Plea for adequate response to Bank/Item/Skillpoint bug

Jessica Folsom,

Since many people are very frustrated about what is going on with the Bank/Items/Skillpoints bug I have decided to message you about this directly as well as posting it on the forums. We as your customers need and deserve more than no response at all to tickets, or canned replies about mudcrab invasions that do not answer our concerns and then marking our issue resolved when it has not even been truly addressed. I would like to say that I am sure I can speak for many people in saying that the runaround isn't working for us and it would really be appreciated if you could give a straight answer to the following questions:

1. If you guys know what is causing the bug why was it not included in today's patch?
2. When do you plan on providing a fix for it, and exactly what will that fix involve?
3. Since you stated it was not retroactive are we going to receive the lost items, bank capacities and skill points back or not?
4. If items lost are to be replaced will things be truly restored as to what was lost, or is this going to be some type of generic blanket fix?

I would also like to plead with you guys, having stated that you know that this issue is related to receiving duplicate mailed items, to STOP SPAMMING duplicates of these items to people and further spreading the problem to even more players. I myself did not develop the problem until 2 days ago, well after it was stated that you knew what was causing it. 99.9% of my anger over having this bug is feeling like it was needlessly inflicted on me due to being mailed a fourth copy of these unwanted items just 2 days ago. I am dreading getting the fifth and finding all of my skills gone next since the mails still seem to be coming out.

Please put yourself in our shoes, and acknowledge that some timely solid information and a cease to spreading the problem to yet more players would go a long way in this matter. You have known about this problem since early release, the issue is game breaking, and it needs to become a much higher priority than it seems to be for ZOS right now. Too many of us are facing a game that is crippled to the point of being unplayable, and are not seeing a proactive response to the problem that warrants continued subscriptions.
  • felixgamingx1
    I'm canceling my sub on the last day of the month if these issues aren't addressed or acknowledged pretty fed up by now.
  • Mephisticles
    Soul Shriven
    I've already cancelled. If they don't give me a free month of play time for all the time I've now missed thanks to the bank bug, there's no way in hell I'm re-uping my sub.
  • daikatana
    Cancelled. Not paying to be a tester. Stone-walled by the CS with copy-pasted answers.
  • Nephys
    @Elizariya Thank you for posting this; you have set out clearly what the victims of the bank glitch need to know. I do hope that Zenimax actually manage to produce a straight answer.
    ZoS Ambassadors please do not bother responding to me because I have you on ignore. Your input is neither valued or welcomed.
  • PhenomMasaki
    I'm canceling my sub on the last day of the month if these issues aren't addressed or acknowledged pretty fed up by now.

    That's what I'm doing as well. Real shame, game is awesome otherwise but this stuff is critical.
  • Skollvaldr
    Cancelled sub too, giving them 20 days to resolve the issue or to open up communicaton. Afterwards i'll try to get a refund of the game. They can substract the costs for one month playing, but the remaining money from the digital imperial version i want to have back.

    Edited by Skollvaldr on April 16, 2014 7:47PM
  • Steadyhand
    Thanks to the OP. I think a lot of us feel the same way. The overall lack of information and now the message that the fix will not be retroactive have left me disheartened.

    Like many, I have finally resorted to cancelling my sub and am playing out the remaining days of my included month half-hoping that this will be resolved and half-dreading that it won't. I have paid $80 for one week of ESO and one week of the Medieval Inventory Management Simulation game. I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet, because I really want to play ESO and I know the dev and CS teams must be overwhelmed right now, but if I'm still playing MIMS this weekend I think I'll have to throw in the towel.

    I am sadness.
  • Khyber
    while i agree with you all, you have to understand stuff can't be fixed by snap of the fingers....we all know they are working on it...hopefully will be fixed soon
  • Valthorian1914
    Sub has been cancelled on my end as well. The lack of personal response and acknowledgement is abysmal.

    I'm one to know that no game is released without its bugs and glitches. That is to be expected and not upset about that. What I am upset about is the (as the OP put it) is the runaround response and lack of communication with the very ones you are asking money from for us to play.

    You've gotten my money. Now please deliver on the service we deserve. You have until May 5th to win me back. Until then, my friends ask me about this game. I give them my full honest opinion. None have bought it.
  • seanolan
    I don't think anyone expects a "snap of the finger" solution, but I feel that the generic responses of "we know there's a problem, we're working on it" are insufficient. I would like to know, in full public view, what recompense they will make to the people who have lost items and money and slots. They keep giving "don't worry" responses, but I want facts. "This, this and this are the steps we will take to make sure you are recompensed" is what I want to hear. I want to know that I will receive my slots and items back, with no equivocation. This has been missing from every communication that a ZOS representative has made, and I for one am tired of the dancing around the issue. They have said the patch will not be retroactive, so tell us, in plain words, what steps WILL be taken to give us back our items and slots, or what equivalent value you will compensate us with.

