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Defeating Mannimarco.

  • catpower
    I beat him first try as a lvl 40 full magicka light armor templar using a resto staff (mainly rapid regeneration), turn undead (circle of protection morph - fighters guild skill, big boost to both armor and spell resistance, plus turn undead fears and damages daedra and undead so it is useful before you get to him too), biting jabs for the ghosts, and then bashing him when he tried to heal.

    Health never dropped unless I failed to get out of the small aoe (you'll notice a small circle within a bigger one, the middle one hits a lot harder). After getting hit a couple of times with that I made sure to run out, lol!

    Other than the obvious avoid the red (red is dead as some put it), an AOE skill (silver shards, puncturing strikes, etc.) for the ghosts and some sort of heal or maybe damage absorption (didn't test that), it didn't seem like a particularly tough fight, just a long one.

    Maybe some people are getting bugged out and swarmed by the ghosts or something, causing it to be much harder, I never had more than 3 ghosts attack at once when he summoned adds and they went down super fast.
  • frwinters_ESO
    GreySix wrote: »
    GreySix wrote: »
    I hate when people say this. the Elder Scroll game starts with your personal story as the vestage who is trying to get his soul back and save Tamriel.

    Yeah, you and the other six hundred thousand "only" vestages running around ... sorry, but that's one weak-kneed argument.

    Yes...hence why the main story is for just you to make you feel accomplished and special.

    Yeah it's an epic fail, if that's the intent.

    its very sweet that you want to play with your wife. I have sen a couple of posts in other threads where you have to remind everyone you cant play with your wife. We get it. If you cant get passed it play something else. I doubt Zenimax will change a HUGE aspect of there game after its only been out for over a month to accommodate. Logically if they ever decide to make such a change you know it would not happen for some time until the rest of the games bugs are fixed.
  • GreySix
    its very sweet that you want to play with your wife.
    It isn't just about me, friend. There are plenty of casual players who like me enjoy group play. Just few of them bother to waste time coming into places like this to post.
    I have sen a couple of posts in other threads where you have to remind everyone you cant play with your wife.
    Incorrect. We choose to group in everything - that means ... everything. Note carefully that there is no statement of inability there - simply refusal to ungroup.
    We get it. If you cant get passed it play something else.
    No, it's crystal clear that you don't get it.
    I doubt Zenimax will change a HUGE aspect of there game after its only been out for over a month to accommodate.
    So allowing one other player to group would be a HUGE change, when you and others are still allowed to solo? Please elaborate, in detail.
    Logically if they ever decide to make such a change you know it would not happen for some time until the rest of the games bugs are fixed.
    Quite possible, but we're patient. And if it takes too long, well then there are other games, and we can re-subscribe once they un-screw grouping.

    Edited by GreySix on May 16, 2014 8:12PM
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • tpb01
    I went in as a Nord, two handed fighter with a heavy emphasis on the dragonknight standard skills. I was a level 43, started right off the bad with a dragon standard to take his health down. Afterwards, focused all my damage on Mannimarco, chased him from corner to corner. My Nord had good armory, so my potions used were magic so I could continue using an assault on him. Took him down in the first try.
  • Maura_Bosch
    Soul Shriven
    I just did this with a lvl 41 bosmer NB. You have 2 choices. Watch videos to see/learn the mechanics, or jump in and learn as you burn.

    Fighters guild skills are a plus, and seeing how the whole main quest line is usually skeletons/ghosts and daedra, why not spec into at least silver bolts.

    I admit I died 4 times doing this one. Before I changed up and basically stayed bow/distance until it was just 1 on 1 time.

    venom arrow- though I didn't notice any real interrupt or staggering.
    Swallow Soul (siphon) keep it up
    silver bolts -burns adds down quickly
    concealed weapon _ I had it slotted and used it anytime we got close enough (may not be ideal but I didn't fool with changing my skills around)
    Bombard (didn't use or boss was too powerful for this to work, I don't recall)

    Pull him and try to get your companions to engage as quickly as possible, enough to stealth and set up your first good arrow shots, keep siphon going and run around as much as you can trying interupts, and normal damage shots as you dodge aoe.

    keep distance taking what ever level shot you can get off, then at around 2k health switch and ambush in. blood craze blinding fury and siphoning strikes and go to town, bash as much as you can.

