[Quest] Plague Bringer (Level 18 Deshaan quest)

How do you defeat the boss, Merdyndril the Alchemist, in this quest?
I'm sure I'm missing some trick to the fight, but with his immunity to CC I don't stand a chance against him. Others I've spoken to had the same issue and were unable to defeat him.

Edited by Kendaric on April 6, 2014 3:53PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Stiler
      I am also not able to beat this guy, he's immune to CC, stuns you, hits like a truck and my attacks hardly dent him.

      all the crap all over the floor makes it a huge pita to try and kite him.
    • steerpike1979
      Yep, same result here. I am on level for the fight with a fairly Tanky DK build but the best i am able to do is survive for long time before this guy kills me. I am pretty sure there is a trick or strategy to the fight but after dying 6 or 7 times against him I've decided to come back in a coupla levels. If anyone has a good strategy for this fight it would be much appreciated to share it. :-)
    • Chikara
      I'd be interested to learn a good strategy as well. I can dodge his snares but then nothing I do really takes him down at all. Even Dosha got knocked back when I used that skill with my bow. :(
    • Kendaric
      In the end I got him by grouping up with another player, thankfully the area story bosses aren't enforced soloing like the main quest or the guild quest bosses.
        PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
      • Owain
        Soul Shriven
        I beat him as a lvl 17 2h DK. My method was to jump in with Stampede, hit Volatile Armour, bash him with Unstable Flame, interrupt his power attack and then run away. Repeat until he's dead, trying to interrupt his big attacks and dropping a potion and using Dragon Blood
      • Chikara
        Okay that's it NERF DK!! :D
        I'm going to try this a little higher level and see how I do. My NB uses a bow and does dual wield as well. I need to morph teleport so I can try a hack and slash approach over a plink and plonk approach :)
      • darkuniab14_ESO
        Ya, now try doing this when he's Veteran 2. I finally found a way to kite him around and stay alive on my templar, and OFC he bugs and despawns at 5%. Now the quest is bugged and even after resetting the quest, relogging, and /reloadui, I can't get him to respawn.
      • Sleepydan
        I killed him when the quest was yellow for me, I forget what level exactly as a nightblade. My strategy involved a hearty amount of strife, blocking and interrupting his red hands casted spell. Also kiting out of poison pools. When he got low I impaled him to death. I think he would have killed me without the execute. Took me a couple tries but i got there before I got frustrated.
      • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
        Doing it on the a sorc, try to let your unstable familar take aggro first. In my case a clanfear. attack slowly to hopefully not take aggro right away. Once you do get aggro drop a storm atronach on his head and burst him down as hard as you can. Expect to potion.
      • Crescent
        I had to die about 3 times to build up enough ultimate for the Storm Astronarch.

        This NPC needs its CC immunity removed.

        Sorcerers don't stand a chance without an ultimate, the guy hits like a truck, you can't interrupt his stun attack from range so you need to be in melee, it was just an aggravating quest.
      • tjsoon
        Man it was difficult for me. I am a Templar, I had to die 3-4 times to finally figure how to kite him around.
      • richstickman
        As a lvl 21 heavy armor templar i'm still struggleing.. I can't understand it i have killed higher level elite mobs than him yet still he is a struggle. whatever i do, kite, heal and avoid his specal attacks he still grinds me down as all it takes is 1 missed snare block due to low stamina and he screws me over with the hallucination snare and green puddle together .. i really think he needs nerfing slightly so that he is doable on level rather than having to wait 6 levels nearly to be certain to kill him.. or is he a mob that requires a group? if so that needs making clearer
      • Owain
        Soul Shriven
        He is definitely do-able on a DK while he's still yellow. Poss it's a class-balance thing?
      • knightblaster
        Bring another player and it's not an issue. There are usually players there looking to group because of the difficulty solo for many classes.
      • Asawasa
        i beat this guy on my bow/dual wield Nb by kiting and dots. if you can get away from him when that green pool pops up he wont spawn any adds. if you still have trouble i'd say you need to up your DPS somehow.

        also there are food/drink buffs plus make sure to use potions as best you can and you should be able to handle any of these mini boss fights.
        Edited by Asawasa on April 10, 2014 4:36AM
      • Sakiri
        My sword/board dk lit him up like a christmas tree. :/
      • alenae1b14_ESO
        I was able to kill him as a 22 stormcaller Sorcerer using Frost Reach, it slowed him down a bit. That and a lot of scrambling to stay out of his way. Fire Reach knockback was not useful.
      • Mie87
        I died a lot, at lvl 20. (Sorcerer) i spammed my lightning skill on him and the aoe heal on the ground and finally got him down.
      • Delte
        I found him to be very easy to kill as a nightblade at level 20. Used bow and siphon health. With a liberal amount of Silver Bolt from the fighters guild skill line.
      • bedington
        Soul Shriven
        I sort of beat him last night with my lvl 19 templar with a LOT of kiting. I say sort of b/c we literally both died simultaneously at the end. Thankfully I was able to rez and he wasn't. :-)
      • Bob
        This is STUPID! Too hard.
      • Anzaman
        Defeated him as Dark Magic -sorcerer without any problems.
        Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
        Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
        Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
      • mshumate99
        Soul Shriven
        Well after several deaths and much yelling at my monitor I figured out how to kill this guy on my lvl 17 DK.

        In a nut shell you HAVE to interrupt his root/stun when he casts. You also should get out of the green poison AOE as soon as he casts or you will be fighting a shade as well has the boss while your health drops.

        The signal for his Root/Stun spell will be when he leans back before the cast. You have to interrupt right then.

        I found that if I calmed down and stopped spamming my attacks I did much better.

        Hope this helps!

        Oh by the way.... the loot was only 11 gold.
      • AngryNord
        You don't, he is bugged.
      • AngryNord
        Kendaric wrote: »
        In the end I got him by grouping up with another player, thankfully the area story bosses aren't enforced soloing like the main quest or the guild quest bosses.

        How did you do that??? It is impossible to group!!!!

      • AngryNord
        Bring another player and it's not an issue. There are usually players there looking to group because of the difficulty solo for many classes.

        YOU CAN'T GROUP!!!!
      • Anzaman
        AngryNord wrote: »

        How did you do that??? It is impossible to group!!!!
        False, it is possible to group-up for the Quest.
        Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
        Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
        Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
      • Kendaric
        AngryNord wrote: »

        How did you do that??? It is impossible to group!!!!

        You can group for all of the area story bosses like Meryndril.
        It's only the main quest and the guild quests that force you to solo.

          PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
        • marieneige
          When I finally found a group for it I got stuck 5min on the charging screen and had to restart the game. Of course, my group didn't exist anymore. I'll do it at lvl 25...
        • thilog
          Kendaric wrote: »
          How do you defeat the boss, Merdyndril the Alchemist, in this quest?
          I'm sure I'm missing some trick to the fight, but with his immunity to CC I don't stand a chance against him. Others I've spoken to had the same issue and were unable to defeat him.

          The ONLY way you can defeat this guy that I've found is to be a lower level than he is. Once you're the same or higher level he just gets harder and harder to kill. This is for templar, don't know what he's like with db or sorc, but my dk slaughtered him with 2h sword. My templar now 37, couldn't get him below 75% hps. I just abandoned quest.
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