I don't if I'm the only person with this problem, and when I've asked ingame noone seems to have it, so I'm guessing since i use a Mac it might be related. When I pick up Green items in game that have names that make it a set piece, and from what i remember with beta, are in fact set pieces; none of them show set bonuses for me (they did in beta). Also when i go to crafting stations out in the world there are no bonuses listed on the items I make there either. I'm in my mid 40's now, so i've been to most stations that are available up till then. At first I thought maybe some just haven't been assigned stats yet, but after talking to someone else in game who said they see bonuses on everything. Any thoughts or ideas how i could fix this? I'm just hoping this is fixable, because i though maybe they just did away with all that and just sold to vender most of it
Thank You
Edited by adarkartist on April 17, 2014 1:40AM