Please Develop an Auction House

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
  • BlackTinuviel
    I kinda like the idea of allowing a set amount of trading guilds to 'link' into a unified market. Maybe allowing 3 or 4 to link together into a shared store. I think that may serve to cover both bases, allowing people to get a larger pool to purchase (and manipulate) from, but at the same time allowing players to switch to another guild if their market is dead or manipulated too much (or they don't like something about it).

    I think making one market would destroy the economy though by driving prices so far down that only the people whose sole purpose is the market can reasonably profit..
  • wizardhood2003
    I agree that a guild should be able to publicly sell their wares to anyone een if they dont own a keep in Cyrodil. If they are guild shops, and not individual persons than gold farmers might have a tougher time. When the guilds will have all their members named:

    Well, you get the idea.
  • 100p.weasel_ESO
    You people need to stop bitching. Just because you have to work and socialize to make money in this game you whine. The system is fine as it is, instead of you know, sticking your *** on a AH you have to communicate with people make friends, find out what is valuable to individuals around you and assist one another. I love this aspect of ESO.
  • Vantor
    You people need to stop bitching. Just because you have to work and socialize to make money in this game you whine. The system is fine as it is, instead of you know, sticking your *** on a AH you have to communicate with people make friends, find out what is valuable to individuals around you and assist one another. I love this aspect of ESO.

    I don't care about makng money. I just want to able to find whatever i want without having to switch guilds. 5 Guilds do not even begin to make a semblance of a market.
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • 100p.weasel_ESO
    I just want to able to find whatever i want

    My point still stands. You have to socialize, make connections and get help finding what it is you want int his game instead of just running a query on a mega list of *** items. I get the feeling some people are just too impatient for this game.
  • Grayphilosophy
    Here's an idea, combine the auction house with guilds. Instead of having guild stores like they are currently, open them up to be guild controlled auction houses that anyone may browze. Hey-*** market competition all of a sudden.
  • Jeremy
    Agree completely with the OP.
  • mechsoldiersalvatorenub18_ESO
    Auction house can open up a whole can of worms for greed. At the moment, the trade is handled through zone chat. It'd probably be nice if there was a trade chat channel, but I am highly against a global auction house. People can get stupid real quick with it. And with that, items can inflate in price and the value of gold lowers exponentially. While this effects people who focus on blacksmithing and alchemy to make a profit off of selling to others, I'd recommend to them that they join a trade guild (a respective one rather than a rip-off stranger battle) for that purpose. The devs' methods, unorthodox as they may be, are beneficial. I'd rather earn up gold by doing quests and selling items/materials to merchant NPCs to buy something off of a player, rather than sell an item for a larger amount of gold on a long list of items, hoping someone buys it so I can get an even more expensive item off the market.

    To truly understand that a server-wide market is a horrible idea. Keep these small things in mind.
    1) There are 3 megaservers as it is. American, German and European. On most other MMOs, servers were split to house a limited population. ESO is not the case. That means the amount of competition would be greatly increased, and would lower your chances of selling an item. As someone stated above: There would be ten thousand racial books for sale and everyone would undercut into the realm of oblivion.
    2) Not having one encourages player-to-player interaction. You can actually barter for a price you could both agree on. If not, well, there's always the next guy.
    3) Markets always have people who manipulate it. They consider it stock to buy out items and sell them for more. It's sleazy from many perspectives and the lack of such a system puts them out of business.
    Edited by mechsoldiersalvatorenub18_ESO on April 19, 2014 2:44PM
  • MasterFUNG_ESO
    Please no AH, Look at every other mmo's AH and see all the crazy high prices for low lvl gear. Its absurd to think that wont happen here. There are literally tons of people who play the AH, buying up all of a certain item cheap and relisting for way more. All this leads to is gold sellers getting way more customers because they cant afford even the simplest things. AH kill economies in every mmo.
  • Vantor
    Please no AH, Look at every other mmo's AH and see all the crazy high prices for low lvl gear. Its absurd to think that wont happen here. There are literally tons of people who play the AH, buying up all of a certain item cheap and relisting for way more. All this leads to is gold sellers getting way more customers because they cant afford even the simplest things. AH kill economies in every mmo.

    Blame the user not the means. And just because you cannot control the user doesn't justify destroying the means.
    Edited by Vantor on April 19, 2014 10:44AM
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • Vantor

    My point still stands. You have to socialize, make connections and get help finding what it is you want int his game instead of just running a query on a mega list of *** items. I get the feeling some people are just too impatient for this game.

