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How to defeat Septima Tharn?

How do i beat her ?

Do i have to kill the waves when she jumps on top on a pillar or is there some other way ?

I've tryed many times and this quest is now blocking my progression. I've tryed leveling more, and getting better gear but i don't have the aoe to deal with 20 mobs at once.
  • Phaedra
    she keeps bugging and going invis for me, killing me whilst i can target her :/
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    When she spawned the waves I moved back from the "stage" if you will where they spawn and they only attacked 3 at a time.

    It's still a touch and go fight but it's easier than trying to take all of them at once.

    I still used a fair few potions.
  • Phaedra
    ended up standing by the statues in the water to stop the groups coming all at once and picked them off. Seems if you move too far back up the hill though she might bug out and go invis.
  • Ceano
    This quest is impossible, have tried every tactics there is that you can use in this game which is rely limited.

    The game is starting to get rely boring, when you are at Rank 1 and cant defeat a lvl 42 boss?!
  • Squishy
    Agreed, this is ridiculously hard.

    I eventually managed it, but it was really tough.

    As vampire particularly since she uses fireballs.

    So, hide behind the pillars, and use a ranged weapon, and a pet.

    She completly ignores the familiar, and target you and only you.
    Keep breaking the line of sight, and heal as needed, she won't actually come to you for some odd reason.

    For the waves, build up your ultimate (as a vamp, the bats worked perfectly). Just dps on AOE as much as possible, and finish them with the bite, which'll keep you healed up.

    Repeat twice... I don't think this quest is working as intended at all, the fact she only target the player, and not the familiar is really weird. Her fireballs also go behind the pillars, but not her electric storms :S.

    Hardest least enjoyable fight of the entire game so far.
    Edited by Squishy on April 21, 2014 3:12PM
    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • crislevin
    I died 3 times, logged out then back in, wanted to group with a player, but he was already in a group. lol

    Then I figured it out.
    Assume you stand on the stage, looking at her in the square. Get down there and fight her until she called the army.

    Move to the right, into the water and to the right side shore. When soldiers getting close, move into the water.

    The soldiers will not attack when you are in water, and will began to move back after a while and in separate groups of 2 or 3, move your position back and forth between the two sides of the water. Pick off individual soldiers.

    I had a pet dealing good AOE damage, which does help greatly. I stayed near the shore, but still in water so the soldiers won't attack me, while my pet is not un-summoned neither.

    If you don't have pet, you may want to consider using a bow, standing on one side of the shore and shooting cross the water.
    Edited by crislevin on April 21, 2014 3:04PM
  • Aveil
    Figured out a neat tactic with my vampire nightblade. But it is very dependant on your magicka, I used the skills below:

    Invigorating Drain
    Shadowy Disguise
    Concealed Weapon
    Siphoning Attacks
    Devouring Swarm

    Whenever Septima is attackable, use Shadowy Disguise and stun her over and over with Concealed Weapon. Always hit her with auto attacks inbetween the stuns, you want all the magicka Siphoning Attacks can give you.

    When the army appears, try and not pull both the packs at the same time and sneak attack one or two of them with the same tactic, swap over to using Devouring Swarm whenever possible, and use Invigorating Drain on every ghost to quickly make it available again. You should be able to survive their attacks with the drain active, but if things go bad you can always use Shadowy Disguise to give yourself a few seconds to breathe and pick your next target.

    Septima comes down again and the stunfest begins anew, repeat the Shadowy Disguise and Concealed Weapon tactic, watch out for her electric jump, use Shadowy Disguise to reach her and continue the stuns.

    Consider using Impale at the end.