    Until I hear that, no, this issue is not closed, solved, or dropped.
  • Noth
    you haven't heard those thing because while they have a fix they are testing for the bug, they are still working on the compensation and seeing just who and what was lost. Sometimes bugs like this are as simple as you seem to think when it comes to figuring out what was lost.
  • Steadyhand
    Khyber wrote: »
    while i agree with you all, you have to understand stuff can't be fixed by snap of the fingers....we all know they are working on it...hopefully will be fixed soon

    No one in this thread has said anything that would indicate that they think this should be a quick fix, and everyone in this thread has expressed a similar hope that it will be fixed soon. Who are you talking to?

    This has been a known bug for at least 10 days and there are 19 days of included game time left. I don't think a full month to develop and implement a fix or, failing that, to at least offer specific details and recompense for the afflicted is an unreasonably small window of opportunity for us to provide. And when I say us I obviously mean everyone in this thread except for myself since I'm only giving them through the weekend. I'm so impatient.

    Also, since we're chatting, how, exactly, do you know they are working on it? I don't know they're working on it. All I know is that they said they are working on it. Are you watching them right now? Like, creepy peeping-Tom watching? Or spooky NSA watching?
    Edited by Steadyhand on April 16, 2014 11:57PM
  • seanolan
    That's beside the point. Figuring out how and when to fix is certainly dependent upon many factors and I don't expect them to tell me when it will definitely be fixed, because I understand that they cannot. HOWEVER, they can tell me "We will guarantee your slots back OR equivalent gold to buy them back, and either your items back OR a gold compensation comensurate with the loss." They have not said anything like that. Not directly. And I am NOT willing to assume they will. Not when customer service has been spotty and careless far too often. Not when I get a call from someone who doesn't even understand the computer terminology I am using to describe a log-in problem. Not when I consistently get canned email responses to bug reports, many of which are NOT in any way related to the actual bug I sent in, which leads me to believe the person who recieved the report did not even read it carefully enough to send the correct canned response!

    I want direct, unequivocal statements about our slots and items being returned, recovered, or compensated for. They KNEW about this bug and did not warn the general population about it.
  • Noth
    Steadyhand wrote: »
    Khyber wrote: »
    while i agree with you all, you have to understand stuff can't be fixed by snap of the fingers....we all know they are working on it...hopefully will be fixed soon

    No one in this thread has said anything that would indicate that they think this should be a quick fix, and everyone in this thread has expressed a similar hope that it will be fixed soon. Who are you talking to?

    This has been a known bug for at least 10 days and there are 19 days of included game time left. I don't think a full month to develop and implement a fix or, failing that, to at least offer specific details and recompense for the afflicted is an unreasonably small window of opportunity for us to provide. And when I say us I obviously mean everyone in this thread except for myself since I'm only giving them through the weekend. I'm so impatient.

    Also, since we're chatting, how, exactly, do you know they are working on it? I don't know they're working on it. All I know is that they said they are working on it. Are you watching them right now? Like, creepy peeping-Tom watching? Or spooky NSA watching?

    Because even crappy companies work to fix bugs. Because there are teams for this, because I'm not a conspiracy theorist that think that everything the devs say is a lie mean to just get more money out of me. Because the devs know that a quick buck is not better than long lasting income.

    To think they are not working on it is just some wierd logic.
    Edited by Noth on April 16, 2014 11:58PM
  • RunAway
    Cancelled already.
  • Putok
    I agree OP, and I too have cancelled until this is adequately resolved.

    Given how open and responsive the devs seemed in beta, I'm a bit shocked at how lacking communication has been, and how poor CS has been. And not just for this issue. There are still a number of MAIN quests blocking progression to cold harbor or VR. These bugs take time to fix, but why on Nirn is there not a GM sitting at the broken quest point 24/7 to manually advance people? Even better, why not auto-advance players past that stage of the quest until is a fix is deployed? Just change that step so the completion flag is automatically set to true. There are other near gamebreaking issues that have gotten zero attention, but these two are by far the worst.

