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Anyone else burnt out from questing?

Im only lvl 8 and feel so burnt out running back and forth. Wish we could lvl through pvp.
PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

TESO needs a wardrobe system badly. Something similar to WoW's tmog system would make this game one of the best mmorpg out there!
  • Hawtsauce
    Yes I was drawn to this game for the PvP , from waht I understand it was to be a big part of the game , that cant reallly be true if it isnt a viable option for leveling.

    Before someone jumps in and says " Its not about the destination its about the journey , blah blah" Face it - level 50 VR 10 is the goal , do we have to get there in 1 week - def not but it would be nice if I could play the game how I choose to and get more than 1 level every 2-3 days
    Ebonheart Pact
    Darkmoon - Mag NB
    Ermak - Mag Templar
    Pukk - Stam NB
    Hawtsauce - Mag DK
    Mystik - Mag Sorc
    Brutikus - Stam DK
  • Shimond
    Not in the slightest, even after doing the 1-10 run in the same faction multiple times.

    I think something's wrong with me, actually. By all rights I SHOULD be at this point :P
  • Gisgo
    I have enough of questing but then again im VR2, and questing is all i am doing <.<
  • omalley92eb17_ESO
    If you're burnt out at level 8... you're not going to have much fun for the next 42 levels and 10 Veteran Ranks.

    Mob grind?
  • Darkleaf
    When I get tired of questing I go do some crafting or go for some of the achievements like rare kills.
  • Sarenia

    This is the first MMO where I've listened to and read, and genuinely enjoyed, every single quest. I find the dialogue to be interesting and well-written.
  • Enteum
    I do get to a point where I am tired of questing. So usually take an in-game break. Go and collect nodes. Pick somewhere on the map I've not been before and just explore. Take in the sights., you know. Go fishing. Or just go to the inn in town and chat with guildies while I drink (In game and RL :smile: ) There's so much more than just questing. Unless you're into rushing end game. I mean that's fine, of course, if that's how you enjoy it :smile:
    Asira Avalis - Mage
  • Audigy
    The secret is to not quest as main goal, but as a side goal. I am level 10 and play since the first of April.

    To me just wandering around and chatting to NPC`s, occasionally picking up a quest works wonders. I don't feel pressured like I did at wow, to pick up every quest, skip pvp or dungeons to not out level the story ... its just beautiful the way TESO works.

    I welcome the idea of not being able to just level up in a few minutes, its much more fun now to actually quest, as you never feel that you miss out if you don't do that quest now and instead just do some pvp or exploring.

    I hope they never change that, I still have 7 more chars to play and would be really annoyed if they ruin the main part of the game for non raiders like they did at WoW.
  • Oathien
    I should be saying yes to this question but I can't. In almost all the other MMO's I play, I am very sick of questing but in TESO for some reason I'm just loving every second of it. Normally I would be leveling my character in PvP or at least spending most of my time there but something about this game draws into spending most of my time away from Cryodiil. Go figure....
  • YourNameHere
    Not at all.

    That's why one of the tips on screen pretty much says pick a direction and start walking. I've found so many hidden caches, chests, harvests, skyshards, convos ... out of the way quests and pretty locales ...

    I break things up by crafting, running around an island for SnGs, checking out stuff etc.

    Overall, just take a break and go for a walk.
    NA Megaserver / RPer
    Alinyssa Gaethar - AD || Raahni-do - AD || Wind-In-Tree's-Shadow - DC
  • KerinKor
    @Gothlander: "Running back and forth"


    I love how questing in this game is NOT running back and forth to the same location 3 or 4 times in the tired old "go there kill X, go back there kill Y, go back there again and kill the mini-boss" type so often seen in most MMOs these days.
    Edited by KerinKor on April 17, 2014 7:48AM
  • Mortelus
    No because;

    A: I am only level 12 and not really that far into the game. (I am re-rolling again now so actually only level 3 now)

    B: I don't spend all of my time just completing quests, I do some fishing, some mat grinding/hunting, some crafting, so I actually spend very little play time questing.

    C: I find the quests interesting and well written for the most part.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • Elduith
    Gothlander wrote: »
    Im only lvl 8 and feel so burnt out running back and forth. Wish we could lvl through pvp.

    I think the quests, and the dialogues that they offer, is one of the stronger parts of this game. It really tells the story of the world in such a good way. I always think of Elder Scrolls Online for the player who wish to take part in a game that is for the story and lore lovers!

    So no, I am not tired of it, I LOVE it!

    (Get a horse, it will go faster, bwhawhawh!)