    Socializing to shop doesn't make much sense to me. I socialize to play and enjoy the game. Not to find that item i desperately need at that moment.
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • Laura
    i like it the way it is. it has helped develop community between guilds i'm in and I've made a lot more friends this way. I forgot that MMOs aren't about community anymore though. Its all about one uping the next guy.
  • Sanspoof
    I really wouldn't mind an actual AH either, whether it's server wide or faction restricted doesn't matter. Hell, I would even be happy with guild stores being public.
  • Vantor
    Public guild stores would work better than the current system for me as well. Public to buy not to sell.
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    You people need to stop obsessing about this, really. It's getting old. If you can't or are unwilling to adapt, just play another game. It's really not that hard a choice. Honestly, that's all it boils down to in the end: Play the games you like, don't play the ones you don't.

    However, I guess some people could be reminded:
    Out there, in the game-world, there is every item waiting for you to go and get yourself. Sure it might take a little of that word everyone these days is so afraid of, i.e. effort, but they're all out there. And who knows, you might even find yourself enjoying and playing the actual game whilst you're out looking. Maybe even to the point where you realise that having 'things' is not important, not even necessary, to enjoy this game.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • mlecho74
    I'm definitely pro auction house. If for nothing else, there are too many crafting materials that have zero value. It's frustrating to deconstruct an item, get a bone (or whatever) that I can't use, and have to choose between a slow loading, non searchable guild store or selling it for zero just to get rid of it. If they're not going to have an auction house, then everything needs to have at least *some* value.
  • Esther
    Soul Shriven
    Yes, we need an action house, it is missing in this awesome game!
    You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else. - Albert Einstein
  • mlecho74
    Rev Rielle wrote: »

    However, I guess some people could be reminded:
    Out there, in the game-world, there is every item waiting for you to go and get yourself. Sure it might take a little of that word everyone these days is so afraid of, i.e. effort, but they're all out there. And who knows, you might even find yourself enjoying and playing the actual game whilst you're out looking. Maybe even to the point where you realise that having 'things' is not important, not even necessary, to enjoy this game.

    I see your point. I certainly enjoy endless hours of running back and forth to try and find iron ore or farming countless mobs in the hopes of getting iron weapons to deconstruct in the hopes of getting enough honing stones to improve my armor. Not to mention the endless searching of chests in the hopes of finding a rare racial motif - just on this character alone I found one in 12 levels!

    Having the ability to buy what I need at any given point would certain ruin that enjoyment for me.
  • TheRealSkippy
    An auction house would destroy the game, it's absolutely good to NOT have one
  • Boleek
    I like an idea of having ability to set up your own shop. It could be done as it was in Lineage 2 back in the old days. You could sell or buy up to 5 items not by putting them in AH but by sitting on a market in a town and displaying whatever you have for sell/to buy. Doing so you would have to decide what are you selling or buying without flooding AH with hundreds of items.
    Edited by Boleek on April 19, 2014 5:11PM
  • MasterFUNG_ESO
    Vantor wrote: »

    Blame the user not the means. And just because you cannot control the user doesn't justify destroying the means.

    Well i guess Zos disagrees with your assessment.Looks to me they have found a way to prevent exactly the problem i referred to.
  • Vantor
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    You people need to stop obsessing about this, really. It's getting old. If you can't or are unwilling to adapt, just play another game. It's really not that hard a choice. Honestly, that's all it boils down to in the end: Play the games you like, don't play the ones you don't.

    However, I guess some people could be reminded:
    Out there, in the game-world, there is every item waiting for you to go and get yourself. Sure it might take a little of that word everyone these days is so afraid of, i.e. effort, but they're all out there. And who knows, you might even find yourself enjoying and playing the actual game whilst you're out looking. Maybe even to the point where you realise that having 'things' is not important, not even necessary, to enjoy this game.

    Ah, effort... i don't mean to offend but don't you mean farming? I'd rather enjoy moving ahead in the game than stick around the same place to farm for a specific item. That's the only reason i'd like an AH. To able to find that item without wasting my time if i can't find it anywhere else.
    Edited by Vantor on April 20, 2014 4:21PM
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • Night_Watch
    Hey all,

    This started out as a small post but kind of grew to be a bit of a wall of text I'm afraid.

    I know ESO is a 'mmo' (rpg) and that one of the largest draws for this type of game is the 'social' aspect. That said, I do not feel that anyone should feel forced into joining a guild.

