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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Dangerous Attitude Among ESO Forum Goers

  • mutharex
    Am I the only one who loves the idea of no auction house?

    No, quite the opposite. i think majority of players don't even care for one.
    Of course now someone will tell us that 150% of players ask for one or they'll leave the game.....
  • Kolache
    Encouraging people to give ESO more time is one thing, but I don't see as many posts about people simply being discouraged by nuances of the game. What I do see more of is people demanding change, else they quit with 99% of the population and dub this game a failure.

    How should you respond to someone that says this game will fail unless something is changed to appease them at the cost of your own personal gratification? I would tell them there are tons of MMOs out there that I hate but someone loves; they aren't for me--if this one is, why should it change for you?
    Something being unbalanced in 1v1 does not imply that it is balanced in group play.
  • mutharex
    Kolache wrote: »
    Encouraging people to give ESO more time is one thing, but I don't see as many posts about people simply being discouraged by nuances of the game. What I do see more of is people demanding change, else they quit with 99% of the population and dub this game a failure.

    How should you respond to someone that says this game will fail unless something is changed to appease them at the cost of your own personal gratification? I would tell them there are tons of MMOs out there that I hate but someone loves; they aren't for me--if this one is, why should it change for you?

    I'd tell 'em to FO back to wow but I think I'd get reported.. how unjust is life at times
  • dannomite82
    So was there a question is that mountain of a post?
    Holgrum put some pants on. Holgrum heal me I'm dying. Nag... Nag... Nag...
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Schurge wrote: »
    What I see a lot of here, whenever someone complains about something, has an odd playstyle, or questions design choices in ESO is people saying it doesn't matter, these people will quit after the first free month and the game will be better for it.

    I've got news for you, when the population of an MMO immediately declines after the first free month things rarely turn around and the game slowly dies or goes F2P which is sort of a living death. EVE was an anomaly in that it didn't do well at first and then later had a solid population that supported it.

    I am not saying Zenimax should add arenas or go against certain core design decisions like increasing the number of abilities you can slot but telling people who want these things that they will leave after the free month anyway and the game will be better for it is not constructive.

    The roleplayers and immersion fanatics are the worst offenders. You may think you are better then everyone else because your Argonian has a lore appropriate name but the game will not be better off if everyone with a silly name leaves in a month. I would rather play with someone named "Brad Pitt" then you any day.

    And maybe, just maybe, some of their suggestions would actually make the game better like toggleable nameplates that disappear when crouched or lifting addon restrictions that allow players to actually know what is going on. I've yet to see a legitimate argument against the implementation of an Auction House. Most of you don't know how they work in other games.

    People need to be encouraged to stay a little longer and give the game more of a chance. I hated the game in Beta. I only bought the game because I thought maybe max level PvP would redeem it. It seemed like a WoW clone with terrible combat in beta. Come launch neither of these things are any longer true. I am enjoying questing for the first time since Tabula Rasa (I hate PvE) and the PvP in a word, is awesome. To bad it won't be worth doing 'till max level. The combat is worlds better then it was too.

    This game is a good game. I think it has the best PvP since Warhammer and the best PvE since Tabula Rasa. Some changes need to be made, some changes shouldn't be made. You will like some of them and some of them you won't like. One thing is for sure, the game won't be better off if everyone who plays or thinks differently then you leaves in a month.
    Id rather have the game stick to its vision than change for the lemmings that will leave after a month anyways.
  • Lalai
    I kind of read the OP's rant as "If you're fine with the game the way things are, don't post on threads where people aren't." At least a good portion of the rant anyway. The post actually seemed contradictory to me. On one hand it's getting after the community for being rude, but the post itself comes off as rude in the process.

    It's a nice concept to say everyone should always be sunshine and happy, but I'm not sure that is how it works.. and a lot of the time the people getting told to leave are folks who have problems with nearly all aspects of the game, or folks who are being flat out rude and are being met with rudeness in return. They seem to genuinely dislike it and do want to change core features. Not only that but several of those people are saying if the thing they want isn't in the game (like an AH) then the game is automatically doomed to failure, or people just saying the game sucks without giving any real constructive criticism.

    Personally, I don't take that stance. I will suggest things, and I will argue out when I think something is fine. At the end of the day though, I am not going to demand any game change something to fit my needs. I'm not going to threaten to quit if I don't get my way. I understand that not every game is going to fit the way I play, and that's okay. I also understand that just because my opinion may be popular on the forums, doesn't necessarily mean that it's popular with the community as a whole.

