Name Plate Poll in Elder Scrolls

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Soul Shriven
It has been said that a majority of players would prefer that Name Plates be shown over the heads of fellow players.

I should state that this is independent of PVE/PVP argument, only to state that we either do or do not want name plates. Please feel free to comment with your reasoning as well as make your decision.
Edited by lothridgetm_ESO on April 15, 2014 7:00PM

Name Plate Poll in Elder Scrolls 618 votes

We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
HarbingersSupersomethingLywenDanarielPangDaenerysDevourKrybornMoonclawGwarokmelnatmad_ESOcoonrob_ESOMarsammtallenntrooperrabbit_ESOJusticiarCzingerhuntgod_ESOyo_daddys12_ESOkillerquag_ESO 364 votes
We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
nobodyTerminusImryllGarymanyrabidratsA247therasia2_ESOCylverLauralothridgetm_ESONikkaekhris.roussin_ESOmjreude_ESOicengr_ESOCorithnajasonfagan92_ESOStoneLeet_ESORathsteelBKTHNDRcgettman_ESO 254 votes
  • Ulvich
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Nameplates as an option. We can either turn them on or off. That would make everyone happy.
    - BETA Group: 85 b 9
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  • Harbingers
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    We can only dream.
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    Karesh Zeal - VR12 Templar - Live
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  • lothridgetm_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Polls like this allow us to express our opinion in a way other than a simple angry letter. We can cite a poll such as this to state that we either do or do not want it and Zenimax can make a decision from there.
  • PrinceofCrows
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I would say yes, only if the option is there to turn them off - Via Hotkey, or setting option.

    It seems like it would be a good fix, and nice middle ground.
    Edited by PrinceofCrows on April 15, 2014 7:13PM
  • Evolpeac_ESO
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I would prefer an option to toggle for individual style but if it's a black and white yes or no I think that having no nameplates would be more challenging in pvp and pve.
    Edited by Evolpeac_ESO on April 15, 2014 7:29PM
    "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do." - Benjamin Franklin
  • Altros
    Soul Shriven
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I say yes, so long as enemies don't have nameplates.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    No, you can go to wow or its thousand crappy clones if you want nameplates.
  • lothridgetm_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    @Evolpeac_ESO‌, my intention is to see if even having an option of having it was enticing to players. I hope they do get to see this poll though because it will give them our opinion :D
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    An option would still be a no, as in pvp it would then be mandatory thus not an option.
  • skyler.gb14_ESO
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    The folks that either like it the way it is (no nameplates) or do not really care are unlikely to come here to vote so the data is likely to be so skewed as to be meaningless (people satisfied with the current status qou don't generally spend a lot of time in forums).

    That is the general problem with trying to judge anything by complaints on the forums.
    Edited by skyler.gb14_ESO on April 15, 2014 7:21PM
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Zeni wont change a thing. Those asking for ESO to be a wow clone are going to be gone in two weeks anyways.
  • lothridgetm_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    @Skyler_gb14_ESO, I can understand your dismay, but according to the poll so far, it seems rather matched. Over time, if enough people view this, then data can be gleamed from it.
  • Dwumblord
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Thing about votes is this isn't a really a matter that can be decided by that sort of thing. If say 500,000 want no name plates and 250,000 want them. It isn't an intelligent route to just go with the majority on issues. Otherwise progress would never be made. Same the other way around. Just make it optional, and the hardcore ones that for some reason hate them so bad wont impede the enjoyment the others have and vice versa.

    It is really from a logical standpoint a non issue. Trying to force opinions and play styles on to different individuals who enjoy different things is counterproductive.

