Name Plate Poll in Elder Scrolls

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  • zdkazz
    name plates? no, but i would not mind it if it were a system like in mortal online, where you looked at a person and it told you his name and guild he was in note in the fights with Karrn his name was green(meant he was in my guild ) and it said<DA> under his name which was the guild tag for Divine Aberration, also note at 4:51 you will see alot of tags like <wsx>and <gems>
  • seanolan
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    trahe wrote: »

    HAHAHAHAHAHAhahhaAHAHAh I've done this!!

    Soooo glad I am not the only one...
  • Evelyn_Nightingale
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I only voted for nameplates because I know there are people who want them. I would only accept this change if it was an option that the user could choose to turn them on/off.
    Ebonheart Pact :: Nord Dragon Knight :: Blacksmith
  • Morana
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Only voted yes, because there was no neutral third choice. I've gotten used to not having them, but I do support those who would like to have this optional feature.
  • MightyToSave
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I do not want them ....period. Can you just imagine seeing thousands of name plates on your screen? and when you are in pvp hiding behind a rock hidden from the enemy your name plate showing them where you are at? a big resounding No thanks. Would definitely break the immersion of game-play.

    This already happens. Ever notice that big red health bar and Alliance symbol next to your enemy? I think that if you don't have line of site you should not be able to see this, or maybe even not at all for enemies (I personally don't have a problem with seeing the tags, the player has the sneak option don't they?).

    I'd like to have optional tags for guild, party, and be able to the player name if desired. Its nice sometimes to not be able to tell the difference between player and npc. Its also extremely irritating at other times.

    It seems like Zenimax thinks they know how the game should be played best by everyone. "You should be immersed!", and you are forced to be. Well what if I don't care about immersion that much, or sometimes I do but not always? Too bad for me? Not saying what they are doing is wrong, but I always liked companies that respect my ability to make decisions for myself.

    P.S. for the folks that are going to say, "Go play your wow clone if you don't like blah blah Zenimax is my God!" We've heard it before....its old. Try expressing your opinions and criticisms without berating others. You'd be surprised at how a little civility can change a community.

    P.S.S What is the point of playing a single player game with thousands of other people? If you are going to make an MMO give us excellent tools to interact and identify our community. Otherwise its just a bunch of NPC crowding the forge, why should I interact with them? I don't even know there name.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Well , im glad to see most , doesnt matter if they disagree or agree , think that it should be an OPTION.

    OP really should have made a third option in this poll for those that just want this to be a personal decision not something enforced by the game.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Mddnick
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I vote no, unless we can toggle.

    Which is basically the opinion of everyone here.
  • Belkiolle
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Definitely add them as an option. For the people saying it's not cluttered now I say huh? Even at 2560x1440 it's a cluttered mess. The UI needs a ton of work.
  • Granz
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Should be an option. Simple...
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    How dare they expect us to use our eyes? How dare they, hmmm?

    Thankfully, taking into account the nature/demographic of online forums, the results of the poll so far are very encouraging from DO NOT point of view anyways.

    Honestly though, there are far more important matters to be worried about if you want to concern yourself with something.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • huntgod_ESO
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I want them...I would alternately like something that maybe just identified when guild members or friends list players were nearby.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • hazystuffb16_ESO
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Name plates for PvE areas would be fine, but never in PvP zones
  • Ziba
    Soul Shriven
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I too would like to see the nameplates back up. Or at least, as others have stated, an option to switch it on or off as people see fit.

    Personally I find it rather frustrating that I can't see what peoples names are in game without being forced to focus my camera view on them.
    Khajiit stamplar DD | Altmer magplar Healer | Imperial DK Tank | Argonian Sorc DD | Bosmer Warden DD
    ~ Daggerfall Covenant / EU player ~
  • Daenerys
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I have a dream that one day I will be able to identify my friends, not by the color of their skin nor the content of their character, but by the flipping nameplate over their head.
  • Inzababa
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I do, but make it an option, if it's an option, everyone's happy right?
    Resistance is FUtilez
    Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
    Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.

    Resistance is FUtilez
  • Rhyl_Lad
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Just the option to turn them on or off that way we can have them and the ones that don't can simply turn them off . every body's happy
  • Aaron_Spellcaster
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Imo, nameplates should be an option.
    Terran is a term used to refer to a hypothetical progenitor race that colonized New Eden prior to the collapse of the EVE Gate. Little is known about this race, though they left numerous artifacts across the cluster, including old stargates and the EVE Gate itself.
  • Duvaineth
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I voted yes for the following reasons.