    Having banks/inventories/skills deleted and story progression blocked both destroy the most basic element of RPG functionality, character advancement. These types of bugs should NEVER go live, they're the sort of bugs you delay launch for, and they're also the sort of bugs which must be addressed proactively until they can be squashed.
  • Picolini
    Soul Shriven
    I too will be cancelling at the end of the month, unless we get some meaningful, accurate and honest communication from ZoS regarding the status of this issue.

    I have been waiting weeks - since the first time I was hit with the bank reset during early access - for ZoS to tell me anything useful about the bank problem. I don't expect my items and gold to be restored today, tomorrow, or frankly, ever. But, I do expect to be given enough information to have the confidence that a solution to the bug is forthcoming.

    The longer I go without any information regarding this problem, the less confidence I have in ZoS being able to solve this - or any other - problem down the road.

    Stop mailing out the pets and maps and give us some real information. Shut the door on endless speculation and rumor...and account cancelations. Talk to us!

  • Jadeviper1974
    From what I have seen it is a matter or priorities. Obviously, Craglorn or whatever unnecessary DLC they are working on is more of a priority than the bugs and poor design problems with the game. I love the game, but there are some things that obviously need to be fixed and frankly they don't always live up to what they promise.

    Like they say they are doing something about bots, but I haven't seen it, what I see are so many gathering bots that they are literally getting in each others way.
    What is written above are my honest opinions. If you agree then; "Great!" If you disagree; "Great!" I really couldn't care less either way.
  • epoling
    I bet they would tell you something if they had anything meaningful to tell you that would help. Kind of a problem with the internet age. A game is out two weeks and people are upset every bug hasn't been fixed and every question answered immediately. Some things are more difficult than a half hour sitcom would make you believe.
  • Etchesketch
    This company Is mind numbingly inept when it comes to dealing with real people. They just don't even have a clue.
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • ZOS_JordanH
    Greetings, all. We've provided an update on the high-priority known issues discussed in this thread and our plans for addressing them here. For the specific issues of missing bank slots, bank items & skill points, you can keep up with the latest discussion at the active thread about these issues here. If all goes well, we plan on pushing a fix for these issues this week. We will share any updates as they become available. Thank you.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Nooblet
    Yep all those questions were already answered. It sux yes, but itll take time for it to be sorted out.
  • Khyber
    Steadyhand wrote: »
    Khyber wrote: »
    while i agree with you all, you have to understand stuff can't be fixed by snap of the fingers....we all know they are working on it...hopefully will be fixed soon

    No one in this thread has said anything that would indicate that they think this should be a quick fix, and everyone in this thread has expressed a similar hope that it will be fixed soon. Who are you talking to?

    this entire forum and fanbase/userbase is who i am talking to... obviously
  • Elizariya
    Greetings, all. We've provided an update on the high-priority known issues discussed in this thread and our plans for addressing

    them here. For the specific issues of missing bank slots, bank items & skill points, you can keep up with the latest discussion at the active thread about these issues here. If all goes well, we plan on pushing a fix for these issues this week. We will share any updates as they become available. Thank you.

    This is not an "update" and is not what was asked for either. All you have done here is to refer us back to the same runaround information without any further clarification. The first link simply states the fix, whatever it is, wont be retroactive; without saying anything at all about what that really means or how it will affect the people already suffering from the bug. The second link does nothing more than refer us to another post with 55+ pages of people angry about the lack of information and ongoing issue. The purpose of this post was to ask for something less vague as a reply, which explained the "not retroactive" comment.

    In the meantime, I have seen 4 more of my friends and guildmates come down with this bug since posting this because you guys are still sending out these mails to people, further spreading the problem.
  • Elizariya
    ok, an "update" from me (defined as posting NEW information and not just re-posting the same tired thing):
    Greetings, all. We've provided an update on the high-priority known issues discussed in this thread and our plans for addressing them here. For the specific issues of missing bank slots, bank items & skill points, you can keep up with the latest discussion at the active thread about these issues here. If all goes well, we plan on pushing a fix for these issues this week. We will share any updates as they become available. Thank you.

    I just went to the second link (You know, the one you told me to use to stay informed?), and have discovered that it has been un-stickied and closed. That thread refers us to yet another new thread about the subject, which is here (since you don't seem to be aware of it):

    Problem is, this new thread also doesn't really provide any information about what you guys actually intend to DO about the issue for those of us that currently have the problem since the patch isn't fixing anything retroactively.There is also nothing letting us know if since the latest patch we can now once again upgrade our banks and begin to function somewhat normally, or if we are expected to continue to struggle with this issue.
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