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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

One, tiny, devastating bug needs quick fix.

Could we fast-track a bug fix for the hotbar problem?

You know, it's the one where you can only put 5 abilities inside at a time. Strange thing but I'm pretty sure everyone is being afflicted by the same problem.

At a glance I'd say it's a simple math error. It appears to be about 50% as large as it's supposed to be.

I hope they fix this pesky bug soon as it will exponentially increase the depth of gameplay, diversity of personal play style, and overall combat experience that the game was meant to have before the bug.

I guess it could be good for SOME players as, is. Like perhaps, 2nd graders. Oh well, guess we'll just have to be patient until it's patched and we can play like big boys.
  • Sarenia
    The concept is to force you into tactical thinking of what skills you'll use beforehand.

    It's also for compatibility with consoles.

    And some of us are actually tired of playing games like EQ2 where we have 50+ buttons on our screen at all time, not even including "clickies" and macros.

    They aren't going to change this, so you may as well redirect your angst.

    For future reference, "big boys" as you say would know this is a sub-forum for new player questions. "Big boys" would know bug reports get filed with /bug and feedback (this is feedback, not a bug) gets sent in with /feedback.
    Edited by Sarenia on April 10, 2014 8:52AM
  • dagnome
    As it was said limiting your skills forces you to think about your build. I for one love it. As @Serenia said, some people hate having 50+ buttons to click on. I personally think its dumb when i have 25 skills on my hotbar and i need to press 1-25 in order to macro my skills to win a pvp fight. ESO introduces some player thought and ingenuity and forces you to get creative.
  • Rosveen
    You lost all credibility when you said that everyone disagreeing with you is a child.
  • Khazaad
    Oops. Typo. Said "2nd graders" , meant to say "console players".

    I keep forgetting about them. I'm not being inconsiderate but honestly, sometimes, it's like trying to walk from point A to point B while you're being paced by a wobbly toddler when they're involved.
  • dagnome
    Does this thread serve a purpose anymore?
  • Conntra
    2nd_grade weapon swap FTW!
  • mutharex
    As an advice, not only is bad attitude treating people who think differently from you as dumb, but if you do it with dumb arguments well, it sort of defeats the purpose, no?
  • Khazaad
    dagnome wrote: »
    As it was said limiting your skills forces you to think about your build. I for one love it. As @Serenia said, some people hate having 50+ buttons to click on. I personally think its dumb when i have 25 skills on my hotbar and i need to press 1-25 in order to macro my skills to win a pvp fight. ESO introduces some player thought and ingenuity and forces you to get creative.

    That's the beauty of it. You don't HAVE to use 25 buttons. Use two, three, or five. Heck, you can pound your forehead on the keyboard and mash all of them! If I'm losing matches because my fingers are twisting into knots trying to reach keys so be it. You win.

    I'm gonna digress here a moment but I genuinely believe I am a less coordinated player compared to those EQ days. Am I still having a satisfying time playing MMOs, specifically this one? Oh you better believe it! Guess I just miss some of the curve a player could be opposed with between the noob to mastery points in the game.

  • Vikova
    People who want huge hotbars are just compensating for something. Big boys, indeed...
  • mutharex
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    People who want huge hotbars are just compensating for something. Big boys, indeed...

    That's why I prefer tiny hotbars ;p
  • Azarul
    If we hard bigger bars it would just make it so everyone was running the exact same build.
  • Shimond
    It's not a bug, it's an intentional design choice that isn't likely to be changed.

    So you really have two options at this point. You seem to think you're a smart guy (smarter than the rest of us apparently), I bet you can figure them out.
  • Custos91
    Sry, no need for more buttons, no cds means i am constanly drained on stam and magicka and thinking it through helps a lot understanding the mechanics...
    And it is simply not possible, the game is ballanced abround the buttons, so all encounters would break, perhaps pvp too...
    Warden Main apparently... 7 Wardens currently, otherwise a healer of every class.
    Mostly active in No CP PVP on EU, blaming the buffbot meta in pve.
    I want to feel like I am saving somebodies life, not like I am carrying amunition for them...
  • Khazaad
    Khazaad wrote: »
    Could we fast-track a bug fix for the hotbar problem?