    Forums are where squeaky wheels meet, and it can make it seem like a problem is much bigger than it is (if you spent some time in the support forum you'd think absolutely no one got their game on time, as an example).
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Schurge
    Am I the only one who loves the idea of no auction house?

    No, but I like convenience. There is a split between those who played old school MMOs like EQ and those who didn't orhave moved on.
    Schurge wrote: »
    What I see a lot of here, whenever someone complains about something, has an odd playstyle, or questions design choices in ESO is people saying it doesn't matter, these people will quit after the first free month and the game will be better for it.

    I've got news for you, when the population of an MMO immediately declines after the first free month things rarely turn around and the game slowly dies or goes F2P which is sort of a living death. EVE was an anomaly in that it didn't do well at first and then later had a solid population that supported it.

    I am not saying Zenimax should add arenas or go against certain core design decisions like increasing the number of abilities you can slot but telling people who want these things that they will leave after the free month anyway and the game will be better for it is not constructive.

    The roleplayers and immersion fanatics are the worst offenders. You may think you are better then everyone else because your Argonian has a lore appropriate name but the game will not be better off if everyone with a silly name leaves in a month. I would rather play with someone named "Brad Pitt" then you any day.

    And maybe, just maybe, some of their suggestions would actually make the game better like toggleable nameplates that disappear when crouched or lifting addon restrictions that allow players to actually know what is going on. I've yet to see a legitimate argument against the implementation of an Auction House. Most of you don't know how they work in other games.

    People need to be encouraged to stay a little longer and give the game more of a chance. I hated the game in Beta. I only bought the game because I thought maybe max level PvP would redeem it. It seemed like a WoW clone with terrible combat in beta. Come launch neither of these things are any longer true. I am enjoying questing for the first time since Tabula Rasa (I hate PvE) and the PvP in a word, is awesome. To bad it won't be worth doing 'till max level. The combat is worlds better then it was too.

    This game is a good game. I think it has the best PvP since Warhammer and the best PvE since Tabula Rasa. Some changes need to be made, some changes shouldn't be made. You will like some of them and some of them you won't like. One thing is for sure, the game won't be better off if everyone who plays or thinks differently then you leaves in a month.
    Id rather have the game stick to its vision than change for the lemmings that will leave after a month anyways.

    I would like combat text, I am not a lemming, and I am not leaving after a month. I simply like to know what kills me, especially if it happens in two seconds. You are exactly what I am talking about.
    Edited by Schurge on April 9, 2014 3:22PM
  • Vikova
    Lalai wrote: »
    Forums are where squeaky wheels meet, and it can make it seem like a problem is much bigger than it is (if you spent some time in the support forum you'd think absolutely no one got their game on time, as an example).

    This. Responding to the negative posts can help counterbalance the false impression created by the tendency of complaints to go public more than those who are quietly enjoying their game.
  • MysticAura
    The main bulk of what I read in these forums are people blindly complaining without thinking first. Thinking the world should revolve around them, and it usually ends up reminding me of a 3 year old screaming for what they want regardless of fact.
    Complaints should be heard and are. Valid, thought out complaints. NOT self entitled non thinking whining for the sake of getting attention and making a fuss.
  • mutharex
    Schurge wrote: »
    Am I the only one who loves the idea of no auction house?

    No, but I like convenience. There is a split between those who played old school MMOs like EQ and those who didn't orhave moved on.
    Schurge wrote: »
    What I see a lot of here, whenever someone complains about something, has an odd playstyle, or questions design choices in ESO is people saying it doesn't matter, these people will quit after the first free month and the game will be better for it.

    I've got news for you, when the population of an MMO immediately declines after the first free month things rarely turn around and the game slowly dies or goes F2P which is sort of a living death. EVE was an anomaly in that it didn't do well at first and then later had a solid population that supported it.

    I am not saying Zenimax should add arenas or go against certain core design decisions like increasing the number of abilities you can slot but telling people who want these things that they will leave after the free month anyway and the game will be better for it is not constructive.

    The roleplayers and immersion fanatics are the worst offenders. You may think you are better then everyone else because your Argonian has a lore appropriate name but the game will not be better off if everyone with a silly name leaves in a month. I would rather play with someone named "Brad Pitt" then you any day.