    When I got him down I had really low health, like I thought I had died again when he fell. I had soul tether and death stroke as my ultimates.

    I consider myself a lousy player. I've chose skills and passives that look like they will appeal to my play style -stealth/ninja/assassin whether they are currently working or not. I have faith ZOS will get things patched/fixed and I'll be able to Play as Sneaks McBowstab.

    I write all this to say I was frustrated at first as well, but I knew it was going to be hard when there was an enemy health bar nearly all the way across the screen.

    This encounter does not need to be made any easier, it takes patience and practice, and I THINK even with a wild ass off the wall set of skills it's do able, you just need to interrupt, and dodge the aoe, the adds are VERY squishy.

    As for gear I had crafted greens with a blue jack, night's silence,vampires kiss and ashen grip, mace and dagger. Fire enchant on bow, and poison/disease on 1h-ers.

    Being frustrated does not help matters. Sit back and take a drink, breathe and go in again. Attacking all pissed off won't help. I thought about leaving and coming back in a few levels, but decided to see what I could get away with and was surprised when I downed him.

    Nightblade Browser Signature Active: Press ALT+F4 to View
  • Fair_Astrea
    I am also level 24 and can't get out. All roads are blocked and Lyris is all but useless. I can't even get past the first wave of skeletons. I've tried every combination of weapons. I am a night blade High Elf, but I have also focussed on healing. The first battle, I made it through 3 waves of skeletons. After that, I couldn't get past wave one. ALL my armor is damaged, down to zero. I finally left my guild and am just not ever going to log back into that character.
  • adriant1978
    Has anyone else had Mannimarco glitch out and not use his health-drain? I went into this fight quaking in my boots after everything I'd read but in the end it was a lot easier than I expected, with him just plinking me with his basic projectile attack and occasionally firing off an AoE.

    Confirmed that he did indeed glitch. Faced him again today with a different character and he was much tougher, especially when trying to fight off those waves of ghosts while he's draining your health at the same time. Thank Stendarr for Empowering Sweep.
  • ShedsHisTail
    Has anyone else had Mannimarco glitch out and not use his health-drain? I went into this fight quaking in my boots after everything I'd read but in the end it was a lot easier than I expected, with him just plinking me with his basic projectile attack and occasionally firing off an AoE.

    Confirmed that he did indeed glitch. Faced him again today with a different character and he was much tougher, especially when trying to fight off those waves of ghosts while he's draining your health at the same time. Thank Stendarr for Empowering Sweep.

    Finally got around to this fight last night, and that was a doozy for sure.
    Toughest fight so far. Felt good to win.

    Played as level 41 NB Dual Wield and Assassination specced. Closest thing I have to self-heal is Blood Craze from the dual wield line. So I spamed that like crazy.

    Ran out of poitions after about the 15th time I died. So I beat him without any.

    Here's my rough strategy for other Nightblades struggling. Let me start by saying I've got my action bars set up so one has mostly single target attacks, the other mostly AOE.

    I started with a sneak attack; Reapers Mark, slide in behind and hit him with the biggest gun you got and mash a Blood Craze before he moves. Chase him down to his new location, get in whatever hits you can (using mostly normal attacks and Blood Craze because it heals and doesn't take much Stamina). Rapid Strikes is good for this since it speeds up you normal attacks, Haste is handy too. When he starts to summon I pop Mirage and switch to my AOE bar.

    You can usually run out of his AOE attack without having to roll, so do that to save Stamina. Chase him to his new location; when the ghosts get on you, hit Ember Explosion and Whirling Blades until they die (you should still have Mirage up so coupled with the Ember Explosion, the damage from the ghosts should be minimal). Should only take one or two whirls to bring all the ghosts down; keep close to Mannimarco so he gets in the Whirls too.

    Switch back to single target action bar and repeat.

