Friday. Learn to read the forums. If you happen to have Friday off then bad luck for you.

    i know it is a regular maintenance but it is stupid ! lot of people got off friday for 3 day week end or for special week end etc

    the best day stay thuesday or wednesday

  • nerevarine1138
    I dont really care when they do maintenance, but what I cannot fathom is why not do it in the middle of the night when the least amount of people would be affected?

    In the real world, most companies do maintenance/upgrades at like 2-3AM in order to affect as little people as possible. ZOS doing maint in the days just seems to be what is convenient for them, not us.

    Believe it or not, most people play in the middle of the night. Most people work in the morning. Maintenance happens in the morning. The reason that "other companies" do maintenance at 2-3AM is because those companies are usually running software for productivity, and it needs to be up during the business day.
  • demendred
    Let them fix the game damn, they can't catch a break from you people.

    "The quests are bugged, fix them!"
    -Game goes down to be fixed-
    "What?! You're going to bring the game down for maintenance? WTF??"

    Yea, you are correct sir.
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • Lalai

    Read the service status forms, please.

    Regular maintenance times for NA are Tuesday and Friday mornings. Will we probably lose one of these days after all the launch jitters are done? Probably. But this isn't an emergency fix. They have been very clear about maintenance times from the start.

    I do read the forums.. I also read when they said that as soon as they got the bank bug fixed and tested they would implement it ASAP. So I stand by what I said. I don't think they intentionally held it back because they said they wouldn't.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • nerevarine1138
    Ubiach wrote: »
    i know it is a regular maintenance but it is stupid ! lot of people got off friday for 3 day week end or for special week end etc

    the best day stay thuesday or wednesday

    How often do you get "special weekends"? And can I have your job?

    They already do maintenance on Tuesday mornings as well. This should not be new to anyone.
  • DGVish
    Yea the infintie money glitch needed to be fixed ASAP. I'm surprised they waited until maintenance to address it.
  • Orizuru
    With as many people as there playing a game like this, there are always going to be people effected by maintenance. Complaining when its inconvenient for you is pretty selfish in my opinion and doesn't help anyone.
  • thjudgeman1142ub17_ESO
    NA server but EU times for convienence to the devs. I think most understand it's needed but the timing seems to be what everyone is having trouble with... at least on this server... I dont read FR or DE (even though it's all over my EN forums) so I cant tell if they're confused or troubled as well.
    Edited by thjudgeman1142ub17_ESO on April 18, 2014 1:52PM
  • moXrox
    bank bug ?

    wow hopefully they fix the duping, the whole economy is broken now when people could dupe millions in only short time.

    So funny, often you see people talking about the greed of companies but a bigger part of the game communities are not much better with their own disgusting ingame greed.
    Edited by moXrox on April 18, 2014 1:56PM
    Music Channel:
    Tolkien Fantasy Music, Medieval, Pagan & Nordic Music Style
  • thjudgeman1142ub17_ESO
    Need to ban those doing it... pretty sure it's against the TOS...
  • Opioid
    demendred wrote: »
    "The quests are bugged, fix them!"
    -Game goes down to be fixed-
    "What?! You're going to bring the game down for maintenance? WTF??"
    Exactly. No matter when they do maintenance, someone is going to get butthurt about it and complain. This has happened with every MMO I have ever played. Servers go down for maintenance, regardless of the day or time, there's always a bunch of people that hop on the forums and complain about it acting like the only times they can play the game for the entire week are the exact times that the servers are down for maintenance.

    Maintenance times are chosen based on affecting the lowest number of players. It will always affect someone. Those that it affects need to put on their big boy pants and deal with the fact that they can't always get what they want when they want it.
  • nerevarine1138
    NA server but EU times for convienence to the devs. I think most understand it's needed but the timing seems to be what everyone is having trouble with... at least on this server... I dont read FR or DE (even though it's all over my EN forums) so I cant tell if their confused or troubled as well.

    EU downtime already happened.

    And players have this odd habit of being surprised/upset by regular maintenance every week, even in games that have been out for a decade. That's the players' fault.
  • dbishop
    Friday night for us in Australia and Asia which would be considered prime time. Its a silly time to schedule and I have nfi why they changed it to that in the first place. I'd go with Tuesdays and Thursdays if you read this Zeni.

    Continuing with Fridays will lead to a great deal of income loss.
  • binksterbinks
    I have spent more time staring at the maintenance window than actually playing this game I spent 70+ dollars on. I know I'm just bitching like everyone else but after 5+ mmo's in my past (prestigious, I know) this is the first game where they patch at these terrible times! Let us play! patch during the night you bums!
  • thjudgeman1142ub17_ESO
    Opiod so you are saying that 8am CST in the US on the NA server will affect the least amount of people as opposed to 2 or 3am? Ok if their stats indicate this then it's good business for them to do so... would like to see the server population stats over time though... anyone know where they can be found?
  • nerevarine1138
    dbishop wrote: »
    Friday night for us in Australia and Asia which would be considered prime time. Its a silly time to schedule and I have nfi why they changed it to that in the first place. I'd go with Tuesdays and Thursdays if you read this Zeni.

    Continuing with Fridays will lead to a great deal of income loss.

    I'm sure they didn't have anyone analyze the actual numbers to see when the fewest players were on. Australia generally gets screwed over by maintenance times. It's never affected any other gaming company's bottom line.
    I have spent more time staring at the maintenance window than actually playing this game I spent 70+ dollars on. I know I'm just bitching like everyone else but after 5+ mmo's in my past (prestigious, I know) this is the first game where they patch at these terrible times! Let us play! patch during the night you bums!

    Again, most people play at night. I, like you, have a weird work schedule, so night time would probably be more convenient for me. But unlike you, I have realized that I don't represent the majority of the population. So suck it up, because this is the time when fewer people play.
  • binksterbinks
    just vent it out people, it feels a little better. they don't read this crap anyway, too busy counting our dolllaaaaaassssssss
  • Rosveen
    Seriously guys COME ON some people are unemployed and play games all day, every day! Everybody knows they should NEVER do maintenance!
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