manaek05rwb17_ESO wrote: »This actually reminds me more of The Secret World launch. TSW was a lot worse in terms of amount of bugged quests, and TSW's PVP was broken to hell and bach. However that is not what killed TSW. What killed it was the game breaking gameplay issues. TSW would have no working chat for prolonged periods, up to several days sometimes. Same as here, sometimes the game will think that you are not in any guild, and your groups would get disbanded in the middle of the boss fight, or the group would bug out and you couldn't invite or leave. It also had huge issues with its mail system. In fact, some issues in ESO at the moment, are very similar to what we had in TSW at launch. Specifically guild and mail issues, and group interface bugs. Makes me wonder just how many of these issues are caused by simple coding errors, and how many are the result of shortfalls of megaserver architecture - The Secret World also had a similar setup, with one large server instancing dimensions to players.
spyritwind wrote: »The bank issue is killing a lot of people though and some are posting that stuff is missing from their character inventory now as well.
Umm AoC didn't have the progression blocking quests or nearly this many server issues. AoC was an amzing launch in comparison.
That's because AoC didn't have quests past level 20, which is one of the reasons the population plummeted soon after launch, which in turn would cause far less stress on the servers.
It's kinda sad because AoC had huge potential to be truly great IMO. It would have really, really benefited from another six months to a year of development before launching.
spyritwind wrote: »AoC was known for having a terrible launch. Actually I'm over dramatizing. For the most part this game has ran really well for me and I've only had one bugged quest so far. The bank issue is killing a lot of people though and some are posting that stuff is missing from their character inventory now as well. Multiple explorer packs being mailed out some how seem to be linked to then bank issue. I have no idea how inner game mail resets the bank, but ... okay. ><
Actually this game is beautiful and AoC was too. This game has a more down to earth sword and sorcery feel; also like AoC. This game isn't as cartoony as most others; also like AoC. So yes there are some comparisons. People losing thousands of gold and items after a week or two of play isn't going to set well with a lot of customers though. Especially if you are a crafter and you lost some hard to replace items.
If you just vendor trash most of your stuff, not crafting and just adventuring then most likely you haven't had much trouble.
AoC launch was NOT the worst launch by any means, although it was bolloxed up the wazoo.
AO launch? That absolutely the worst.
Thechemicals wrote: »
Funny because that is the same company that made AoC. So funcom has had 2 mmos with the worst luanch ever. I think 3rd place can go to WoW, they had unplayable classess at launch lol.
Umm AoC didn't have the progression blocking quests or nearly this many server issues. AoC was an amzing launch in comparison.
That's because AoC didn't have quests past level 20, which is one of the reasons the population plummeted soon after launch, which in turn would cause far less stress on the servers.
It's kinda sad because AoC had huge potential to be truly great IMO. It would have really, really benefited from another six months to a year of development before launching.
I had 2 60s. The 50-60 grind was the reason why I *only* had two alts.
I've never only had 2 alts in any 20+ years of online gaming (MUDs included).
Umm AoC didn't have the progression blocking quests or nearly this many server issues. AoC was an amzing launch in comparison.
That's because AoC didn't have quests past level 20, which is one of the reasons the population plummeted soon after launch, which in turn would cause far less stress on the servers.
It's kinda sad because AoC had huge potential to be truly great IMO. It would have really, really benefited from another six months to a year of development before launching.
It did to have quests at 20+. Pyramid quest line was bugged but Black Castle was fine with all the quests in it around L28. I played a lot in Khopshef post Tortage since it wasn't the traversing nightmare that Conall's Valley was. Though ESO doesn't have the blue map memory leak crash at least.
Did you even play the game, past level 20? Wow. Such a *** statement.
The game had plenty of quests up until around 50 FYI. It's at 50-60 when quests ceased to exist.
I love reading all of these 'rememberances' of people that apparently didn't even play the game past the open beta.
Lol what a bunch of morons.
Did you even play the game, past level 20? Wow. Such a *** statement.
The game had plenty of quests up until around 50 FYI. It's at 50-60 when quests ceased to exist.
I love reading all of these 'rememberances' of people that apparently didn't even play the game past the open beta.
Lol what a bunch of morons.
Yes, I did in fact play past level 20 and I stand by what I said. You are the one who remembers wrong. Or perhaps you are simply mistaking launch for something that came months later. Content was extremely lacking past Tortage. What did exist was extremely poor quality compared to what came before it. Cimmeria in particular was very empty. There were large sections that even lacked any enemies to fight. Hell, even the trees were missing in some parts.
As for what post 20 quests did exist, those dried up before 40. And you had to grind levels to meet the requirements for existing quests. 50 was a pipe dream. Even if you got there, there was nothing there for you. Also, PvP was non-existent. All those promises they made of keeps and battles and arenas and whatnot. Not in game at launch. There was much crying about that from avid PvPers.
The only other MMO launch in recent memory I've experienced with less content is DCUO, and that one was by design of all things. At least that one was fairly problem free, but when even your casual players are done in a week, that doesn't count for much.
AoC Launch was pretty good except grouping was broken - eg you would get dropped and LFG tools were useless. And Funcom was in denial about how broken the grouping was. In fact they were set to force grouping with one of the first patches they made. Everyone had to be the appropriate level for the group content; if you were too high level it got disproportionalty hard for you and the group you were in. And much of the mid-through-high level content was broken; there was a lot of lower-level working content I would have liked to experience but I couldn't because I was overlevelled. Making everything worse was guild were toon-based not account based. So if was playing an alt I could not hang around in guild chat - and grouping from the guild which was the only grouping successes I ever had. Big frustrating mess.cazlonb16_ESO wrote: »AoC had a very smooth launch. FunCom just took way too long to fill the content gaps.