    You know, it's the one where you can only put 5 abilities inside at a time. Strange thing but I'm pretty sure everyone is being afflicted by the same problem.

    At a glance I'd say it's a simple math error. It appears to be about 50% as large as it's supposed to be.

    I hope they fix this pesky bug soon as it will exponentially increase the depth of gameplay, diversity of personal play style, and overall combat experience that the game was meant to have before the bug.

    I guess it could be good for SOME players as, is. Like perhaps, 2nd graders. Oh well, guess we'll just have to be patient until it's patched and we can play like big boys.

    Khaz, you're not as clever as you think you are. You're also not very tolerant. The big issue here is compatibility with console players. These players don't have the luxuries your used to. They don't have fancy PCs and they're experiences are drastically more primitive than you're used to. They are typically slower in cognitive capacity due to their smaller brain size.

    Try being nice about it. Sacrificing the quality of your experience is what allows them to exist. It's downright philanthropic! Be proud of yourself. Or better yet. Just go play wow.

  • Laura
    I like how it is. there are already a bunch of threads open on this and most people seem to disagree. was it necessary to start another?
    Edited by Laura on April 10, 2014 9:43PM
  • Shimond
    uh is this guy talking to himself now?

    Ah I get it, this guy is pretty classy.
    Edited by Shimond on April 10, 2014 10:33PM
  • byghostlightrwb17_ESO
    Khazaad wrote: »
    Could we fast-track a bug fix for the hotbar problem?

    You know, it's the one where you can only put 5 abilities inside at a time. Strange thing but I'm pretty sure everyone is being afflicted by the same problem.

    At a glance I'd say it's a simple math error. It appears to be about 50% as large as it's supposed to be.

    I hope they fix this pesky bug soon as it will exponentially increase the depth of gameplay, diversity of personal play style, and overall combat experience that the game was meant to have before the bug.

    I guess it could be good for SOME players as, is. Like perhaps, 2nd graders. Oh well, guess we'll just have to be patient until it's patched and we can play like big boys.

    Thats the game, its refreshing to have to think about things and not just mash buttons, welcome to a 21st century MMO.

    It was Skyrim that gave us bland combat because it was so focus around 2nd graders, oops console players. This game is wrestling ES action back for grown ups. Some times less is more.

    (that said i still want an option for a second hotbar for consumables, emotes, and stuff)
  • Shimond
    (that said i still want an option for a second hotbar for consumables, emotes, and stuff)

    I don't think you can put emotes there but there is a quickslot hotkey that lets you slot consumables onto a separate 'bar' of a sort (hold down q to see it, you have to config it in the upper right of your inventory).
  • MercyKilling
    Khazaad wrote: »
    Khaz, you're not as clever as you think you are.

    Quite obvious. Here, I'll show you.

    Khazaad wrote: »
    You're also not very tolerant. The big issue here is compatibility with console players. These players don't have the luxuries your used to.

    Proper usage would be "you're".
    Khazaad wrote: »
    They don't have fancy PCs and they're experiences are drastically more primitive than you're used to.

    Proper usage would be "their".
    Khazaad wrote: »
    They are typically slower in cognitive capacity due to their smaller brain size.

    Try being nice about it. Sacrificing the quality of your experience is what allows them to exist. It's downright philanthropic! Be proud of yourself. Or better yet. Just go play wow.

    Irony, thy name is Khazaad.
    Resorting to name calling is a sure way to invalidate any reasonable discourse you might be trying to achieve.