    A: Whispering
    1. When i want to whisper someone most of the time they are moving around making it difficult to run after them while holding down the F button. Most of the times I loose them and dont manage to whisper them due to mobs, or dying, or they going into or out of a building and me following and loosing them after loading screen. Im left sitting wondering how I can whisper someone that I cant manage to lock on to.

    2 I sometimes dont run after ppl to whisper them but try to follow them with my mouse and /t ( /t =whisper them for those who may be wondering).
    Since they are moving around most of the times it is impossible to read their full name and type it into /t correctly. And there is also mobs dying etc and me trying to remember who I was trying to whisper.

    B: Role Play
    1. I Role Play and Rp involves interacting with others in /say and /emote. Pressing the ( . ) button does not offer a way to scroll over a toon to see their name.

    2. The current way of seeing another toons name makes Rp very frustrating. As things are now you need to walk around and read every name around you until you manage to locate who is interacting with you. Would be nice to be able to stand in one place and Rp normally in this game. The lore is awseome yet game mechanics are not very Rp friendly :P

    3. Also the option of chat bubbles would be a great help. In real life when someone talks to you, your head and eyes follow the sound and lock onto the person who talks to you. Chat bubbles work with eyes. Someone talks in /s and you can easily direct your characters facing towards where the sound would of come from.

    C: Pvp
    1. If they are to allow the option of name tags I believe that in the pvp area no name tags should be available. I personally like the fact that I can hide behind objects without a name tag giving off my location. They can add the option to scroll over and lock a target on your screen just to be able to /t them I think.

    Some of you who read this may think you can always /say or /yell.
    That is not an option for me because I respect those who role play and do not wish to fill the only chat channel they rp in (/s y/ ) with anything that is not considered in character.
    Being a role player myself I know how frustrating it is when non rp conversation comes into the /s and /y channels. Shame they made 2 mega servers. Rpers always prefer to be on Rp servers where their rp is expected to be respected with the support of the games rules. Anyway ill leave that for another post ;P I really hope others will see my and others points in why name tags can make the gaming experience better and vote yes. And hopefully the game will offer the tags as an option to those who want them.

  • scarsreminder80
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Saying there should be an option for ON/OFF is the wrong way to look at this. Those that choose to ruin immersion by keeping them always ON can cause an unfair advantage in say... PvP. And those that don't want them will eventually HAVE to use them to keep the playing field even.

    It's like saying we should have flying mounts for those who want them and those who are not interested just shouldn't get one.

    My vote is NO... and No for optional ON/OFF because it will only set a standard that everyone will eventually have to live with.
    "In your finest hour.... Who will you become?"
  • Eliran
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Its obviois the majority DO WANT nameplates but I've got a feeling ZeniMax is not going to listen to the commumity ...
  • AryaWythers
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    They should fix constant problems with the game before they should do anything else...maybe stop those players that have found a way to hide their factions tags would be my first priority - takes a real dirty player to hide the faction tag, but there are groups of them roaming Cyrodiil all the time
  • drowadin
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    They just want to be able to track and auto target lol some of us know what they want. So glad this game does not play like that game haha that game is ***.
    Edited by drowadin on April 21, 2014 1:18PM
  • Jabbar
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    More specifically I'd like guild tags.
    Hunt in the dark.
  • KirkB85
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    .....why would anyone want nameplates in a game like ESO? First of all they are huge immersion breakers.
    Dwumblord wrote: »
    Thing about votes is this isn't a really a matter that can be decided by that sort of thing. If say 500,000 want no name plates and 250,000 want them. It isn't an intelligent route to just go with the majority on issues. Otherwise progress would never be made. Same the other way around. Just make it optional, and the hardcore ones that for some reason hate them so bad wont impede the enjoyment the others have and vice versa.

    It is really from a logical standpoint a non issue. Trying to force opinions and play styles on to different individuals who enjoy different things is counterproductive.

    Other mmos I have played had systems with some detailed nameplate options. You could have them for guild only, ally, enemies etc. Coding this would be a pain but it is not impossible. I would personally just like to have an ally faction nameplate system, so I can communicate and interact easier.

    The issue is not forcing playstyles on anyone, the idea is, after nameplates are implemented, your enemy can see you a mile away. What is the point of a sneak mechanic in a game when the enemy can see your big bright nameplate? It makes the mechanic completely useless.

    Altros wrote: »
    I say yes, so long as enemies don't have nameplates.

    As for the option of only having ally faction nameplates, how hard is it to figure out that someone is your enemy when you see movement, but no nameplate?
    Ulvich wrote: »
    Nameplates as an option. We can either turn them on or off. That would make everyone happy.