  • gorob4ik
    Soul Shriven
    I finally defeated her using only 1 potion - only because I found a nice spot on the shore (not the island) where I would confront the warriors one by one.
    Tar Baby
  • Anthony45122
    I stood on the main area where the army had to travel up the stairs to get to me, a few volcanic runes in their way made it to where maybe 1 at a time would get to me. I was actually throwing down the runes into the whole army because it was a bit too easy only 3 at a time. Dps septima when she comes down, kill of the army she summons, repeat. Honestly it was a boring fight and I had no trouble with it, even as a vampire. Volcanic rune may be the reason for that?
  • Primaxx
    Thanks for replys guys, my solution was to simply get a guildy to come help me, you don't have to do this fight alone. :)
  • Squishy
    Primaxx wrote: »
    Thanks for replys guys, my solution was to simply get a guildy to come help me, you don't have to do this fight alone. :)

    At that time, I was one of the first RK in my small guild, so I was alone... all alone... nobody like the Squishy :(
    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • Stanley
    This quest is bugged. She is not here and abandoning it and retaking it results in same ..

    How the hell are we supposed to play this damn game when we cant get to next level because you have quests we HAVE to complete to progres that are bugged like this ?

    How much do you think I want ANOTHER inane insulting email from your customer Support reps ?

    Solution .. wrestle with the grouping tool and try get someone to group with you

    30 mins of abandoning, grouping, traveling to each other etc .. you might get it done...

    Edited by Stanley on May 2, 2014 9:41PM
  • acutechb16_ESO
    My question is how many waves of ghost soldiers are there? I went through 3 waves and when she called them again I rage quit. I made this mistake before with Boss fights, there was some other secret and they just kept coming at you till you figured it out.
  • kieso
    spoiler alert?
  • acutechb16_ESO
    No. If you don't want to know how to defeat Septima Tharn, don't read a thread titled "How do I defeat Septima Tharn".

    By the way. there are no set number of waves or any trick, grouped with a fellow lvl 40 and we beat her in 2 waves.
  • PBpsy
    Best way I found is wait for a player in the area just before and ask him to group(cough MMORPG cough ).Worked like a charm against her in VR5.
    I only remember two waves of ghosts.
    Edited by PBpsy on May 7, 2014 11:44PM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • AlMcFly
    Squishy wrote: »
    Hardest least enjoyable fight of the entire game so far.

    I beg to differ. Try V2 Merdyndril the Alchemist solo at same level:
  • EQBallzz
    Just did this at VR5 as a bow/DW NB Vamp and boy was it tough. It's also semi-bugged it seems. When she poofs and the ghosts start marching towards the center if you are too far away and/or don't engage with the first wave fast enough they will turn and run back and then despawn which will cause Septima to return and then go "invis" where you can't see her and fireballs just start pelting you out of thin air which is very bad.

    Once I engaged the waves of mobs and killed them all she stopped doing that. I would also advise using the pillars to break LOS if you need a break from the fireball dmg to heal up. As a NB Vamp it was difficult for me to face tank her dmg full time even though I was interrupting her and had 1300 fire resist.

    It's a very difficult fight but certainly doable. Good luck to all.
  • Bhakura
    AlMcFly wrote: »
    Squishy wrote: »
    Hardest least enjoyable fight of the entire game so far.

    I beg to differ. Try V2 Merdyndril the Alchemist solo at same level:

    What? that was easy lol, block, step out aoe, damage, block, step out of aoe, damage. Even went back to help people who for some reason couldnt get passed them, saw soon why /rolleyes
    But somehow people enjoy aoes and not blocking in this game so much its no wonder theres a billion posts about how ridiculous "hard" this game is.
    Like yesterday, did the frost atronach worldboss with two others in vet riften, one of the few that are easily soloable in that region.
    The others died and died again, how can you come this far in game not knowing the mechanics of a frost atronach, stomps his feet? roll away and avoid going back to those little puddles but noooo, he stomped his feet, and the guys dont move an inch and if they do they run circles over the puddles with a death wish even a suicidal person doesnt have. He does his cone attack, move? hell no and die again. meanwhile im having a ball and trashing up the poor atronach and wonder how people can be this stupid.
    Do i die? Of course i die, alot in fact, not because game is to ridiculous hard but because i make mistakes, and thats on me, not the game bad design.
    In vet there is no room for mistakes.