    From discussions on many game forums in the past, I know that some players are only too happy to form groups with other players such as friends grouping to quest together from time to time or simple 'pug' type play but do not want to join a guild. It could be argued that these players are antisocial where in fact they probably are not. It seems to me that many players, though not antisocial, prefer a play style that does not require guild (player type) membership.

    Having no access to 'the market place' will undoubtedly turn some players away from ESO. That's for those players to decide! However, it is all too easy to say "Want to be part of 'the market place' then join a guild". Thing is, if a player likes to join in with other players, to be helpful, sociable or for any other reason, then this should be allowed and encouraged but a player should not have to join a guild for any of these social aspects to take place.

    I agree that there are very good arguments to support joining a guild (or more than one). I can also see the validity of those that want to join others in play but do not, for whatever reason, want to join a guild.

    The current system in ESO is that a player must join a guild in order to enter 'the market place'. Though I can see why some players will see this as unfair and forcing them to play in a way that they do not want to, I can also understand the argument that the current system in ESO is a good one.

    As for having a universal auction house, there are good and bad aspects of this. Yes! It is likely that some players may try to deliberately manipulate any auction house in their favour. This is not always a good thing but it is not always bad either. Particularly; I have read complaints on many forums that the prices on an auction house are too high and that sellers are greedy. This works 'both' ways though! Buyers can be just as greedy as sellers. As for a universal auction house being an easy way to make money, this is not always the case. Some people may find it easy to use an auction house to make money but others could find it really tough to sell gathered, crafted or dropped items at a reasonable rate. What is a reasonable rate? Would we want an auction house with prices fixed by the game developers? As a community, we could probably debate the good and bad aspects of an in game auction house for months.

    What irks me is that the attitude of some seems to be an uncompromising 'play how I tell you to play or go play another game' and, to me, that demand seems entirely unreasonable.

    I really do not have a solution to the current arguments about the auction house facility or lack thereof in ESO. I am sure though that the developers will take a look at the debate and either stick to the current system or devise a system that is seen as fairer by the naysayers and acceptable to all or, at least, the majority of the player base. I would hope that the defvelopers would comment on the issue and keep us players informed too.

    I was talking to a friend about this issue and he suggested 'player shops'. This is where a player could maybe stand in one spot and place some sort of sign on the ground on the lines of 'open for business'. Other players could then interact with the sign and buy whatever the sign placer has put up for sale. The sign placer must stay in the vicinity of the sign or the sign vanishes. I'm not convinced that such as system would be practical or do much in the way of pleasing players. I'm also not certain as to how this option would affect the game. Imaging walking into a town and finding a hundred or so players with such signs out! Could be that the 'player shops' idea would be more trouble than it would be worth.

    Edit: To tidy up a bit!

    Kind regards to all.
    Edited by Night_Watch on April 20, 2014 7:42PM
    "If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin, whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle, beginning anywhere."

    Charles Fort - Lo! (1931)
  • calyptic101b16_ESO
    Auction house can open up a whole can of worms for greed. At the moment, the trade is handled through zone chat. It'd probably be nice if there was a trade chat channel, but I am highly against a global auction house. People can get stupid real quick with it. And with that, items can inflate in price and the value of gold lowers exponentially. While this effects people who focus on blacksmithing and alchemy to make a profit off of selling to others, I'd recommend to them that they join a trade guild (a respective one rather than a rip-off stranger battle) for that purpose. The devs' methods, unorthodox as they may be, are beneficial. I'd rather earn up gold by doing quests and selling items/materials to merchant NPCs to buy something off of a player, rather than sell an item for a larger amount of gold on a long list of items, hoping someone buys it so I can get an even more expensive item off the market.

    To truly understand that a server-wide market is a horrible idea. Keep these small things in mind.
    1) There are 3 megaservers as it is. American, German and European. On most other MMOs, servers were split to house a limited population. ESO is not the case. That means the amount of competition would be greatly increased, and would lower your chances of selling an item. As someone stated above: There would be ten thousand racial books for sale and everyone would undercut into the realm of oblivion.
    2) Not having one encourages player-to-player interaction. You can actually barter for a price you could both agree on. If not, well, there's always the next guy.
    3) Markets always have people who manipulate it. They consider it stock to buy out items and sell them for more. It's sleazy from many perspectives and the lack of such a system puts them out of business.


    This is why there is not a global auction house. Even EVE online only has regional markets which is the only other game i can think of that has a single server rule linked to one market. The problem is you put Regional auction houses up in this game one place would turn into a main trade hub and every where else would be pointless - thus creating a global AH. In EVE travel takes a long time preventing this from happening (although it does have a main hub getting there is not so easy).