    And maybe, just maybe, some of their suggestions would actually make the game better like toggleable nameplates that disappear when crouched or lifting addon restrictions that allow players to actually know what is going on. I've yet to see a legitimate argument against the implementation of an Auction House. Most of you don't know how they work in other games.

    People need to be encouraged to stay a little longer and give the game more of a chance. I hated the game in Beta. I only bought the game because I thought maybe max level PvP would redeem it. It seemed like a WoW clone with terrible combat in beta. Come launch neither of these things are any longer true. I am enjoying questing for the first time since Tabula Rasa (I hate PvE) and the PvP in a word, is awesome. To bad it won't be worth doing 'till max level. The combat is worlds better then it was too.

    This game is a good game. I think it has the best PvP since Warhammer and the best PvE since Tabula Rasa. Some changes need to be made, some changes shouldn't be made. You will like some of them and some of them you won't like. One thing is for sure, the game won't be better off if everyone who plays or thinks differently then you leaves in a month.
    Id rather have the game stick to its vision than change for the lemmings that will leave after a month anyways.

    I would like combat text, I am not a lemming, and I am not leaving after a month. I simply like to know what kills me, especially if it happens in two seconds. You are exactly what I am talking about.

    There are addons that cover those things. You might ask, why addons yes and offering it in game no? Because addons don't touch the core game, they are extra
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    MysticAura wrote: »
    The main bulk of what I read in these forums are people blindly complaining without thinking first. Thinking the world should revolve around them, and it usually ends up reminding me of a 3 year old screaming for what they want regardless of fact.
    Complaints should be heard and are. Valid, thought out complaints. NOT self entitled non thinking whining for the sake of getting attention and making a fuss.

    Careful the complainers have their hands on the report button today.
  • Zerl
    It's the misconception that the people who dwell on the forums are classified as a "majority".

    People claim that the majority of people who play are demanding said change,yet you'll actually probably find the majority are actually ignoring the forums in general and enjoying the game as it is.

    In general, every game forum has its fair share of toxic/ needy members. It's nothing new and it's unlikely that pleas for change are going to change that.
  • mutharex
    MysticAura wrote: »
    The main bulk of what I read in these forums are people blindly complaining without thinking first. Thinking the world should revolve around them, and it usually ends up reminding me of a 3 year old screaming for what they want regardless of fact.
    Complaints should be heard and are. Valid, thought out complaints. NOT self entitled non thinking whining for the sake of getting attention and making a fuss.

    Careful the complainers have their hands on the report button today.

    Half of the complainers are generally trolls looking to get someone banned or suspended. I am not talking about OP, you can tell when one is trolling by the way he goes all passive/aggressive, this doesn't look the case
  • Schurge
    mutharex wrote: »
    Schurge wrote: »
    Am I the only one who loves the idea of no auction house?

    No, but I like convenience. There is a split between those who played old school MMOs like EQ and those who didn't orhave moved on.
    Schurge wrote: »
    What I see a lot of here, whenever someone complains about something, has an odd playstyle, or questions design choices in ESO is people saying it doesn't matter, these people will quit after the first free month and the game will be better for it.

    I've got news for you, when the population of an MMO immediately declines after the first free month things rarely turn around and the game slowly dies or goes F2P which is sort of a living death. EVE was an anomaly in that it didn't do well at first and then later had a solid population that supported it.

    I am not saying Zenimax should add arenas or go against certain core design decisions like increasing the number of abilities you can slot but telling people who want these things that they will leave after the free month anyway and the game will be better for it is not constructive.

    The roleplayers and immersion fanatics are the worst offenders. You may think you are better then everyone else because your Argonian has a lore appropriate name but the game will not be better off if everyone with a silly name leaves in a month. I would rather play with someone named "Brad Pitt" then you any day.

    And maybe, just maybe, some of their suggestions would actually make the game better like toggleable nameplates that disappear when crouched or lifting addon restrictions that allow players to actually know what is going on. I've yet to see a legitimate argument against the implementation of an Auction House. Most of you don't know how they work in other games.

    People need to be encouraged to stay a little longer and give the game more of a chance. I hated the game in Beta. I only bought the game because I thought maybe max level PvP would redeem it. It seemed like a WoW clone with terrible combat in beta. Come launch neither of these things are any longer true. I am enjoying questing for the first time since Tabula Rasa (I hate PvE) and the PvP in a word, is awesome. To bad it won't be worth doing 'till max level. The combat is worlds better then it was too.

