Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Discussion of Oceanic servers - When are they coming?


I ask not if we are getting one because, at the current state the only viable part of the game is questing, and even then it's quite annoying when your lagging about trying to dodge mob abilities. So, you would think you would have to give us Oceanic's(specifically Australians) servers if we are expected to pay monthly. Don't say that you "tried it" in Australia and the game works fine, I wouldn't count being able to access and walk around as the same experience as large scale PvP and dungeons and raids that people from the US and EU get for a cheaper price. (We pay about $10-20 more USD on the game (depending on imperial or standard) than others just because reasons.

I am currently level 23 and have so far been able to quest, but it hasn't been that enjoyable when mini boss fights have been so difficult because regardless of whether or not I roll out of the red area, I still get hit a second later. Ping tests to servers don't actually provide an accurate representation of gameplay. If I ping to the West Coast I get about 179ms, but the delays in video games(Most video games) is actually quite a bit higher than that. Some examples would include SW:TOR and Battlefield 4. The engine that TESO uses, and the engine that SW:TOR and Battlefield 4 use, all different engines. Are simply not compatible with high latency. WoW is tolerable on that sort of latency because it is not as real-time action based combat as TESO.

I worry I will end up quitting this game which is a shame because some parts I have been looking forward to, such as gearing up and crafting at max level. I won't be able to achieve because I will be limited to questing and questing for me is really not all that fun. Please give us our moneys worth, Blizzard has started to roll out AU servers(Diablo 3 has them), so has Riot Games(already up and running). EA Games is expanding their server capacity in the Oceanic region and even Microsoft is also jumping on board with their new Azure servers.

Zenimax, how can you justify giving us a significantly worse experience than those who live in North American and Europe. You cannot defy the laws of physics, the only way to fix this is to deliver us local servers, for our fellow Australian, New Zealand and surrounding players of the Oceanic region. This has been expressed by a few of my friends who definitely notice the inferior gameplay we experience. This is not because of our internet connection, we get as low as 7ms ping to Sydney servers on ADSL2+ and cable connections. You cannot ask us to send the amount of information we do through actions on your game, all the way to the United States. It feels like I am playing on roughly 300-400 latency, that is not good enough.

Thank you for your time, I know lots of people will not be bothered to read because it is so long, you would hope a Zenimax representative would be more considerate.

UPDATE: There has been a fair bit of debate since I created this thread, I am currently level 48 in game and the lag is getting worse due to mobs getting harder to kill, more abilities to dodge and block, as well as interrupt is really showing us the problems with not having a local server. The debate has resulted in Americans who have never experienced much lag in any games saying it's not required. I say to those Americans that they have absolutely zero right to say anything on the subject. They do not have to put up with it.
Edited by PerfectTemplar on April 23, 2014 6:51AM
  • Moobs
    Imagine an oceanic server, it would be empty like other games. Until this game reaches massive subscription numbers, an oceanic server will fail. It's too early to tell.
  • Axzaril
    Good luck with that happening. I've been a couple of mmos that did have servers based in Australia. They died. I doubt this will happen for eso. I'm in New Zealand and did enjoy low ping in Warhammer and Swtor while the servers lasted.
  • KerinKor
    Zenimax, how can you justify giving us a significantly worse experience than those who live in North American and Europe.
    Blizzard tried several years ago and gave up due to your government and ISPs imposing ludicrous obligations which made it financially unattractive: and if the largest MMO in the word by orders of magnitude can't justify doing it economically what hope will anyone else.

    If/when your government stops imposing stupid regulations and organisations like Telstra stop being mega-greedy things may change: lobby your politicians, not commercial companies like Zenimax.

    Edited by KerinKor on April 9, 2014 7:17AM
  • Phoebvs
    Please keep in mind that ZOS is a relatively new studio. Actually I wasn't able to google much about them and I think the ESO is their first big MMO title.

    In terms of Australia it means the following: not that much money to specifically focus on a relatively small customer area.
    If you just read your post yourself, you may notice that the mentioned companies (Blizzard, EA and MS) are kind of titans and can afford (or even must) expand their area of reach. Even though, they're setting up their servers only now, which is 2014.

    So, yeah, don't expect any EOS-AU servers in the nearest future, at least not this year, and give them some time - should the EOS be a big success, they will most definitely add more servers. And if Chinese players will like this game... :smile:
  • Woenprom
    Hmm, I wonder why I am getting no lags at all, while playing from Russia on the EU server which is currently placed in USA.
    " Multiplayer? M'aiq does not know this word. You wish others to help you in your quest? Coward! "
  • Frosthawk
    @Woenprom wrote: »
    Hmm, I wonder why I am getting no lags at all, while playing from Russia on the EU server which is currently placed in USA.

    I don't get lags either while gaming from Finland but i know some what ping rate, its around 120 to 130 if server is where I think it is.

