Is this addon ok? seems borderline exploit.

  • Qhival
    a shrine is a shrine, why does it matter if it's nearby? once at a shrine you can just teleport to the shrine you want.

    A shrine... On ANOTHER zone/instance is not a regular shrine... As any1 on the EU server at peak times can tell you.

    you cant really use new release population load times as fodder to why the scenarios are any different lol.
    -Archival -Templar, NA
  • broran
    Soul Shriven
    Dolenz wrote: »
    Yes, I would say it is an exploit since it is a free jump to the wayshrine and does not charge you the gold that it would take to jump to that wayshrine via the in game map.

    so "travel to player" is an exploit as well considering it ports you (for free) to the nearest wayshrine the selected group member/friend?
  • Qhival
    yeah i regret making this post now. I first it really did seems questionable, but after you take some time and think it through, the end result is the same as teleporting to someone in your guild, if your only reason is to get to any wayshrine to avoid running to a wayshrine or paying the cost.

    I also think the fact that a dev hasnt responded is proof in itself that it's not considered an exploit. They have replied to these kind of posts really fast if it's an issue
    Edited by Qhival on April 15, 2014 7:30PM
    -Archival -Templar, NA
  • Feroc
    I really liked the addon, but it's not working with the latest patch anymore.

    I've decided to develop something similar, but it uses the regular "travel to guild member" function:
  • realcyberghostb16_ESO
    I think the porting is too cheap and easy as is. Just make every teleport ( to friend, guildmember, ... ) cost money unless you are next to a shrine.
    Edited by realcyberghostb16_ESO on September 7, 2014 10:42AM
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