    It is also truth you are railing against what is not a bug, but a design choice. Far better to state that you find it to be a poor design choice than lump it into the bug category.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • SirAndy
    Khazaad wrote: »
    I guess it could be good for SOME players as, is. Like perhaps, big boys. Oh well, guess we'll just have to be patient until it's patched and we can play like 2nd graders.
    Fixed it for 'ya ^^^ :D
  • Melian
    I'm not usually one to police the threads people post here, but this one really does not need to exist.
  • Khazaad
    Dude, I was in a good mood before but you really made my day with this gem.
    It is also truth you are railing against what is not a bug, but a design choice.
    Do you always not sometimes talk that way? Or only never NOT sometimes?
  • kijima
    You should write surveys for a living. :p
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • veevito
    Soul Shriven
    Khazaad wrote: »
    Could we fast-track a bug fix for the hotbar problem?

    You know, it's the one where you can only put 5 abilities inside at a time. Strange thing but I'm pretty sure everyone is being afflicted by the same problem.

    At a glance I'd say it's a simple math error. It appears to be about 50% as large as it's supposed to be.

    I hope they fix this pesky bug soon as it will exponentially increase the depth of gameplay, diversity of personal play style, and overall combat experience that the game was meant to have before the bug.

    I guess it could be good for SOME players as, is. Like perhaps, 2nd graders. Oh well, guess we'll just have to be patient until it's patched and we can play like big boys.

    I am outraged as well. And quite angry.
  • Lalai
    I appreciate the limited skill slots because I really have to think about what I put on my bar.. and second pretty much everything Sarenia already said.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Firestar_
    Quite frankly, I'm tired of taking a break from MMOs and coming back and having to re-learn what all my buttons do. I've stopped playing SWTOR a number of times because it takes too much research and scrutinizing what each ability does in order to remember the long combo of button keys I used over 5x10 hotbars...

    Hot swapping abilities and having only 5 of them (10 if you're above 15) makes it easy to play this game in-n-out. :) I think it's a wonderful change and a step in a direction that makes it easier for returning players to return and current players to play. I don't need 3 bars of 10 buttons each. This is a twitchy game that rewards you for twitchy game play like blocking properly, not having a *** ton of abilities.
    Firestar - Imperial Templar - Ebonheart Pact
    Reasons-For-War - Argonian Dragonknight - Ebonheart Pact
    Pearl Winterstone - Orc Sorcerer - Ebonheart Pact
    Jerro - Dunmer Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Khazaad
    Shimond wrote: »
    uh is this guy talking to himself now?

    Ah I get it, this guy is pretty classy.
    You should win something for being the first one to notice. Have awesomeness.

  • Khazaad
    Laura wrote: »
    I like how it is. there are already a bunch of threads open on this and most people seem to disagree. was it necessary to start another?
    A trolls gotta eat too you know. Everyone here has been very tasty.

    I'm an unapologetic, unwavering fanboy for this game and Zen. You guys just rile up too damn easy though I suppose it is you're right to do so.

  • Khazaad
    Firestar_ wrote: »
    Quite frankly, I'm tired of taking a break from MMOs and coming back and having to re-learn what all my buttons do. I've stopped playing SWTOR a number of times because it takes too much research and scrutinizing what each ability does in order to remember the long combo of button keys I used over 5x10 hotbars...

    I totally get this. Playing for a few months straight followed by a week off can be enough to give you that awkwsrd "dumb fingered" wtf was I doing?! sensation when you come back.
    Firestar_ wrote: »
    This is a twitchy game that rewards you for twitchy game play like blocking properly, not having a *** ton of abilities.

    I'm 25 and I still Bork my STAM/MAGIC load if I succumb to the twitches. So yeah, the uncommon combat dynamic in game has been fun.

  • lupusrex
    I see what you did there. Brevity is wit, and having to make choices requires skill just as does the ability to hit the 6-0 keys quickly.
    Martial Keen-Eye ~ Templar Healer/Archer ~ Daggerfall Covenant

    "I ain't done nothin'."
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