    What comes to Asian server that sounds reasonable for players there but Oceanic migth be to small area for this kind thing.
    Edited by Frosthawk on April 9, 2014 10:06AM
    EU - Adlmeri Dominion
    Sanquin's tester
  • PerfectTemplar
    Server population would be lower but generally would feel the same, on the EU and NA servers you are limited to a very small percentage of the actual players online anyway due to the phasing system they use.

    Also the EU server is in Europe, and besides Europe gets better latency to the US than we do. Plus we do have enough people to populate a server, previous games such as SW:TOR and Warhammer online died for different reasons.

    I would like to add that it is a myth blizzard tried to set up servers, they only recently did for the first time and succeeded, they now are setting them up for Heroes of the Storm and hopefully WoW also.
    Edited by PerfectTemplar on April 9, 2014 12:11PM
  • DanteYoda
    I am getting lags from AU too
  • Killum
    Also the EU server is in Europe,

    At the moment both servers are based in the U.S.A. They have plans to move the E.U. server to Europe in the future.

    Just thought that needed clarification.

  • Ri_Dariit
    This one plays from the land of the rising sun, and doesn't experience any breaks between hitting and being hit. Ri'Dariit agrees with unless this world is becoming too populated, hope shouldn't be picked up. Asian server could happen, but this Khajiit has doubts because they must change interface and such and Asia has many, many scripts and languages, all different. Too much work for Zenimax gods. This one noticed though that many player are from Asia and play on NA world, they just very quiet, but understand English. Just like @Woenprom probably would like Cyrillic. Speaking of, Ri'Dariit loves your signature. M'aiq might tell lies, but speaks the truth! Perhaps AU player has Slaughterfish biting on underwater interweb cables?
    Fusozay Var VarJaji kor nirni. Ri'Dariit ahnurr shir Gouranga an vasa rid-t'har.
  • Pelerin2014
    Usually I'm all for Oceanic servers, but I like being part of the NA mega-server, there are so many players and we're all together.

    I don't know what my ping is in-game, but it's definitely playable - though I understand those who may want to PvP seriously may find the latency a bit much.

    I wouldn't say no to an Oceanic server being an option, but I also wouldn't play on it.
    Pelarius, Imperial Dragonknight of the Aldmeri Dominion.
  • Anarch12911
    I'm quite sure that in the past, when this subject came up in other MMOs, the problem was found to be with the Australian internet providers and the infrastructure.
    Edited by Anarch12911 on April 9, 2014 1:51PM
  • Rastafariel
    I know this doesnt solve your problem, but if you are looking for Aussies to RP with, we have quite a contingent of them. Send a tell to @Rastafriel or @Tarie (Oceanic Officer) if interested.
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • Vikova
    As others have said, Oceanic servers are never able to maintain high enough population levels.

    And as there are other Aussies playing without issues, there must be another factor here.
  • PerfectTemplar
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    As others have said, Oceanic servers are never able to maintain high enough population levels.

    And as there are other Aussies playing without issues, there must be another factor here.
    I corrected them, they are in successful games. This game is all phased anyway so there will just be fewer phases. If this game gets oceanic servers and no one plays then it is because the game is *** not because their aren't enough Oceanic players.
  • wrlifeboil
    I keep telling you guys Down Under. Make a super popular mmo in Aus or NZ. Set the game time/day-night cycles to Aus time. Don't put any points of presence in the U.S. or EU. Give the rest of the world a taste of what you guys have to go through. ;)
  • Vikova
    wrlifeboil wrote: »
    I keep telling you guys Down Under. Make a super popular mmo in Aus or NZ. Set the game time/day-night cycles to Aus time. Don't put any points of presence in the U.S. or EU. Give the rest of the world a taste of what you guys have to go through. ;)

    It could be like an MMO version of Crocodile Hunter. I'd so play that.
  • Charmina
    I am playing from New Zealand ... the latency is "just" bare-able during PVE.

    No chance of me doing any PvP while having this horrible latency.

    During beta it wasn't this bad ... It seemed to get really horrible after the first patch that was done after game went live and got worse after the last patch.
    Edited by Charmina on April 10, 2014 8:50PM
  • PerfectTemplar
    Yeah, I cancelled my subscription and MIGHT continue for the free 30 days but I doubt I will pay $15 to continue playing unless we get decent servers.
  • Wolfborn
    I must live in a strange part of Melbourne and the 50 other odd oceanics in my guild must be unique as well. We are having zero issues, in pvp or fighting minor bosses or instance dungeons.

    Lag is really not any more noticeable then in other MMO's we have played.
  • PerfectTemplar
    Wolfborn wrote: »
    I must live in a strange part of Melbourne and the 50 other odd oceanics in my guild must be unique as well. We are having zero issues, in pvp or fighting minor bosses or instance dungeons.

    Lag is really not any more noticeable then in other MMO's we have played.
    Yeah, lag isn't a problem for the plebs. I don't care whether or not you can level effectively. You cannot defy the laws of physics.
  • Zhakim
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Zenimax, how can you justify giving us a significantly worse experience than those who live in North American and Europe.
    Blizzard tried several years ago and gave up due to your government and ISPs imposing ludicrous obligations which made it financially unattractive: and if the largest MMO in the word by orders of magnitude can't justify doing it economically what hope will anyone else.

