Don't use the level of your enchanting to gauge its success. Level 20 enchanting you can make glyphs for lv35-45 gear.
I am calling shenanigans on this one. Even deconstructing the found glyphs give hardly any xp compared to deconstructing and crafting when you first learn the glyph. Somethings got to be done about this, either give us more nodes or scale the xp better. Its just way too hard compared to the other crafts.killedbyping wrote: »There are alot of topics about enchanting.
There is no problem with leveling enchanting at all. It is growing and scaling with the SAME speed as Blacksmith, Clothier or Woodworking.
I repeat, it is leveling and scaling with the SAME speed.
The only problem is that you usualy finding ALOT more of Armor and weapons to deconstruct than Glyphs.
Enchanting was and is very expensive (expensive, not hard) to level up in any game.
If you realy want to level it up fast, consider to farm some gold and start to buy high level glyphs to deconstruct and level up faster.
Lonestryder wrote: »For those not happy with the speed of "leveling", how is being a quarter of the way through the levels in just the first two weeks taking "forever"?
I agree with some of the other comments in this thread: it should take even longer.
I am at level 8 now and its going slow, super slow. I have all the tier 1 and 2 tier stuff known. I have been doing the swap to the other character thing too but there is just no where near enough of those enchantment node house thingies once you past level 10. Its like they get harder and harder to find as you level. I know stuff is supposed to be rare but seriously its too hard to find them now even with the easier to see them perk.
This isn't an I want it now kind of thing. Trust me on this. Have you ever played Aion and done their crafting system? Now that is a grind beyond grind. This is all about how there is a lack of nodes and what you do break down barely makes a dent in the xp bar. I feel that if I am putting the appropriate time into the craft the results should be there. I have gotten the majority of the levels from books and translations. This should not be the case.So you all expect to max crafting within a month of release? You have raised an excellent topic OP, enchanting skills too fast and by comparison all the other crafting skills need to be slowed WAY down. Where's the sense of reward and accomplishment if you're all but handed max everything? Obviously the people complaining here are brand new to the MMO genre..
Drachenfier wrote: »Enchanting just takes up too much bag and bank space...I had leveled mine up to 9 but I finally gave up on it. That,and it seemed like 99% of my enchants were only for jewelry, which was lame.
This is not true. Deconstructing dropped glyphs from dungeons in Coldharbour is giving around 900-950 xp, whereas deconstructing similar level items for all other professions give 3600-3700. I have the add on to track your crafting XP. That means that enchanting is getting roughly 25% of the xp that all other professions get.killedbyping wrote: »There are alot of topics about enchanting.
There is no problem with leveling enchanting at all. It is growing and scaling with the SAME speed as Blacksmith, Clothier or Woodworking.
I repeat, it is leveling and scaling with the SAME speed.
The only problem is that you usualy finding ALOT more of Armor and weapons to deconstruct than Glyphs.
Enchanting was and is very expensive (expensive, not hard) to level up in any game.
If you realy want to level it up fast, consider to farm some gold and start to buy high level glyphs to deconstruct and level up faster.