ok im pretty infuriated right now. I was going to transfer a few recipes from character 1 to character 2. I put them in the bank and logged on to character 2. Imagine my surprise when i went to take them out and it showed my bank slots were totally empty. Not only that they were reset to the default space! I freaked out and logged back onto character 1. The bank was then repopulated but stil at the default slots instead of with my upgraded space and my items and deposited gold were still missing. I tried switching back and forth but the same problem occurred
what the hell? Im very pissed off right now. The channels are inundated with gold spammers that aren't getting banned and now i hit this very serious game crushing bug? What gives? Where are my items, gold, and bank slots? I asked in zone chat and people said this has been happening to a lot of people and i shouldn't' touch my bank till they fix it. So does that mean i cant play for weeks while i wait for them to patch this?
Ungh im so disqusted right now im considering just canceling my subscription if this isn't fixed right. This is no minor bug this is very serious and game breaking IMO