    Just keep doing that basic rotation making sure to bash the Life Drains and keep Blood Craze up as much as possible. Took me about five rotations and I actually ended up killing him with a long distance Hidden Blade a second before his ghosts killed me... But if you bring potions and repair kits, which I didn't, you could probably make a cleaner go of it.
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • jesterstear
    I've had a miserable couple of days levelling, I wasn't expecting this fight to make me feel better. I watched a video of the fight and tried to put together a build that might have a chance.

    To my usual loadout of Ransack, Honour the Dead and Repentence I added the Mage guild skill Entropy (heal over time on you and damage over time on the enemy), and the fighter's guild skill Silver Bolts (morphed to the AE).

    This is a video of the first attempt.

    I was getting ready to cry about how underpowered Templars are compared to DK and Sorc, but maybe she's tougher than I thought.
  • frwinters_ESO
    I doubt Zenimax will change a HUGE aspect of there game after its only been out for over a month to accommodate.
    So allowing one other player to group would be a HUGE change, when you and others are still allowed to solo? Please elaborate, in detail.


    Have you been paying attention to the story? You, meaning your single character is the champion. Not you and your buddy. Its not he five companions, plus 1. allowing grouping on the main story quests kills the immersion of the story and the Elder Scroll games have always been about the story. The quest. The whole story would have to be re-written to change the dialog and some content to turn the story into a multi-player even, hence huge change.
  • martinb16_ESO80

    Have you been paying attention to the story? You, meaning your single character is the champion. Not you and your buddy. Its not he five companions, plus 1. allowing grouping on the main story quests kills the immersion of the story and the Elder Scroll games have always been about the story. The quest. The whole story would have to be re-written to change the dialog and some content to turn the story into a multi-player even, hence huge change.

    And it does not break immersion then that literally everyone else you see in the game has done exactly the same thing? It makes it hardly unique.

    Also, even in group quests the npc's address yourself only in conversation so are these meant to be done solo as well?

    What about the other companions that accompany you ? Your friend, should you choose to bring one could be just some other help on your quest.

    How does it break YOUR immersion in the game if someone else brings a friend in HIS version of the story? You could still do it solo.

  • Woolenthreads
    I have to check to see whether I spent all my skill points and can get the CoP. It's the Minions combined with Deathbolt that get me. That being said I probably could have managed if a) 10% armour damage and b) v1.1.2 Mem-leak. I'd try something and the animation wouldn't trigger so I'd try something else only to see them all go off at once leaving me out of SP/MP and vulnerable to the Minions. Playing one of the other characters until the mem-leak is sorted.
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

    Having issues with Provisioning Writs? A list of problem Writs and people willing to help in game can be found in this Thread
  • Resipsa131
    I struggled using the Destro Staff on my Sorc. Switched to Resto Staff and used Ward/Mages Fury it was pretty easy then. Its a good fight to teach you not all your tactics work in each fight
  • dbishop
    Pookitty71 wrote: »
    As a squishy Templar I was able to defeat Manni by doing the following:
    Save your Magicka for shielding and AOE. This is an endurance fight. You will not be able to take him down quickly.
    1. Shield yourself - use Annulment
    2. Cast Degeneration (damage for Manni and health for you)
    3. Move out of the circles he casts. They hit hard and knock you down.
    4. When the fairy ghost things appear - use Puncture sweep to get them down fast. Then get back on Manni ASAP!
    5. Blast him with your staff whenever you're not doing one of the above.
    6. Don't rush! - When Manni's life is low, it is so tempting to pull out all the stops and blast him down. Don't do it! His life bar seemed to be a small red dot for a minute or more, but I just kept my shielding up and my staff a blastin' and I got him!
    It took me 5 deaths to figure out this strategy and it was a long-ass fight (my arms and fingers were beyond spent). Eat and drink before hand and also keep health potions in your quick slot in case your shielding doesn't hold. Remember - This fight is about ENDURANCE and you can and will endure Manni's BS! Good luck.