    Be part of the wild, be part of the world!
  • Loxy37
    Not at all. I have a lvl 27 templar, 25 sorc, 12 NB, 12 NB (Bows), 11 DK. Not in the slightest bit put off by doing 70 quests per zone and I do do all quests and do all the achievements.
  • blasteron
    im level 17 and in no rush i think the quests are best ive seen in any mmo and i tend to go into pvp for a bit when im feeling burned out then back to questing its nice to have the choice and when i do quest its not a race i take my time read the qsts and when im low on qsts i go explore and usualy find more
  • Zubba
    Questing is to me like having a job I hate. I am considering myself lucky to have a job I like. But questing suck big time.
    Add PvP loot drops for some risk/reward in this game.

    Captain Morgan Society

    How'd ya feel like scraping the barncles off me rudder.. Matey..
  • ZiRM
    No, I luv exploring and questing!
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Caran
    No ... I love the quests. They are way better than in many other MMOs. And I would have every reason to be burned out (I have started countless characters and played them to lvl 8 or so ... because each character that dies before lvl 10 gets deleted ... and I'm a bad player).
  • Sallakat
    Yes at times, but I'm veteran 3 so I guess it's maybe excepted :P Having some sessions with guildies to run thru dungeons and area quests really spices things up tho.
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • Krohm
    I know I am, played my NB up to 32 but just wasn't feeling it anymore so I've been trying out another class and I hate doing the same thing over and over, wish dungeons gave some decent xp so I could skip quests and move on.
    Edited by Krohm on April 17, 2014 10:06AM
  • dale0404
    Love the quests, enough said!
  • Lalai
    I absolutely love the questing system.. it's seriously one of my favorite parts about the game. I love the NPC's, and all the little funny bits they throw into dialogue. It isn't for everyone though, and that's okay. If you're not reading/listening to the quest stuff, or don't find interest in the why behind things, eventually all quests can be dumbed down to "run from a to b, then interact with and/or kill some things, run back to a". My boyfriend is one of the people that always skips quest text.. he flat out doesn't care, and doesn't get immersed in story. ESO is not for him, and he's not playing it.. and that's absolutely fine.

    You can start leveling up through PvP when you hit 10.. make sure you're doing the quests and such in Cyrodiil (the repeatable kill x players and all that). If you're not, you're gonna level really slow. PvP is still probably slower going than questing, but you'll get there.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • soalrism
    something I cant understand: buying a heavily on questing focused game if you hate questing.
    Edited by soalrism on April 17, 2014 10:32AM
  • KerinKor
    Zubba wrote: »
    Questing is to me like having a job I hate. I am considering myself lucky to have a job I like. But questing suck big time.
    So what kind of XPing don't you hate?
    soalrism wrote: »
    something I cant understand: buying a heavily on questing focused game if you hate questing.
    My thought too.

    It's an MMO nearly all MMOs are quest-based leveling, kind of hard to see why someone would buy this since it was abundantly clear all along what this game is and isn't.
    Edited by KerinKor on April 17, 2014 10:41AM
  • Zubba
    soalrism wrote: »
    something I cant understand: buying a heavily on questing focused game if you hate questing.

    There can still be aspects of a game to like.

    Add PvP loot drops for some risk/reward in this game.

    Captain Morgan Society

    How'd ya feel like scraping the barncles off me rudder.. Matey..
  • Rosveen
    Hawtsauce wrote: »
    Face it - level 50 VR 10 is the goal
    I respectfully disagree.

    I'm not burned out yet. When I don't feel like questing, I turn off the HUD and start exploring, taking in the views and gathering mats as I go, so I can make some money or do crafting another time I don't want to quest. But I do like questing, provided it's not 'save the village from pirates' again. I thoroughly enjoyed many stories, I took the time to read books (some of which are excellent). Besides, running back and forth can be fun: maybe I'll meet a Bosmer chasing a Khajiit for eating a flower? ;)
  • Alyrn_Grey
    No definitely not.

    And running back and forth at level 8? Sounds like you are doing something wrong. I tend to collect every quest I can find then wander off to do them since they are often close to one and other.

    If you are running back and forth you are doing something wrong.
  • Censorious
    Alyrn_Grey wrote: »
    No definitely not.

    And running back and forth at level 8? Sounds like you are doing something wrong. I tend to collect every quest I can find then wander off to do them since they are often close to one and other.

    If you are running back and forth you are doing something wrong.

    You gotta be kidding. I just did a quest (Dont' ask I don't remember the name) that involved travelling all the way to some town right the other side of Riverswhatever to 'talk' to someone = all of two seconds - then travel all the way back to the quest giver with the reply (and collect the reward).

    That's just blatant chain-jerking.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Kroin
    I listen to every quest there is, every dialog there is and im lvl 48, no im not burned out i love it, i love king emerics humor, just funny listening to him.
  • reggielee
    Nope, to be honest i have spent more time grinding armor to deconstruct and sell and making alts for storage. Yesterday I just explored and quested and it was glorious
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
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