    This game is a good game. I think it has the best PvP since Warhammer and the best PvE since Tabula Rasa. Some changes need to be made, some changes shouldn't be made. You will like some of them and some of them you won't like. One thing is for sure, the game won't be better off if everyone who plays or thinks differently then you leaves in a month.
    Id rather have the game stick to its vision than change for the lemmings that will leave after a month anyways.

    I would like combat text, I am not a lemming, and I am not leaving after a month. I simply like to know what kills me, especially if it happens in two seconds. You are exactly what I am talking about.

    There are addons that cover those things. You might ask, why addons yes and offering it in game no? Because addons don't touch the core game, they are extra

    Zenimax removed the addon's ability access to that information actually which I referenced in my original post. I said that that addon capability should be returned not that ESO should provide it in game.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    mutharex wrote: »
    MysticAura wrote: »
    The main bulk of what I read in these forums are people blindly complaining without thinking first. Thinking the world should revolve around them, and it usually ends up reminding me of a 3 year old screaming for what they want regardless of fact.
    Complaints should be heard and are. Valid, thought out complaints. NOT self entitled non thinking whining for the sake of getting attention and making a fuss.

    Careful the complainers have their hands on the report button today.

    Half of the complainers are generally trolls looking to get someone banned or suspended. I am not talking about OP, you can tell when one is trolling by the way he goes all passive/aggressive, this doesn't look the case

    Does seem to matter to the mods here. Everytime I say the word entitled I get a warning heh.
  • mutharex
    IIRC they removed info about enemies not yourself. You can still have scrolling combat text. I could be wrong though as I don't use addons,as they are the work of Satan

    doesn't this do what you want?
    Edited by mutharex on April 9, 2014 3:34PM
  • Lalai
    Just kinda... as an example of how (in my opinion) amazing this community can be.. this thread:


    The original poster there basically called the game boring. However, they presented why they thought it was boring, and weren't rude about it. The OP didn't go "omg the game is gonna fail it it doesn't get better quests!" If people were straight up just attacking anything negative about the game, he would have been attacked. Instead you have a lot of posters giving suggestions on how to get the most out of the game.... yeah there's one guy that tells him to leave, cause there always has to be a jerk.. but that jerk is not the standard by any means.

    Maybe it's because a lot of people find these forums difficult to navigate, but this is actually one of the more helpful communities I've encountered in an MMO recently.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Melian
    You gotta understand, OP, where those people are coming from.

    For some of us, this game gives us something we've been waiting a long time for and can't find anywhere else. It's our shiny new toy, and those other kids are trying to break it - that is to say, trying to make it like every other game. I see a lot of people trying to make threats, basically saying "change the game to my specifications or it will die", which is incredibly arrogant.

    Some people will leave. Others will decide to give the game a try for the very same reasons those people left. The devs can't please everyone and shouldn't try to; that only leads to a bland, watered down product.
    Edited by Melian on April 9, 2014 3:46PM
  • Vikova
    Lalai wrote: »
    Just kinda... as an example of how (in my opinion) amazing this community can be.. this thread:


    The original poster there basically called the game boring. However, they presented why they thought it was boring, and weren't rude about it. The OP didn't go "omg the game is gonna fail it it doesn't get better quests!" If people were straight up just attacking anything negative about the game, he would have been attacked. Instead you have a lot of posters giving suggestions on how to get the most out of the game.... yeah there's one guy that tells him to leave, cause there always has to be a jerk.. but that jerk is not the standard by any means.

    Maybe it's because a lot of people find these forums difficult to navigate, but this is actually one of the more helpful communities I've encountered in an MMO recently.

    Indeed. People actually asking questions have been getting constructive responses. It is doomsdaying and raging that goes nowhere.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    OP makes the mistake of believing the Forums is anything more then a microcosm of the actual Community at large.

    OP makes the mistake of taking complainers seriously when they threaten to leave. If theyre leaving, they never intended to stick around as the game is not in such dire straights to warrant people jumping ship in mass.

    OP makes the mistake of thinking that people on the Forums should hold their tongues while complainers run a muck burying useful and constructive threads with copy-paste complaints.

