Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

log in timed out

  • Banumu
    @esukf - OMG I can play. My wife can play. Woot.

    doing the host part worked
    Edited by Banumu on April 15, 2014 11:40PM
  • Luthien_Elfmaid
    I had the same problem with system not updating but I left it for a few min and then it started to work.
    Tinúviel! Tinúviel!
    He called her by her elvish name;
    And there she halted listening.
    One moment stood she, and a spell
    His voice laid on her: Beren came,
    And doom fell on Tinúviel
  • Luthien_Elfmaid
    edit, updated then error 209 unable to verify version so now running repair
    Tinúviel! Tinúviel!
    He called her by her elvish name;
    And there she halted listening.
    One moment stood she, and a spell
    His voice laid on her: Beren came,
    And doom fell on Tinúviel
  • Mace
    edit, updated then error 209 unable to verify version so now running repair

    I bet you get error 301 again when you finally launch the client ;)
  • Rotluchs
    Soul Shriven
    I had to redownload the whole client... rage...
  • LWK
    esukf wrote: »
    It appears some of zenimax's servers aren't working properly.

    As per this reddit post, I pointed to a known working server in my windows hosts file.

    What you need to do is open notepad as administrator and open the hosts file location at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

    Add the following line to the end of the file:

    Save the file and start the ESO launcher. It should start to patch.

    I don't normally recommend tweaking the hosts file, but as a temporary fix, this worked for me as well. As soon as I set that, and opened the launcher I got the new bits. Also, while I was attempting to fix, I had clobbered the .version files, so it wanted to download everything again. Figured "why not"... Well, it stopped after a short time and said something like "reliable source delivering corrupted data" or something. So, that might explain why some of the patchers aren't working.

    Anyway, this worked.
  • Kazarr
    LWK wrote: »
    esukf wrote: »
    It appears some of zenimax's servers aren't working properly.

    As per this reddit post, I pointed to a known working server in my windows hosts file.

    What you need to do is open notepad as administrator and open the hosts file location at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

    Add the following line to the end of the file:

    Save the file and start the ESO launcher. It should start to patch.

    I don't normally recommend tweaking the hosts file, but as a temporary fix, this worked for me as well. As soon as I set that, and opened the launcher I got the new bits. Also, while I was attempting to fix, I had clobbered the .version files, so it wanted to download everything again. Figured "why not"... Well, it stopped after a short time and said something like "reliable source delivering corrupted data" or something. So, that might explain why some of the patchers aren't working.

    Anyway, this worked.

    Oh my GOD this works! It is the ONLY thing to have worked in ALL the HOURS of trying. Thanks both of you.
  • Magdalina
    Well, gave up and went to sleep. Been about 7 hours, now launcher magically updated itself. A day of lost gametime tho - 8 hours maintenance and then not being able to log in...this is just so frustrating.
  • romanerak
    OK so, had the time out issue for the longest time used the launcher repair, then the game consultant hit apply, then check for update gives an error msg cansel it hit repair that shows up instead of play button, downlaoding the patch! hope this helps at least one poor soul!
    Cheers from the flatlands!
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