    And on Septima, cant even recall having a problem there, probably the easiest solo instance there was. But then again, i dont stand in aoes, dodge and block attacks, and i seem to be very alone in that.

    Edited by Bhakura on May 10, 2014 8:12AM
  • EQBallzz
    All hail Bhakura! He alone has mastered this game. You can block some attacks but not all of them. After killing the adds it's easy to be low on health when she appears again. As a vamp you are weak to fire so even a couple attacks can kill you if not full health. There are a lot of variables. You could offer some constructive suggestions for those having trouble or just keep acting like an elitist jerk. That's also on you.
  • Bhakura
    Saying that i die alot is acting like an elitist jerk? Read everything.
    Saying that people are playing way wrong and blame the game for being to hard while it isnt is being an elitist jerk?
    If anything maybe i was way to sarcastic yes. But im tired of these whine topics on forum because people cant seem to grasp the whole, new way of playing thing, brainwashed by games like wow and clones where you just stand there pushing buttons.
    Even asked a gm to close one i created because when i created it i was still green behind my ears about the game and totally saw it wrong, hows that for elitist for ya?
    And pointing out common mistakes almost everyone i see fighting makes is not being constructive? Oh right shouldve said, dont do this, instead of "if you do this that happens which is quite obvious"
    If you wanna ***, go ahead but at least for the right reasons.
  • hamon
    Bhakura wrote: »
    AlMcFly wrote: »
    Squishy wrote: »
    Hardest least enjoyable fight of the entire game so far.

    I beg to differ. Try V2 Merdyndril the Alchemist solo at same level:

    What? that was easy lol, block, step out aoe, damage, block, step out of aoe, damage. Even went back to help people who for some reason couldnt get passed them, saw soon why /rolleyes
    But somehow people enjoy aoes and not blocking in this game so much its no wonder theres a billion posts about how ridiculous "hard" this game is.
    Like yesterday, did the frost atronach worldboss with two others in vet riften, one of the few that are easily soloable in that region.
    The others died and died again, how can you come this far in game not knowing the mechanics of a frost atronach, stomps his feet? roll away and avoid going back to those little puddles but noooo, he stomped his feet, and the guys dont move an inch and if they do they run circles over the puddles with a death wish even a suicidal person doesnt have. He does his cone attack, move? hell no and die again. meanwhile im having a ball and trashing up the poor atronach and wonder how people can be this stupid.
    Do i die? Of course i die, alot in fact, not because game is to ridiculous hard but because i make mistakes, and thats on me, not the game bad design.

    And on Septima, cant even recall having a problem there, probably the easiest solo instance there was. But then again, i dont stand in aoes, dodge and block attacks, and i seem to be very alone in that.

    well to me there should be a little room for mistakes. and even then lots of mistakes as you call them are not player faults. sometimes you cant roll out of aoe cos you have used all your stam blocking. rolling takes a fair chunk of stam. or your weapon swapping and its taking far too long. or your using a skill thats channelling just at the wrong moment. or any number of reasons. but to arrogant folk like you the only possible reason is player error.
    sometimes it might be player error. but for me it's just too unforgiving for levelling content. if i was in a raid or a really tough dungeon i could devote a couple of hours and try to bring my "A" game. but tbh to deliberatey scale the mobs so you need to play flawlessly to progress with deaths all over the shop is too much for 2 thrids of the levelling content.

    if you scale mobs at a level where you need to play flawlessly then every game system and skill and passive better be working flawlessly imo , but they aint. christ every time you die as a vamp you need to relog or your passives dont work .. god knows what else isnt working as well..

    So it irks me when you just rattle on about it's always player error if you die..
  • EQBallzz
    Bhakura wrote: »
    Saying that i die alot is acting like an elitist jerk? Read everything.
    Saying that people are playing way wrong and blame the game for being to hard while it isnt is being an elitist jerk?
    If anything maybe i was way to sarcastic yes. But im tired of these whine topics on forum because people cant seem to grasp the whole, new way of playing thing, brainwashed by games like wow and clones where you just stand there pushing buttons.
    Even asked a gm to close one i created because when i created it i was still green behind my ears about the game and totally saw it wrong, hows that for elitist for ya?
    And pointing out common mistakes almost everyone i see fighting makes is not being constructive? Oh right shouldve said, dont do this, instead of "if you do this that happens which is quite obvious"
    If you wanna ***, go ahead but at least for the right reasons.