    It wouldn't make everyone happy, not by a long shot. Having them as an option forces those that don't want them to use them.

    Those not using nameplates would be at a huge disadvantage, so the so called "hardcore" player Dwumblord spoke of will be forced to use the nameplates.The simple option of having nameplates, regardless of the ability to toggle them, forces those who do not want them to use them.
    Edited by KirkB85 on April 21, 2014 2:28PM
  • Duvaineth
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    KirkB85 wrote: »
    The simple option of having nameplates, regardless of the ability to toggle them, forces those who do not want them to use them.

    I think they can give the player the option to have his or her own name plate toggled on or off. Just like the titles that are in game. That way each player controls if his or her name plate is visible and everyone is happy.
  • Blends
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I didn't read all the comments so I'm not sure if this has been said yet, but my issue with having Nameplates as an option is this:

    People who want to get in a PUG (Pick Up Group) will almost always be forced to turn on the Nameplates. I've played enough MMOs to know that people who run PUGs will say 'follow so-and-so and then run over to me during blah' and then when the person who doesn't have Nameplates turned on messes that part up due to the directions only being clear for people with it turned on, they will be kicked out of the group. It may not be easier with Nameplates off, but this game also isn't designed to be like that. This game tries to make you think as much as possible and not just click click click until you win. Try different strategies and make it work.
  • Turial
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Strictly only as an option, not everyone wants it on or off but having as an option pleases everyone, that way it can be turned on/off at the players preference.
    "Neither a 'Borrower nor a Lender' be."
    Never Forget

    I think you have not been on the internet long enough until you have been rick-rolled.
    Please check out Enchanting Alchemy - A Progression Guild
  • MightyToSave
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Once again for people who are saying no to AvA nameplates.....


    Ever play AvA? Once sneak is broken you can see the enemy, and that rock isn't going to hide your health bar.

    So what difference does it make if your name is there as well?

    Also...what if they made it so your health bar and name were hidden when your character model is out of the line of sight?
    Edited by MightyToSave on April 21, 2014 6:36PM
  • Terminus
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Duvaineth wrote: »
    (Various detailed arguments that make a lot of sense)
    Thanks @Duvaineth for making a list of decent reasons rather than,
    "It breaks my immersion" or "I can't tell the difference between players and mobs"
    Warning: Constructive Ideas ahead, skip if you're an ignorant moron

    People see nameplates as the only solution to various problems, but don't take the time to address the new problems that nameplates would create. I'm going to explain some of the problems I see that nameplates create, then solve some problems that make people want nameplates at all. I won't cover them all, but I'll try to hit the big ones for a constructive discussion.

    Some problems with adding nameplates include:
    1. Increased visibility in PvP by your enemies
    2. UI clutter from large groups
    3. Hardcore grouping requiring nameplates
    4. Deviance from concept design for ESO

    In reality, these problems aren't that bad, and have simple solutions. For the sake of convenience, nameplates would only appear to people you group with. This means that you wouldn't see your enemies easier, your screen wouldn't be covered with them in a zerg battle, and players would obviously have the option to turn them off.

    If you're playing with a group of people who requires you to play a specific way, chances are they aren't very interested in learning new tactics or strategies. If it becomes a problem for you as a player not being able to identify other players, it's up to you to try a different approach to solving that problem.
    TLDR: Maybe everyone should lighten the hell up.

    Anyway, lets cover why people want nametags in the first place.
    1. Whisper someone you can't get next to
    2. Identify your group members faster (healing, support)
    3. Lack of a middle ground
    4. (Help me out, I can't think of more reasons)

    The first problem can be solved by allowing you to mouse over another player to "quick message" them. This might actually be useful for reporting those pesky bots as well, who knows. In regards to identifying people in your group faster, I'd suggest using shape and color of chevrons rather than nameplates. This would allow you to see your allies even when they're not nearby because of the relative location of their chevron on your screen.

    There would be 4 colors in your group,
    and 8 different shapes they could be (totals 24 for large groups).
    What about those who are color blind? I don't have a solution yet, sorry.

    Ultimately I think that a lack of middle ground is what's really upsetting people, because we lack the choice as players and communities to say whether we want to use nametags or nameplates.

    To Summarize:
    • Make groups color and shape coded for easier ID's
    • Allow players to hover their mouse over other players for limited interactivity
    • If nameplates are added, put them only on group members
      And finally,
    • Add SOMETHING so people stop arguing about this topic
    Edited by Terminus on April 21, 2014 7:09PM
  • Saints
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Optional plates would be great - although I admit as useful as it is... I love the atmosphere without em.
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