    Other mmos I have played had systems with some detailed nameplate options. You could have them for guild only, ally, enemies etc. Coding this would be a pain but it is not impossible. I would personally just like to have an ally faction nameplate system, so I can communicate and interact easier.
  • lothridgetm_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    @dwumblord, there I have to disagree, but only on the basis of the best of two evils. This is the only other option than to spam the forums with posts about how stupid the game is and how it could be better. This is in my opinion the more civil of the two.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I cant wait until the nameplate crowd moves on to the next wow clone. This obviously isnt the game for them.
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I'm a bit miffed at the 'we' phrasing, as if I speak for other people than myself. That said, I said NO, but would have happily voted for a third option: the ability to turn them on and off as we see fit.
    Yes just didn't cut it close nough for me.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • lothridgetm_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    @ruze84b14_ESO, your vote is individual, but the overall consensus will be as a group. It is glitching out and wont let me add that third option, but YES includes optionally turning off and on.
  • skyler.gb14_ESO
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    That seems overly simplistic since there are folks that might not have even experienced the places where having them forced off is kind of nice (PVP, for just one example). *shrug*

    I am all for there being an option to turn name plates on in certain parts of the game (in towns, in particular, it would be nice if i were easier to tell NPC from players). I wouldn't consider that a Yes in this context, although it would seem to be by what you are saying loth.
  • Pumpkin
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Why destroy such a brilliantly designed game, where so much love went into details, with nameplates? You won't be able to notice all those little things that Zenimax worked so hard on.

    Might not be the best argument, but one that counts for me ;-)
  • Nox_Aeterna
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Yeap , i totally support the option to turn them ON/OFF.

    If people dont want them , then they can turn it off. Im really missing this feature in this game.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • AlchemyDevil
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    An option would be acceptable, but if I had to choose either on or off I would have to say definitely OFF!
  • Jade1986
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    No, we don't need this game to turn into a cluttered Christmas tree.
  • Cherryblossom
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Simple on off button would be nice, there are times I'd like it on, and others I would not. So if this is added, someone please bring out an addon that turns it on and off at a click of a button :)
  • Hestia
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    I don't see why not? Why take something out that isn't broken?
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  • Wreaken
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Option please to turn on or off and leave it as it is.

    Taemek Frozenberg, Leader of <Epoch Gaming>
    Oceanic - Australia
  • Mick2018
    Soul Shriven
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    tl;dr - This isn't an MMORPG it's an MMO Elder Scrolls Game (or MMOESG for abbreviations sake). Accept it as a Multi-player Elder Scrolls game or risk being disappointed a lot.
    Hestia wrote: »
    I don't see why not? Why take something out that isn't broken?

    Just because it's not broken, doesn't mean it HAS to be included in a game either. Should we put Over-Encumbering back in too? Maybe they should put in flying mounts because they aren't broken either. And Jewelcrafting works damn well in WoW not to mention Faction Reps and rewards in nearly EVERY MMO! We should have them in ESO too!! And forget Guild trading, give us Global/Faction Wide Auction Houses! And tab targeting, this true action stuff is just too realistic for me!!

    Thing is, minus the obvious bugs, none of the features in ESO are broken so why change them.

    Nameplates would be an automatic NO from me. One of the things I love about ES is that the game world was always clean. You only ever had markers for quests givers/objectives. Having nameplates would just clutter things up far too much, especially in cities.

    Anyway, the whole Dev team believe in keeping ESO as true to the Elder Scrolls ethos as possible. And one thing that always stands out in ES games is the clutter free screen and clean environment.

    I'm with the Devs on this one!
  • Marmalade
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    No, you can go to wow or its thousand crappy clones if you want nameplates.

    The worst of all players. Terrible attitude. Name plates have nothing to do with WoW. MMOS before wow had them. Just another person jumping on the 'wow is uncool' bandwagon with no real reasonable argument.

    Ironic how you are just as bad as these wow players you dislike so much.

    Difficult, Difficult, Lemon Difficult.
  • Tusnelda
    We DO want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Ulvich wrote: »
    Nameplates as an option. We can either turn them on or off. That would make everyone happy.

    *nods* :p
    Please remove @userid from Tamriel and replace it with our charnames
  • Jankstar
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    This feature breaks immersion and visually clutters the screen. As a feature that you can toggle on and off it would be Meh. I would leave it turned off, and their would be some random bug that makes you have to turn it on for something to to work.
  • Vladish
    We DO NOT want name plates in Elder Scrolls Online
    Nameplates should be optional, but by no means a necessity. personally I'd hate them as they would break my immersion. If I want to know someone's name, I'd ask for it.
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