    You need me to break it down for you? Ok.
    What? that was easy lol, block, step out aoe, damage, block, step out of aoe, damage. Even went back to help people who for some reason couldnt get passed them, saw soon why /rolleyes
    But somehow people enjoy aoes and not blocking in this game so much its no wonder theres a billion posts about how ridiculous "hard" this game is.

    So you think something is easy. Good for you. Is it necessary to roll your eyes and act like anyone who doesn't think it's easy is a moron for not blocking and stepping out of the AE? Who cares if you think it's easy.
    The others died and died again, how can you come this far in game not knowing the mechanics of a frost atronach, stomps his feet?

    Again, who cares what you know or think others don't know? You can present information without belittling people in the process. Not all classes even play the same so blocking and dodging AE is not enough in some cases.
    meanwhile im having a ball and trashing up the poor atronach and wonder how people can be this stupid.

    Calling people stupid? I think that's pretty self explanatory. Maybe they aren't skilled players. Maybe they were lagged. Hell..maybe they *are* stupid but you look much worse going out of your way to point it out in a public forum.
    And on Septima, cant even recall having a problem there, probably the easiest solo instance there was. But then again, i dont stand in aoes, dodge and block attacks, and i seem to be very alone in that.

    I have played through almost to V6 and Septima may not have been the hardest but it's not even close to the easiest by any stretch of the imagination. You trying to point that out in a thread where people are obviously having trouble only makes you look bad. Sort of like claiming that you are the only one who doesn't stand in AEs and dodges and blocks? Yeah, that doesn't sound elitist at all.

    I'm all for the game difficulty staying the way it is but that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it.
  • Bhakura
    Never said anything about always being player error, so there are bugs, of course there are, its an MMO, never played one without bugs, they will get fixed.
    And new will arise and they will get fixed too.
    People standing in aoes almost deliberately or so it seems that can only be fixed by players.
    People running out of resource due to blindly spamming wrong building the toon, poor resource managment can only be fixed by players.
    And imho, vet content isnt leveling content, its veteran content, between level 1 vet gear and vet 10 gear theres only a few points, heck you can run vet10 with level 50 gear. it will be harder yes, but those few points really not gonna make it unplayable.
    What it makes unplayable for some is how they play it, that and bugs, you got me there. but none of them make it impossible (talking bout combatskills before someone mentions bugged main quests, is not the point here).
    And this coming from an NB player where half the skills at its disposal arent working properly. vet5 close to 6 and only had a few encounters that looked impossible, like stopping worm cult rituals, 3 worms, then 3 skellys pop, 3 more, and then 2 with a friggin golem immune to CC. Died several times but eventually took it down.
    Did i think it was way to hard? No, now i know how to trash badass stuff like that, you die trying and come back instead of moaning, guess im from an older generation that still had spine to overcome difficulties /shrug
    Edited by Bhakura on May 10, 2014 11:06AM
  • Winnower
    In this game, level 15 players defeat level 42 monsters in specialized quests.

    I don't find it at all difficult to imagine *some* VR1 builds may have a hard time with a level 42 mob(s).

    Back in EQ1 there were boss fights that 72 of us practiced for weeks to get down; of course we were a content leading-edge raid guild.

    If there is no challenge the game ultimately becomes boring. If all classes and all builds are equal the game is definitely boring.

    You can have 16 characters on every account you own in this game. That is room for a wide variety of characters and builds.

    Asking for help on a strat is *good*. Talking and practicing and adjusting is *good*. The OP is a worthy fellow for coming and asking for help.

    It's the people who just whine and complain all the time and still play the game that I don't understand. Do they enjoy complaining?