    There is simply TO MANY PEOPLE for it to work. You can join 4 Trade guilds with over 2500 people in each that is 10 thousand players that is MORE than enough and saves you a slot for your main guild.
  • Jeremy


    This is why there is not a global auction house. Even EVE online only has regional markets which is the only other game i can think of that has a single server rule linked to one market. The problem is you put Regional auction houses up in this game one place would turn into a main trade hub and every where else would be pointless - thus creating a global AH. In EVE travel takes a long time preventing this from happening (although it does have a main hub getting there is not so easy).

    There is simply TO MANY PEOPLE for it to work. You can join 4 Trade guilds with over 2500 people in each that is 10 thousand players that is MORE than enough and saves you a slot for your main guild.

    I keep hearing this argument. But it's 100% not the truth.

    The anti-auction house people need to figure out which it is. Because first you say public markets are bad because they cause rampant inflation and higher prices. Now you are saying they are bad because they cause rampant deflation and lower prices.

    Which is it? Because when the counter argument has two directly opposite points of view it's really hard to take it seriously.

    I never played EvE. But I played Guild Wars 2. It had a global auction house that encompassed everyone and it work great. My stuff sold nearly instantly. I was almost always able to find what I was looking for a reasonable price. Probably the best economy I have ever seen on an MMORPG. Far cry from this game's economy where I almost faint with shock when I see something I need up for sale at a reasonable price.

    If you open the markets up to the public both supply and demand are going to sky rocket. And that means a better economy.

    It's true more competition will drive prices downward. But the increase in demand will more than make up for that. As I said in another post, you will make more money selling an item for 5 gold to 100 people than you will selling an item for 100 gold to 1 person. That's precisely why large and free economies obliterate small and private economies. Both in real life and on video games.

    Large open markets > small closed markets

    That's just an economic fact. And I wish the anti-auction house crowd would just accept this and stop the fear-mongering so we can get a decent economy into this game. Because we desperately need one.

    Edited by Jeremy on April 21, 2014 11:53AM
  • drowadin
    The game is great with out an AH to sit and greed items and sale things way over priced lol. Gold salers are at a stand steal because of this leave it as is thx.
  • Jeremy
    drowadin wrote: »
    The game is great with out an AH to sit and greed items and sale things way over priced lol. Gold salers are at a stand steal because of this leave it as is thx.

    I hope this was sarcastic. Because if you really believe Gold Sellers are at a stand still we are playing different games.

    If anything, I would argue this economy will make Gold Buying a greater problem. Because the markets are so small and ineffective it causes desperation on the part of consumers. Therefore they are more likely to buy gold so they can instantly afford what ever rarer item they are looking for as soon as it shows for what ever price since they are likely not to see for sale again anytime soon.

    So if you want to encourage gold buying - the absolute best way to do it is to give us an economy like this game. Which is probably why I had to place about 30 spammers on ignore today and delete all kinds of mail.
    Edited by Jeremy on April 21, 2014 1:43PM
  • calyptic101b16_ESO
    Jeremy if you think GW2 has a great economy you are mistaken. I'm sorry that is wrong. Convenience is not a great economy. There are articles on just how bad it has become. The fact the market is so saturated with items and you are better off selling a lot of stuff to vendors is not what you want for long term.
    This is why I do not want a global auction house. Eventually the market will bust and having individual shops allows for smaller competition. It also let's trade guilds get a reputation this is a new Concept inside a them park MMO. Don't let arrogance of convenience blind you. Let them try something different.
  • padmortensenb16_ESO
    This system of trade between players does not work, it is cumbersome, annoying and a bad idea (imo). I am sure there are a few working trade guilds out there, but most are really created for extra (free) storage space for the guildleader.

    Let us have:
    a) faction shared Auction house (which is the way to go imo.) or
    b) 'personal store' A'la Aion (where you set up shop whereever you like and players can browse your wares and buy like a npc vendor) or
    c) HUGE megaserver auction house (they did this in TSW, also megaserver, it took a while before the AH was up and running due to congestion problems, but they got it to work... this is my least preferred).

    I get why some ppl will argue against an AH, they are most likely the most active /zone WTS ppl. and thus they are making making a killing by advertising and more or less set their own prices ;)

    Let us have that AH, and hopefully one with keyword search :)

    People have got to learn: if they don't have cookies in the cookie jar, they can't eat cookies.
  • drowadin
    What would happen is everyone would mark stuff so hi so they could store it until they needed it
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