Apparently you can't teleport to yourself with the guild UI, but you can type out a long series of characters in chat to teleport to yourself. This places you at your nearest wayshrine. Sounds awesome right? it is. This addon creater simply made a short /jump alias for it.
I've only had it a few hours, and i'm starting to feel guilty. Even though it isnt accessing memory or doing anything fishy per say, It needs clarified. you could do it anyways, this just gets by all the hassle of deciding who to travel to on the guild list. They basically need to remove wayshrine cost completely or remove teleporting completely if they decide this is an exploit.
Will one of you fine devs look into this for me and let us know if this is ok to use?
EDIT: possible solution: make guild teleporting cost gold unless at a shrine. I think that solves everything
Edited by Qhival on April 14, 2014 12:08AM -Archival -Templar, NA