    OP makes the mistake of believing these complainers are always serious or that they are actually upset. Trolls are a known occurrence on forums. They take the form of complainers and attack things that are staples in a games design philosophy. Knowing that people will respond in kind.
    Edited by Korah_Eaglecry on April 9, 2014 4:01PM
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Talmet
    idk...complainers on game forums usually come off as very immature.

    They're complaints can almost always boil down to one of two statements
    "I hate this thing, therefore everyone should and must hate this thing. And if you don't agree, you are an idiot"
    "I love this thing, therefore everyone should and must love this thing. And if you don't agree, you are an idiot"

    Which are really just two ways of saying the same thing "I am the best, smartest, most important person in the world & everyone should/must agree with everything I think." (aka: the mindset of most children)

    yes, there are constructive criticisms, and there are mature people who make complaints. But...if you don't like playing a game, why go to the forums and complain about it? If I don't like eating at a restaurant, I don't go stand in front of it telling everyone who comes by that I don't like the food.

    As for why people say "then leave"? Arguing with a child is tiring, and rarely accomplishes anything.
  • Darkstar4758
    Soul Shriven
    Danger Will Robinson!
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Hawke wrote: »
    Sir, Tabula Rasa was a complete and total flop.

    I have to say Defiance did a much better job.

    And I for one cannot wait until the free month is over with. Then I can see how the community will really be.

    Can you post here without an account?

    Thanks for proving the OPs point.

    I think the people saying they want mmo players gone are newbies to MMOs in the first place and simply have no idea or clue how these games work.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • byghostlightrwb17_ESO
    Schurge wrote: »
    What I see a lot of here, whenever someone complains about something, has an odd playstyle, or questions design choices in ESO is people saying it doesn't matter, these people will quit after the first free month and the game will be better for it.

    I've got news for you, when the population of an MMO immediately declines after the first free month things rarely turn around and the game slowly dies or goes F2P which is sort of a living death. EVE was an anomaly in that it didn't do well at first and then later had a solid population that supported it.

    I am not saying Zenimax should add arenas or go against certain core design decisions like increasing the number of abilities you can slot but telling people who want these things that they will leave after the free month anyway and the game will be better for it is not constructive.

    The roleplayers and immersion fanatics are the worst offenders. You may think you are better then everyone else because your Argonian has a lore appropriate name but the game will not be better off if everyone with a silly name leaves in a month. I would rather play with someone named "Brad Pitt" then you any day.

    And maybe, just maybe, some of their suggestions would actually make the game better like toggleable nameplates that disappear when crouched or lifting addon restrictions that allow players to actually know what is going on. I've yet to see a legitimate argument against the implementation of an Auction House. Most of you don't know how they work in other games.

    People need to be encouraged to stay a little longer and give the game more of a chance. I hated the game in Beta. I only bought the game because I thought maybe max level PvP would redeem it. It seemed like a WoW clone with terrible combat in beta. Come launch neither of these things are any longer true. I am enjoying questing for the first time since Tabula Rasa (I hate PvE) and the PvP in a word, is awesome. To bad it won't be worth doing 'till max level. The combat is worlds better then it was too.

    This game is a good game. I think it has the best PvP since Warhammer and the best PvE since Tabula Rasa. Some changes need to be made, some changes shouldn't be made. You will like some of them and some of them you won't like. One thing is for sure, the game won't be better off if everyone who plays or thinks differently then you leaves in a month.

    people will only stay if THEY want to, the devs really dont have much choice in the matter. Do you cater for fickle people who only want to play their way or do you stay true to your vision and encourage their to stay through consistency.

    its 2014 now days noone is ever happy with anything. Doesnt matter if it is a game, movie, tv show, everything is worse than the one before. No creative person can satisfying such negativity. Those people you are never going to reach. The only way to possibly cope is to be yourself, be true to your vision and deliver what you promise.

    People dont need to be encouraged to stay. Thats futile. Some games click with people, some dont. People seem to think sheer numbers and population is key to success but I would say that a smaller community of players that bond with the game and physically want to be here, based on their own reasons, is a far better game.