    This was a great help. I didn't have Annulment I had unlocked the Heavy Armour Immovable. First go after reading this was all good. The heavy armour skill comes from stamina which was better than worrying about magicka all the time, which as a templar healer I am always running out of even though I have it overcharged.
  • Woolenthreads
    On the OP. Next time you're in such desperate straits wanting to leave but apparently unable to, die and then quit while in spirit mode. I did that for the mem-leak period doing Sancre Tor. When I got in last night, I was still in Spirit Mode, outside the harborage and able to resurrect at the wayshrine.
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

    Having issues with Provisioning Writs? A list of problem Writs and people willing to help in game can be found in this Thread
  • Anex
    I'm having the same issue.. dual wield assassination NB getting my butt handed to me. Completely out of potions, broken gear, also want OUT.

    Can't use the map to wayshrine out.. having to wait 15 min to get out annoys me further... even more so because I will have to go through all that other BS again to reach him -_- I'm wasting my play time posting here to kill that 15 min.

    My abilities include a morphed form of Ambush, Assassin's blade (higher morphed version that heals on kill, I'm bad with names), blood craze which bleeds and heals me (which I trade with silver shards for non-bleeders), morphed flurry and morphed whirlwind. I tried dropping blood craze for silver shards which handled the adds well, but then I just die because I'm tanking Mannimarco the whole time without my bleed. I hate that my "companions" run in after me waiting for me to initiate (from 5 miles behind), I could use some breathing room here and there.

    My stamina is really low in the fight because I mostly use sta abilities (the class ones aren't all that attractive to me personally) and I eat level 40 food that adds to my stamina and health. The quest is green to me.. I think I have to come back with a million potions or something. My gear isn't super special either because what I can make is ok for my level and the rewards and things I am finding/getting aren't better than what I have.

    I know I'm just gonna have to keep trying, but an option to LEAVE the area without having to waste 15 minutes and be able to come BACK to the last fight would be really nice.. >.>
    Edited by Anex on May 27, 2014 11:50AM
    Assassination/ Dual Wield Specced Stamina-based Nightblade, because I like Hardmode apparently
    Twitter | Raptr | Twitch.TV
  • RatsnevE
    Green (area levels) when it comes to bosses doesn't mean _anything_. Bosses play their own game and that's what I dislike about RPG and MMO today--boss battles are too satisfy the die-hard gamer who plays the game only for the strategic fighting.

    Somehow you are leaving wrong. Die and resurrect at the closest shrine and there you can access the map and jump out of the battle for the price of some gold. Don't keep beating your head if you've run out of ideas.

    But for ideas consider engaging Manny to get your companions into the fight and then run back up the stairs you came down or the side paths on either side. Wait and heal and prepare and let your invincible companions wear Manny down a little. Venture out to attract Manny's minions staying away from Manny. Run back to your hiding area killing all the minions you can. Then you are near your hiding area the minions will actually run away from you as soon as you start striking them so you will need to continue to take then down. Rinse and repeat; rinse and repeat; rinse and repeat. I engaged Manny when his health bar looked around 2/3 down (1/3 left). I think his bombs have been watered down by Manny now so they won't kill you instantly if you are in the bulls-eye but in any case when I saw the pattern I jumped as far out of the way as possible before the explosion. The first few times I engaged Manny he at some point decides to call up another set of minions again. At that point I sped away back to my hiding area and went through the minion engagement battles again--rinse and repeat--rinse and repeat. Finally I think Manny gives up on the minion help and you can engage him in the final battle without interruption. I actually ended up killing him back in my hiding area too. It seems like your own companions are totally useless at this point. For me it was a one on one. Sip that potion before you desperately need it (which more often then not is to late for me because of the 30 second cooldown before you can sip again). Maybe potions and management ultimately saved my butt? There obviously are a zillion different ways to beat Manny. For potions though KNOW that I have spent some time with building up Alchemy skills and finding and using level 30 water so that in the lab bench I could use 3 herbs and the highest level water to make potions to up not only my stamina (which for me is always the first thing to drop off), health, and magicka all in one potion. I'm pathetic with my fingers on the keyboard. I touch type with both hands but not on the keys during battle. I HATE doing movement with W,A,S,D and actives with 1,2,3,4,5,R. I would be so looking forward to using a 360 controller but will be long finished with the game before Zen figures that out. The die-hard MMOers would probably hate the game if Zen even offered any option to W,A,S,D.

