well idk about that stuff. But I changed my mail password too just in case. In Addition, I got an e-mail from ESO at 10:21 that my pass was changed. what is strange I was at work at that time. oO
Jessabella wrote: »I know this is a pretty far out thought, but with the IP check in place, is it possible you were hacked by someone you know in Real life that has access to your PC?
I say this because the only time I have ever been hacked on a game was when I was very close to a break up with a live in bf. When we did finally split I found my account for that game had been hacked. Password changed, char naked and all gold gone. He denied it but years later when we were both adult enough to have a civil conversation again, he finally admitted having hacked my account way back when.
I'm pretty sure the, "IP check" is not actually an IP check, but rather a computer check. My GF recently got a new computer, and needed to enter an email code despite the IP being identical, and the prior computer having logged in that day.
If it works the way it appears to work, a would be hacker need not spoof an IP, but only spoof the trusted computer tag.
That is, unless my experience was a really, really well timed coincidence.
eq2imora_ESO wrote: »
Or a pissed off sibling. I even saw once some guy's dad did it.
Using the same password with other games, or using it on other non official forums isn't a bright idea. Different password for everything, try different usernames, get a pad and write them down.