    As for you rolepayer jab, lol, all kinds of silly. Give me a small RP server with grown ups and not full of Bimbo, Billbo, Bilmbo Biggins or Boggins or Buggonnnns.
    Edited by byghostlightrwb17_ESO on April 10, 2014 4:44AM
  • Kingslayer
    I never played an mmo that didn't have these kind of bugs in the beginning. its inevitable. The content involved in an mmo is massive compared to any single player market type of game and with that comes an increase in bugs. Given the fact its online to People will all be complaining consistently in the beginning. For example, This verification issue with people not getting emails i've seen it a thousand times with god knows how many games. it happens people need to get a reality check things break they get fixed if you like the game is it worth quitting over? No, Not liking the game is the right reason to quit. And as for people leaving after the first month i just don't see it.
  • Aureli
    Schurge wrote: »
    What I see a lot of here, whenever someone complains about something, has an odd playstyle, or questions design choices in ESO is people saying it doesn't matter, these people will quit after the first free month and the game will be better for it.

    The roleplayers and immersion fanatics are the worst offenders. You may think you are better then everyone else because your Argonian has a lore appropriate name but the game will not be better off if everyone with a silly name leaves in a month. I would rather play with someone named "Brad Pitt" then you any day.
    I agree with this to a point. I honestly don't mind the average player named "RageHaterz4334", but experience has shown me, and I am sure many other long-time MMO players, that people who don't put time or care enough into their characters(except to make them more powerful, give them the best stuff) to actually give them a name and not a handle, tend to be the folks that are disruptive to gameplay for the rest of us. They are the ones who bum rush content, yell at you for watching cutscenes (looking at you FF14), and need roll everything they can get their hands on. I'm not saying that only folks with non-immersive names do this, nor am I saying that all folks with such names do this. But the two seem to go together a lot, which has left a bad taste.

    EDIT: This experience has held true for me even in this game. Despite the fact that unless you directly hover over players you don't see their name, on the occasion that I have been bothered enough by another player's activities to look, the name was something along the lines I mentioned above. And by "bothered enough", I am referring to the players who activate slow spawning quest items or chests that are obviously after because you are killing the mobs surrounding them.

    And maybe, just maybe, some of their suggestions would actually make the game better like toggleable nameplates that disappear when crouched or lifting addon restrictions that allow players to actually know what is going on. I've yet to see a legitimate argument against the implementation of an Auction House. Most of you don't know how they work in other games.
    This comes down recent history in MMO's. Diablo 3 came out mid 2012, and since then anytime it has been mentioned in reviews, articles, discussions, the connection problems and auction house issues were at the forefront of the discussion. For a lot of people, this is all they think about when they hear "Auction House". Which has some merit, to be honest, because we have seen that a poorly done Auction House paired with an in-game economy that is poorly balanced, can have disastrous results. On the other hand, plenty of games have handled auction or player store issues just fine. FF14 has one of the better systems I've seen, in that it isn't an auction house nearly as much as a server wide player store. GW2 is also a very well done AH system, while others like Rift and WoW's are not so much, as it enables sellers to try and squeeze the most coin from other folks by engaging in a bidding war.

    My responses are in bold.
    Am I the only one who loves the idea of no auction house?

    No, there are plenty of other folks who feel the same way, as evidenced by the couple dozen or so threads related to the need or lack of auction house.

    Edited by Aureli on April 10, 2014 5:28AM
  • Jiub18
    As mentioned before, a clear example of the majority actually playing the game and not reading most of the flame wars going on here is that the biggest views I've seen on a single thread was the US downtime one having roughly 240k views. Now if you look at all the other thread views with whiners or just anything on the forums, you'll notice there won't really be all that much people to scare away since they are quietly playing and hopefully having fun with it. Now if ZO listens to some arrogant selfish complainers, thats a different story...
    "M'aiq thinks his people are beautiful. The Argonian people are beautiful as well. They look better than ever before."
  • Khazaad
    "A handful of things in my head about stuff" would have been a better title for this thread.
  • hamletsbatb14_ESO
    Dark Age of Camelot had the best pvp up until now...Warhammer tried but failed because 1) only 2 factions and 2) sieges were actually quite limited and keeps easy to take

    I am really enjoying the pvp in ESO.

    And James...I too love the idea of no AH.
  • Vikova
    Jiub18 wrote: »
    As mentioned before, a clear example of the majority actually playing the game and not reading most of the flame wars going on here is that the biggest views I've seen on a single thread was the US downtime one having roughly 240k views. Now if you look at all the other thread views with whiners or just anything on the forums, you'll notice there won't really be all that much people to scare away since they are quietly playing and hopefully having fun with it. Now if ZO listens to some arrogant selfish complainers, thats a different story...

    This. The majority of players just quietly enjoy their game. Not everyone can be as sexy as us forum-goers.
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