    What's left but good luck!
    Edited by RatsnevE on May 27, 2014 5:43PM
  • Woolenthreads
    I have to admit that I think that breaking a games fun by putting in something that will slaughter you in a second if you are not properly prepared seems insane to me. If it was a matter of strategy for different monsters for different character concepts that's one thing but some of these are so very obviously set up for specific character types to breeze through and others to get seriously pounded that when I run into a show stopper like Mannimarco I shift to an Alt just to calm down a little.

    I suspect that a lot of people quit because of these things because not everyone is young with twitch skills. For those of us who are playing the game for exploration, development and creation being told that we aren't l33t enough is simply insulting. That is not an attack on anyone on this thread, it's simply an observation of a common attitude of some of the people on the ESO forums.
    Edited by Woolenthreads on May 27, 2014 11:41PM
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

    Having issues with Provisioning Writs? A list of problem Writs and people willing to help in game can be found in this Thread
  • RatsnevE
    For those of us who are playing the game for exploration, development and creation being told that we aren't l33t enough is simply insulting.
    And what does 'l33t' mean anyway? I keep seeing new and new 'lingo' that is just in one ear and out the other a total waste on me. Wait... I just Googled it... oh my god! ROTFLMAO... Why? :neutral_face:
  • RatsnevE
    Oh, btw, before defeating Manny did anyone notice a side area called 'Crypt of Heroes' with a non-particular grave and a large red colored box resting on top of it with white lettering saying 'Missing'? I figure it was the PC's grave since her soul was taken--'missing'. Unfortunately the game makes no comment about this actual grave though the game makes several comments about the Hero's soul missing/gone/stolen by Molag and her desire to recover it.
    Edited by RatsnevE on May 28, 2014 1:09AM
  • GreySix
    Have you been paying attention to the story? You, meaning your single character is the champion. Not you and your buddy.
    ... as is the case in quite a few "open" dungeons, and yet we see dozens of "only" heroes running about in a dungeon in which the "only" you has apparently been the first one to show up in years.

    So yeah, that's pretty darn weak.

    If my instance shows me and one other, and your instance shows just you, then how would that adversely affect your experience?
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • RatsnevE
    Manny apparently enters each dungeon room ahead of you to confront the would be champion with some verbal torment as she fights off baddies and figures out the puzzles and uses the ring. When she finally reaches the Amulet of Kings it is ignored by all (you can't pick it up) until you have it out with Manny. Was this guy stupid? :smile:
  • Woolenthreads
    RatsnevE wrote: »
    And what does 'l33t' mean anyway? I keep seeing new and new 'lingo' that is just in one ear and out the other a total waste on me. Wait... I just Googled it... oh my god! ROTFLMAO... Why? :neutral_face:

    Because in the old days, apparently replacing letters with numbers was considered cool LOL. It's not new slang. That being said it's a lot older than f2p, lfg or l2p so I'm sure there's some younger people who might not recognise it :). Usually people who used l33t-speak (yes I know it should be "sp34k" but seriously?) were being contemptuous of others. Personally I prefer Lord Vetinari's Mime approach for them, Pit of Scorpions with "Learn the Words" carved on the Pit's Wall.

    I did find one sentence in l33t-speak to be amusing though "1f y0u c4n |234d 7h15, y0u |234LLy n33d 70 637 4 61|2Lf|213nd" (I always forget how grueling that "sentence" is to write, *drily* translation below)
    "If you can read this you really need to get a girlfriend"
    Edited by Woolenthreads on May 29, 2014 12:57PM
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

    Having issues with Provisioning Writs? A list of problem Writs and people willing to help in game can be found in this Thread
  • RatsnevE
    I'd have to agree with the translation. Unfortunately I'm an old square in a round hole that keeps a dumb 'smart phone' turned off and has missed (and glad) all this lingo. Hey, maybe a great verbal translator app one day soon could turn any verbally pronounced language sentence into any number of differently coded messages? And the AI would be able to translate answers back into English.
  • Sakiri

    Have you been paying attention to the story? You, meaning your single character is the champion. Not you and your buddy. Its not he five companions, plus 1. allowing grouping on the main story quests kills the immersion of the story and the Elder Scroll games have always been about the story. The quest. The whole story would have to be re-written to change the dialog and some content to turn the story into a multi-player even, hence huge change.