    If/when your government stops imposing stupid regulations and organisations like Telstra stop being mega-greedy things may change: lobby your politicians, not commercial companies like Zenimax.

    Funny you mention that because Blizzards Diablo 3 now has Oceanic servers located in Melbourne and the latency is between 50-80ms connecting from Cairns.

    I cannot play a competitive RvR game with active blocking and dodging if I'm going to have 300ms of latency or more.
  • Kemono
    Please give us our moneys worth, Blizzard has started to roll out AU servers(Diablo 3 has them), so has Riot Games(already up and running). EA Games is expanding their server capacity in the Oceanic region and even Microsoft is also jumping on board with their new Azure servers.
    Please , Aussies list ALL MMORPG that have Oceanic server located in Oceania region (even WoW dont have one!)
    Japan, or even Asia servers are find and dandy. But Australia???
    There are like 100 MMO players total in whole Australia >:)

    Edited by Kemono on April 17, 2014 6:03AM
  • Mortelus
    Hopefully they dump a server in HK, me being in China n'all it isn't going to help much have servers in Australia, you get better ping to the NA than you do to Australia from here.

    But lag isn't so bad, haven't tried PvP yet, kind of dreading it. But in PvE it's fine. Just the occasional lag spike.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • horizon011b14_ESO
    Oceanic wouldnt be populated ? you crazy! its not just AUS/NZ in this region but a large population of asians..

    it would be fine !
  • Tripp3r
    KerinKor wrote: »

    If/when your government stops imposing stupid regulations and organisations like Telstra stop being mega-greedy things may change: lobby your politicians, not commercial companies like Zenimax.

    Lol, good luck on that one mate, we pay upwards of $25 for smokes here because of our government, and we just elected someone who has 1920's ideals over a man who was bringing us optic fiber internet nation wide.

  • PerfectTemplar
    Kemono wrote: »
    Please give us our moneys worth, Blizzard has started to roll out AU servers(Diablo 3 has them), so has Riot Games(already up and running). EA Games is expanding their server capacity in the Oceanic region and even Microsoft is also jumping on board with their new Azure servers.
    Please , Aussies list ALL MMORPG that have Oceanic server located in Oceania region (even WoW dont have one!)
    Japan, or even Asia servers are find and dandy. But Australia???
    There are like 100 MMO players total in whole Australia >:)

    Clearly you didn't read what I have said, If you didn't know, upwards of 90% of the "OCE" servers on WoW are populated with Australians and about 3 of them are high-full population all the time.
  • Kemono
    Kemono wrote: »
    Please give us our moneys worth, Blizzard has started to roll out AU servers(Diablo 3 has them), so has Riot Games(already up and running). EA Games is expanding their server capacity in the Oceanic region and even Microsoft is also jumping on board with their new Azure servers.
    Please , Aussies list ALL MMORPG that have Oceanic server located in Oceania region (even WoW dont have one!)
    Japan, or even Asia servers are find and dandy. But Australia???
    There are like 100 MMO players total in whole Australia >:)

    Clearly you didn't read what I have said, If you didn't know, upwards of 90% of the "OCE" servers on WoW are populated with Australians and about 3 of them are high-full population all the time.
    Clearly you didnt read what...
    wait a minute. You clearly READ what i was saying -and you just ignoring that, cos result are not for your (or Aussies) favor.

    WoW server population is seriously not important, when those servers ar NOT anywhere Oceania area. They only timed to Oceania timezone.

    If you want a virtual ESO server -im all for your suport, but this would not help with a high ping.

    I allredy provided link with a proof that SWOTR server are CLOSED in Australia -maybe we think for a second why exactly?
    Maybe cos there was not enough players to cover maintance cost of those servers?
    Could it be?
    Or maybe staff was atacked by herd of dropbears?
    One of those for sure >:)

    And once again i repeat - it is possible that Zenimax open at some later time general "Asia" server (maybe in Taiwan or Seoul) cos this would cover central asia + Japan + Oceania , maybe its not perfect for Aussiess but still much better then NA servers.

    btw are you going to provide that list or not? (i give you a tip -you have more fingers on your hands, so its gonna be short) >:)

  • Thete
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Blizzard tried several years ago and gave up due to your government and ISPs imposing ludicrous obligations which made it financially unattractive: and if the largest MMO in the word by orders of magnitude can't justify doing it economically what hope will anyone else.

    Yes, I seem to remember a similar issue where recruit a friend couldn't operate in some countries because it contravened gambling laws (somehow). People forget that different countries and regions have different laws which will affect a global company's presence.

    Also to the OP, we don't even have servers in Europe yet, so it may be a while even if it could ever happen in your neck of the woods.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Also the EU server is in Europe

    Nope, it isn't.

    The EU server is still in the US, it hasn't been moved yet.
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