Jessica Folsom,
Since many people are very frustrated about what is going on with the Bank/Items/Skillpoints bug I have decided to message you about this directly as well as posting it on the forums. We as your customers need and deserve more than no response at all to tickets, or canned replies about mudcrab invasions that do not answer our concerns and then marking our issue resolved when it has not even been truly addressed. I would like to say that I am sure I can speak for many people in saying that the runaround isn't working for us and it would really be appreciated if you could give a straight answer to the following questions:
1. If you guys know what is causing the bug why was it not included in today's patch?
2. When do you plan on providing a fix for it, and exactly what will that fix involve?
3. Since you stated it was not retroactive are we going to receive the lost items, bank capacities and skill points back or not?
4. If items lost are to be replaced will things be truly restored as to what was lost, or is this going to be some type of generic blanket fix?
I would also like to plead with you guys, having stated that you know that this issue is related to receiving duplicate mailed items, to STOP SPAMMING duplicates of these items to people and further spreading the problem to even more players. I myself did not develop the problem until 2 days ago, well after it was stated that you knew what was causing it. 99.9% of my anger over having this bug is feeling like it was needlessly inflicted on me due to being mailed a fourth copy of these unwanted items just 2 days ago. I am dreading getting the fifth and finding all of my skills gone next since the mails still seem to be coming out.
Please put yourself in our shoes, and acknowledge that some timely solid information and a cease to spreading the problem to yet more players would go a long way in this matter. You have known about this problem since early release, the issue is game breaking, and it needs to become a much higher priority than it seems to be for ZOS right now. Too many of us are facing a game that is crippled to the point of being unplayable, and are not seeing a proactive response to the problem that warrants continued subscriptions.