    VR14 Templar, VR14 DK, VR8 DK, VR7 NB, VR1 Sorcerer;
    All 3 Alliances;
    2 Pre-order Imperial Accounts, yes that means 16 characters on NA alone
  • Bhakura
    Winnower wrote: »
    It's the people who just whine and complain all the time and still play the game that I don't understand. Do they enjoy complaining?

    Think so too.

  • Vodkaphile
    I can deal with the challenge of a fight like this, I cannot deal with the ridiculous bugs that are the only thing making this encounter challenging to begin with. Bugged adds, bugged boss that goes invis and becomes unattackable and nukes you to death, abilities that flat out dont work in this game (Killer's Blade is STILL BUGGED from Beta and wont heal you randomly, forcing a relog.) It's the culmination of a bunch of bugs together that make this encounter stupid, and it's even more stupid that all these bugs still exist well over a month after launch when they were reported months before launch.
  • Aeradon
    Just did the quest at level 47, fairly easy. DW/Bow NB Khajiit Vamp. Armor are all broken since level 34, didn't bother replacing since I found nothing nice, and it looks good. Also stage 4 vampirism. 2 Magicka, 14 Stamina, rest health. Weapons are just blue 38 public dungeon drops, charges completely depleted.

    Loadout 1: Invigorating Drain, Lotus Fan, Steel Tornado, Leeching Strikes, Devouring Swarm. (One skill slot is to level whatever I want, at the moment was Ransack)
    Loadout 2: Swallow Soul, Magnum Shot, Leeching Strikes, Veil of Blades. (2 skill slots to level random destruction staff skills)

    Leeching Strikes are always on. Used bow when fighting Septima, move around when necessary, she was casting so slow I got bored and keep going near her for Magnum Shot. Block her fireballs, swallow soul after.

    When she retreats and brings out her boy toys, jumped in using lotus fan. Leeching strikes is still on, spam steel tornado, drain, spam steel tornado, left squadron down. Devouring swarm for right squadron, spam steel tornado.

    I don't spam until they're all dead, I drain the last few to maintain my health in case she decides to take any roids and go rampage with her fire, but she didn't. Kinda disappointing, cause it makes her a fairly dull boss without CC/rage mode. I assume devs made it so since she is a solo instance.

    Rinse and repeat. If firepower is concerned, she's much easier than the fire spitting hag from Blackheart Cavern. Septima's fireball only deals less than 15% health if blocked with a bow. Just remember to block regardless of whatever you're holding. If you don't like leeching strikes, block when you spam steel tornado, it gives more survivability.

    See if this works. My advise is one self heal, one aoe, and you're mostly good to go. If it's too tough, bring some food to compensate your stats, or some potions? Pop the potions earlier for the regen, don't expect the potion to work miracle, it's safer to rely on the regen at times.
    Edited by Aeradon on May 14, 2014 10:17PM
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • Will16
    Guys id just say group. I completed it easily with 2 people, wheras I died about 15 times on my own. Seriously, find a partner to do it with :)
  • Tuttebel
    And when those 72 -man raids were supposed to start at 20.00, we were all there at 19.45 and buffed and ready to go at 8. I have never in all the MMO's I played felt so involved in a guild as I did in EQ.

    On topic

    I had no issues whatsoever to kill her as a 7/7 light armor sorceror. I don't use my summons and haven't since in my early 20's I think. My setup is the following :
    Crystal Shards - Pulsar - Dark Exchange - Bound Armor - Inner Light.
    I actually ran into the skeleton packs to aoe them down, run out of LOS and use dark exchange to get back to full HP and magicka.
    I can see this fight being a problem for some classes but honestly, as a sorceror, this fight shouldn't pose a problem

    Also, Zenimax advertised this game as "play the way you want " and now people are whining that not every built is as succesfull as all the others. If I decide to enter a cycling race on a unicycle I shouldn't whine about the others being faster.

    Choices should have consequences ...
    "lex parsimoniae"
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