    And it does not break immersion then that literally everyone else you see in the game has done exactly the same thing? It makes it hardly unique.

    Also, even in group quests the npc's address yourself only in conversation so are these meant to be done solo as well?

    What about the other companions that accompany you ? Your friend, should you choose to bring one could be just some other help on your quest.

    How does it break YOUR immersion in the game if someone else brings a friend in HIS version of the story? You could still do it solo.

    Don't forget that during the final quest you're basically told that no one will remember what you've done.
  • GreySix
    Sakiri wrote: »

    Have you been paying attention to the story? You, meaning your single character is the champion. Not you and your buddy. Its not he five companions, plus 1. allowing grouping on the main story quests kills the immersion of the story and the Elder Scroll games have always been about the story. The quest. The whole story would have to be re-written to change the dialog and some content to turn the story into a multi-player even, hence huge change.

    And it does not break immersion then that literally everyone else you see in the game has done exactly the same thing? It makes it hardly unique.

    Also, even in group quests the npc's address yourself only in conversation so are these meant to be done solo as well?

    What about the other companions that accompany you ? Your friend, should you choose to bring one could be just some other help on your quest.

    How does it break YOUR immersion in the game if someone else brings a friend in HIS version of the story? You could still do it solo.

    Don't forget that during the final quest you're basically told that no one will remember what you've done.

    Aaaaack! Didn't know that.

    Well, that kind of puts a damper on things.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • reggielee
    has this been nerfed? I dreaded/looked forward to this epic battle but today when I went in at lvl43 templar I died once on manni. I died a couple of times fighting the mobs along the way to him tho.

    I just basically strafed him with heavy attacks with my restor staff while popping turn undead (fighters guild), unstoppable (heavy armor)and crescent sweep when he called the minions. vampires bane and aurora javelin when i had the extra magicka. it took a long time but i could see his health going slowly so kept at it. i tried eclipse on my second bar but he was immune, and died messing with other spells so i just kept to the above rotation. I used numerous magic potions during the long fight. breath of life during the whole battle to heal

    tbh, it was kinda anti-climatic , i have been in many more fights that were more complicated and difficult. this fight was an endurance run. I could see if you didnt have good self heals this would have been difficult
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • GreySix
    reggielee wrote: »
    I just basically strafed him with heavy attacks with my restor staff while popping turn undead (fighters guild), unstoppable (heavy armor)and crescent sweep when he called the minions. vampires bane and aurora javelin when i had the extra magicka.
    What class is your character? From what I've read, if you're a DK or Sorceror, you just show up and the dude falls dead out of fear alone, but if you're NB then it's the fight of your life, and you die several dozen times before barely beating him with a micro-inch of life left.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Resipsa131
    Strafing works really well in this fight
    Edited by Resipsa131 on June 5, 2014 6:17PM
  • SpAEkus
    I just finished Mannimarco and want to thank many of the tips that I read in this thread.

    I did this with my Main Crafter L40 Imperial Templar (MagePlar). All crafted Light Armor with a crafted Fire Staff.

    Because I have been leveling his crafts I only had the following Killing Bar:
    Vampires Bane - Dark Flare - Biting Jabs - Eclipse - Lingering Ritual

    I had already Respec'd at L38 to go full crafter so I didn't have the benefit of many passives that a PVE/PVP would have. I am hoping that I can squeeze through the last of L40-50 and start crafting my PVE/PVP main.

    I died about 6 times after getting him down to about 3-4K health because I didn't engage him close enough during the last few moments and didn't interrupt him enough and took too many hits in succession.

    Kiting didn't work well at all for me it seemed he always hit no matter what I was behind or at what angle. The main thing I had to do was jump out of circles when I recognized them (I did this all in first person, yes I still haven't mastered 3rd person combat).

    I did better and better when I didn't hesitate to close and stay in his face. Also there must be a secret to keeping fewer portals opening because I usually ended up with only Lyris fighting with me. If I burned the adds quickly versus trying to stay kiting on manni I was able to get back in his face much sooner and finally press the kill.

This discussion has been closed.